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]]>We have already witnessed the partisan bias of Big-Tech and the Earn It Act will essentially empower Big Tech to become the right arm of Big Brother. On the surface it claims to be all about protecting children, which is a justifiable reason for legislation, but this bill is NOT the solution we need or want. Big Tech can not be trusted and this Act is nothing more than the government becoming better bedfellows with the sites and apps that everyone uses to communicate. It puts the onus on the Internet service providers to do everything in their power to prevent the exchange and distribution of child porn, renamed (CSAM) Child Sexual Abuse Material. In doing so Big Tech is being given authority to access your private online activities and interactions. Their unbounded license to ignore privacy laws is actually proposed as a contingency to remaining protected from their own prosecution as a publisher.
If the Earn It Act were nothing more than a quid pro quo agreement to stamp out child porn, its opposition would fall on deaf ears, but so much more is at play. First, we can not rely on Big Tech to use this access uniquely for the prevention of CSAM; they have a history of overstepping their authority. But worse, the bill suggests that law enforcement (Big Brother’s left hook), have a built in backdoor access to all communication. All fully encrypted sites, apps, sources would have to write into their main program a means of accessing all data, and provide this access to law enforcement. making everyone open to scrutiny, robbing people of their privacy and freedom to communicate.
The Earn It Act also will do nothing to protect the child exploitation that occurs outside of the Internet. Relatives and teacher’s who abuse their position are not likely to be stupid enough to be distributing CSAM over the Internet. Not to mention that recent criminal cases involving Jeffery Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell, have surely shed light on the fact that the rich and powerful don’t need the internet to fuel their lustful exploitation of children.
Indeed, with the Earn It Act and its focus on CSAM, the government is willfully avoiding giving resources to the many other ways children are exploited. Is it by design that these rich and powerful lawmakers are holding themselves out as protectors of the innocent when their ACT actually enables other child exploitation by diverting resources? Or is it really,more insidious, like so many recent government power expansions, and not actually about protecting any children at all, but rather to be used to backdoor spying on every citizen who uses an app or the internet to exchange information with anyone? The government is guilty of an abuse of powers, putting constitutional rights on hold for mandates they themselves often ignored. How much worse could this get when private conversations are no longer private ? Imagine if someone’s angry venting is used against them for a conviction of hate crimes, or sedition ?
We have been witness to the abuse of the power of tech and media companies who control the narrative and cancel or vilify anyone with a counter opinion. Can we trust these companies, who abuse their power in relation to public commentary, with sanctioned access to our private interactions? If the Earn It Act is passed by the power hungry bureaucrats who fear non-compliance from their citizens, how long until the once highly encrypted protections on banking and other sensitive data can be easily hacked because of built in access points? And then with the movement away from real cash to digital currencies; how long before your life savings disappear?
Unfortunately, the Earn It Act is just another bureaucratic nightmare, proposing a 19 member panel of The Attorney General, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and someone from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), with 16 additional politician appointed “experts” in child exploitation, consumer protections, and computer security. Better to adopt the alternative proposal the Invest in Child Safety Act which would focus on empowering, and funding law enforcement specifically to Enforce and Protect Against Child Sexual Exploitation. This would be headed by people with a proven background (experience) in prosecuting and investigating these crimes. The idea is to literally invest in the current organizations that are in the business of protecting children and going after their assailants. The groups involved would be focused on protecting children. addressing missing children, street kids, as well as helping identified victims. It wouldn’t overlook the Internet problem either, with a two fold attack proposed to go after CSAM. First $15 Million, and more jobs are proposed for the technologically competent engineers and analysts who weed through technology company leads on CSAM content discovered online, And another $60 Million for an Internet Crimes task force to hunt down and bring in the perpetrators. Obviously the Invest in Child Safety Act is a superior proposal for protecting children and our rights….but are you going to do anything to stop the Earn It Act from being the one that is implemented?
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]]>The post Generation of Pedophiles appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>As a pornstar and pornographer, even being falsely called a pedophile would mean the destruction of my career and perhaps even prison time. So, I don’t take any chances and I demand to see and make copies of ID from all potential talent, regardless of their age. An obviously 70 year old woman could walk into my office and I would scan her ID for my files. Looks can be deceiving, by following this rule EVERYTIME, I won’t forget when it counts. Society today is highly sexual and pornified, but by holding myself out as a pornographer, I have opened the door to scrutiny, and thusly must draw a line (follow the rules to the letter) to avoid becoming the proverbial scapegoat. I also happen to have a personal moral code in this regard; so these protective measures, against exploiting minors while protecting them from this generation of pedophiles, are an obligation that I embrace.
Pedophiles have always existed and I sincerely doubt that there has ever been a moment in history that they were accepted by society. Now before you start negating this statement with cultural practices of children being married off early, let me explain why this isn’t the same. Pedophiles exploit, they go after the most fragile, they most innocent and like monsters skinning their prey, they peel away the layers of innocence, until the child is an emaciated image of his/her former self and then they discard them for the next victim. So the current generation of pedophiles are just as hated now as they have always been and I call them a generation in part because of how mainstream they’ve become. So much so, even loving parents, knowingly turn a blind eye and hand over their kids to these mentally ill people.
In my field, I come into contact with a very diverse populace. My business model offers complete discretion and avoids children like a plague, but otherwise when it comes to people’s sexual arousal and perversion, I go where few others dare. I provide both a product and a service that very few are willing to admit that they use, let alone acknowledge knowing those responsible for satisfying their lusts. My clients and talent run the whole spectrum of society; the middle class, from professionals to housewives can show up as either clients or talent, while the very wealthy including politicians and mobsters are clients and the poor and self-exploiting (some even homeless) act solely as talent. Sadly this generation of pedophiles are equally diverse: it’s no longer just creepy men. This generation of pedophiles includes many well educated and financially successful women interested in abusing children, such as Ghislaine Maxwell. As many even as there are working class drunk fathers, molesting their own kids.
Under the labels of “ArtHouse” and/or “socially conscious”, there are filmmakers and organizations openly producing films that would land a pornographer like me in jail. I’ve seen video footage that was produced in the name of sexual expression that can only be classified as racist, violent and yes, in many cases, what the law would call child porn. Most western nations have very similar anti-child sexual exploitation laws. It seems like when it’s in the name of sexual expression or social justice that it’s all acceptable regardless of what’s portrayed. This generation of pedophiles, go beyond questionable films such as the French movie “Cuties.” There is photographic material depicting actual children, sometimes nude themselves, and often with nude adults, being shown at film festivals and distributed to the public using the excuse of “inclusivity.”
Sexually abusing a child has got to be one of the greatest betrayals of trust in existence. A child can be an adorable angel or an absolute hell raiser but none of them have any idea of what a sexual predator wants to do to them. I’m neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist, but I’ve learned a ton about people’s sexual urges. Regardless of current generation of pedophiles or past ones, all of them appear to be attracted to childhood innocence. Like a vampire, they need a kid’s life force. And their perversions begin with the corruption of that innocence through exposure to images and ideas that are only suitable for a developed discerning mind, a mind which has, not only reached physical sexual maturity, but also can emotionally understand the complexity of the relationship that such images or ideas entail.
In very recent years there has been a push towards “inclusivity” in public schools. There have been many incidents because of this agenda which have included; male students dressed in bras and underwear giving male teachers lap dances in Kentucky, a sixth grade teacher at Bethlehem Junior Academy in Florida molested a 12 year old, a 26-year-old woman is employed as a community liaison at El Sausal School in Salinas California had sex with middle school children and a former central Indiana school nurse was sentenced to 105 years in prison on child molesting charges. – Unfortunately, we can only identify these abusers because they were caught, we have no way of knowing how many others are abusing kids in this generation of pedophiles.
What we do know about the present generation of pedophiles is that they’re growing in number and many of them have both large sums of money and a fair amount of political power. This knowledge should leave any parent with a sickening feeling because unless enough people take a stand against this, sex with children is going to be normalized. When that happens the exact emotional impact on our society is unknowable but if I had to hazard a guess, I’m going to guess a lot of mental illness creating a horribly unjust and unfair future. Rob a child of her/his innocence today and tomorrow s/he may become a monster.
We have a generation of pedophiles that with each day are becoming untouchable. They build islands like Jeffery Epstein did, making alliances with people like Bill Gates and the Clintons. The media freaked out with live feeds about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, but gave almost no mention of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trail. Our schools aren’t safe, sex ed is being introduced as early as kindergarten. While pornographic books are readily available in many middle and high school libraries. Parent’s outcry on the sexualization of our children and pubescent minors is either ignored by mainstream media, or used to make concerned parents look like they are evil, non-progressive, bigots. As for the government, their widespread curriculum changes in support of special interest groups have taken precedence over the 3Rs. So it should come as no surprise that Texas Governor Abbot is the ONLY powerful politician addressing the complaints of sexual material in the schools.
I’m a pornstar and pornographer in the adult industry, with emphasis on the words “ADULT INDUSTRY.” I’m therefore not an enemy to anyone that cares about their children. The only thing I have to say is, “If you don’t care about your kids enough to protect them, don’t expect anyone else to either. ”
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]]>The post They consider us to be scumbags appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Anyone who’s met me in person will often remark that I’m very nostalgic about how things used to be. However, it’s not nostalgia that I’m feeling, I’m actually suffering from anemoia, which is a very deep longing for a time period that I’ve never known. For me, that’s pretty much everything in the porn industry that’s 1980s, while in my private life I long for the 1700s.
As a pornographer and due to my business model, I come into personal contact with a wide assortment of very different people. I’ve produced videos and shows for the extremely rich and powerful but also fulfilled the fantasies for the working class that saved up their nickles. My rules have always been that every potential project needs to have its “reward to risk” ratio honesty assessed. When take on a job, I mind my own business, and let my contract employers attend to theirs. which means that I don’t ask any unnecessary or uncomfortable questions beyond what is needed to make the initial agreement.
Working in the sex industry and having a mercenary’s mentality is a potential recipe for a lot of trouble. It can get hookers killed and pornographers set up to take a fall. The secret is always be careful of who you develop feelings for and never let yourself get greedy. There have been more than a few times where I’ve had to say, “I don’t know… I don’t want to know… And sorry, but I can’t help you.”
When a Muslim woman from Indonesia walked in my doors looking for work I became inquisitive.
She wore both a hijab and an abaya and because I’m also a Muslim, I’m very aware of how non-Occidental Islamic women view the sex industry and their role in society. Although I readily admit that I’m a strong believer in God and the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), I’m also quick to say that I’m a bad example of piousness. As a career pornographer the fact that she was quick to take off her clothes and show us how much she enjoyed fisting her own butt should have only aroused me. However, because of years of accumulated knowledge and worldly experience, I’ve developed a certain kind of instinct and I started to pursue the issue, questioning this potential porn slut.
She was sold into sex slavery using both using Instagram and apps available on Google and Apple.
Marcia, not her real name, was 14 when she was first trafficked from Indonesia using Instagram. She was looking for a better life and believed that she was going to be a house maid. Unfortunately when she arrived, her host family took her passport and phone and within a week she was forced to be the housewife’s underage lesbian lover. From there the situation only escalated and she was being molested by both the husband and wife. When they got bored of her, they took a few pictures and put her up for sale using the various Google/Apple approved apps, each time making a profit.
She was trafficked twice more and on the final occasion her and another girl were actually auctioned to the highest bidder. The last time the apps were used to advertise the auction where her and the other female stood naked in front of “large group” of people. From what I was told, they were both taken for test drives by both men and women at this event. Marcia finally regained her freedom when she found her old passport and she sneaked out of the house while her owners were shopping.
Big Tech and the large Internet platforms have a history of corrupt and criminal behavior. In my eyes, the difference between them and a 1970s Mafia boss is the massive scale of their crimes, they destroy lives by proxy and they always seem to get away with it. Perhaps those social media corporate executives call it creative destruction but in my books they’re just pure evil. They know this shit is going on and they won’t lift a finger to stop it.
The tech oligarchs have no reservations lying to us or destroying the lives of innocent people. They’ve purchased hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of politicians to ensure that governments remain blind or inept to their pursuits. What they’re doing isn’t capitalism, it’s what existed prior to capitalism where those with power believed themselves to be a superior species and everyone beneath them are no better than livestock. Cattle to be milked or slaughtered as they see fit.
When it comes to Marcia, she had her sexuality forced upon her. She learned what turns people on, how to please both male and female sexual desires, and how to disassociate herself from physical discomfort. Marcia is someone who drops modesty at the door, in a heap like her abaya, to be put back on again before she faces the world. In many ways she is perfect for the porn industry, someone groomed and training to fulfill a specific task; much like many others I have encountered with their own personal stories of sexual interference and exploitation. So maybe Marcia isn’t as unique as she at first seems. Hopefully though she is self exploiting the one commodity she as learned to count on and not still at the whims of some “owner”…I probably shouldn’t care, but I do….I guess that’s why I don’t consider myself one of the scumbags.
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]]>The post Is Only Fans exploiting children? appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Traci Lords was 16 when she started making fuck videos. She showed up in the industry with fake ID and when she came forward with how old she actually was, no one was charged with any kind of crime. So for 2 years, anyone could have rented or purchased a video of a 16 year old girl having full on sex with adults. When I was represented by World Modeling in porn valley, I had contact with a handful of people who had worked with Traci Lords and more than one of them had commented that they wish they could still sell those videos. The simple fact is kiddie smut sells.. really well. So now I’ll ask everyone, can we really expect a large Internet platform to be less money hungry than old school pornographers? Believe me when I say that it’s only the threat of a long term prison sentence that keeps many in this industry from becoming totally exploitative human garbage. Given that, I truly doubt that a huge pornographic site like Only Fans is fully staffed by the most moral people in the world. However, in everyone’s defense, other industries pull similar crap, like cigarette makers and pesticide producers, to name a few.
Therefore the real problem doesn’t lie with the pornographers, it’s with the parents. Far too many of today’s parents don’t actually do any parenting. They’re more like roommates and they’re happy that their kid is minding their own business and being quiet in his/her bedroom. They know where the kid is and as far as their concerned everything is great because they’re not being inconvenienced to be a responsible parent and get involved in their children’s lives. Kids are egotistically arrogant….. Children seldom think of the long term ramifications…. Children do stupid things…. Children get into trouble… PERIOD!
Truthfully, the answer is “NO” it’s not that difficult to imagine unless you’re willfully someone that doesn’t want to think about it. But a I suppose having a kid that never makes any demands and pays for all their own designer clothes is too tempting to question. Add to this that today’s culture has raised 3 generations of moron parents that believe 14 year olds should be allowed to fuck. Politically, sex has gone from a desire to a need and teenagers (we are told) need to explore their sexuality. In fact, today’s teens are encouraged to screw men, women, hermaphrodites, machines and food or whatever other idiotic newly created term and it’s all considered normal and natural.
There’s really only one way that we’re going to significantly stop proliferation of child exploitation and that’s to put adults back in the industry. We’re never going to fully stop this crap but what’s needed is that these Internet sites need to open up bricks and mortar store or office with an human being working there to physically check IDs and make people sign real legally binding paperwork. No one would be allowed to become a webcam model unless there’s a paper trail on them. Also, no one can watch any porn unless they walk into an old fashion porn shop show ID and buy a membership access card.
As the situation stands, pedophilia is on course to becoming acceptable in society. It’s practiced and promoted by both men and women (cf. Gislane Maxwell) and some very wealthy and powerful people (cf. Jeffrey Epstein). There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s just a question of time before porntube sites dedicated to deflowering 7 year old children start appearing. Unfortunately Covid has taught me the truth of the expression that “the masses are asses” and that the overwhelming vast majority of people will never take a stand for what’s moral and right.
Not the porn hating feminists… not the pro-family Christians… Not the Liberals or the Conservatives…. Not the Communists or the Capitalists…. Not even gun owning conspiracy theorist nut cases. And especially NOT OUR DAMN LYING POLITICIANS OR THEIR MEDIA ALLIES. The truth is that many of them are going to become child diddlers and claim victim-hood against anyone who attempts to protect our little ones. Personally, I think this is a sick situation but as a pornographer I know that I don’t make the rules. However, I’m never going to exploit or abuse any child and if I come across someone who does, s/he better pray that I’m not holding a baseball bat because I would rather go to jail as a hero then to hell as an accomplice.
If management from Only Fans wishes to comment then please feel free to contact me:
HamiltonSteele {at} Protonmail {dot} com
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]]>The post Making Snuff Videos appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>When I first got into porn someone asked me if I believed that snuff films actually existed. My answer at the time was, was, “Hell, NO!” . Truth be told, the adult industry is filled with the vilest of human garbage. A low level porn turd is a mope that contributes almost nothing with his presence, good examples of them abound in GFY’s political section. The goofs over there spend long hours posting “Bidon sucks” and “Trump’s stupid” and if they vanished no one would notice. On the other hand, high level porno excrement are the makers of child porn and snuff movies. Now everyone knows that child pornographers exist, but there’s no proof of snuff film producers. Oh and just to make my position very clear on child porn, I’m an advocate of castration for males and type 3 genital mutilation for women for a 1st offense and a slow painful death penalty for a 2nd offense. I’ll happily cooperate with both law enforcement and the Mafia to bring down anyone that abuses an innocent child.
Now there are examples of real-time death recordings, but this is NOT a snuff film. So, I’m not talking about all those violent videos of gang violence in Latin America or the street fights of the Big Looters Movement (BLM) in the United States. Those videos are recorded by a zuccone with a phone or reporters such as the Clown News Network (C.N.N), who call them peaceful protestors, or Fools On X-tasy (Fox), who say it’s a communist attack. Regardless of the source, these people are being opportunists, none of them are actually paying to have someone killed. A snuff film needs a producer (the money /or influence behind it’s creation) and his desire means that it will contain more than the deadly blow. The victim may beg and plead or s/he may reveal personal details about themselves which makes the killing seem more tragic. The ambulance chasers of the media, are not providing more than a chance recording of an accidental death or passion killing, which is very different from the pre-planned and coordinated recording of a coldblooded first degree murder, but I think they are just as reprehensible.
But would someone volunteer to be in a murder porn?
My gut originally said no one would be that stupid to want to be killed at the end of a porno. Mentally, I just couldn’t get past the idea of a director saying, “Quiet on set! We’re ready for the gun shot!” Everyone I know in the porn industry wants to get paid and you can’t cash a check when you’re dead. Unfortunately for me, excluding dick pics, I have a bad habit of answering my emails. There’s a comic on Ted Talks that talks about his adventures in responding to email scams, well I guarantee that I receive far more entertaining messages than the Nigerian scammer.
However, all that changed the day that I responded to Carl, not his real name, who messaged me about wanting to be in a snuff film. At first I was just being an asshole looking for a laugh and after a handful of correspondences, I still hadn’t figured out that he was deadly serious . There was one thing that I hadn’t thought of and that was desperation could provide a source of talent willing to be murdered. Needless to say, I really wish I hadn’t responded to that email.
As my bad luck and my idiotic curiosity would have it, Carl was only a 3 hour drive from me. So like a moron, I set up a meeting and I was shocked when I walked into the restaurant and seen the man. He was in the last stages of terminal cancer and he looked like a corpse. In fact, he even smelt like a rotting cadaver. He informed me that he normally wears a lot of cologne to mask his scent but he wanted to make a good first impression on me.
Carl is dirt poor and he wants to leave some money to his family after his death. What’s more, he also doesn’t want to strap them with the expense of burying him and being killed in a snuff video would easily solve both of his problems. The pornographer could murder him and then dig a hole and bury him in some unmarked grave. In my career I’ve met all kinds of people, from homeless drug addicts to actual royalty. This however, was a new one for me and I still don’t know if there’s a right way to handle the situation. (Again, I should have just deleted his email).
All of this has caused me to reconsider my belief that a true snuff film doesn’t exist. I will never be involved in it’s production, but knowing the exploitative scum that I have encountered, there are people out there willing to do the deed, if not pull the trigger themselves, then at least film a killer splattering someone’s brains across a room. People get killed all the time so murderers can be found. And now I realize willing victims exist too, hidden among the suicidal, the terminally ill and the mentally ill. All that is needed for a snuff film to become a reality is a few introductions. I can even very easily imagine the catalyst to everything, the wealthy private collector providing the financial backing for one. So I no longer believe that snuff is a myth and that there is indeed, real murder porn out there… somewhere.
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