csam Archives - Steele Hard https://steelehard.com/news/tag/csam/ Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:06:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://steelehard.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG_9805-150x150.jpg csam Archives - Steele Hard https://steelehard.com/news/tag/csam/ 32 32 Age play is illegal porn https://steelehard.com/news/2023/04/10/age-play-is-illegal-porn/ Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:06:52 +0000 https://steelehard.com/news/?p=2411 Why age play is illegal porn Age play is illegal porn because of anti-child exploitation laws. However, age play does…

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Why age play is illegal porn

Age play is illegal porn because of anti-child exploitation laws. However, age play does NOT involve actual children, it’s role-play between consenting adults. For example, a 40-year-old woman dresses up and acts like a preteen child while her spouse, who is also 40 years old, pretends to be her much older father. Their game might end in some form of penetrative sex. If it’s porn, it’s absolutely going to result in hardcore sex.

NB: It must be made clear that this article is neither an argument for real kiddie porn nor a plea for leniency against those who are found guilty of harming children. Children are our future and safeguarding their innocence is important to a functioning society.

Many different social movements have invoked the expression, “my body, my choice!” Equally, multiple activist groups assert their right to freedom of speech. Unfortunately, the past 3 years has taught us that neither “right” nor “freedom” is exclusively ours to determine. We stop having body autonomy when it interferes with state agendas and/or corporate profits. Freedom of speech is similarly labeled misinformation and quickly censored, when it threatens the wealthy and ruling hierarchies. Yet, many of those who are members of the powerful elite social strata, are the most titillated and heavy consumers of age play sex games and porn. Ironically, it’s this same group of individuals, who pass the laws that declare age play is illegal porn.

Any sex worker can find a 20-year-old woman that looks like she’s 13

Recently in the media, the case of child abuse involving Jeffry Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell became well known. But where the term pedophilia is used for any minor attraction, the people identified in these cases were young teens, not prepubescent. Technically, attraction to pubescent children is hebephilia, but to the public at large, it is all pedophilia. From a sex workers perspective, with the amount of money and political connection that Epstein and Maxwell enjoyed; we’re left asking, “Why not just find a 20 year old woman who looks like she could be 13?”

Is it because age play is illegal porn that CSAM continues to be popular? There are organizations that claim watching adult porn can lead to someone becoming fascinated by kiddie porn. Most people in the porn industry will argue otherwise because by the nature of their jobs, they’re inundated with adult porn. Yet, they don’t start becoming sexually attracted to or even curious about children. From a layman’s perspective, clearly, other factors are at play.

Pheromone soap gets you laid !

In the United States, depending on the jurisdiction, the age of consent can be as young as 16. However, for the porn industry, it’s always 18. Videos titles such as “Barely Legal” and “Try a Teen” have always proven to be popular. Fresh off-the-bus girls often receive their first lessons on how to pose for stills in such a way as to convey youth and innocence. Both men and women (including women who identify as heterosexual) are highly attracted to seeing nude youthful girls, even more so than their young male colleagues. It always has to stop short of any performer saying on camera that they’re younger than 18 because doing so would be illegal. (Ergo, age play is illegal porn.)

See consenting adults having sex

What constitutes age of consent has changed over the years. These changes are most profound between cultures. As little as 150 years ago, it wasn’t so rare to have girls who were married by 13 years of age and having children by 14. To even mention the possibility of such a pair bonding today would bring out hoards of angry people with accusations of child abuse. Perhaps this is the reason why society considers age play illegal porn. Today’s 18-year-old girl probably has more sexual experience than one from 200 years ago, but her maturity level can be very much lacking. Many have the know-how and willingness to do everything that a 40-year-old woman can do in the bedroom. While mentally they’re still children playing pretend with life-sized dollies.

Lacking substantial research, it can only be speculated that this paradox between experience and innocence is the root cause of minor attraction. It’s also the reason many old-school pornographers are in favor of seeing the legal age to do porn raised to 21 (or even higher). Inexperience and innocence make a powerful aphrodisiac for dominance role play. But for those like Epstein and Maxwell, the illusion isn’t good enough, only real innocence will suffice. Too bad lawmakers, in their lack of understanding, lump everything together and have declared that age play is illegal porn.

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Earn It Act https://steelehard.com/news/2022/02/10/earn-it-act/ Thu, 10 Feb 2022 23:42:47 +0000 https://steelehard.com/news/?p=1547 The Earn It Act empowers Big Tech. We have already witnessed the partisan bias of Big-Tech and the Earn It…

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The Earn It Act empowers Big Tech.

We have already witnessed the partisan bias of Big-Tech and the Earn It Act will essentially empower Big Tech to become the right arm of Big Brother. On the surface it claims to be all about protecting children, which is a justifiable reason for legislation, but this bill is NOT the solution we need or want. Big Tech can not be trusted and this Act is nothing more than the government becoming better bedfellows with the sites and apps that everyone uses to communicate. It puts the onus on the Internet service providers to do everything in their power to prevent the exchange and distribution of child porn, renamed (CSAM) Child Sexual Abuse Material. In doing so Big Tech is being given authority to access your private online activities and interactions. Their unbounded license to ignore privacy laws is actually proposed as a contingency to remaining protected from their own prosecution as a publisher.

If the Earn It Act were nothing more than a quid pro quo agreement to stamp out child porn, its opposition would fall on deaf ears, but so much more is at play. First, we can not rely on Big Tech to use this access uniquely for the prevention of CSAM; they have a history of overstepping their authority. But worse, the bill suggests that law enforcement (Big Brother’s left hook), have a built in backdoor access to all communication. All fully encrypted sites, apps, sources would have to write into their main program a means of accessing all data, and provide this access to law enforcement. making everyone open to scrutiny, robbing people of their privacy and freedom to communicate.

The Earn It Act also will do nothing to protect the child exploitation that occurs outside of the Internet. Relatives and teacher’s who abuse their position are not likely to be stupid enough to be distributing CSAM over the Internet. Not to mention that recent criminal cases involving Jeffery Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell, have surely shed light on the fact that the rich and powerful don’t need the internet to fuel their lustful exploitation of children.

Indeed, with the Earn It Act and its focus on CSAM, the government is willfully avoiding giving resources to the many other ways children are exploited. Is it by design that these rich and powerful lawmakers are holding themselves out as protectors of the innocent when their ACT actually enables other child exploitation by diverting resources? Or is it really,more insidious, like so many recent government power expansions, and not actually about protecting any children at all, but rather to be used to backdoor spying on every citizen who uses an app or the internet to exchange information with anyone? The government is guilty of an abuse of powers, putting constitutional rights on hold for mandates they themselves often ignored. How much worse could this get when private conversations are no longer private ? Imagine if someone’s angry venting is used against them for a conviction of hate crimes, or sedition ?

We have been witness to the abuse of the power of tech and media companies who control the narrative and cancel or vilify anyone with a counter opinion. Can we trust these companies, who abuse their power in relation to public commentary, with sanctioned access to our private interactions? If the Earn It Act is passed by the power hungry bureaucrats who fear non-compliance from their citizens, how long until the once highly encrypted protections on banking and other sensitive data can be easily hacked because of built in access points? And then with the movement away from real cash to digital currencies; how long before your life savings disappear?

There is a better alternative to protect kids

Unfortunately, the Earn It Act is just another bureaucratic nightmare, proposing a 19 member panel of The Attorney General, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and someone from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), with 16 additional politician appointed “experts” in child exploitation, consumer protections, and computer security. Better to adopt the alternative proposal the Invest in Child Safety Act which would focus on empowering, and funding law enforcement specifically to Enforce and Protect Against Child Sexual Exploitation. This would be headed by people with a proven background (experience) in prosecuting and investigating these crimes. The idea is to literally invest in the current organizations that are in the business of protecting children and going after their assailants. The groups involved would be focused on protecting children. addressing missing children, street kids, as well as helping identified victims. It wouldn’t overlook the Internet problem either, with a two fold attack proposed to go after CSAM. First $15 Million, and more jobs are proposed for the technologically competent engineers and analysts who weed through technology company leads on CSAM content discovered online, And another $60 Million for an Internet Crimes task force to hunt down and bring in the perpetrators. Obviously the Invest in Child Safety Act is a superior proposal for protecting children and our rights….but are you going to do anything to stop the Earn It Act from being the one that is implemented?

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