Consensual incest is a controversial subject
Consensual incest raises significant ethical, legal, and moral questions. Any sexual relationship between close family members is considered incest, while consensual incest refers to that intimate relationship exclusively between consenting adults. This practice is not only taboo in many cultures, it is outright illegal in many nations, But some argue that consensual incest should be decriminalized and accepted just another of the myriad of lifestyle choices prevalent in western society today. This article hopes to explore, the pros and cons of consensual incest, while analyzing any known case studies.
Positive Aspects of Consensual Incest
It has been argued that consensual incest allows family members to truly express their love, through intimacy without judgment or shame. Family members who engage in consensual incest may feel a deeper bond and connection with each other than with anyone else. Also their shared history, may give them a stronger sense of loyalty and trust.
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Some argue that consensual incest, like any sexual bonding, is a private matter between consenting adults, so governments have no business getting involved. Supporters often point out that there is no victim in these relationships, as both parties are fully aware of the potential consequences and risks.
There are some documented cases where consensual incest has resulted in positive outcomes. In one such case, a couple named Daniel and Rosa Moya, who grew up separately, he with his father and she with their mother. They later met up in a nightclub and entered into a consensual relationship, only to discover months later that they were full siblings. In love; its now been over 40 years (2017) that they have been together, unable to marry under Spanish law. They have two children, and are now grandparents.
Negative Aspects of Consensual Incest
One of the most biggest arguments against consensual incest is that it can result in genetic abnormalities and health problems for any offspring resulting from the relationship. Incestuous relationships can increase the risk of birth defects and / or genetic disorders, because the probability of recessive genes being expressed ingresses, these can cause lifelong medical complications or even be fatal. In addition, incestuous relationships may perpetuate cycles of abuse and trauma, particularly if there is a power imbalance or coercion involved.
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Consensual incest can also lead to social isolation and stigma for those involved. Family members who engage in consensual incest may face significant backlash from their community and may be ostracized by friends and family members who disapprove of their relationship. And those who engage in such behavior without ever experiencing non-incestuous intimate relationships, are isolating themselves from a whole world of experience and perspective.
Known Case Studies
One of the most well-known cases of consensual incest is that of John Deaves, and his daughter Jenny from Australia. John didn’t see his little girl for many years following his divorce from her mother, but once reconnected as adults, they soon began a sexual relationship. They even had two children together. The first dying shortly after birth by congenital heart defect. The second child’s birth, in 2007, saw their relationship undergo national televised scrutiny, including criminal charges. They had broke up their own marriages to be together and then themselves broke up in 2009. leaving their two year old daughter fatherless, just like Jenny grew up. Their case highlights the potential risks and negative outcomes associated with consensual incest.
Legalities of Incest in the United States and Worldwide
Consensual incest is illegal in all 50 states in the United States, although the laws vary in severity and punishment as well as the degree of relationship that is forbidden. In some states, such as New Jersey, the law applies only to sexual intercourse between parents and their children, while in other states, such as Texas, the law prohibits it outright, including step and adoptive relationships.
The United States has some of the strictest anti-incest laws in the world, making it illegal for family members to engage in sexual relationships regardless of age or consent. In contrast, other nations have much more liberal or even non-existent anti-incest laws.
In Belgium, France and Germany, consensual incest between adult siblings is legal, if free from abuse or coercion. However, sexual relationships between parents and their children or between minor siblings are still illegal. In Ireland the rules change, consensual incest is only legal between homosexual relatives.
In some countries, such as Brazil, consensual incest is not explicitly illegal. The Brazilian government takes a hands-off approach to sexual relationships between consenting adults, believing that it is not their place to regulate private relationships. However, the Brazilian culture highly stigmatizes incestuous relationships, and individuals who engage in it, may face social ostracism and discrimination.
Meanwhile in Muslim nations anti-incest laws tend to be very restrictive. In Saudi Arabia and Iran, sexual relationships between family members are strictly prohibited and can be punishable by death. Similarly, in the Sudan, incest is a criminal offense punishable by death if homosexual in origin and up to 5 years in unimaginably cruel prison conditions otherwise. Meanwhile in Pakistan, incest is illegal and defined as any relation closer than cousins. And culturally cousins marry so frequently, that double cousins are widespread both at home in Pakistan and in the emigrant populations found elsewhere. These double cousin marriages have the same blood relations as half siblings and frequently show the same genetic problems that anti- incest laws were trying to avoid.
While the United States who calls itself the bastion of freedom has some of the strictest anti-incest laws in the world, some other nations take a more liberal or non-existent approach to regulating consensual incest between adult family members. The approaches taken by these different nations reflect their unique cultural and social values, as well as their beliefs about the role of government in regulating personal relationships. It is important for societies to to strike a balance between protecting vulnerable individuals. By carefully considering the potential harms and benefits associated with anti-incest laws, hopefully we can reach a consensus that respects individual autonomy and freedoms.