health Archives - Steele Hard Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:49:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Consenting Adults Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:49:31 +0000 Consenting adults can go bareback Consenting adults are fundamental to any healthy sexual encounter. When two individuals agree to engage…

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Consenting adults can go bareback

Consenting adults are fundamental to any healthy sexual encounter. When two individuals agree to engage in sexual activity with one another, it is their right to do so, regardless of any negative opinions or disapproval from others. If they want to fuck bareback (ie: sex without using a condom) then it’s most certainly their right to do so. But others these days seem hell bent on dictating how consent is given. Insisting that consent is invalid unless it is explicit and detailed in the specifics of which acts will be allowed. For most people this bureaucratic intrusion into their personal life is a mood killer. Stopping any hopes of intimacy before it gets started. Because this right to engage in sexual activity is rooted in the principle of individual autonomy and self-determination.

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Individual autonomy is the idea that individuals have the right to make their own choices and decisions without interference from others. In the realm of sexual activity, we claim domain over our own bodies and sometimes we loan that domain to our partner, to do as s/he pleases, for mutual pleasure. But giving up that autonomy to an uninvolved third party, such as the morality police or the extreme woke mob would have us do, is actually akin coercion, or trafficking. When two adults fuck, they are exercising their individual autonomy and making a choice that is in line with their own desires and values.

External disapproval should have no bearing on the choices adults make when deciding to hook up. But the infiltration has started with sex-ed schooling that is more intensive than reading comprehension. As the latest generation crosses into adulthood, young men are finding the process of defining consenting adults, all too complicated. They miss all but the most overt signals and lose the spontaneity and their interest before achieving a connection with any young women in their age group. This explains the increase in attraction to more maternally aged women, as well as the rise in same sex experiences for both sexes. The negative opinions of others are based on personal beliefs and values that may not align with those of the individuals involved. Furthermore, people have the right to privacy and to keep their sexual experiences and practices confidential.

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Some may argue that certain sexual practices are morally or ethically wrong and therefore should not be allowed. However, these opinions are subjective and can vary widely between individuals and cultures. What one person may view as immoral, another may view as acceptable or even desirable. Most women for instance, appreciate a man who not only knows what he wants, but who aggressively pursues it. I am not just talking about sex here; but this self-absurdness is highly desirable in the bedroom. Provided that the woman hasn’t been taught to fear her own sexual desires. So ultimately, nobody that isn’t directly involved in someone’s sexual choices should be influencing them.

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Hamilton Steele, an American pornstar and later a French pornographer. Also former program director and events coordinator of Le Beverley, the last porn theater of Paris. He know produces both custom videos for private collectors and self-distribute his own line of gonzo videos.

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Fully Erect Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:10:40 +0000 There is a growing concern for problems with erectile dysfunction as it now faces both young and old alike, and…

The post Fully Erect appeared first on Steele Hard.

There is a growing concern for problems with erectile dysfunction as it now faces both young and old alike, and being fully erect in my line of work is vital. So I felt I would use this time to make a sort of public service announcement to help men who may be worried why they can’t seem to get it fully erect.

Let me assure you that this isn’t some sort of an attempt to sell Viagra, Cialis or some other drug that helps a man get a powerfully full erection. Instead I’m just going to write about the importance of healthy living for everyone that’s a recreational sex aficionado.

Estrogen mimicking foods and medications aside, there are other physically changeable hindrances to becoming fully erect. For young men, this is linked to a porn addiction without real life experiences. But older men, should also know that this doesn’t have to be an inevitability. Becoming fully erect, when it your Bonny Johnny has let you down, starts with a lifestyle change. Covid has exposed the poor health of the average American. My own observations show that the most terrified of Covid (at least the most vocal) people are either obese, smokers, borderline alcoholics or use recreational drugs and in some cases, do all of the above.

These vices screw with someone’s sleep patterns and lack of sleep keeps you from being at your healthiest best. Therefore when you don’t get 8 hours of sleep each day you can eventually say goodbye to ever getting fully erect. In fact, go long enough without being fully rested and you’ll discover that not only can’t you get a full erection but also that you’re going to put on weight. Which only makes things worse because unless you’re a genetic anomaly like Ron Jeremy, overweight men tend to have very unreliable boners. Perhaps I should also point out that from a visual perspective, a fat man’s cock looks smaller. Even on video, it looks a lot smaller.

The secret to a good night’s sleep is making sleep a priority in your life. First start with all the psychological garbage that keeps your mind active when you lay down. For most people this means establishing a regular hour that you go to bed, putting down the phone or turning off the computer. Not only do we forget to blink because of these devices, but they lulls us into a quasi hypnotic state that we can neither wake up from nor fall asleep to. Long gone are the days of an old analog black and white TV that had just the right flicker rate to make most people doze off.

After getting rid of those things that fry your brain’s synaptics, it’s time to work on nutrition. Getting a full night’s restful sleep will give you a better erection, but you’re not going to get the best possible night’s sleep and consequently become fully erect until you get your diet in order. The first thing to look at is what you are eating too much of…caffeine and processed sugar are not your friends. Sure they add caffeine to diet pills, energy concoctions and even headache medicine these days, but too much caffeine could actually be the cause of your weight gain, sluggishness and headache in the first place, because caffeine will affect your sleep. Whereas we usually have an idea when we are getting caffeine, sugars are added to almost all processed foods and sauces, even to spice blends if you happen to be someone who prides yourself in a home cooked meal.

It’s less about special diets, unless you have some allergy or medication interaction and more about balance. The 4 traditional food groups are Meats, Dairy, fruits/vegetables and Grains. Eat too much of any of these groups and nutritionally our bodies become unbalanced. Unfortunately most of us, eat way too many carbs (too many grains) and sugar to be healthy. These are what makes our junk foods. Chips, candies, alcoholic beverages, and anything deep friend (especially if it is battered) are all bad for you. While it’s true that anyone who consumes enough alcohol will eventually fall asleep (pass out), this sleep is never restful. Instead, your body is fighting to process the poison that you’ve put in it. My personal opinion is that a man would be better masturbating (even at half mast) until he fell asleep. Not only will he have better dreams, but I’m told regular ejaculation is essential for prostrate health.

While following my advice and eating and sleeping right will get you back to being fully erect, you can still achieve more. Add a workout routine of at least 20 mins, 3 or more times a week, and you should be able to bang in nails with that wood. At the height of my career, this elevated heart-rate was regularly achieved pumping pussies instead of iron, for generally an hour at a time. Today, I inter-splice sex with vigorous training at the gym.

Please note that for legal reasons, I must warn everyone reading this to check with their doctor before undertaking any commitment to exercise. Seriously, anyone that has a bad heart or some other health problem should just forget getting having full erections and pay someone to stimulate his dick. After all, they’re getting paid, so why the hell do you care if they’re sexually satisfied or not? It’s your pecker and it’s your life. I’m not judging anyone that’s happy being unhealthy. On the other hand, if you want to be fully erect and have the ability to fuck like a pornstar, then you need to have a healthy lifestyle. Like any athlete, you need to train to fuck like a gold medalist.

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