Taking a selfie is now being used as identification
Taking a selfie, along with copies of your government ID is now being requested by sites for affiliate programs. Business with those who make you uncomfortable is best minimized, or avoided altogether. While moronic behavior has long been a sign of an unsafe business venture. Without a doubt, each of these sites are able to “justify” and provide “reasons” why they’re requiring selfies, but bureaucrats can find reasons and justifications for literally everything that they do. Regardless of if they are employed by the government or in private sector, creating excuses for their idiotic bureaucracy is the one skill that all functionaries have in common.
Any businessperson with an iota of commonsense will quickly point out that paperwork eats in to their profits. For the intelligent, it’s a question of how much should they tolerate before they move on to easier and more profitable people to work with. So for many, taking a selfie can very much be where they draw the line, and they will dump companies making such a requirement. Unfortunately, alternative options are dwindling, as Big Tech’s oligarchy grows.
Our options become even more limited when you consider that there is no shortage of people in developing nations willing jump through hoops, taking a selfie, or whatever else is requested for a fraction of the payoff we expect. The 3rd world sees the Internet like a promised land of potential revenue, and many companies are happy to replace each Western partner lost with dozens more in non-occidental nations. Long term, they’ll be able to pay these new colleagues less money, thereby increasing their profits. No doubt that many international government circles are betting that they can turn impoverished nations into richer ones and when they become too expensive, they’ll turn their eyes back towards us, who in desperation will cooperate with whatever they ask.
The backbone of tyranny is bureaucratic policies. They may be simply doing business, but they are creating serfdom for society. Tyrants, including private sector ones, are short sighted morons because they seldom look towards creating anything of quality or endurance, in either their products or commercial endeavors. The lure of easy money and prestige is hard to refuse, but it’s a game that the majority of players end up losing. Cooperating with tyranny is perhaps even more short-sighted and stupid because your role as only a pawn has been made abundantly clear. Perhaps taking a selfie “for security reasons” is an innocuous request, but it’s not going to stop there, so don’t be surprised when they demand bio-metric data or worse. You’re in control today; be careful what you give away, or you may lose that control.