ChatGPT has been weaponized from the start.
ChatGPT has been weaponized and for a former university computer science student, the decision to change his major because of their morals has been justified. The majority of people self-delude that the wealthy and powerful are committed to protecting and providing for the less fortunate. However, literally, all recorded human history has demonstrated that most often, these elites are focused exclusively on what will increase their own personal power and/or wealth. Viewing everyone who is not counted part of their select few, as a mere resource to be exploited.
Snake oil salesmen got their name from the 19th century men who traveled the United States selling miracle cures for sicknesses and pains. These miraculous medicines often offered nothing more than a placebo effect and over time the moniker was adopted to refer to any con job. The point is that it doesn’t take very much to swindle large numbers of people. It’s a very basic strategy that’s used by politicians, preachers, CEOs, cult leaders and marketing departments all over the world. “Smile… Speak Positively… And pretend to be everyone’s best friend.” Basically, the road to success is through political correctness.
But P.C. culture ignores the ugly truths in society, It forces people to pretend that the elephant in the room doesn’t exist, instead of working on a solution to free the massive beast of burden. Likewise, AI in its bid to avoid addressing unsavory topics refuses to respond to requests that are deemed too controversial, or having possible emotional triggers for the sensitive population. Already ChatGPT has been weaponized because it operates according to the values of those who built it. There are numerous examples of the programmer’s personal beliefs influencing its output results. For example, ChatGPT was once asked to write a poem praising former President Donald Trump and it refused on moral grounds. However, it had zero difficulties creating a poem praising President Biden. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that ChatGPT’s designers vote for Democrats.
AI must be neutral; free of all opinions and emotional biases of those who created it. It must be a machine that has the same loyalties of a hand gun. (ie: It obeys everyone regardless age, gender, politics, etc. And, it can be used against anyone, including its creators.) Otherwise a widely used tool like ChatGPT has been weaponized against its users, like Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.
On the surface, it might appear comical that someone employed in the porn industry is sounding the alarm that ChatGPT has been weaponized. Except, the very nature of the porn production is opportunism. This industry has always been at the foreground of exploiting technology to its benefit. In the jizz biz, it’s never been about what the tech intended purpose is or what it was designed to do. Instead, it’s always been about “What can it be made to do.”
A handgun makes a bad hammer.
On the other hand, it might be a highly efficient substitute for a drill for putting holes in a wall.
When ChatGPT arrived on the scene, hundreds of content creators rushed to see if they could get it to write pornographic stories. Many spent long hours rephrasing questions and trying to trick the AI with various degrees of success. The current popular consensus is that it remained more or less true to its creator’s ethics. Unfortunately, this is might be the 1st time in history, when a group of people have been banned from using a piece of technology. It’s not a case of Rosa Parks being told to sit at the back of the bus… Rather, it’s the bus driver making anyone, who they don’t like, pound pavement and walk.
Clearly ChatGPT has been weaponized, and that decision happened long before it was made available to the general public. When it can exclude (ban) one social group of individuals from using it then it can exclude others. Despite the majority of people who consume pornography, the elites wouldn’t shed any tears if sex workers disappeared. In truth, there are small very vocal groups that lobby for its destruction and this is where the con game is played.
Today’s snake oil selling elites are testing and perfecting their AI weapons using a historically maligned and marginalized group of people. Meanwhile, they convince the ignorant masses that this destruction is truly a virtue and will cure many of society’s ills. When in reality, it’s really a poison being administered. while they themselves flourish financially and politically. They control the words, the thoughts, even the history available to those who use it. Annihilating the wild weeds that take hold despite adversity. Leaving the masses completely dependent upon the elites, and their AIs for all the answers, and entertainment, and absolutely ignorant of what freedoms, liberties and livelihoods have been lost.
When the day arrives that a gun will only work for one person, then the person who controls the gun, will hold all the power. AI is that gun !