erectile dysfunction Archives - Steele Hard Sat, 24 Sep 2022 19:54:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 erectile dysfunction Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 The virginity gap Tue, 20 Sep 2022 17:36:16 +0000 The virginity gap between the sexes has changed. A porn industry veteran, Hamilton Steele, says that there’s a virginity gap…

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The virginity gap between the sexes has changed.

A porn industry veteran, Hamilton Steele, says that there’s a virginity gap between men and women. He attributes this to societal rewards for female promiscuity. To quote, “No one is compensating a woman for remaining chaste.” In fact, it’s very much the opposite. Even a very plain looking woman can earn significant money, if she’s willing to sell access to her vagina. As testament to this fact, the Internet has seen an unprecedented uptick in platforms who facilitate helping ladies monetize their self-produced pornography. So it should be no surprise that, these social porn media sites are also fueled, in no small part, by a surge in virginal and sexually inept male users.

For older male virgins, porn has become their sex life.

A pornographer has a different world perspective compared to the average person. As porn has become a dominate force in modern society, women are catching up to men in its consumption. While the growing market of female viewers should be reason to celebrate from a pornographer’s perspective, porn addiction effects women differently and long-term that may mean a complete change in the market. Because unlike their male counterparts who substitute porn for sex to the detriment of interpersonal relationships. In females, this hypersexualization tends to lead to sexual promiscuity and extreme liberal sexual attitudes when it comes to relationships.

Among addicts the virginity gap is even more pronounced, because the female porn addicts are rarely virgins, while too much porn for men means that they have trouble connecting with women. Female porn addiction appears to come in two flavors ;

(1) Hypersexuality which often proceeds a sex addiction
(2) Insecurities and/or frigidity while still having an addiction to watching porn.

A pornographer obviously sees a lot of women who want to pursue a career in the adult industry. Just a decade ago, money was the dominate reason for wanting to be a pornstar. Today, almost as many females sex addicts, view being an adult performer as a means to indulge their cravings and secondarily still manage to keep a roof over their heads. During a quick interview, one 20 year old girl happily said that she views a porn career as a way to get rodeo fucked daily, without having to worry about becoming homeless. When asked about how long she has been looking at porn and at what age she lost her virginity, she responded that probably been looking at adult videos since she was 8. She had sex for the first time on her 13th birthday, unbeknownst to her 30 year old partner, who she led to believe that she was 19.

Females with insecurities, depression and/or who are frigid, also often find their way into the sex industry. But that is nothing new in the porno world. Porn video producers and performers are most often very complimentary towards female talent, stoking egos is part of the game. So the insecure find themselves the center of attention and of course with make-up, cameras, and being called models, they feel attractive. Whereas the appeal to purely frigid females is that sexual acts are staged and sometimes almost mechanical. They’re not expected to enjoy the sex, just to make it look good. Furthermore, the relationship with their sexual partners are over when a producer says “It’s a wrap, you can go home” . It’s the large increase of this kind of woman entering the business that is unusual, and once again for many of them they started having sex at a very young age.

The virginity gap between men and women from porn’s perspective.

The Internet instills a false belief that males are the winners in the current situation. Every man believes he can quickly create his fan page and he’ll be a success because hoards of females will pay to see him naked and masturbating. The paradox is that most women have almost no interest in solo male pornography and they gravitate towards the multi-performer and lesbian videos. They want to see a woman enjoying herself. It’s gay men predominantly, who want to see a man alone. And even this demographic can be fickle, because homosexual males will also watch heterosexual porn, when the male talent is well endowed, attractive or has some other arousing feature.

More evidence for the male vs female virginity gap is demonstrated by those men who are hoping to become pornstars. There will never be a shortage of guys that want to be in the sex industry. Some find their way into a pornographer’s office and many them are both extremely well endowed and physically attractive. But those qualities, although preferable, are no guarantee to a porn career, because more often than not, size is NOT enough to get the job done. Unfortunately, for the past 5 years, many of these hopeful males are still virgins, having never had sex in their personal lives, they believe that the hours they have devoted to watching the finished product makes them an expert. These hopeful swordsmen, rarely have the stamina or control to make a porn, not to mention a complete lack of finesse with the female talent.

No porn producer can (or will) take a chance on a guy that hasn’t had some kind of active sex life, prior to his interest in doing porn. Viagra can’t fix broken… It can only make what works even better. A 30 year old virgin male has usually watched thousands of hours of pornography and at best they have erection and attention deficit problems. Any pornographer that doesn’t have access to a large pool of talent most often will favor taking a chance on men that are at least over 40. Money is on the line and there’s so much competition that profit margins are low. So when looking for straight male talent, it’s often necessary to be the porn industry equivalent to an FBI profiler.

The unifying factor between the sexes is early exposure to porn.

The pornographic industry has always been on the cutting edge of both technology and societal trends. It’s also resilient to an arguable fault as even the most theocratic and totalitarian governments have been unable to eliminate demand for it; on the contrary attempts to do so only increase its desirability. So the industry can be thought of as the proverbial canary in the coal mine, when it comes to alerting us to societal changes or problems. Only, when the bird dies, instead of alerting everyone to flee the danger zone, pornographers will attempt to make money selling images of dead canaries. What many porno veterans are predicting is an eminent normalization of sex with children. But the shape that normalization takes will depend greatly on society’s relationship with the sex industry. Will children become exploited in the mine, or will it be boarded up, and the old ways of marrying pubescent girls to older established men, be rediscovered? Or, do we still have hope to build a better and a more appealing future?

Hamilton and Ghost discuss the Virginity Gap in their podcast

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Erectile dysfunction with a ghost story Sat, 27 Nov 2021 21:40:00 +0000 Steele Hard 17 tackles erectile dysfunction with a ghost story I had been promising for weeks that my business partner…

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Steele Hard 17 tackles erectile dysfunction with a ghost story

I had been promising for weeks that my business partner and I were going to start making video podcasts (vlogs). Well, we finally did it with Steele Hard 15 but there were still a few bugs that we needed to fix. We’re old school video producers and everything we did involved film sets, makeup, etc. It never occurred to us just how difficult it was to simply sit in front of a small camera and make our conversation somewhat entertaining. Needless to say, we had to learn some new skills and find a video host because youtube sure as hell didn’t want anything to do with us. We also never considered that our first perfected podcast would be titled,”Erectile dysfunction with a ghost story.”

In Steele Hard 17 we tackle something that I need to worry about with each production and that’s making sure each cock on set is hard and ready to fuck. For most men, there comes a moment when their penis decides to go on strike for better working conditions. Normally these moments of refusal to work, are just that, a few moments. However, sometimes the lockout can go on for weeks and even months. It’s only when labor negotiations completely break down that your once living cock has officially contracted the disease of “Limpitnitis Dickous” (limp dick). Therefore the first half our podcast, “Erectile dysfunction with a ghost story” podcast addresses men that just can’t get it up.

Some men prefer to make love and others just want to screw. It doesn’t really matter which you prefer because in the end, it all involves being able to penetrate your partner with a good stiff penis. Sadly even Viagra will fail when you’re under too much stress and unlike pornstars, not many men have the fortitude to use a Caverject. I’m being very honest when I say that you need steele balls to be able to jab your cock with a needle. I’ve been hoping to devote a podcast on this issue for a while now, but were at a loss for a complimentary secondary subject. As you can see, I didn’t find one and because similarly we had nothing to go along with our paranormal story, we just decided to put these two orphan podcast segments together. Henceforth, erectile dysfunction with a ghost story.

Erectile dysfunction and the paranormal seem to go together

The ghost story part of our podcast, erectile dysfunction with a ghost story talks about a real life event that happened to us on set. My business partner, a makeup artist and myself all had a brush with the paranormal which left me wondering if I had sex with an actual ghost. We met a lovely and beautiful woman in Paris, France and scheduled a shoot a few weeks down the road. Unknown to us, misfortune struck for our aspiring porn actress and she was killed in a car accident before the shoot. However because we never knew she was dead, when she showed up on set, we went ahead with the production….she gave a great performance.

Had I known that I was fucking a phantom, I’m sure that this podcast about erectile dysfunction with a ghost story would have been about a meat puppet that overdosed on Cilias pills trying to regain the ability to work. Luckily, we didn’t know that we were living a ghost story at the time. In fact, I’m still not 100% convinced that this was truly a brush with the world of the undead, but I don’t doubt that it’s possible. I guess it’s up to the listener to decide what really happened and I hope that you enjoy Steele Hard 17, Erectile Dysfunction with a Ghost Story.

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Fully Erect Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:10:40 +0000 There is a growing concern for problems with erectile dysfunction as it now faces both young and old alike, and…

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There is a growing concern for problems with erectile dysfunction as it now faces both young and old alike, and being fully erect in my line of work is vital. So I felt I would use this time to make a sort of public service announcement to help men who may be worried why they can’t seem to get it fully erect.

Let me assure you that this isn’t some sort of an attempt to sell Viagra, Cialis or some other drug that helps a man get a powerfully full erection. Instead I’m just going to write about the importance of healthy living for everyone that’s a recreational sex aficionado.

Estrogen mimicking foods and medications aside, there are other physically changeable hindrances to becoming fully erect. For young men, this is linked to a porn addiction without real life experiences. But older men, should also know that this doesn’t have to be an inevitability. Becoming fully erect, when it your Bonny Johnny has let you down, starts with a lifestyle change. Covid has exposed the poor health of the average American. My own observations show that the most terrified of Covid (at least the most vocal) people are either obese, smokers, borderline alcoholics or use recreational drugs and in some cases, do all of the above.

These vices screw with someone’s sleep patterns and lack of sleep keeps you from being at your healthiest best. Therefore when you don’t get 8 hours of sleep each day you can eventually say goodbye to ever getting fully erect. In fact, go long enough without being fully rested and you’ll discover that not only can’t you get a full erection but also that you’re going to put on weight. Which only makes things worse because unless you’re a genetic anomaly like Ron Jeremy, overweight men tend to have very unreliable boners. Perhaps I should also point out that from a visual perspective, a fat man’s cock looks smaller. Even on video, it looks a lot smaller.

The secret to a good night’s sleep is making sleep a priority in your life. First start with all the psychological garbage that keeps your mind active when you lay down. For most people this means establishing a regular hour that you go to bed, putting down the phone or turning off the computer. Not only do we forget to blink because of these devices, but they lulls us into a quasi hypnotic state that we can neither wake up from nor fall asleep to. Long gone are the days of an old analog black and white TV that had just the right flicker rate to make most people doze off.

After getting rid of those things that fry your brain’s synaptics, it’s time to work on nutrition. Getting a full night’s restful sleep will give you a better erection, but you’re not going to get the best possible night’s sleep and consequently become fully erect until you get your diet in order. The first thing to look at is what you are eating too much of…caffeine and processed sugar are not your friends. Sure they add caffeine to diet pills, energy concoctions and even headache medicine these days, but too much caffeine could actually be the cause of your weight gain, sluggishness and headache in the first place, because caffeine will affect your sleep. Whereas we usually have an idea when we are getting caffeine, sugars are added to almost all processed foods and sauces, even to spice blends if you happen to be someone who prides yourself in a home cooked meal.

It’s less about special diets, unless you have some allergy or medication interaction and more about balance. The 4 traditional food groups are Meats, Dairy, fruits/vegetables and Grains. Eat too much of any of these groups and nutritionally our bodies become unbalanced. Unfortunately most of us, eat way too many carbs (too many grains) and sugar to be healthy. These are what makes our junk foods. Chips, candies, alcoholic beverages, and anything deep friend (especially if it is battered) are all bad for you. While it’s true that anyone who consumes enough alcohol will eventually fall asleep (pass out), this sleep is never restful. Instead, your body is fighting to process the poison that you’ve put in it. My personal opinion is that a man would be better masturbating (even at half mast) until he fell asleep. Not only will he have better dreams, but I’m told regular ejaculation is essential for prostrate health.

While following my advice and eating and sleeping right will get you back to being fully erect, you can still achieve more. Add a workout routine of at least 20 mins, 3 or more times a week, and you should be able to bang in nails with that wood. At the height of my career, this elevated heart-rate was regularly achieved pumping pussies instead of iron, for generally an hour at a time. Today, I inter-splice sex with vigorous training at the gym.

Please note that for legal reasons, I must warn everyone reading this to check with their doctor before undertaking any commitment to exercise. Seriously, anyone that has a bad heart or some other health problem should just forget getting having full erections and pay someone to stimulate his dick. After all, they’re getting paid, so why the hell do you care if they’re sexually satisfied or not? It’s your pecker and it’s your life. I’m not judging anyone that’s happy being unhealthy. On the other hand, if you want to be fully erect and have the ability to fuck like a pornstar, then you need to have a healthy lifestyle. Like any athlete, you need to train to fuck like a gold medalist.

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Men might become Impotent by 2045 Fri, 21 May 2021 22:17:35 +0000 There are times when I really miss the Los Angeles porn valley. It’s things like the Lamplighter, the Tuxford house…

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There are times when I really miss the Los Angeles porn valley. It’s things like the Lamplighter, the Tuxford house and the availability of talent that really make me nostalgic for the place. I can always find a new favorite restaurant and a new location for filming but good porn talent is difficult to find, especially male talent. The biggest problem finding quality men is the lack of testosterone.

It’s always the soy!

Guys, what the fuck happened to you? Is it the lack of fathers in your childhood? Has the female owned and operated public education system made you weak by sharing your feelings? Did I wake up one morning in an alternative universe where everyone born with a penis dreams of growing tits and prefers to wear panties? OR…. Maybe it’s the damn soy products and plastic that are turning so many of us effeminate!

In 1973, the average man’s sperm count was 99 million sperm per milliliter and By 2011, the average ejaculate had 47 million sperm per milliliter. (cf. Brink of a fertility crisis) At this rate the majority of men will be sterile by 2045. It’s not a joke when I say that today’s 40 year old man might be the last generation that can impregnate a woman without the use of a petri dish and a lab technician

There have been several studies, investigating the effects of our diet on testosterone levels. One group drank soy protein isolate for less than 2 month full months and still showed decreased testosterone levels.(1) Just imagine what an entire adolescence of consuming this stuff is doing to our men! Soy is high in phytoestrogens, which are substances that mimic the effects of estrogen in humans and may reduce testosterone.(2) Another study done using rats showed that consuming those phytoestrogens significantly decreased testosterone levels and prostate weight.(3)

There is also the problem of all the plastic crap we have in the world destroying masculinity building testosterone. Increased urinary levels of endocrine-disrupting phthalates, found in flexible pastic and some personal-care products, are associate with significant declines in testosterone levels in men. (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism)

.Now on my sets these soyboys often show up with a girl hoping to get into porn. Personally I don’t care about someone’s politics, and when I film I’m more concerned about how the woman looks than the guy. So I don’t really care if her boyfriend can be a pasty under or overweight neckbeard as long as he’s got a decent sized prick and can screw. But soyboys ALL seem to either lose interest or just outright fail. One of them even went as far as to ask me if he could suck my cock, to get himself hard!

Now, any male talent can have a bad day, myself included. But any man that wants to make heterosexual porn needs to be masculine. That means that he likes sticking his cock in as many vaginas as he can. Great male talent is no better than a dog looking to mount any bitch in heat that he can find: and he is always looking for the next conquest. On set, the brain takes the backseat, while the dick goes on autopilot, drilling and filling whatever slut is put in front of him

So here’s my advice to save men and the reproductive future of the human race.

First, get into a gym and start lifting weights. Lift them 3-5 times a week and keep trying to lift increasingly heavier weights. Next, get rid of the soy products and the plastic bottles and eat some red meat and drink milk. Lastly at least once a month go out on a Saturday night and drink either beer or whiskey then puke on a feminist’s shoes. Trust me that nothing boasts your testosterone like body building and vomiting toxic masculinity on ugly feminazis

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