Male pornstar wants to be paid per pound
Many of us joked that we wanted to be paid per pound when doing the fat fetish videos. It wasn’t so very long ago that in the mainstream porn industry, new male talent had to prove that their cocks were reliable. This meant that we had to take whatever work was offered us and sometimes that work entailed the fat fetish videos. Even I had to do +400lbs woman in a tub of raw hamburger meat. To this day, when I close my eyes I can still smell the stench of the meat and see the end of the scene where my partner’s face was dripping with sperm while she fried up handfuls of the meat and started eating it. It was a major “yuck” moment in my career and I wasn’t paid per pound. Also, it was the first time I changed my stage name, in order to distance myself from the event.
Gang-bangs, bukkakes, multiple guy cream pie and other assorted group sex acts are the norm when you’re just starting out. But in an industry where a man earns only 20% of what a woman commands per scene, even when we do break through to become recognized talent, we can often find ourselves having to go back to doing the difficult jobs. However, for most of us, it’s one thing to be willing to perform in a bukkake for $100 or a gang bang for $200, everyone does that once in a while. But it’s entirely a different situation, when we’re asked to have 1-on-1 sex with an extremely morbidly obese woman for $100 to $200. You see, as the general population grows at the waistline, what constitutes Fat fetish porn, is more and more extreme. In my day, anyone with more than 100lbs of extra mass could have been used for this fetish. Today, 100 lbs overweight can be used in regular porn. As for Fat fetish porn, the bigger the better, which means often times the camera crew goes to the home of the talent because she rarely leaves the house. So you can understand why male talent, not sharing this fetish, would want to opt to be paid per pound.
Most women in porn can easily avoid having any kind of sex that she’s not comfortable doing, which often includes not working with male talent who she doesn’t find attractive. On top of that, when any female agrees to a gang-bang, etc. she’s earning in excess of $1000. Plus there are more opportunities to make money for women than there are for men. Rest assured that those discussing the gender wage gap are overlooking the porn industry. Women even make more for a girl girl scene than most male talent gets in a day. Female talent never has to worry about being paid per pound, because they’re paid by the dick.
For some obesity is sexy
Despite the public’s continued denial, Covid is slowly bringing to attention that the majority of Americans have a weight problem. So it should come as no surprise that chubby lovers is a huge market and it’s growing because it represents modern day America. In this case it can be said that the USA has paid per pound for its success. So while there’s no such thing as a healthy obese person, in porn, there is a healthy market for obesity. According to a Harris Poll made last year, 42% of people reported an average weight gain of 29 lbs from pandemic lifestyle changes. Since the last statistics calculated for America’s obesity rates were pre-pandemic and over 40% of the population was found to be obese according to the CDC, we can expect that number to have increased. Making the percentage of Americans who are carrying around at least a few extra pounds probably around 75% as estimated by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Male pornstars are a rare breed. We’re able to get a solid erection in front of others and have sex with complete strangers whom we have no interest in. Having sex with a morbidly obese person, isn’t easy for most men, just physically working with that much body mass has it’s own difficulties. especially when they find so much fat to be decidedly unappealing. Male talent used to laugh that we wanted to be paid per pound and pornographer’s fear that it could become a reality if American continues to get bigger and the fat fucks genre keeps growing at the current rate. Imagine instead of paying a meat puppet $100 to $200 for a scene, now having to pay per pound. A 300 or 400 lb woman would be a whole lot more expensive to shoot, especially if the scene calls for more than one on one sex, which as this moves from fetish to commonplace is the next step in the porn evolution.
There’s someone for everyone in this world. When it comes to weight, my motto has always been “a little cushion for the pushing” is more fun than a slutty anorexic. So I do make a distinction between overweight and obese. But my personal preference is for tall, lean athletic women, which makes everything outside of that description work to some extent. By and large, I don’t really care how big a person is; what I don’t tolerate however is people who have these avoidable health issues lecturing me about my health. Or worse, making me responsible for it, while freaking out that I am a some sort of bigot, when my flippant response is that they might not be so afraid of dying if they had spent half the time working out that they do on tv and social media. If you ask me, fat shaming is not a bad thing if it makes someone look at themselves honestly. Frankly, I am getting tired of being asked to participate in others’ self-delusions. Therefore it doesn’t really matter if I am paid per pound or someone is paying for a pounding, as a pornstar, I do what I must to make a living. Being attracted to the person I have sex with is not in my job description. The only thing one needs to take away from this, is in the real world everyone has hundreds of pounds to move around… either to stay fit by lifting barbells in a gym, or getting stuck with the burden of carrying the weight, everyday and with every single movement.