The prick contributes a lot to society
One of the perks of being pornographer is that whenever I want, I get to be the prick and no one thinks any less of me (mostly because their opinions of me were never very high to begin with). My partner and I own several sites, but only a fraction of them are pornographic adult sites. In all honesty, it’s our business’ porn foundation that keeps everything flowing. It’s through our sex sites that we’re able to leech visitors to our mainstream portals and it’s through the sex industry that I network the necessary real life business contacts that fund a large portion of our endeavors.
We’ve had an ongoing problem with Adsense and, to the best of my knowledge, it started with a private function that I was invited to. The invitation wasn’t for a businessman that just happens to be a pornstar and pornographer but for a pornographer who just happens to also be a businessman. Therefore there were certain expectations and conditions attached to my invite and I satisfactorily met those terms. The function had one individual who felt that he was entitled to certain services but I’ve zero interest of getting involved with him. Needless to say that when “not interested” and shortly thereafter a straightforward “no” weren’t accepted, I needed to become the prick. (Albeit, I was very diplomatic and discreet in my refusal. – Something I don’t normally do when I’m the prick.)
Adsense is probably the best advertising network available and I only have one complaint, the lack of any real technical support. Otherwise, it’s by far the best solution to monetize a site with advertising available. Therefore, with a handful of our sites blacklisted, (by I suspect, the above aforementioned asshole). We were forced to explore other options. – What a frigging mess!
Alternative ad networks did such things as flood a site with popups, redirects, etc. To the point that the site was absolutely buried by the ads. We had very few problems talking to publisher support but no matter what options we selected or workaround we developed, within 24hours the problems returned. So we examined adult ad networks that said they could handle mainstream and unfortunately they just couldn’t keep the tits and ass off our family friendly sites. I have to be the prick in this situation by saying, “GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER.”
Be objective oriented at all costs
It takes very little to be successful in business. Determination and face-to-face networking can easily make up for lack of funds. While hard-work and self-teaching any necessary skills gives you an edge with an intimate understanding of how your business works, while putting total control over your profit into your own hands. By contrast, there is nothing more efficient in the destruction of profits than a lack of communication with clients and neglecting your product or service. The business model of creating an automated web platform and then ignoring is a recipe for failure, unless of course you’re the government or you own a monopoly. The prick knows this and he puts his foot up the asses of lazy losers or he looks to make new deals with businesses run by professionals.
Being the prick is knowing that you’re not here to be anyone’s friend. Unless you’re a non-profit, your goals are primarily financially based. In an era of political correctness (woke-ism), it’s even more important to be the prick in order to “get the job done.” Wanting a better society is a noble pursuit and I’m more than willing to render assistance. But creating a world without social division demands an absurdly enormousness amount of resources, both monetary and material. It won’t happen overnight and it certainly won’t happen without clear direction, so one can expect, even in such lofty pursuits, at some point someone will have to take charge and be the prick.