freedom of speech Archives - Steele Hard Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:06:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 freedom of speech Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Age play is illegal porn Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:06:52 +0000 Why age play is illegal porn Age play is illegal porn because of anti-child exploitation laws. However, age play does…

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Why age play is illegal porn

Age play is illegal porn because of anti-child exploitation laws. However, age play does NOT involve actual children, it’s role-play between consenting adults. For example, a 40-year-old woman dresses up and acts like a preteen child while her spouse, who is also 40 years old, pretends to be her much older father. Their game might end in some form of penetrative sex. If it’s porn, it’s absolutely going to result in hardcore sex.

NB: It must be made clear that this article is neither an argument for real kiddie porn nor a plea for leniency against those who are found guilty of harming children. Children are our future and safeguarding their innocence is important to a functioning society.

Many different social movements have invoked the expression, “my body, my choice!” Equally, multiple activist groups assert their right to freedom of speech. Unfortunately, the past 3 years has taught us that neither “right” nor “freedom” is exclusively ours to determine. We stop having body autonomy when it interferes with state agendas and/or corporate profits. Freedom of speech is similarly labeled misinformation and quickly censored, when it threatens the wealthy and ruling hierarchies. Yet, many of those who are members of the powerful elite social strata, are the most titillated and heavy consumers of age play sex games and porn. Ironically, it’s this same group of individuals, who pass the laws that declare age play is illegal porn.

Any sex worker can find a 20-year-old woman that looks like she’s 13

Recently in the media, the case of child abuse involving Jeffry Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell became well known. But where the term pedophilia is used for any minor attraction, the people identified in these cases were young teens, not prepubescent. Technically, attraction to pubescent children is hebephilia, but to the public at large, it is all pedophilia. From a sex workers perspective, with the amount of money and political connection that Epstein and Maxwell enjoyed; we’re left asking, “Why not just find a 20 year old woman who looks like she could be 13?”

Is it because age play is illegal porn that CSAM continues to be popular? There are organizations that claim watching adult porn can lead to someone becoming fascinated by kiddie porn. Most people in the porn industry will argue otherwise because by the nature of their jobs, they’re inundated with adult porn. Yet, they don’t start becoming sexually attracted to or even curious about children. From a layman’s perspective, clearly, other factors are at play.

Pheromone soap gets you laid !

In the United States, depending on the jurisdiction, the age of consent can be as young as 16. However, for the porn industry, it’s always 18. Videos titles such as “Barely Legal” and “Try a Teen” have always proven to be popular. Fresh off-the-bus girls often receive their first lessons on how to pose for stills in such a way as to convey youth and innocence. Both men and women (including women who identify as heterosexual) are highly attracted to seeing nude youthful girls, even more so than their young male colleagues. It always has to stop short of any performer saying on camera that they’re younger than 18 because doing so would be illegal. (Ergo, age play is illegal porn.)

See consenting adults having sex

What constitutes age of consent has changed over the years. These changes are most profound between cultures. As little as 150 years ago, it wasn’t so rare to have girls who were married by 13 years of age and having children by 14. To even mention the possibility of such a pair bonding today would bring out hoards of angry people with accusations of child abuse. Perhaps this is the reason why society considers age play illegal porn. Today’s 18-year-old girl probably has more sexual experience than one from 200 years ago, but her maturity level can be very much lacking. Many have the know-how and willingness to do everything that a 40-year-old woman can do in the bedroom. While mentally they’re still children playing pretend with life-sized dollies.

Lacking substantial research, it can only be speculated that this paradox between experience and innocence is the root cause of minor attraction. It’s also the reason many old-school pornographers are in favor of seeing the legal age to do porn raised to 21 (or even higher). Inexperience and innocence make a powerful aphrodisiac for dominance role play. But for those like Epstein and Maxwell, the illusion isn’t good enough, only real innocence will suffice. Too bad lawmakers, in their lack of understanding, lump everything together and have declared that age play is illegal porn.

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Profit not Politics Wed, 25 May 2022 18:51:56 +0000 Business must emphasize profit not politics If we are ever going to get anywhere in this world, we have to…

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Business must emphasize profit not politics

If we are ever going to get anywhere in this world, we have to work for profit not politics. Although the lay person might be under the impression that politicians work for a political objective, they are really only using the politics to assure their own paychecks. And it’s more than the check that is issued by the government office, or any of the free dinners and write offs; it is often more insidious, the stuff that we call dirty politics and corruption, the deals and investments which have made our political leaders and the mainstream newscasters who support them, members of the millionaires club.

Of course not every politician has reached this level, and not everyone is corrupt (we hope) but power is consolidated into the hands of so few, and manipulated so easily by the legacy media and social media, that anyone standing against them will feel not like David facing down Goliath, but rather a group of Godzillas. He just can’t do it alone. The multifaceted nature of the establishment is not easily understood. But if we can follow the money, the political movers playing for profit and not politics should reveal themselves. It appears presently that the pharmaceutical giants, Bill Gates and his multi-level contributions to (read influence over) the WHO are at the top of the pyramid.

Politics can destroy everything it touches

The recent bid by Elon Musk to buy Twitter has brought to light the pathetic reality that this 15 year old company remains unprofitable. Clearly Elon’s designs on privatizing the company are for profit not politics, even if his proclaimed desire to reestablish free speech has been vilified as a right wing agenda. To that effect, the leftist control of the social media giant is plainly evident, even without subsequent revelations of proof by an executive. The backlash to Twitter’s acquisition has been so strong, that some have followed the money behind it, finding once again Bill Gates. So the question remains, what is the motivation to keeping Elon Musk from taking over at Twitter? Is it a personal vendetta, a battle of the billionaires, played out with social media dependent users as pawns? Or does the direction of such a socially influential platform threaten Billy boy’s ability to profit elsewhere, what secrets have been kept hidden by the muzzling of misaligned users up until now?

Getting to the Billionaires club, means playing for profit, not politics. But having reached this financial pinnacle does not preclude it’s members from having political influence. Actually, it most assuredly provides them with the means to directly manipulate society, especially with our dependence on social media to communicate. The free open market has done more for humanity than any other human construct. We’ve gone from a medieval feudal system that divided society into nobles and peasant servants to having almost everyone, including the poor, able to own a flat screen TV. It was only 1970, when many American households were complaining about the cost to buy a color television set. Today’s household, in contrast often has multiple TVs and computers. In fact, because of the smart phone, many people surf the Internet and watch Netflix while sitting on their toilets. . But there is more to freedom than the ability to play video games and watch tube sites, and eventually the endorphin rush from the latest “feel-good” marketing will be unable to compete with the real hunger that continued inflation is creating.

It can be difficult to like Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a member of the “elite” and probably we should be wary of his Twitter takeover. But definitely no more than we should be worried about the influence all social media has on us today. There isn’t a popular platform that hasn’t got a multimillionaire behind it. So the propensity of these platforms to remain unprofitable, seems well, inconceivable. But Twitter is more concerned with being a leader in diversity and inclusion hiring practices than a lean and mean business that operates for profit not politics. Wanting to tap into global markets, some diversity makes sense, but how many times do you need to sub-divide into special interest representatives before the bloat of employees becomes redundant? Does Twitter have a grasp on the relative productivity of it’s salaried hires, everyone says how great they are to work for, but how much work at actually improving the value of Twitter’s service is actually getting done? When you consider that a large section of the general population (of the US) feels alienated by Twitter’s leftist ideologies, isn’t the promise by Elon Musk to fix this actually less exclusionary? Or do the traditional masses not count if they are outnumbered by the sum of special interest groups?

It remains to be seen in which direction Elon Musk will captain Twitter. Freedom of speech is without a doubt vital to the health of a free and open democratic nation. Equally important to a nation is its citizenry’s ability to enjoy a high quality of life and therefore all commercial pursuits need to be able to make a buck. What’s most exciting about Musk’s purchase is not his comments about protecting free speech, but the promise that he’s going to bring back centuries old Adam Smith wisdom. Ultimately true freedom can only be obtained in one of two ways…. At the end of a gun or by the amount of money in your wallet. Rest assured that we’ll all be more free if Elon Musk can make Twitter function for profit, not politics.

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Uncensored Steele Hard Podcast Tue, 29 Mar 2022 17:32:02 +0000 The Uncensored Steele Hard Podcast at last It’s been difficult finding a host for the uncensored Steele Hard podcast. We’ve…

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The Uncensored Steele Hard Podcast at last

It’s been difficult finding a host for the uncensored Steele Hard podcast. We’ve had our share of problems with being labeled hate speech, misinformation and other various big tech censorship bullshit. Fortunately persistence has paid off and we finally found a host that isn’t friendly toward cancel culture. The only rule is that we’re not allowed to show pee pee parts, but we’re finally free to express ourselves however we want. Rest assured that Ghost and myself are now saying whatever the hell we want. – Besides thoughts and words are more powerful than titties.

We start off the new uncensored Steele Hard Podcast by discussing the problems we’ve had with other platforms, which included having our uploads put in a virtual jail. It’s a brief conversation that involves some strong comical profanity. After all, it’s the first time we’re free to say *Fuck* and like adolescents, we said it a lot! Swearing has never been so much fun!

Our next topic is about Ron Jeremy and my friendship with him. Out of respect for my previous friendship with the man, we chose not to slam him like the mainstream media does and instead remember both his good and bad qualities. For better or for worse, Ronnie was a porn industry legend and the uncensored Steele Hard Podcast cuts through the bullshit to paint a real picture of him.

Lastly, we tackle award shows, comparing the Oscars with porn award shows. With special attention to the hot topic, bitch slap, being showcased by all mainstream media. Because when shit like that goes down in porn circles, nobody walks away as cool and collected as Will Smith did, So sit back and listen to what we have to say. With some luck the uncensored Steele Hard Podcast will remain a permanent fixture of this site. It’s certainly a lot more fun producing a profanity rich sex broadcast, than it is making the politically correct version for easily offended.

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That damn report button Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:43:17 +0000 Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses,…

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Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me

Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses, big tech and the Internet. I’ve been releasing a podcast for the past couple of weeks and although I discuss the jizz biz, it’s actually very tame by most modern western definitions. When the podcast is uploaded to a mainstream, non-adult tube site, we make sure that the images we chose are not pornographic. Although modestly sexy, every woman in the pictures is fully clothed. The conversation in the podcasts can be a bit colorful; but they’re mostly about business and many Netflix videos have far more graphic dialog than what I’m creating.

One of the sites that the podcasts were uploaded to, bills itself as being a supporter of free speech. Obviously people can’t really go about saying anything, anywhere without expecting consequences. For instance, yelling fire in a crowded movie theater when there isn’t one is an asshole thing to do, someone can get seriously hurt in the panic. However, in the case of Internet platforms that depend on user generated content, I’m comfortably certain that they’ve found ways to pass the responsibility of policing uploads on to algorithms and on the backs of their subscribers. This means a thousand people could have had no problems watching or listening to your creation, but a small handful people either don’t like it or they just want to be jerks and democracy or justice be damned, there is a judgement against you. The result is censorship, demonetization and /or banning and it’s done automatically without human oversight.

Most of these platforms have an appeal process and to a certain extent it works. Unfortunately, more often than not, this is outsourced to poor nations who supply cheap labor. So the people reviewing your content interpret it’s acceptability with their own cultural biases. Take Muslims in India or Pakistan, whose religious conservatism dominates their lives; their beliefs run into conflict with western society. When they don’t believe that women should have a right to even a basic education, you can’t be expected to them to approve content filled with female empowerment. And I’m not comfortable having them review the merits or lack thereof of my work. Perhaps the appeal process was fair and perhaps it wasn’t, but the only certainty is that we have no way of knowing, no information is provided on who the reviewers are or how they arrive at their decisions. And that is just wrong…because you can’t correct a problem, if you can’t identify it, and you can’t defend against bias if you have no proof of it’s existence.

The Masses Are Asses

My real complaint isn’t with these biased reviewers, it’s with the consuming masses that accept and often encourage widespread and rampant censorship without debate. Some think as Descartes that our existence is a quintessential result of thought, or that thought is what gives life purpose. Although I’ve always joked that when compared to other species, humanity can be better defined by the inability of individuals to think for themselves. It’s a sad fact, but the majority of us want to be told what to think and what opinions we should hold. Henceforth proving that Alexander Hamilton was right when he said that the “Masses are asses.”

What truly separates us from the rest of the creatures on this planet is that we engage in politics. Which, is nothing more than large enough group of people allowing very small different group of people or even single individual, to determine what they believe. Censorship therefore, is nothing more than a filter against undesirable thoughts. So the site that proclaimed it was an island refuge for free expression, really only offers freedom of speech for those that share its opinions. Unfortunately, this means that regardless of how tame and vanilla, I can never produce any sort of content that they will find acceptable. The moment anyone finds out that I’m a pornstar and pornographer, I’ll be banned and forced back into the free speech ghetto.

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