Many people live in a filth worse than a pigsty
Everyone has heard the stories of someone that lives in filth worse than a pigsty. Cockroaches, rotting food, garbage and discarded clothes and other items strewn all over their home. The tendency is to believe that individuals who live like that, are the exception, outcasts from mainstream society, and not the kind of person that might be our next door neighbor. It’s been said many times that the porn industry can often be a canary in a coal mine, giving the pornographer a world view, inconceivable to most. These observations have led, this pornographer to see that the number of human beings who are either ignorant that they’re living in squalor, or worse, have chosen to live in it, is growing exponentially.
Either lazy, badly raised or mentally ill.
People who live in a filth worse than a pigsty, have always been seen as either, lazy, poorly raised or suffering from mental illness. Physics say that objects in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest. Therefore laziness is easy to understand, because for the last 20 years the Western world has seen a growth in sedentary jobs. Subsequently, when the working day is over, the majority have almost no interest in engaging in any kind of physical activity, including housework.
Modern parenting strategies have also failed to instill both knowledge of how to clean up after oneself and the reasons why it’s so important to take care of one’s residence. It’s a truly sad statement that many of today’s youth know more about the importance of keeping parks and wetlands clean of garbage, than they do their homes. When out in public, they can often be the first individual to snip at someone to put their plastic fast food drink in the right receptacle; but where they live, a similar container will sit spilling on to their floor because they never think to take it to the curb. They live in filth worse than a pigsty, because they never learned any better.
Mental illness, including substance abuse disorders, are quickly growing in number. Prolonged isolation can cause both someone’s mind to fracture and a create addictions. Perhaps one of the saddest and most correct arguments against social media is that it is only an illusion of socialization. In reality, users are all alone and in a form of self-imposed solitary confinement. It also needs to be noted that lock downs added to the number of people suffering with mental health problems while governments and the media refuse to acknowledge the torture that they’ve inflicted on a mass international scale.
Today this increasing filth stems from all of the above
Independent pornographers are witnessing a lot of filth worse than a pigsty. In this era of decentralized porn production, some old school pornographers have resorted to filming “civilians.” (ie: People who are neither professional porn talent nor have intentions of becoming a pro) Therefore filming often takes place in private residences; and it’s here that they glean a collection of horror stories. The kind of horrors that normally are only emergency service workers and landlords encounter.
I walked into the apartment of one 22 year old girl. She was absolutely beautiful, but all I could smell was cat shit, and the place was filled with fleas. What’s more, there wasn’t a bare or clean spot anywhere on the floor that someone could stand in. Perhaps the most remarkable part was she had her Harvard degree hung up for everyone to see. In the weeks following, the performer became both harassing and verbally abusive towards him. In the end getting the footage wasn’t worth the headaches or the bug bites.
So what’s a pornographer to do ?
People who appear in adult videos have to provide the producer with copies of their ID and sign a contract attesting that they are legal age adults, who are consenting to having sex for the purpose of creating pornography. When someone lives in a filth worse than a pigsty, it can be a warning that they might not be legally able to give consent or sign over the rights to the video which they helped produce. The real question is, “what should a pornographer do when they question someone’s mental stability?”
Obviously, they should refuse to film the individual, and it should be comforting to everyone that I don’t. But unlike firefighters or law enforcement, an adult content producer lacks the tools to intervene. Furthermore, given the nature of our work, a pornographer isn’t likely to receive a friendly response from the police or other emergency service. This fact alone cuts our options down to simply walking away; hoping someone else comes along to address the real issue. Because, even bringing in a cleaning crew to make the place livable, or at least passable as a filming location, won’t change the problem that this person has developed the propensity to live in filth worse than a pigsty. After-all, these living conditions not only tax the body physically, they also have an isolating effect those living in squalor, thereby taxing their mental state as well.