There are increasingly more pious Muslim women in porn
Her eyes barely visible, she could have been a “poster-child” for a pious Muslim but taking off her clothes, she exited her world and entered mine, becoming one of the few pious Muslim women in porn. Within a few minutes, she was naked and sucking my cock. She’s in her early 30s and I took her measurements for my records, 40-23-36 and natural C cup breasts. In Islam it’s recommended to shave off the pubes, but this video project required some fuzz, so my co-star only trimmed her bush short and shaved back from her meaty lips. During our 1st set of stills, she had already started to get wet and there was nice white cream visible when she pulled her pussy open. She was understandably nervous and because there was no need for vulgar talking in this video, I remained professional, polite and friendly.
We went through the 3 positions, missionary, cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. Her natural feminine lubrication was very visible in most of our scene. So if she was feeling guilty about what she was doing it, she didn’t let it show. Her enthusiasm was less sexual and more trying to impress the new boss by doing a good job. In my career I’ve worked with women that were absolutely gorgeous but were equally a dead fuck. I’ve also filmed very plain girls that gave me such great scenes, I was left wondering if I had captured sex or an exorcism. The images we were capturing was nothing extreme, just a good and very strokable porno sex. For a moment I caught myself wondering that if I made a line about pious Muslim women in porn would they all be this pleasurable to work with.
I came on her face, and after pausing for stills, she took a shower while I counted out her pay, in cash. When she left the shower the adhan (أَذَان) sounded on her phone and I asked her to join me in the bedroom for a few moments. My business partner questioned me if I had any guilt about using pious Muslim women in porn. But I don’t. The Muslim community had failed her and I was offering her a solution, albeit a bad one but a solution nevertheless. Desperate times call for desperate action and this was all I had to offer. Despite any regrets she might be feeling, she was happy for the work.
Sam Shaft, a pornographer, once said, “Inside every great woman is an even greater whore.” He’s right, because part of being female is knowing that even in the worst situations she has something of value that she can trade for money, food, etc. So Muslim women in porn might not seem like that big of a deal, especially when you consider nations like France where there is no shortage of very secular French born Muslims. Outside of Islamic nations, women who embrace wearing the niqab or burka, normally do so for piety reasons, they’re rare and even more so in the United States.
People take many paths that lead to a career in porn. I’ve seen my share of drug addicts, those sexually abused as a children, swingers and even single mothers wanting a flexible job. However, it doesn’t appear that pious Muslim women in porn are in any of those categories, instead they all simply need the money. The Islamic community tends to take care of its own and in my way, I’m doing exactly that. It’s a very bad comment on current state of affairs that a woman should have to put aside her religious convictions, just to pay her bills.
I’ve worked in Europe with many secular Muslim women in porn. Prior to 2019, I could only count on 2 fingers how many came in my office wearing a full face covering. In both of those cases, the women were widowed refugees and I speculate that they had already exchanged sex for something of value. Escorting tends to be discreet and the risks are over-hyped by Hollywood, but it’s mostly late nights and you frequently have to deal with assholes, drunks and men who need to be coddled. In many ways, making porn can be a safer and easier alternative, plus there’s also deniability if discovered. Since the start of Covid, I’ve filmed my 5th niqab /burka wearing Muslim women and none of whom are widows or refugees, and all of them are in the United States.
What the hell is going on?
Prior to platforms and webcams, the average rates per scene for women in porn were:
- $400 to $600 for girl-girl
- $800 to $1,000 for boy-girl
- $1,000 to $1,200 for anal
- $1,200 to $1,500 for double penetration.
Obviously, some people paid more while others paid less and some female talent (or their agents) asked for even more. But all things considered, equal, those were the rates just over 10 years ago.
I knew a lot of low level porn girls that would do 2 scenes a day and earned between $1000 to $3000+. Today, the overwhelming vast majority of women producing their own content for the Internet and/or doing webcams are not earning that much in a month. No doubt, there are some women making serious money on the Internet but they’re the exception and I’m willing to bet that many of those have contact / relationship with the site’s owners/management. I get the feeling that most Muslim women in porn tried to make money on the Internet before considering real porn.
Feminism is lying when it claims that it represents all women and a desire for a more equitable society. It’s abundantly obvious that they’re quick to embrace and take credit for the success of any woman who becomes a lawyer, doctor or some other prestigious profession. But it’s a serious, yet subtle, marketing mind game when it comes to any woman who decides not to invest 6 years in college getting a master’s degree majoring in one of the sciences or business. Their mantra is that they support all women, which included traditional and conservatives ones. But the reality is that feminists maintain their distance from them. And, in the case of sex workers, they’re barely acknowledged save to paint her as a victim or, should the situation demand it, claim it’s her right to chose. Therefore being both traditional and a sex worker means that pious Muslim women in porn are screwed over twice.
Pornographers and other sex workers who have been in the industry for several years eventually figure out that government, big tech and none of the civil rights organizations are our friends. In fact, I’ll wager that they’re all self-serving assholes, who have found a way to make money from us without having to pay. The value of any and all women has subsequently decreased and the proof can easily be measured in the sex industry. It’s measurable by what type of woman are now trading sex for money and how much they’re getting paid for it. So the presence of pious Muslim women in porn means that we’re probably on the verge of some sort of collapse because other options aren’t available. And when they’re in front of my camera, it means other sex industry opportunities are equally failing to put food on her table.