Current events Archives - Steele Hard Thu, 02 Mar 2023 19:32:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Current events Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Ageism Thu, 02 Mar 2023 19:32:48 +0000 Ageism is institutionalized discrimination. Ageism is a form of discrimination that has gained more attention in recent years. It refers…

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Ageism is institutionalized discrimination.

Ageism is a form of discrimination that has gained more attention in recent years. It refers to the negative attitudes and stereotypes that are often directed towards people based on their age. Ageism can affect people of any age, but it is most commonly associated with discrimination against older adults. Unfortunately, ageist attitudes are pervasive in many societies, and they can have serious consequences for individuals and communities. It has even been used to affect the outcome of elections.

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Ageism can be overt, subtle or even systemic. In some cases, it may involve overt discrimination, such as when someone is denied a job or promotion because of their age. In other cases, it may be more subtle, such as when someone is assumed to be less capable or less knowledgeable simply because of their age. Then there is systemic ageism, which offers it’s benefits uniquely to persons of a certain age without argument from the community. These attitudes can be harmful in many ways, as they can lead to reduced opportunities, isolation, and frustration; which can manifest as either depression or anger against those profiting from these unjust societal divides.

One of the most significant challenges of ageism is that it can be difficult to identify. Many people who hold ageist attitudes may not even be aware that they are doing so. This is partly because ageism is often reinforced by the media and other cultural factors. For example, older adults are often depicted as slow or forgetful in movies and TV shows, which can reinforce negative stereotypes. The media pushed this prejudice against John McCain’s (REPUBLICAN) presidential candidature by proclaiming that he was too old to be a competent leader; then muzzled any mention of age when Biden (DEMOCRAT), who is older, campaigned from his basement.

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Apparently we are making progress in combating ageism. But there is still a long way to go. The federal government has capped military enlistment at 42, with each branch deciding it’s own age cap. Dwindling recruitment and unsuitable candidature among the younger applicants has seen a recent rise in the age that each military force will take on. But the fact remains that despite competitive fitness and stellar mental strength, no one over 41 can join any US military organization; a clear example of systemic ageism. Similarly, many businesses are starting to value of older workers. Recognizing their real world skills, work ethic, and their propensity to leave at home any issues, that might interfere with their performance on the job. But this recent trend barely dents the longstanding practice of workplace ageism and has yet to become universal.

Ageism is a form of discrimination that can have serious consequences for individuals and communities. We must learn about the negative impacts of ageist attitudes, and working to challenge our own assumptions and biases. It also means speaking out when we witness ageist behavior, whether it is in our own communities or in the media. By educating ourselves and challenging our own assumptions, we can all work to create more inclusive and supportive communities for people of all ages.

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Consenting Adults Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:49:31 +0000 Consenting adults can go bareback Consenting adults are fundamental to any healthy sexual encounter. When two individuals agree to engage…

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Consenting adults can go bareback

Consenting adults are fundamental to any healthy sexual encounter. When two individuals agree to engage in sexual activity with one another, it is their right to do so, regardless of any negative opinions or disapproval from others. If they want to fuck bareback (ie: sex without using a condom) then it’s most certainly their right to do so. But others these days seem hell bent on dictating how consent is given. Insisting that consent is invalid unless it is explicit and detailed in the specifics of which acts will be allowed. For most people this bureaucratic intrusion into their personal life is a mood killer. Stopping any hopes of intimacy before it gets started. Because this right to engage in sexual activity is rooted in the principle of individual autonomy and self-determination.

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Individual autonomy is the idea that individuals have the right to make their own choices and decisions without interference from others. In the realm of sexual activity, we claim domain over our own bodies and sometimes we loan that domain to our partner, to do as s/he pleases, for mutual pleasure. But giving up that autonomy to an uninvolved third party, such as the morality police or the extreme woke mob would have us do, is actually akin coercion, or trafficking. When two adults fuck, they are exercising their individual autonomy and making a choice that is in line with their own desires and values.

External disapproval should have no bearing on the choices adults make when deciding to hook up. But the infiltration has started with sex-ed schooling that is more intensive than reading comprehension. As the latest generation crosses into adulthood, young men are finding the process of defining consenting adults, all too complicated. They miss all but the most overt signals and lose the spontaneity and their interest before achieving a connection with any young women in their age group. This explains the increase in attraction to more maternally aged women, as well as the rise in same sex experiences for both sexes. The negative opinions of others are based on personal beliefs and values that may not align with those of the individuals involved. Furthermore, people have the right to privacy and to keep their sexual experiences and practices confidential.

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Some may argue that certain sexual practices are morally or ethically wrong and therefore should not be allowed. However, these opinions are subjective and can vary widely between individuals and cultures. What one person may view as immoral, another may view as acceptable or even desirable. Most women for instance, appreciate a man who not only knows what he wants, but who aggressively pursues it. I am not just talking about sex here; but this self-absurdness is highly desirable in the bedroom. Provided that the woman hasn’t been taught to fear her own sexual desires. So ultimately, nobody that isn’t directly involved in someone’s sexual choices should be influencing them.

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Hamilton Steele, an American pornstar and later a French pornographer. Also former program director and events coordinator of Le Beverley, the last porn theater of Paris. He know produces both custom videos for private collectors and self-distribute his own line of gonzo videos.

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Full-bodied Orgasm Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:36:44 +0000 A Full-bodied Orgasm and mental health A full-bodied orgasm play a crucial role in the mental health of women. Research…

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A Full-bodied Orgasm and mental health

A full-bodied orgasm play a crucial role in the mental health of women. Research has shown that a full-bodied orgasm can have positive effects on mood, stress reduction, and overall well-being. Additionally, a lack of orgasm can lead to sexual dissatisfaction, feelings of inadequacy, and decreased self-esteem.

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Firstly, orgasms release a surge of endorphins, which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These endorphins can produce a feeling of happiness, euphoria, and relaxation, which can have a positive impact on overall mood and emotional well-being. For many women, the full-bodied orgasm can be a bit elusive, because she is capable of getting an endorphin surge out of a much milder mini orgasm. And some women don’t even realize what they are missing. The full-bodied orgasm leaves a woman weak in the knees and light -headed, which are obvious signs of relaxation. Because the release of endorphins during this orgasm triggers the release of oxytocin, which is a hormone associated with relaxation and stress reduction.

Furthermore, a full-bodied orgasm can also improve self-esteem and body image. Many claim that the fountain of youth is hidden in the full-bodied orgasm, just ask any woman who appears naturally years younger than her peers. Women who are sexually satisfied and able to orgasm often report increased feelings of confidence, self-worth, and positive body image. This can be especially important for women who have experienced trauma, as it can help rebuild their sense of self and improve overall self-esteem.

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Additionally, a lack of orgasm can have negative effects on mental health. Women who are unable to orgasm may experience feelings of sexual dissatisfaction, which can lead to decreased self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. This can also put a strain on relationships and cause a two-fold conflict within partnerships. The longer women go without a full-bodied orgasm, the less they seek to have one. The less they seek sexual satisfaction, the less a loving partner is getting out of their sexual union. Furthermore, women who struggle with reaching orgasm may also feel ashamed or embarrassed about their bodies or sexual abilities, which can contribute to negative self-image and low self-esteem.

The full-bodied orgasm is a critical component of mental health for women. It provides a release of endorphins and oxytocin, which can improve mood, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. It also boosts self-esteem and positive body image. On the other hand, a lack of orgasm can lead to feelings of sexual dissatisfaction, decreased self-esteem, and decreased overall well-being. It is important for women to feel comfortable and confident in their sexual experiences, and to seek help if they are experiencing difficulties in reaching orgasm or achieving sexual satisfaction. This can include talking to a trusted friend, seeking therapy, or consulting a healthcare professional.

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Different groups of people Sun, 06 Nov 2022 15:40:28 +0000 There are 3 different groups of people. Medieval society was divided into three different groups of people, – those who…

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There are 3 different groups of people.

Medieval society was divided into three different groups of people, – those who pray, such as priests and monks; those who work, like carpenters; and those who fight, like mercenaries, soldiers and knights. This concept of society organizing itself into three orders is not something you find in the Bible, or for that matter, in any classical sources. The closest iteration of this concept comes from a seventh-century encyclopedia writer named, Isidore of Seville, who referenced that the Romans had divided themselves into three groups: senators, soldiers and plebeians. .

To use the vernacular, we live in a severely fucked up world. Never before in all of human history has so many people been lifted out of poverty and suffering. Yet, ironically, there has never been more mental illness, stress and anger, as we have today. It’s as if human beings can’t be happy unless we’re fighting against something. The more comforts and luxuries we possess, the more we blame others for the imperfections of life and empower megalomaniacs to fix them. In doing so, we’re turning our species into animals. Once again there are again 3 different groups of people, only this time we’re not praying, working or fighting. – We’re just angry and hateful or fearful of what is otherwise a beautiful existence.

Predator, Prey or Livestock

Predators in the wild are easy to describe. In the different groups of people, these individuals are like wolves who hunt weaker animals for their for sustenance. Highly intelligent, curios and ruthless opportunists. They go for easy kills, focusing on the very old, the young and the weak. Human predators use the same strategies and stalk people that are easy to manipulate. Most often they’re psychopaths such as many CEOs of banks and large corporations, heads of state and also serial killers. It’s their lack of empathy, that leads many of them to believe that they’re somehow superior or even a different species than other human beings.

In America, many of our politicians are 75 years old or older and yet they continue to pursue prestige, money and power. They’re near the end of their live expectancy, they have reached the pinnacle of wealth, power and influence, and yet they refuse to step away from their dogmas, let someone else take charge. There is so much this world has to offer, so much to see, to learn, to experience and enjoy, these individuals have the means to do anything or go anywhere. But like Midas, being granted a wish, their insatiable greed gets the better of them. It can only be speculated that this is some sort of bizarre combination of narcissism and megalomania. Or, at the very least, it’s sanctimonious arrogance that borders on having a god complex. However, from a pragmatic perspective, these people are not the most dangerous category among the different groups of people.

Prey are the meal that wolves depend on. An animal example is elk, who are instinctively aware that they’re hunted. At the first hint of possible trouble they run and when cornered, they can even stand their ground and assail a predator with hard sharp edge hooves. The point is that they don’t make killing them easy and at no time do they trust trust those that want to devour them.

The Prey of society is perhaps the smallest and rarest are the people. Those who distance themselves. The easiest to identify are the preppers and off-griders. These people are often branded as crazies and anti-social, but as the world continues its downward spiral, there is a growing interest in their lifestyles. Even pursing homesteading and tiny house living are becoming attractive alternatives to mainstream society. In France, there are large numbers of people that have chosen to live in yurts to escape the oppressive French bureaucracy.

The sad truth.

Most people almost never see themselves as prey, liking to believe that on some level they’re proud predators. But, the truth is that most people are neither predator nor prey. In the 3 different groups of people, they belong to the category of barnyard animal. The food and comfort has been made plentiful to the point that people are dying from malnutrition, while simultaneously being morbidly obese. Like pigs in a pen, huge swaths of civilization gorge themselves on food, made to fatten and calm them, while doing little or no physical activity.

They go from air conditioned homes, to air conditioned cars and into air conditioned buildings. Their jobs are manufacturers of meaningless garbage that no one truly needs, such as social media moderators. The number of people who are still doing any hard physical labor is shrinking and as it does, perhaps at some point it’ll become obvious that most people are just fattened livestock who are destined, in some form, to be served on a dinner plate. In the meantime like cows being milked or chickens laying eggs, these unhealthy hoards keep the economy booming with their dependency on the medical community and pharmaceuticals to get through each day.

Farmers are the most extreme apex predators in existence. They have found a way to remove the need to hunt for their meat and instead literally raise animals for the purpose of eating them. When looking at different groups of people, 90% of humanity most probably falls into this category of livestock. They have all the fear instincts of herd animals, but instead of running or facing the predator, they look towards them for protection and comfort. When someone in their barn disappears, almost all of them simply go back to eating and praising the farmer for his kindness. Of all the different groups of people, these are the most dangerous, because they will do anything to protect their blissfully ignorant lifestyle. – Never trust anyone who lives comfortable and always smiles.

Neither Optimist nor Pessimist

Pragmatism doesn’t see a glass of water in terms of half-full (optimism) or half-empty (pessimism.) It simply says that there is half a glass of water. For the pragmatist, the situation is the situation and when a problem arises, they implement solutions without concern to how they’ll be viewed, either positive or negative. Like fighter pilots engaged in a dog fight, their forte is situational awareness and in the different groups of people, it’s the one quality shared by both predator and prey. The problem is far too many people make the choice to be livestock because it’s easier than having to face life on its terms. There are risks and because life gives no guarantees, many of those risks can be fatal or worse. Therefore, it really comes down to a question of what category in the different groups of people does someone want to be? Predator, prey or livestock?

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Filth worse than a pigsty Fri, 07 Oct 2022 22:15:22 +0000 Many people live in a filth worse than a pigsty Everyone has heard the stories of someone that lives in…

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Many people live in a filth worse than a pigsty

Everyone has heard the stories of someone that lives in filth worse than a pigsty. Cockroaches, rotting food, garbage and discarded clothes and other items strewn all over their home. The tendency is to believe that individuals who live like that, are the exception, outcasts from mainstream society, and not the kind of person that might be our next door neighbor. It’s been said many times that the porn industry can often be a canary in a coal mine, giving the pornographer a world view, inconceivable to most. These observations have led, this pornographer to see that the number of human beings who are either ignorant that they’re living in squalor, or worse, have chosen to live in it, is growing exponentially.

Either lazy, badly raised or mentally ill.

People who live in a filth worse than a pigsty, have always been seen as either, lazy, poorly raised or suffering from mental illness. Physics say that objects in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest. Therefore laziness is easy to understand, because for the last 20 years the Western world has seen a growth in sedentary jobs. Subsequently, when the working day is over, the majority have almost no interest in engaging in any kind of physical activity, including housework.

Modern parenting strategies have also failed to instill both knowledge of how to clean up after oneself and the reasons why it’s so important to take care of one’s residence. It’s a truly sad statement that many of today’s youth know more about the importance of keeping parks and wetlands clean of garbage, than they do their homes. When out in public, they can often be the first individual to snip at someone to put their plastic fast food drink in the right receptacle; but where they live, a similar container will sit spilling on to their floor because they never think to take it to the curb. They live in filth worse than a pigsty, because they never learned any better.

Mental illness, including substance abuse disorders, are quickly growing in number. Prolonged isolation can cause both someone’s mind to fracture and a create addictions. Perhaps one of the saddest and most correct arguments against social media is that it is only an illusion of socialization. In reality, users are all alone and in a form of self-imposed solitary confinement. It also needs to be noted that lock downs added to the number of people suffering with mental health problems while governments and the media refuse to acknowledge the torture that they’ve inflicted on a mass international scale.

Today this increasing filth stems from all of the above

Independent pornographers are witnessing a lot of filth worse than a pigsty. In this era of decentralized porn production, some old school pornographers have resorted to filming “civilians.” (ie: People who are neither professional porn talent nor have intentions of becoming a pro) Therefore filming often takes place in private residences; and it’s here that they glean a collection of horror stories. The kind of horrors that normally are only emergency service workers and landlords encounter.

I walked into the apartment of one 22 year old girl. She was absolutely beautiful, but all I could smell was cat shit, and the place was filled with fleas. What’s more, there wasn’t a bare or clean spot anywhere on the floor that someone could stand in. Perhaps the most remarkable part was she had her Harvard degree hung up for everyone to see. In the weeks following, the performer became both harassing and verbally abusive towards him. In the end getting the footage wasn’t worth the headaches or the bug bites.

So what’s a pornographer to do ?

People who appear in adult videos have to provide the producer with copies of their ID and sign a contract attesting that they are legal age adults, who are consenting to having sex for the purpose of creating pornography. When someone lives in a filth worse than a pigsty, it can be a warning that they might not be legally able to give consent or sign over the rights to the video which they helped produce. The real question is, “what should a pornographer do when they question someone’s mental stability?”

Obviously, they should refuse to film the individual, and it should be comforting to everyone that I don’t. But unlike firefighters or law enforcement, an adult content producer lacks the tools to intervene. Furthermore, given the nature of our work, a pornographer isn’t likely to receive a friendly response from the police or other emergency service. This fact alone cuts our options down to simply walking away; hoping someone else comes along to address the real issue. Because, even bringing in a cleaning crew to make the place livable, or at least passable as a filming location, won’t change the problem that this person has developed the propensity to live in filth worse than a pigsty. After-all, these living conditions not only tax the body physically, they also have an isolating effect those living in squalor, thereby taxing their mental state as well.

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The virginity gap Tue, 20 Sep 2022 17:36:16 +0000 The virginity gap between the sexes has changed. A porn industry veteran, Hamilton Steele, says that there’s a virginity gap…

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The virginity gap between the sexes has changed.

A porn industry veteran, Hamilton Steele, says that there’s a virginity gap between men and women. He attributes this to societal rewards for female promiscuity. To quote, “No one is compensating a woman for remaining chaste.” In fact, it’s very much the opposite. Even a very plain looking woman can earn significant money, if she’s willing to sell access to her vagina. As testament to this fact, the Internet has seen an unprecedented uptick in platforms who facilitate helping ladies monetize their self-produced pornography. So it should be no surprise that, these social porn media sites are also fueled, in no small part, by a surge in virginal and sexually inept male users.

For older male virgins, porn has become their sex life.

A pornographer has a different world perspective compared to the average person. As porn has become a dominate force in modern society, women are catching up to men in its consumption. While the growing market of female viewers should be reason to celebrate from a pornographer’s perspective, porn addiction effects women differently and long-term that may mean a complete change in the market. Because unlike their male counterparts who substitute porn for sex to the detriment of interpersonal relationships. In females, this hypersexualization tends to lead to sexual promiscuity and extreme liberal sexual attitudes when it comes to relationships.

Among addicts the virginity gap is even more pronounced, because the female porn addicts are rarely virgins, while too much porn for men means that they have trouble connecting with women. Female porn addiction appears to come in two flavors ;

(1) Hypersexuality which often proceeds a sex addiction
(2) Insecurities and/or frigidity while still having an addiction to watching porn.

A pornographer obviously sees a lot of women who want to pursue a career in the adult industry. Just a decade ago, money was the dominate reason for wanting to be a pornstar. Today, almost as many females sex addicts, view being an adult performer as a means to indulge their cravings and secondarily still manage to keep a roof over their heads. During a quick interview, one 20 year old girl happily said that she views a porn career as a way to get rodeo fucked daily, without having to worry about becoming homeless. When asked about how long she has been looking at porn and at what age she lost her virginity, she responded that probably been looking at adult videos since she was 8. She had sex for the first time on her 13th birthday, unbeknownst to her 30 year old partner, who she led to believe that she was 19.

Females with insecurities, depression and/or who are frigid, also often find their way into the sex industry. But that is nothing new in the porno world. Porn video producers and performers are most often very complimentary towards female talent, stoking egos is part of the game. So the insecure find themselves the center of attention and of course with make-up, cameras, and being called models, they feel attractive. Whereas the appeal to purely frigid females is that sexual acts are staged and sometimes almost mechanical. They’re not expected to enjoy the sex, just to make it look good. Furthermore, the relationship with their sexual partners are over when a producer says “It’s a wrap, you can go home” . It’s the large increase of this kind of woman entering the business that is unusual, and once again for many of them they started having sex at a very young age.

The virginity gap between men and women from porn’s perspective.

The Internet instills a false belief that males are the winners in the current situation. Every man believes he can quickly create his fan page and he’ll be a success because hoards of females will pay to see him naked and masturbating. The paradox is that most women have almost no interest in solo male pornography and they gravitate towards the multi-performer and lesbian videos. They want to see a woman enjoying herself. It’s gay men predominantly, who want to see a man alone. And even this demographic can be fickle, because homosexual males will also watch heterosexual porn, when the male talent is well endowed, attractive or has some other arousing feature.

More evidence for the male vs female virginity gap is demonstrated by those men who are hoping to become pornstars. There will never be a shortage of guys that want to be in the sex industry. Some find their way into a pornographer’s office and many them are both extremely well endowed and physically attractive. But those qualities, although preferable, are no guarantee to a porn career, because more often than not, size is NOT enough to get the job done. Unfortunately, for the past 5 years, many of these hopeful males are still virgins, having never had sex in their personal lives, they believe that the hours they have devoted to watching the finished product makes them an expert. These hopeful swordsmen, rarely have the stamina or control to make a porn, not to mention a complete lack of finesse with the female talent.

No porn producer can (or will) take a chance on a guy that hasn’t had some kind of active sex life, prior to his interest in doing porn. Viagra can’t fix broken… It can only make what works even better. A 30 year old virgin male has usually watched thousands of hours of pornography and at best they have erection and attention deficit problems. Any pornographer that doesn’t have access to a large pool of talent most often will favor taking a chance on men that are at least over 40. Money is on the line and there’s so much competition that profit margins are low. So when looking for straight male talent, it’s often necessary to be the porn industry equivalent to an FBI profiler.

The unifying factor between the sexes is early exposure to porn.

The pornographic industry has always been on the cutting edge of both technology and societal trends. It’s also resilient to an arguable fault as even the most theocratic and totalitarian governments have been unable to eliminate demand for it; on the contrary attempts to do so only increase its desirability. So the industry can be thought of as the proverbial canary in the coal mine, when it comes to alerting us to societal changes or problems. Only, when the bird dies, instead of alerting everyone to flee the danger zone, pornographers will attempt to make money selling images of dead canaries. What many porno veterans are predicting is an eminent normalization of sex with children. But the shape that normalization takes will depend greatly on society’s relationship with the sex industry. Will children become exploited in the mine, or will it be boarded up, and the old ways of marrying pubescent girls to older established men, be rediscovered? Or, do we still have hope to build a better and a more appealing future?

Hamilton and Ghost discuss the Virginity Gap in their podcast

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Portion of Sales to Charity Wed, 16 Mar 2022 21:41:41 +0000 A new way to give a portion of sales to charity In order to better satisfy the current market, it’s…

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A new way to give a portion of sales to charity

In order to better satisfy the current market, it’s become necessary to appease many different people, so we have decided to donate a portion of sales to charity. This is a complete change to our normal business model which was predicated on the old fashion idea of minimizing costs and maximizing profits, only worrying about the law and nothing else. Unfortunately, this change in policy must start with talent because they’re really the only people complaining at the lack of social activism and/or political agenda. Well, to be completely honest, this will only affect our porn talent because our consumers are too busy stroking their cocks to care who or what we support; they only bitch when they can’t jerk off.

Porn performers will now be separated into two different groups.

Group A is the socially concerned, aka social justice warriors, more recently self identified as Democrat supporters. No longer will these bleeding-hearts be paid for their sexual performances in front of our cameras. Instead the donated portion of sales to charity will be an amount equal to how much they would have normally been paid. In lieu of actual money, we’re now providing performers the means to show their support by giving them a way to FUCK FOR THEIR CAUSE. For example, if racism is their biggest worry, then we will make certain that every cock that goes in them is attached to a person of color. While individuals with white/caucasian penises will be tied up and forced to sit in a corner as punishment for their toxic masculinity and white privilege.

Group B is comprised of the patriots, also frequently called red hats but generally known as Republicans. Unlike Group A, these people will be paid, but by check, put in the mail with the upmost care like their votes. Orange tinged tan lines will be encouraged. And we expect them to show their sexual enthusiasm with the emphatic volume of Alex Jones. A copy of the 2nd amendment will be included in the model releases and they’ll be allowed to display and talk about their guns during sex. Needless to say, these heartless rednecks will get everything they want, including a bonus can of paint to spruce up their trailer-home.

Be careful when giving a portion of sales to charity

All jokes aside, at a recent networking event a comment was made that we would donate a portion of sales to charity. Known politically to be an anarchist hoping for the implosion of all government, it obviously wasn’t a serious statement; we’re pornographers after-all. Unfortunately there were clients that took it seriously and they wanted to know which charity. Good business sense and experience should have dropped the issue, instead of trying to pursue the matter. Within a week, a handful of clients found excuses to limit their business with us. Obviously, the charity mentioned wasn’t viewed favorably by everyone. Since the donation of a portion of sales to charity was going to a cause that they didn’t support, they chose to demonstrate their disapproval by giving their money to someone else. This wouldn’t have been an issue had only the other side decided to do business with us because we might financially help support a group that they liked.

Donating a portion of sales to charity should only be given to those organizations that are overwhelmingly safe such as combating illiteracy or hunger. The smart business man remains resolutely neutral in face of all social and political issues. Politics and social problems are a double edged sword, meaning that you risk to anger just as many people as you hope to seduce with your virtue signalling. It’s most often safer to simply keep your opinions to yourself and keep your business out of all social and political controversies. And maybe also save sarcastic jokes for your inner circle of friends, because not doing so these days, professionally is no laughing matter.

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Sex Trafficking Fri, 04 Mar 2022 20:46:09 +0000 We are not all victims of sex trafficking. It seems like the save-a-whore gang can’t resist asking sex workers if…

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We are not all victims of sex trafficking.

It seems like the save-a-whore gang can’t resist asking sex workers if they’re victims of sex trafficking or how bad their criminal record is. Amazingly, there are many of us that were never victims of sex trafficking and we don’t have criminal records. Unfortunately, most of the time, no matter what you say to the virtue signalling brigade, there’s nothing that will convince them that you’re not covering up for someone or lying. A certain mega church has proven that with pamphlets stuck in my mailbox and a weekly prayer meetup (now) in their parking lot. Such groups don’t want to accept anything that differs from the popular narrative, more so especially when that reality differs greatly from the one that puts large sums of money in their pockets. – Sadly, there is no shortage of schemes to make a dollar on the backs of sex workers.

There are many paths that lead to the sex industry. Addictions, sexual abuse and yes, even sex trafficking but those are by no means inclusive of everyone. My path is directly attributable to a college debt and equity hiring practices. On what can only be described as a fortunate set of circumstances, I became a male stripper, first in handful of specialty events catering only to women and then later in gay strip bars because there was more work and the money was better. Interestingly, the majority of my co-workers were both heterosexuals and fathers trying to support their child/ren. My experiences show that the hardest substance consumed by most of the dancers was marijuana. In those days, the only addiction I saw was among the actual homosexuals, but it was for steroids.

People with substance addiction problems, abuse issues and financial desperation exist in every industry. Human trafficking only becomes sex trafficking because of the sexual element. However, agricultural workers are trafficked and construction workers are also trafficked. An example is how human trafficking syndicates in Dubai lure Filipinos with training programs and then ship them to jobs in Iraq when their tourist visas expire. No one however, seems to talk too much about them; because “saving-a-whore” and specifically targeting sex trafficking is far more salacious in the public’s mind. As a consequence it earns virtue signalling groups more money, while pushing its advocates higher up the political ladder.

Sex work is work.

Porn workers aren’t all that different from professional athletes. Often what happens on camera entails a lot of physical effort. Also, many of us put a huge investment in our bodies by working out and taking supplements. The point is the majority of sex workers are not victims of sex trafficking and they don’t need to be saved. What’s needed is the decriminalization of sex work, because it double victimizes those who turn to this industry because they have no other options which satisfy their particular circumstance. There is an independence that sex work affords us, a self direction of how we spend our time and energy. It pays well, and accommodates those with extreme personalities or time-consuming responsibilities. For all these reasons, this decriminalization must come with continued independence. To legalize it, then require of us some certification and registration or that we work within the confines of some government sanctioned institution, just removes the very freedoms that make the job worthwhile. We’d all be much happier if the government and NGOs just disappeared; their resources could be better used elsewhere, and maybe just maybe they might prevent some from the situation that causes this work to become an option in the first place.

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Keep Your Kids Away from Pornographers Fri, 14 Jan 2022 21:13:24 +0000 How to keep your kids away from pornographers It’s becoming difficult to keep your kids away from pornographers because we…

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How to keep your kids away from pornographers

It’s becoming difficult to keep your kids away from pornographers because we live in a pornified world. There are many roads that lead to a my door, and they run the whole gambit from drug abuse to thrill seekers. However, these days, the most common porn slut maker is what I call ghost parents. Ghost parents are physically in their child’s life but they have little or no substantial interaction with their kids. The ghost parent might even work hard to provide for the physical needs of their children, but in doing so their emotional needs get neglected. On your child’s 18th birthday s/he is legally considered an adult and people like me are eager to teach them how to have sex on camera in exchange for money, the one thing that you have taught them has tangible value. Furthermore, there’s nothing a parent can do about it, because by then, it’s too late.

The parents might do an incredible job keeping food on the table, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs. They might even go to every parent teacher meeting and be involved with the PTA. However, apart from these obvious responsibilities they’re otherwise just too busy or preoccupied with their own lives to interact with their children. These parents are emotionally drained by professional demands, putting all their energy into working towards a deadline or promotion. They find themselves short fused around the never-ending demands of child rearing and seek time to themselves or with friends to decompress and “be a better parent”. Leaving children to quietly play on their screens, be babysat or even just stay home alone if they are old enough. Absenteeism isn’t not a formula to keep your kids away from pornographers, in fact it drives many of them right into our loving arms.

Pornographers like being father figures.

Adult videos starring 18 year olds are undoubtedly popular among pedophiles and are completely legal. I’ve have had young porn talent introduce me to their siblings when they became legally able to consent. Girls literally celebrating their birthdays on set, thinking about all the goodies their new job will provide them with. I even remember being on set with 3 sisters aged between 22 and 18. The slutty sisters even shared scenes becoming a fucking family. There is a reason why, “who’s your Daddy?” is a porno line. During the shoot, I listened to the producer constantly praise the girls for how beautiful they were and how spectacular their work was. There were also big hugs and kisses whenever any of them wanted them. Sexually inappropriate misconduct is just not a thing on porn sets. Anyone who wants to keep their kids away from pornographers needs to start by becoming close to their children. And they need to do it, on their kids terms, while they are still young and looking for parental attention. Not after they have grown enough to have given up and are are ready to find someone else.

School Sucks ! The porn industry has already started to benefit from the school systems neglect to teach reading, writing and arithmetic in favor of studies in gender expression. So to keep your kids away from pornographers you need to either put an end to the bullshit going on their schools or pull them out and home-school them. As a producer, getting to know my talent for who they believe themselves to be has been both rewarding and very profitable. Unsurprisingly, I have had all kinds of sexuality expressionists enter my doors. The young biological female who swore she was a boy and wanted to only do solo work, ended up doing a mini gangbang and now she escorts. So I guess. like me, her new gender is whore. – Trust me, there are lots of pornographers eagerly anticipating what the mask generation will be willing to do for an easy dollar and with luck it won’t cost us much more than that.

Another way to keep your kids away from pornographers is to stop being a helicopter parent, this behavior is akin to a prison warden. You need to stop preventing your kids from doing things, fearing that they may be hurt, and start to do things WITH them that challenge them to grow. Get your fucking priorities in order, because I guarantee that most people don’t need to be spending their money on half the crap which they do. Most couples can afford to have one parent stay home instead of working, and either home school the children or at least be there when needed. Unfortunately the majority of people chose to send a message to their kids that having money to keep up with tech, entertainment and fashion, is more important than interpersonal relationships. In fact they teach them that they are showing their love by buying the newest Iphone, Netflix or Amazon Prime subscription or driving the coolest car. Single parents should make every effort to force the government to pay them to stay home. Let’s face it, the government spends trillions on useless crap, would taxes not be better spent helping raise decent human beings?

As always, what someone chooses to do is up to them. They’re your kids and not mine, I don’t want the responsibility. But once they are legally adults, all bets are off. Just don’t say that you weren’t warned, when you see your 18 year old daughter on the Internet screwing me.

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Managing Misinformation Sun, 09 Jan 2022 02:37:22 +0000 Whoever is managing misinformation, is the Ministry of Truth If you are following the news at all these days you…

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Whoever is managing misinformation, is the Ministry of Truth

If you are following the news at all these days you would believe that managing misinformation is the crucial altruistic purpose of media venues, both social media and traditional news. In reality we are witnessing the birth-pangs of an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. When we allow a third party to decide what is ok for us to know and what is not, we are essentially allowing them to do the thinking for us. Not only denying ourselves the opportunity to engage in critical thinking, but trusting that said third party is truly infallible. omniscient and benevolent enough to be allowed to make this decision on our behalf. Misinformation is nothing more than a fancy word for lies, but when the media uses it, to ascribe everything outside of the preferred narrative, that narrative becomes propaganda.

The concept of misinformation comes from the Russian word dezinformatsiya, which was according to Wikipedia, a government propaganda program whose purpose was to create false information whose source was also falsely associated. It’s sort of like a false flag operation but using the media to sway public opinion. Here’s an example… Going back to Nazi Germany, Hitler didn’t have full control of the nation at first, and the communist party was his parliamentary opposition party. He called for a reelection, then the parliament building was torched. Immediately the communists were blamed, it was decreed a terrorist act signaling a communist uprising and in the upcoming weeks the communist party credibility was destroyed and members were villanized while, Hitler’s Nazi’s gained full control over the government processes, law making, right revoking, property confiscating, etc

A media today is possibly even more powerful than it was in Hitler’s era. It dominates our lives, our social interactions, the screens at work, at our gyms and in our homes. It stimulates our eyes, our ears and especially our emotions. This emotional response ripe with dopamine is a powerful tool that has split the population into rival gangs. Reason goes out the window, facts become are irrelevant, and misinformation peddlers are labeled far-right extremists. Those self elected to the task of managing misinformation, label others as a consequence of questioning the status quo or choosing one’s own narrative, even when based on personal experience, and it has nothing to do with voting history or vaccine status. A population divided is already half conquered, because we attack each other instead of the forces that truly disrupt our lives and livelihood. But this is NOT about Trump vs Biden…heck the main debate today is mandates versus precaution when it comes to dealing with Covid and both political leaders are on the SAME team when it comes to the vaccine. Trump continues to peddle the shot at every speaking engagement, it was after-all his “baby”, he is the one behind “operation warp speed” and allowed an experimental pharmaceutical solution on the market before it was fully tested. Biden just takes things one step further by trying to mandate that everyone takes it. And those managing misinformation? Well, they don’t want us to know enough to make an informed decision, because they think we are all too stupid to understand anything that they don’t tell us… Truthfully, from my perspective watching this fiasco unfold, I can see where they might get the idea that people are too stupid to make their own decisions.

A feeble mind can be overindulged

The brain like any muscle in the body responds better to good nutrition and exercise, than it does to sweets and passive activity. And just like an armchair athlete, we often think we know something because we agree with something we are told. Unfortunately even the so called educated are not exempt. So called college graduates have been increasingly unable to read at their degree certified grade level. In the 90s already less than half of the graduates showed reading proficiency of regular text , their understanding worsened when it came to reading documents. The number of graduates who regurgitate, but can’t understand what they are reading grew from there. As a consequence, so called experts, may not be. Which leaves the question, who then is managing misinformation? Those who have an analytical understanding of the articles on which they pass judgement, or is their measure merely if the information contradicts their personal beliefs? We all must be diligent and seek data, numbers, not conjecture and hyperbole.

We have been intellectually lobotomized by adjective heavy reports that quote things in such a way as to confound the average consumer. When it comes to keeping a public terrified of Covid, case numbers are quoted (without consistent testing parameters – but that’s another issue) and we never hear about how many people got better from it. Actually the way things have been presented is akin to convincing the public that the more lottery tickets are sold, the better the chances of their numbers coming up. And although death totals are more pertinent, they too must be kept in perspective to real risk? For instance. how healthy were those who Covid took out ? Were they physically active or just waiting to die ? (Sorry it seems cold, but with 80% of the deaths in America hitting those in their retirement years, one needs to ask, the hard questions.) Science up until recently was about asking those troublesome questions, challenging other people’s findings. The offspring research accounting for more parameters, and fine tuning things as a result. Conversely, when everything is excepted as is, errors are not caught, and progress dies. Sure, we’ll get subsequent “boosters”, but is a the fiscally timed development by someone with a monopoly, really the best solution?

Life isn’t about always feeling good, it’s about experiences. Bad things will happen, they are opportunities to reflect and learn. Introspection and reading are how we exercise a mind. Fail to do this and our thoughts become clouded, our attention distracted, eventually the lethargy overtakes us and we allow someone else to do the thinking for us, telling us what to believe. Managing misinformation is not the job of some faceless institution, it is the duty of every freedom loving free-thinking soul. It is an individual responsibility, to be judged against your own personal experiences, observations and discoveries. Failure to do so invites deception to control you, dictatorship to guide you and binds you to a chain gang like existence that will eventually even rob you the hope of escape. Think of this as the last decision you make. Believe what I am suggesting and get off the proverbial couch and start training your mind to think again or don’t and let you brain be directed by another to do what’s best for them, not you.

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