sex worker Archives - Steele Hard Sat, 12 Mar 2022 12:42:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sex worker Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Sex Worker to Islam Fri, 11 Mar 2022 22:11:47 +0000 Atheist woman transforms from porn sex worker to Islam. Even an atheist is affected by religion(s) and a woman that…

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Atheist woman transforms from porn sex worker to Islam.

Even an atheist is affected by religion(s) and a woman that goes from porn sex worker to Islam punctuates this fact. Ironically, this is more common than most would believe, and there is no shortage of Muslim sex workers. In truth, Christian, Jewish or Muslim, faith in God is very much thriving in the sex industry. Such beliefs tend to be expressed very individualistically and often secretly. In secret because the last thing anyone employing a sex worker wants to think about is God. – Pious whores are also poor whores.

Marilou, or Aisha as she now calls herself, is self described as a classy prostitute, who occasionally becomes a porn slut. In front of the camera, she’s done close to everything and confesses to enjoying group sex, with the caveat that she prefers a multiple male gang-bang to an all lesbian orgy. She assures that the engaging in the latter is purely for the money because she “adores masculinity” and “double penetration feels just too good.” Women can chose to wear the Muslim veil, but when they go from sex worker to Islam their mentalities tend to remain that of an adult industry veteran.

Always good with saving money and never suffered with any form of addiction, she started in the adult industry almost 30 years ago when she was 19. She has done acceptably well for herself, estimating that she’s probably had sex with several thousand people. In her journey from sex worker to Islam, Aisha wrestled with guilt her first few years in the jizz biz and wanted to have a normal job, but that never seemed to work out. Eventually she just gave up trying and distanced herself from mainstream society.

Couldn’t even keep a decent boyfriend

It’s a rare man that accepts that his partner has sex with other men, and even rarer one that can handle being with a woman who’s exchanges sex for money. Often sex workers try to hide what they do for a living, and still more, find relationships easier when they expect them to be temporary. Within the porn industry, some performers find long term love among others in the biz, but seldom are such couplings without other difficulties. So, it’s no wonder that a woman can start looking towards God, and can go from sex worker to Islam, despite the strict and misogynistic reputation that it has in Western society. A belief in Yahweh/God/Allah is a tremendous source of comfort for the loneliness and emotional isolation that the sex industry can create. It’s a far better choice than drugs or alcohol, especially for anyone with the proverbial heart of gold.

People within the sex industry seldom claim to be role models and have a habit of being very honest with themselves about who and what they are. The path from sex worker to Islam is less a question of trying to redeem their sins of sexual deviance and instead is a way to validate that they are worth more than the price tag on their genitalia. But perhaps the most interesting is that because of these economically challenged times, we are witnessing the paradox of pious Muslim women selling sex and career sex workers becoming pious – True belief in the Divine seems to be a great equalizer.

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Baptist Church versus the Meat Puppet Tue, 07 Sep 2021 20:37:32 +0000 A Baptist Church versus the Meat Puppet or more accurately, a bunch of holy roller crusaders declared a Jihad on…

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A Baptist Church versus the Meat Puppet or more accurately, a bunch of holy roller crusaders declared a Jihad on me.

I won’t get into a theological debate or justify my beliefs. However, I will go on record as saying that while I believe in God, I’m obviously not a member of the choir. Don’t worry, I’m not going out of my way to corrupt any young Christian ladies. But all bets are off, if they show up at my door, looking for work.

A very ravenous Baptist minister has discovered that I live and film within a 2 minute walk of his church. Somewhere in his twisted mind , he has gotten the idea, that I’ll make a good stepping stone to both further his career and grow his congregation. Now I fully support prayer, showing respect to the Divine and everyone’s right to assembly. But I am not so naive as to believe that churches are run by nothing but goodwill volunteers. I know they are filled with politics and those playing that political game are looking for both power and financial gain. Ministers are nothing more than local politicians.

I want my cut when anyone uses me to make a buck.

Needless to say, I’ll go for the throat the moment anyone tries to use me without paying me. As far as I’m concerned, this situation is no different. As luck has it, my enemy reads So without further diatribe drivel allow me to introduce everyone to the swinging Baptist Pastor and his slut wife.

These photos are from the 1990s, but rest assured, I’ve got stills and footage from as recently as a month ago. I want an end to the weekly group prayers in front of my home and the passing out pamphlets, to the people who visit me. Otherwise expect me to escalate this. I’ll post everything that a member of your organization has given me, complete with faces.

By the way, in case you haven’t noticed…you have more enemies than me. So think next time you hypocritically attack someone you think is an easy target.

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With hate comes respect Tue, 20 Jul 2021 01:27:00 +0000 Give it away and they seldom respect you. Most people don’t like the idea of paying for sex, and some…

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Give it away and they seldom respect you.

Most people don’t like the idea of paying for sex, and some people downright hate the idea so much they turn that hatred towards the very people who get paid to get them off. As a sex worker, I’ve been on the receiving end of the hate, A bad month full of assholes can really fuck with your head. What gets me, and other sex workers I imagine, past the difficult times is the money. As I like to say, you can kiss my ass, but it’s going to cost you 20 bucks. I go to the gym every day; a neglected body isn’t worth very much to anyone, I need to look good and be fit because I’m a whore. If I haven’t done it yet, it’s because my price hasn’t been met. Yet it’s surprising some times what I find myself doing for a few bills in my pocket. Like french kissing a chain-smoking, steak tartare eating sex-starved septuagenarian with the most disgusting foul breath you can imagine.

On the other hand everyone loves an easy to lay slut, but most people have no respect for them. Only my clients, coworkers and closest friends know what I do for a living. Since most people don’t tend to think of men as whores, I’m often told what someone thinks of fast and free screws. Also, men don’t enjoy a monopoly on this disrespectful attitude, because I’ve met some lesbians that are just as bad as any man, sometimes worse in their degrading disrespect of a floozy.

There is no middle ground between these two attitudes, but at least when someone hates you, they respect you. Despising someone requires an emotional investment, and it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see your opponent as anything less than an equal. Another way to understand the situation is think of it as becoming someone’s obsession and living rent free in their mind. Believe me, they’ll remember your name.

I’ve never been a fan of the “save a whore” attitude. Without doubt, people like me are mentally wired differently than the average person. It wouldn’t be surprising if sex workers were more likely to commit suicide or die of a drug overdose. But I’ve also seen the opposite , and know that just as many of us are capable of doing impossible things Therefore, I’m often inclined to giving a hand up to a fuck anyone slut transforming them into a pay me whore. Admittedly my efforts have had mixed results, leaving me to wondering if whores are just somehow smarter.

Ghost, my business partner and cameraman has often said that friends are expensive, while clients put money in your pocket. The gist of this is that we need to be careful who we call a friend. Someone might be a swinger but regardless of how their relationship is, it’s one thing to fuck your spouse for free but it’s stupid to screw your neighbor just because you like them. Sluts, even when they decide to become sex workers are infamous for doing foolish things like this. Not only does it cost them money, but they also tend to find themselves surrounded by people that happily sing their praises because they’re getting laid. But all too often, these “friends” disappear when the party is over.

As a pornographer, I often get asked to introduce someone to a performer and my response is always the same, “it’ll cost you”. As a meat puppet, I’m not giving away free samples and most people that assume they can take liberties because we are friends end up making some excuse to call me in the future. A handful get perturbed, but to date, no one that I have ever met in a non-professional environment has ever paid me. The only people who pay have always known upfront that I’m sex worker. With others, it’s as if because they’ve come to know me in a non-business environment, learning that I’m a sex worker somehow entitles them to perks and I’m supposed help them fulfill their fantasy by being a nice guy.

So love me because of professionalism and honesty or hate me because I won’t be used, I don’t really care, because one thing is for sure, you will remember me.

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That damn report button Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:43:17 +0000 Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses,…

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Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me

Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses, big tech and the Internet. I’ve been releasing a podcast for the past couple of weeks and although I discuss the jizz biz, it’s actually very tame by most modern western definitions. When the podcast is uploaded to a mainstream, non-adult tube site, we make sure that the images we chose are not pornographic. Although modestly sexy, every woman in the pictures is fully clothed. The conversation in the podcasts can be a bit colorful; but they’re mostly about business and many Netflix videos have far more graphic dialog than what I’m creating.

One of the sites that the podcasts were uploaded to, bills itself as being a supporter of free speech. Obviously people can’t really go about saying anything, anywhere without expecting consequences. For instance, yelling fire in a crowded movie theater when there isn’t one is an asshole thing to do, someone can get seriously hurt in the panic. However, in the case of Internet platforms that depend on user generated content, I’m comfortably certain that they’ve found ways to pass the responsibility of policing uploads on to algorithms and on the backs of their subscribers. This means a thousand people could have had no problems watching or listening to your creation, but a small handful people either don’t like it or they just want to be jerks and democracy or justice be damned, there is a judgement against you. The result is censorship, demonetization and /or banning and it’s done automatically without human oversight.

Most of these platforms have an appeal process and to a certain extent it works. Unfortunately, more often than not, this is outsourced to poor nations who supply cheap labor. So the people reviewing your content interpret it’s acceptability with their own cultural biases. Take Muslims in India or Pakistan, whose religious conservatism dominates their lives; their beliefs run into conflict with western society. When they don’t believe that women should have a right to even a basic education, you can’t be expected to them to approve content filled with female empowerment. And I’m not comfortable having them review the merits or lack thereof of my work. Perhaps the appeal process was fair and perhaps it wasn’t, but the only certainty is that we have no way of knowing, no information is provided on who the reviewers are or how they arrive at their decisions. And that is just wrong…because you can’t correct a problem, if you can’t identify it, and you can’t defend against bias if you have no proof of it’s existence.

The Masses Are Asses

My real complaint isn’t with these biased reviewers, it’s with the consuming masses that accept and often encourage widespread and rampant censorship without debate. Some think as Descartes that our existence is a quintessential result of thought, or that thought is what gives life purpose. Although I’ve always joked that when compared to other species, humanity can be better defined by the inability of individuals to think for themselves. It’s a sad fact, but the majority of us want to be told what to think and what opinions we should hold. Henceforth proving that Alexander Hamilton was right when he said that the “Masses are asses.”

What truly separates us from the rest of the creatures on this planet is that we engage in politics. Which, is nothing more than large enough group of people allowing very small different group of people or even single individual, to determine what they believe. Censorship therefore, is nothing more than a filter against undesirable thoughts. So the site that proclaimed it was an island refuge for free expression, really only offers freedom of speech for those that share its opinions. Unfortunately, this means that regardless of how tame and vanilla, I can never produce any sort of content that they will find acceptable. The moment anyone finds out that I’m a pornstar and pornographer, I’ll be banned and forced back into the free speech ghetto.

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