The Uncensored Steele Hard Podcast at last
It’s been difficult finding a host for the uncensored Steele Hard podcast. We’ve had our share of problems with being labeled hate speech, misinformation and other various big tech censorship bullshit. Fortunately persistence has paid off and we finally found a host that isn’t friendly toward cancel culture. The only rule is that we’re not allowed to show pee pee parts, but we’re finally free to express ourselves however we want. Rest assured that Ghost and myself are now saying whatever the hell we want. – Besides thoughts and words are more powerful than titties.
We start off the new uncensored Steele Hard Podcast by discussing the problems we’ve had with other platforms, which included having our uploads put in a virtual jail. It’s a brief conversation that involves some strong comical profanity. After all, it’s the first time we’re free to say *Fuck* and like adolescents, we said it a lot! Swearing has never been so much fun!
Our next topic is about Ron Jeremy and my friendship with him. Out of respect for my previous friendship with the man, we chose not to slam him like the mainstream media does and instead remember both his good and bad qualities. For better or for worse, Ronnie was a porn industry legend and the uncensored Steele Hard Podcast cuts through the bullshit to paint a real picture of him.
Lastly, we tackle award shows, comparing the Oscars with porn award shows. With special attention to the hot topic, bitch slap, being showcased by all mainstream media. Because when shit like that goes down in porn circles, nobody walks away as cool and collected as Will Smith did, So sit back and listen to what we have to say. With some luck the uncensored Steele Hard Podcast will remain a permanent fixture of this site. It’s certainly a lot more fun producing a profanity rich sex broadcast, than it is making the politically correct version for easily offended.