onlyfans Archives - Steele Hard Sat, 21 Aug 2021 17:55:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 onlyfans Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Only Fans is Pulling the Plug on Porn Sat, 21 Aug 2021 17:55:41 +0000 Only Fans is pulling the plug on porn and no one should be surprised. The adult industry has a history…

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Only Fans is pulling the plug on porn and no one should be surprised. The adult industry has a history of being used by the mainstream and flushed down the drain when it’s no longer needed.

In the 1980s porn was behind the success of video cassettes and in the late 1990s porn created the demand for high speed Internet access. Around the same time Paypal and eBay were helping facilitate the sales of used panties and private personalized porn videos, which came to an end when they became a household name. (And eBanned was born). Plus if there’s any truth to the rumors that I’ve heard, at least one porn tube site is helping the government destabilize a Muslim nation and launder money for their arms dealers.

Only Fans claims it’s only banning porn and not nudity

The story goes that they’re struggling to find outside investors and that they’re complying with the requests of their banking and payout partners. Which I’ll say is just pure bullshit because the wealthy have a never ending multitude of ways of hiding their investments in degenerate scumbags companies and people. I should know because my business model largely depends on wealthy companies and people investing in my projects while making sure there’s no direct connection between them and myself.

Only Fans is therefore banning porn because it’s good business to get rid of us. Just like it always has been, the porn industry helped create a huge interest and demand in product and and now we’re being thrown under the bus. What Only Fans wants to attract isn’t money but mainstream performers and artists. Henceforth, the reason nudity will still be allowed is because everyone will want to see some Hollywood actress’ cunt, like Jennifer Lawrence. I can also see Only Fans supporting, some freakoid artist’s newest photo essay titled, naked 8 year old boy tries on mommy’s bra. Or even, some angry blue hair social justice warrior recreating the birth of her last abortion.

In the wake of this new policy, there will be the usual hoards of sex industry workers thrown under the bus. All the young women trying to pay off their student loans, single mothers that found a way to safely work from home, young couples that were saving for a home, etc. I’ve said this many times and I’ll say it again, there is nothing to be gained by dealing with mainstream, unless you count getting royally screwed over.

But if you must jump on the next bandwagon, just make sure you keep your luggage close at hand so you can jump off again before getting pushed out and under the wheels. I for one, arrange my own transportation, because I learned long time ago, every time someone else handles my stuff, I come out with less than I counted on.

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Is Only Fans exploiting children? Thu, 27 May 2021 14:23:19 +0000 According to one article by the BBC, the answer is yes. Apparently, Only Fans is failing to stop underage users…

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According to one article by the BBC, the answer is yes. Apparently, Only Fans is failing to stop underage users from appearing in explicit videos. Now unless you’re brain dead you should know that “appearing in explicit videos” is gentle way of saying that there’s child porn on the site. When the mainstream media is openly talking about it, you know there’s probably a hell of a lot more than a handful of videos. It’s also pretty certain that pedophiles aren’t reporting these videos and Only Fans is making money from them. How much money is being earned is unknown. But history has shown us that for some, there is nothing more important than making their almighty dollar. So, I can’t help wondering if they’re being opportunists and any attempts to stop it are half-ass.

Where is the Internet rage and cancel culture to denounce this?

Traci Lords was 16 when she started making fuck videos. She showed up in the industry with fake ID and when she came forward with how old she actually was, no one was charged with any kind of crime. So for 2 years, anyone could have rented or purchased a video of a 16 year old girl having full on sex with adults. When I was represented by World Modeling in porn valley, I had contact with a handful of people who had worked with Traci Lords and more than one of them had commented that they wish they could still sell those videos. The simple fact is kiddie smut sells.. really well. So now I’ll ask everyone, can we really expect a large Internet platform to be less money hungry than old school pornographers? Believe me when I say that it’s only the threat of a long term prison sentence that keeps many in this industry from becoming totally exploitative human garbage. Given that, I truly doubt that a huge pornographic site like Only Fans is fully staffed by the most moral people in the world. However, in everyone’s defense, other industries pull similar crap, like cigarette makers and pesticide producers, to name a few.

Therefore the real problem doesn’t lie with the pornographers, it’s with the parents. Far too many of today’s parents don’t actually do any parenting. They’re more like roommates and they’re happy that their kid is minding their own business and being quiet in his/her bedroom. They know where the kid is and as far as their concerned everything is great because they’re not being inconvenienced to be a responsible parent and get involved in their children’s lives. Kids are egotistically arrogant….. Children seldom think of the long term ramifications…. Children do stupid things…. Children get into trouble… PERIOD!

Would it have been so hard to imagine children sending a porno site copies of their parent’s ID?

Truthfully, the answer is “NO” it’s not that difficult to imagine unless you’re willfully someone that doesn’t want to think about it. But a I suppose having a kid that never makes any demands and pays for all their own designer clothes is too tempting to question. Add to this that today’s culture has raised 3 generations of moron parents that believe 14 year olds should be allowed to fuck. Politically, sex has gone from a desire to a need and teenagers (we are told) need to explore their sexuality. In fact, today’s teens are encouraged to screw men, women, hermaphrodites, machines and food or whatever other idiotic newly created term and it’s all considered normal and natural.

There’s really only one way that we’re going to significantly stop proliferation of child exploitation and that’s to put adults back in the industry. We’re never going to fully stop this crap but what’s needed is that these Internet sites need to open up bricks and mortar store or office with an human being working there to physically check IDs and make people sign real legally binding paperwork. No one would be allowed to become a webcam model unless there’s a paper trail on them. Also, no one can watch any porn unless they walk into an old fashion porn shop show ID and buy a membership access card.

As the situation stands, pedophilia is on course to becoming acceptable in society. It’s practiced and promoted by both men and women (cf. Gislane Maxwell) and some very wealthy and powerful people (cf. Jeffrey Epstein). There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s just a question of time before porntube sites dedicated to deflowering 7 year old children start appearing. Unfortunately Covid has taught me the truth of the expression that “the masses are asses” and that the overwhelming vast majority of people will never take a stand for what’s moral and right.

Not the porn hating feminists… not the pro-family Christians… Not the Liberals or the Conservatives…. Not the Communists or the Capitalists…. Not even gun owning conspiracy theorist nut cases. And especially NOT OUR DAMN LYING POLITICIANS OR THEIR MEDIA ALLIES. The truth is that many of them are going to become child diddlers and claim victim-hood against anyone who attempts to protect our little ones. Personally, I think this is a sick situation but as a pornographer I know that I don’t make the rules. However, I’m never going to exploit or abuse any child and if I come across someone who does, s/he better pray that I’m not holding a baseball bat because I would rather go to jail as a hero then to hell as an accomplice.

If management from Only Fans wishes to comment then please feel free to contact me:

HamiltonSteele {at} Protonmail {dot} com

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84 hours of work for $180 ? Thu, 25 Mar 2021 17:33:11 +0000 Onlyfans is making mountains of money but it looks like the average model earns shit. 3 months ago I was…

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Onlyfans is making mountains of money but it looks like the average model earns shit.

3 months ago I was contacted by a beautiful 19 year old woman who was curious about doing porn. The only problem is that she’s young and kind of stupid. She wanted to know if she actually had to shove anything in her vajajay and if she could wear a mask or disguise. I told her that we could shove stuff up her ass if she didn’t want vaginal penetration, but that there would be no masks or disguises. I also told her how much I pay for solo masturbation videos which isn’t much and that I seldom film them. So if she wanted any real money, she could either let me film us fucking or I could hook her up with escort work.

Needless to say, that conversation ended and she took her hot ass someplace else. Normally when this happens I never see or hear from the woman again. (On the other hand men just won’t go away). But behold, she comes back 3 months later once again crying the blues about needing money. She went on a rant about how much money she was told that she could earn on OnlyFans, while in reality she only made about $180 each month. Apparently she worked at least 3 hours every day interfacing with fans, promoting herself, webcams, etc… So quick math puts that at approximately 84 hours of work for about $2.25 an hour! Fuck sakes, she should move to Venezuela where she might actually be able to live off of that kind of money.

At this point everyone should understand that I had a good looking girl that was desperate for money talking to me. Unfortunately, I’m not filming anything right now, and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to do porn. Not much I can do under those circumstances, so I decided to take a look at what she was doing on the Internet.

The first photo I see she’s sucking off her boyfriend’s little wiener

There’s an expression that goes, “Young, Dumb and Full of Cum” and it certainly works in this situation. I honestly need to learn when to shut up because I ended up wasting 10 minutes of my life trying to explain to her that sucking her boyfriend’s dinkie on a webcam is still making porn. Albeit it’s really bad porn but it’s porn nevertheless.

She disagreed with me but admitted that she could understand why I would think this way. (Seriously WTF?) I didn’t have anything better to do so I decided to change the subject by asking her to take her clothes off. Without hesitations her clothes came off and she started yaking about wanting to do all kinds of sex acts. Bareback, cum swallowing, dyking out, anal, double anal and ass to mouth, all the acts that she had got used to doing for her webcam work. Her only limitation was she only fucked white people… (luckily I know an albino African American).

But this eager beaver has really bad timing, I was deep in post production, and not looking to shoot anything new, so I offered the only work I could, as an escort. She agreed and within no-time I was dropping her off at a client’s residence for a couple of hours. When I picked her up she was smiling like the Cheshire cat; she had earned more money in 2 hours than she had previously in 84 hours. I think I’ll call my new muse Kitty.

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