In the eyes of the law Ghislaine Maxwell is innocent until proven guilty.
Ghislaine Maxwell, according to Jeffrey Epstein’s long-time pilot, had a relationship that was more personal than professional with the convicted pedophile. If this is true, her innocence is highly improbable. But when it comes to justice, I’ll admit that my opinion is that the police are similar to mob enforcer goons and that sitting judges are the government’s equivalent of Mafia capodecina. Only unlike the Mafioso, the political establishment isn’t going to give the victims sharp knives and leave them alone with their assailant for 10 minutes. (Which might actually be a better deterrent to crime). Instead the media is either going to turn this courtroom drama into a new television reality series or worse, they’re going to cover it up, to protect a bunch of billionaire pedophiles.
In this world there are 2 justice systems, a rich man’s and a poor man’s.
OJ Simpson may literally gotten away with murder when he was rich, but he was just another poor sucker when they grabbed him for robbery. Hiding from the truth won’t change it and unless you have close to a billion dollars in your checking account. The only people in the legal system that are going to even give you the time of day, are the lawyers getting fat paychecks while they drain your financial resources. Unfortunately for 99% of the people, we’re better off buying a baseball bat and taking matters into our own hands, than we are trying to get justice from the system. Barbarism might be a horrible thing to base a society upon, but it would be fair. It would even prevent much of this from happening in the first place as the smaller players who feed the exotic tastes of the elite predators would be taken out by vigilantism years earlier, before their circle of power and influence could grow. Ghislaine Maxwell has lived her whole life as a wealthy socialite, and she has already been sued on similar charges, her family’s wealth too, has a history of power, influence and even embezzlement from the working class.
To be blunt, anyone that suspects or knows that someone is molesting a child and chooses to remain silent is guilty of aiding the abuser. This means that in my opinion, the only way Ghislaine Maxwell could claim she’s innocent is that somehow she wasn’t aware of what Jeffery Epstein was doing with young girls. I can accept not knowing that innocent children were being molested, if their relationship was purely professional. My business partner and I, despite having a working relationship that’s lasted more than a decade, live separate private lives. We share a lot of information about our private lives, but it’s no where near 100%. Therefore, if the relationship between Ghislaine and Jeffery were anything more than business, then I can’t believe that she didn’t know what he was doing.
Ghislaine Maxwell is wealthy and I suspect that she greatly increased her wealth because of her relationship with Epstein. Therefore it comes as no surprise that she has some very powerful friends and contacts, such as Prince Andrew, former President Donald Trump and Bill Gates. What’s really terrifying is that many of her friends and contacts may have also abused children. I can’t help but wonder just how many of society’s powerful elites were involved in these crimes and how many of them are untouchable.
There exist people more powerful that even the President of the United States. But if the general population has even heard of these people, they are mostly unaware of the extent of their power. Someone like this could demand that Ghislaine Maxwell be declared innocent, just to protect his interests. Or perhaps, she’ll conveniently commit suicide in jail, before she can implicate others. Regardless of how this plays out, everyone who isn’t a member of the billionaires club or can’t dine in Buckingham Palace, should be aware that the people who do are not your friends. They’re predators with enough financial and political resources to create hell on earth for anyone who stands between them and what they want….Ironic isn’t it? When barbarism is denied to the insignificant little guy, the head honcho is free to dish out what ever torture he can devise with impunity.