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Many people live in a filth worse than a pigsty

Everyone has heard the stories of someone that lives in filth worse than a pigsty. Cockroaches, rotting food, garbage and discarded clothes and other items strewn all over their home. The tendency is to believe that individuals who live like that, are the exception, outcasts from mainstream society, and not the kind of person that might be our next door neighbor. It’s been said many times that the porn industry can often be a canary in a coal mine, giving the pornographer a world view, inconceivable to most. These observations have led, this pornographer to see that the number of human beings who are either ignorant that they’re living in squalor, or worse, have chosen to live in it, is growing exponentially.

Either lazy, badly raised or mentally ill.

People who live in a filth worse than a pigsty, have always been seen as either, lazy, poorly raised or suffering from mental illness. Physics say that objects in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest. Therefore laziness is easy to understand, because for the last 20 years the Western world has seen a growth in sedentary jobs. Subsequently, when the working day is over, the majority have almost no interest in engaging in any kind of physical activity, including housework.

Modern parenting strategies have also failed to instill both knowledge of how to clean up after oneself and the reasons why it’s so important to take care of one’s residence. It’s a truly sad statement that many of today’s youth know more about the importance of keeping parks and wetlands clean of garbage, than they do their homes. When out in public, they can often be the first individual to snip at someone to put their plastic fast food drink in the right receptacle; but where they live, a similar container will sit spilling on to their floor because they never think to take it to the curb. They live in filth worse than a pigsty, because they never learned any better.

Mental illness, including substance abuse disorders, are quickly growing in number. Prolonged isolation can cause both someone’s mind to fracture and a create addictions. Perhaps one of the saddest and most correct arguments against social media is that it is only an illusion of socialization. In reality, users are all alone and in a form of self-imposed solitary confinement. It also needs to be noted that lock downs added to the number of people suffering with mental health problems while governments and the media refuse to acknowledge the torture that they’ve inflicted on a mass international scale.

Today this increasing filth stems from all of the above

Independent pornographers are witnessing a lot of filth worse than a pigsty. In this era of decentralized porn production, some old school pornographers have resorted to filming “civilians.” (ie: People who are neither professional porn talent nor have intentions of becoming a pro) Therefore filming often takes place in private residences; and it’s here that they glean a collection of horror stories. The kind of horrors that normally are only emergency service workers and landlords encounter.

I walked into the apartment of one 22 year old girl. She was absolutely beautiful, but all I could smell was cat shit, and the place was filled with fleas. What’s more, there wasn’t a bare or clean spot anywhere on the floor that someone could stand in. Perhaps the most remarkable part was she had her Harvard degree hung up for everyone to see. In the weeks following, the performer became both harassing and verbally abusive towards him. In the end getting the footage wasn’t worth the headaches or the bug bites.

So what’s a pornographer to do ?

People who appear in adult videos have to provide the producer with copies of their ID and sign a contract attesting that they are legal age adults, who are consenting to having sex for the purpose of creating pornography. When someone lives in a filth worse than a pigsty, it can be a warning that they might not be legally able to give consent or sign over the rights to the video which they helped produce. The real question is, “what should a pornographer do when they question someone’s mental stability?”

Obviously, they should refuse to film the individual, and it should be comforting to everyone that I don’t. But unlike firefighters or law enforcement, an adult content producer lacks the tools to intervene. Furthermore, given the nature of our work, a pornographer isn’t likely to receive a friendly response from the police or other emergency service. This fact alone cuts our options down to simply walking away; hoping someone else comes along to address the real issue. Because, even bringing in a cleaning crew to make the place livable, or at least passable as a filming location, won’t change the problem that this person has developed the propensity to live in filth worse than a pigsty. After-all, these living conditions not only tax the body physically, they also have an isolating effect those living in squalor, thereby taxing their mental state as well.

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Age discrimination Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:53:24 +0000 Age discrimination is government and corporate sponsored. In an era of political correctness and anti-hatred, age discrimination is both the…

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Age discrimination is government and corporate sponsored.

In an era of political correctness and anti-hatred, age discrimination is both the highly profitable and the dumbest openly perpetuated prejudice . It’s absolutely moronic to discriminate against someone that’s older than us, because everyone one of us is aging and sooner or later, we’ll eventually be part of that rejected generation. Segregation based on age elevates the unrealistic optimism and innocence of youth, while negating the experience and wisdom that comes with time. Governments use divide and conquer politics to keep the youth from learning from those that are older, while corporations use ageism to sell their products and services.

The way age discrimination is used by the porn industry is both good and bad. One argument can be made that the business demonstrates that someone over 60 can still be very physically attractive and very sexual. However, the age represented is NOT always the age of the performer; pornographers are creating a fantasy, and rarely worry about truth in their story-lines. The other side of the debate is that teen and barely legal porn often encourages attraction to the prepubescent look. But since we are all over 18, it is also coincidentally the only legal release for such obsessions. Therefore, whatever beneficial aspects pornography might have, are always offset by its negative opposite and there’s always at least one negative.

We’re in the midst of a societal revolution or, depending on your point of view, a cultural war. Wokeism is openly violent and oppressive, defending its desire to destroy thousands of years of hard learned social wisdom. From the moment our mothers’ drop us off at daycare, our age divisions commence. They follow us through school, and as we reach adulthood, social groups and government programs abound which continue this separation. It’s no wonder that age discrimination has become ingrained into society, we have so little interaction across the generations, that we fail to relate to one another. As the focus continues to shift from family and individual success to group identity, the governments’ self-serving policies exacerbate the social problems that it claims to be addressing. Only the unintelligent or someone purposely choosing to not see the manipulation by the mass media and politicians would have the gall to say that they weren’t always aware of the situation, even before the arrival of the woke conflict.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water

They protest racism, they protest sexism, they protest for gay rights and they protest for body autonomy. Young plus sized females got the cover of Cosmopolitan in February 2021. However, if you want to see a female athlete in her 60s similarly celebrated, you’ll have to turn to Senior Marketed magazines. Age discrimination affects all races and sexes; only the most wealthy are able to escape its societal isolation. Even when the government does seem to make recompense to the older population, when it comes to things like the housing problem (created in part by the ever growing government who contributes to general inflation with poor fiscal practices, while subjecting home-owners to skyrocketing property taxes to cover their own bureaucratic paychecks); retirees can find themselves sequestered in communities purposely designed to accommodate their age group. I am not talking about nursing homes, I am speaking of the HUD regulated properties which prevent grandparents from raising their own grandchildren because where they are allowed to live, children are not welcome. When a government sanctions programs by age they are practicing ageism and they are further isolating and making vulnerable the older population.

Society has come to think of the elderly as losing their cognitive function (a documented consequence of isolation), having poor physical health, and being past their ability to make a substantial contribution to the workforce. But when the elderly are given purpose, have always taken responsibility for their physical health and have nurturing relationships with their family and communities, these problems are rarely evident; an 80 year old can have the same vitality as a 30 year old. Just as we expect less in physical and mental health of individuals as they age; we similarly expect less maturity and independence from minors than we did even a generation or two ago. Unfortunately, people will live up to those inadequate expectations. Too many people have been led to believe that we should expect less from ourselves as we age, that we should slow down and strive less, and believing this fallacy, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The tremendous consequences of age discrimination, are felt in throughout a society which has culturally embraced them, and the subsequent list of hypocrisies is exhaustively long and poorly documented, despite being well known.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. With that in mind, it’s also true that history repeats itself. Therefore, we live in a mad world and nothing is going to get better until we stop destroying millennia old human knowledge and learn from it. This will never happen as long as we allow the media, the entertainment industry and government to create a culture that praises the inexperience of youth, fears aging and shuns everyone over a certain age. In a moral society, we see each other as individuals and not by categories. Group identity politics is utterly the most bigoted evolution of society. Ultimately, the only things that should be scrutinized or weighted as important are someone’s knowledge, their skills and accomplishments. So if a 60 year old can pass ALL the required tests to join the military, that a healthy 20 year old must… They should be allowed to sign up and age discrimination be dammed!

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That damn report button Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:43:17 +0000 Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses,…

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Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me

Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses, big tech and the Internet. I’ve been releasing a podcast for the past couple of weeks and although I discuss the jizz biz, it’s actually very tame by most modern western definitions. When the podcast is uploaded to a mainstream, non-adult tube site, we make sure that the images we chose are not pornographic. Although modestly sexy, every woman in the pictures is fully clothed. The conversation in the podcasts can be a bit colorful; but they’re mostly about business and many Netflix videos have far more graphic dialog than what I’m creating.

One of the sites that the podcasts were uploaded to, bills itself as being a supporter of free speech. Obviously people can’t really go about saying anything, anywhere without expecting consequences. For instance, yelling fire in a crowded movie theater when there isn’t one is an asshole thing to do, someone can get seriously hurt in the panic. However, in the case of Internet platforms that depend on user generated content, I’m comfortably certain that they’ve found ways to pass the responsibility of policing uploads on to algorithms and on the backs of their subscribers. This means a thousand people could have had no problems watching or listening to your creation, but a small handful people either don’t like it or they just want to be jerks and democracy or justice be damned, there is a judgement against you. The result is censorship, demonetization and /or banning and it’s done automatically without human oversight.

Most of these platforms have an appeal process and to a certain extent it works. Unfortunately, more often than not, this is outsourced to poor nations who supply cheap labor. So the people reviewing your content interpret it’s acceptability with their own cultural biases. Take Muslims in India or Pakistan, whose religious conservatism dominates their lives; their beliefs run into conflict with western society. When they don’t believe that women should have a right to even a basic education, you can’t be expected to them to approve content filled with female empowerment. And I’m not comfortable having them review the merits or lack thereof of my work. Perhaps the appeal process was fair and perhaps it wasn’t, but the only certainty is that we have no way of knowing, no information is provided on who the reviewers are or how they arrive at their decisions. And that is just wrong…because you can’t correct a problem, if you can’t identify it, and you can’t defend against bias if you have no proof of it’s existence.

The Masses Are Asses

My real complaint isn’t with these biased reviewers, it’s with the consuming masses that accept and often encourage widespread and rampant censorship without debate. Some think as Descartes that our existence is a quintessential result of thought, or that thought is what gives life purpose. Although I’ve always joked that when compared to other species, humanity can be better defined by the inability of individuals to think for themselves. It’s a sad fact, but the majority of us want to be told what to think and what opinions we should hold. Henceforth proving that Alexander Hamilton was right when he said that the “Masses are asses.”

What truly separates us from the rest of the creatures on this planet is that we engage in politics. Which, is nothing more than large enough group of people allowing very small different group of people or even single individual, to determine what they believe. Censorship therefore, is nothing more than a filter against undesirable thoughts. So the site that proclaimed it was an island refuge for free expression, really only offers freedom of speech for those that share its opinions. Unfortunately, this means that regardless of how tame and vanilla, I can never produce any sort of content that they will find acceptable. The moment anyone finds out that I’m a pornstar and pornographer, I’ll be banned and forced back into the free speech ghetto.

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Meat puppet, Mercnary and Porn Mon, 28 Jun 2021 17:06:55 +0000 ‘s very first podcast is now online. For better or for worse, but hopefully entertaining, the Jizz Biz’s Meat…

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]]> ‘s very first podcast is now online.

For better or for worse, but hopefully entertaining, the Jizz Biz’s Meat Puppet finally got off his ass and published a podcast. Topics include, the need to get your paperwork in order, producing for collectors and the demise of the last porn theater in Paris France. I am joined by Ghost, my production assistant, for a little business talk and some laughs about our misadventures in dealing with the regular public.

As with everything, I maintained an old school approach to producing this podcast, but I have high hopes for it. The philosophy behind its format is to follow the KISS rule. Producing content need not be so complicated, and the easiest way to keep things simple is to keep them real. Hopefully others find my reality as entertaining as I do. So anyone that’s looking for stellar special effects, or big name celebrity guests would be better off looking for a different podcast. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a glimpse in to the life of a veteran pornographer then the Steele Hard show is going to be a treat for you.

June 29, 2021 Podcast 01 – Topics : Importance of Paperwork, problems filming regular people, cuckolds, Last porn theater in Paris France

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Gay for pay or communist Fri, 04 Jun 2021 21:56:31 +0000 I’ve always said that blowing a man in prison for a pack of smokes doesn’t make you gay, unless, you’re…

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I’ve always said that blowing a man in prison for a pack of smokes doesn’t make you gay, unless, you’re a non-smoker. Hey, I’ve seen that nicotine addictions are a serious bitch and if a man is willing to suck another man off then sooner or later he’s probably going to die from cancer. So what the hell??? Let the guy enjoy being a faggot for fags. (Fag noun : Definition: cigarette – British slang)

When a heterosexual male addict is willing to swallow some guy’s jizz for a fix, then it’s no surprise that some porn industry men are willing to do the same for money. The big heterosexual man in me isn’t too certain, nor very comfortable calling a guy that does gay for pay straight. In fact, all my hetero-masculine instincts tell me that those men are homosexuals that did straight for pay videos. On the other hand, my pornographer senses tell me that they are probably just old fashion whores and I’m forced to admit that for a large enough sum of money, I’d let men fuck me in the ass too. So perhaps our sexuality is best described as “BUY-sexual.”

In walks the pornstar philospher

Connor Habib grew up in industrial Pennsylvania and by his own words he went off road cruising to search for anonymous gay sex. Industrial Pennsylvania means that he had no Amish role models to teach him the pleasures of screwing an unshaven quilt in the backseat of a horse and buggy. What’s more, any man in industrial Penn state is going to be mentally challenged when they don’t have a close and affordable gym to learn how to box like Rocky. Unfortunately in Connor’s situation there’s some questionable problems with his mixed genetics too.

His first name is Conner and like the Highlander (There can be only one), he’s probably got Scottish blood in his veins. Unfortunately, “Habib” is not a Scotsman’s family name. Mixing the genes of a Scot with the genes of an Arab has got to wreak havoc on how someone views the world; o’ boy, I hope There Is Only One. My question is pure and simple, how did this man ever fit in with any group of people?

Were his Islamic prayer robes made of his clan’s tartan? Were his school lunches haggis kabobs? Was only half his dick circumcised? How did he ever chose between a Saturday night spent with sheep or camels? Plus Scotsmen use great big bastard swords in battle not suicide vests. I’ve got so many questions that I’ll never get the answer to so I’ll just draw my own conclusions.

When you’re this much of an outsider the only people that are willing to accept you, are homosexual men. Trust me that I know what I’m talking about because I’ve never had a shortage of happy gay men around me when I’m being a complete asshole. Not just homosexuals but there are other groups with similar environments that all some how mass produce political activists, arrogant pricks and self-described philosophers. I’ll never understand why they always seem to embrace me with big loving arms because all of them despise capitalism.

Connor Habib said, “The myth of capitalism is that our desires will be satisfied if we get shit,” he goes on. “Instead, why not stand back and look at what you might truly be enjoying?”


Karl Marx would be quick to point out my faults because as a shameless pornographer and pimp I’ll exploit others and even myself for money. In fact most of the old school producers were happy to use racism stereotypes (interracial porn), misogyny (rape fantasies), misandry (Fem dom), body shaming (humiliation), transgenders, etc. Make no mistake, when I’m interacting with these groups, my camera is always ready to record feminists having sex in the name of social justice activism. The only limits that I have written in stone are that I won’t tolerate hurting children or animals and I’ll take down any bastard that I see doing it.

What Mr. Habib doesn’t seem to realize is that there are lots of people that enjoy what we do. I like to make money and I like that being a sex industrialist allows me to interact with an aspect of humanity that most people, including academics, will never see or imagine. eg. I’ve produced private porn for a trans-nationalist that only wanted to see hairy men dance wearing angel wings and I’ve arranged and frequently filmed encounters between the dirt poor and the wealthy. But none of that makes me a philosopher or an activist and if I had give myself a title I would claim, “pragmatist.” I’ve observed that the majority of people are sexually immature and neurotic.

On that note, everyone in this industry has to work some kind of angle and no doubt, Connor Habib is no exception. Perhaps he believes he’s some kind of philosopher and perhaps he’s just putting on a show like the rest of us. Regardless, I wish him all the best in his endeavors, and hope that his leftist leanings don’t mean that he is also easily offended, because in the adult industry we should all be mature enough to take a little teasing. Hell, some people even pay me to torment them.

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Currently Sober Interview Sat, 15 May 2021 14:29:59 +0000 Unless you’re in porn industry you probably don’t know who Currently Sober is. I spend a fair bit of time…

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Unless you’re in porn industry you probably don’t know who Currently Sober is. I spend a fair bit of time on industry forums and where egos abound with people who think that their shit, don’t stink. In this environment, where so many take themselves too seriously C_S is a welcome distraction. Not only does he lack the proverbial pickle shoved up his ass, but when it comes to shit not stinking, he’s the first to ask, then what good is it ? He always talks about poop and just how much he adores the brown stuff. I couldn’t resist, being a shit disturber and digging a little deeper to find out more about this fecal aficionado.

So let’s begin with your special contribution to the sex industry.  Can you tell everyone what exactly it is that you do?

It’s really not so much what I do, as much as what I did. You see, I’ve been in Adult ALL of my life ! Literally. I was born into it!  My Dad shot and sold Stag Loops. As a kid, I earned my pocket money as a duplicator, swapping out the blank and recorded hardcore tapes, although I never watched them. I helped out with sales at 15, and began creating my own original content when I became an adult. I started off with mail order distribution, and kept up with the technological demands, learned the ins and outs of the internet and stayed profitable.

My journey took me to LA where my immersion in the industry had me running both a 32000 sq ft facility and the 2nd largest swingers club in the whole USA. I crossed over into mainstream, worked too much, split with my wife, then overstayed my visa and got booted from the US. Back in the UK, I started up my own personal niche fetish, what most of you know me for, (scat/poo/shit) but I retired and sold my equipment in 2013. I still hang around on web forums etc, because although I’m not doing much actively myself these day, I still feel it’s where I belong 🙂

Have you ever purposely locked yourself in a construction site port-o-let?

Not locked myself inside one, no. But I have hidden underneath one down by my local docks ! It was an incredible thrill to know I was so close to people doing what they were doing, listening to the sounds and enjoying the aromas etc. And they didn’t have a clue I was there!!! Exhilarating  !

What has been the most difficult thing that you’ve had to deal with in this industry?

Truthfully, not very much. I have always been my own person, doing things my own way, and if they worked out they worked out. If not, then no one to answer to but myself. So I guess I’ve been pretty lucky really. If I really had to say, I suppose it would be ‘false friends’. But then that’s  probably true in all walks of life. Sorry,I can’t give you a juicer answer.

Have you ever drank large amounts of food coloring so you can shit your own rainbow and celebrate pride day?

Not exactly, but I did drink a load of red food coloring once, so when I had an ‘accident’ in the hospital waiting room, staff would think I was shitting blood and then I’d get to the front of the queue and be seen quicker.

In my background research it appeared that, like myself, you were in Los Angeles area in the early 2000’s. We never crossed paths, but I wonder if you have any stories, like myself. Who among the industry characters stands out in your mind and why?

Yeah, I had a great time in the USA, and met some fun people. However, I was so busy working, I barely found much time to socialize. I had some fun nights out with Mickey G. He stands out to me, as a true friend. Never wanted anything from me, and it was a pleasure to spend time hanging out with him. I also spent a lot of time with Dennis Hof (as an invited guest) up at the Bunny Ranch, in my downtime. America was a fantastic place for me to be for that 5 years or so, but it only accounts for a small part of my time in the business.   

Would you ever consider doing a celebrity endorsement for the use of probiotics to stop diarrhea? Or is that against your moral code? Do you have a moral code?

Why would I want to stop diarrhea??? I don’t think it’s morally wrong. Just a waste of a potentially fun evening! Do I have morals? Absolutely. One thing people will be able to say when I’m in my grave, is that I never cheated anyone, I never bad-mouthed anyone, and I never knowingly hurt anyone. Simple enough, but I’m proud to say it’s true. As for ‘Sexual Morality’, I say If it doesn’t hurt anyone, that everyone involved chooses to be there and they are of age, then knock yourselves out ! That’s pretty much how I have lived my life 🙂

Many sex industry workers keep the details of their career very private so have you ever had to explain to a civilian non-sex industry person the way you earn a living?    Roughly, what did you say?

Very much the opposite for me from Day One. I was always known as the porno guy, who had the real deal stuff. An open secret, even to the police. who every so often would kick my door in and damage beyond repair all my equipment. If I was brought in, I’d be out in the morning. Just police making the themselves look good. so I treated it as the cost of doing business. When my wife got into the business, we shouted it from the rooftops. After less than 6 months in the industry, she was up for AVN awards. While in the UK porn production was still illegal and seedy, my wife was an international STAR! We went to America for up to 3 Months at a time, where it was completely legal, and she was getting recognition at the top level possible, the AVNs were like the porno equivalent of the Oscars! So no. I’ve never been secretive nor needed to explain myself.

Almost everyone has at one time or another pooped their pants believing it was only a fart. This, one would think, would be a welcome surprise for you, so would the opposite be disappointing? Have you ever believed you were about to shit yourself and only received a disappointing fart?  How did you deal with the disappointment?

This is deeply philosophical isn’t it? To fart or not a fart? That is the question. No, I can’t say I’ve ever been disappointed by a fart, as a fart is halfway towards the ultimate goal, and I’m a glass half full kinda guy. My philosophy of life is that it’s better to have tried and to have failed, than to not have tried at all. That said though, at my age, and with all the years of practice, it’s kinda like male talent being able to achieve an erection under studio lights and a crowd of people. Not EVERYONE can do it, but if you can, you’ve got it made. Just like I can make ‘Heavy Pants’ pretty much to order !

What’s the most surprising and embarrassing things that you’ve learned since embarking down this path in your life?

I think, if I’m gonna be brutally honest, it’s the amount of ‘Straight Guys’ that just are not that straight. Don’t get me wrong. Nothing wrong with homosexual activity, but its just not for me. I have indeed tried it in the past, I’ve had a few experiments etc, but decided that it’s simply not for me. However the amount of guys for whom it IS a thing, yet they go out of their way to keep it a deep dark secret, has genuinely surprised me! Again, no judgement, I just never thought it was quite as widespread as it is. As for embarrassment? Remember, you are talking to a guy who actively soils himself in public, just to enjoy the reactions of those around him, so I don’t even know the meaning of the word! lol

Have you ever seen the face of Elvis Presley or something else just as interesting, in one of your turds?  Did you flush or bronze it?

Funnily enough, a few months ago, first thing in the morning, I DID see a face in one of my turds. It was my own ! I couldn’t believe just how realistic it looked. Then, I realized that I had been drinking heavily the night before, and passed out face down in a pile of my own poo. When I woke up, it was the first thing I saw, what an impression! Flush or Bronze? Neither, I just kept it for a few weeks but it dried up and disintegrated. The world can be such a cruel and heartless place: Thank God we have porn to cheer us all up !!!

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