Cindy Lopes fears pedophiles might teach her children
Cindy Lopes fears pedophiles could possibly one day be teaching her children. Cindy Lopes, of Secret Story fame, isn’t known to be hard on the eyes, nor to keep her tongue silenced. During an interview recently she admitted that she won’t let her children be taught by men. She is serious, to the point of even changing schools, should no class led by a female teacher be available. During season 3 of Secret Story, Cindy Lopes was discovered by audiences. The curvy blond, brought a spicy sex appeal to Benjamin Castaldi’s program. She was known for her unwavering opinionated outbursts, more so perhaps than her sensuality.
For this mother, men cannot be her children’s teachers.
The young woman has managed to monopolize her sudden celebrity status. Books, a one-woman show and most recently, she has started an account on the platform MYM to which specializes in erotic content. It was during a promo interview of this launch, that she confided to youtuber Sam Zirah. When the young man asked about the education of her children, the young woman explained, ” I absolutely forbid that my children be administered by men, as their teachers. ” She swore that if ever the day came that this was to be, she would, ” change the class, the school or move away.”
Cindy Lopes is worried that her children could fall victim to a pedophile.
The declaration seems startling. But this mother justified her position with this elaboration, “When a professor is accused of being a pedophile, he isn’t excluded from the National Education system, but he is silenced.” Her interviewer pressed her to learn more, asking if she herself had been a victim of abuse in her youth. But the mother assured us that no, she had other reasons for her worries. “I was in contact with some people who were journalists in other domains, and who had made investigations into that subject. And I took note that it was a place that was very…we are in a peculiar country… there are some worries in France.”
The Virginity Gap
For Cindy Lopes, France has much to do in regards to sexual predators posted in schools about the country. She explained that France has yet to be held accountable, or scrutinized like England and Belgium have been. Leaving France an open playground for ill-doers in her opinion. “That leaves me thinking that we must pay attention to our children”. And she’s barely getting started on the subject.
Like Libs-of-TikTOK has exposed here in the USA, the public school system is rife with disturbed individuals who take pride in indoctrinating children into their own person beliefs. But here it is obvious that men are not exclusively to blame. Women too are at ground zero when it comes manipulating our children’s sexual development, often in lieu of teaching the life skills that parents sent them to the institutions to learn. So maybe it’s the system we should boycott, or maybe in France, pedophilia, is a gender specific law…perhaps France’s president knows something about that, he is after all married to his high school drama teacher.