Are Muslim Women Natural Cuck Queens?
Cuckold males and hot wives are in vogue, but there are female equivalents and Muslim women are natural cuck queens. In Islam, the most virile and desirable men are those with multiple wives. Not only do his Natural Cuck Queens let him pick and choose which partner/s occupy his marital bed, but they also share or divide duties among themselves for the collective betterment of this amalgamated family. This is usually by way of each woman’s skill set, with the better cooks taking over the kitchen and the educated working outside of the home. The children even benefit, because the most nurturing can be responsible for them, while a career-minded biological mother can work assured that her co-wife has the children’s best interests at heart. From birth they’ve been influenced by a religious doctrine that tells them it’s normal to share their husband with another woman. Polygyny (not polygamy) is the practice of having more than one wife and in Islam, Muslim men are allowed up to 4 wives.
But What Happens in the Bedroom?
Looking at the cuckold male, we find a husband who feels inadequate when it comes to satisfying his wife’s (real or perceived sexual needs). He may want to watch her with another man, or simply hear about it later, and he might even want his own sexual drives to be denied by a chastity cage. Women approach sex differently from men; whereas men give love to have their sexual desires gratified, women satisfy their partner’s sexual desires to get the love and relationship they desire. With Islamic females because they’re natural cuck queens, this can too can manifest in a variety of ways. It may be simply that an older woman with dwindling hormones lacks the desire for sex, but not the drive to please her husband, so she encourages his intimate time with younger co-wifes much like the male cuckold in the cock cage.
Since women are all about relationships, the co-wife relationship in Islam becomes just as important as the husband-wife dynamic, giving these natural cuck queens a natural mixture of voyeurism and bisexuality. Unlike Judaism and Christianity which appear to have no specific prohibition against homosexuality between females, Islam makes it very clear that it’s not acceptable. “Women that are sexually active with other women would meet Allah(swt) as adulterers.” – Ibn Abi Shayba The prohibition stems mostly from the non-procreative (therefore seen as unnatural) elimination of the male from the relationship, rather than a prohibition against female closeness. In reality, female bisexuality is a lot more common in Islamic polygynous relationships than their scholars know, with many Muslim women viewing the access to another woman as one of the benefits of the marriage.
Cuckold Culture Divide
Western culture appears to have gone the opposite direction, with the majority of today’s men being cuckolds. In these societies, there are very few government enforced controls on viewing pornography and it’s become readily available to anyone that wants to watch it. Porn has always been about viewing another dick fucking a woman. Most porn consumers don’t want to see the guy’s face, just his cock parting a female’s labia lips and sliding deep inside her vaginal opening. This vicarious relationship quickly moves from fantasizing about the girl getting fucked by one cock… to being fucked by multiple cocks. So it’s no surprise, men wanting to see their girlfriend/wife fucked by another male has become the number one fantasy in our society. In contrast, a natural cuck queen seldom entertains the idea that a she’ll be intimate with other men. Therefore cuck queens will always be a fringe fetish, never reaching the popularity of male cuckolds, in Occidental nations.
On the surface, it appears that polygyny favors male dominance. Indeed feminism makes such arguments against this system and the practice of raising girls to become natural cuck queens. But even a mediocre search delivers a multitude of results that feminism also disdains traditional male-female monogamous relationships. By their own arguments both monogamy and polygyny are masculine constructs which favor a patriarchal social order. Therefore, it’s perhaps safe to construe that relationships based on multiple cuckold husbands for each woman is feminine construct which favors a matriarchal social order. Which begs the question…Who’s REALLY in CONTROL in Western Culture?