I believe that the nature versus nurture debate is being settled
As a student of psychology and a child of a dysfunctional family, I have long been fascinated by the Nature versus Nurture debate. To the layman, just having the debate suggests that the answer is black and white, but nothing could be further from the truth. What we do know is that there are pivotal developmental stages, which can with the brains natural elasticity form, either a healthy psyche or perverted psychosis. Repeated exposure to things like violence on TV, (in video games, etc) has been proven to numb the viewer to violence in general. And aversion therapy is a tried and true clinical technique to change someone’s cognitive behaviors.
With critical race theory and attacks the patriarchy, war has been declared on the unchangeable biological nature of a portion of the population. What happens on a psychological level to children who are taught day in and out to be apologetic for their existence? How does the physical nature vs nurture of a child rectify that being born white and male, the very act of being assertive is seen as an act of aggression? How do Caucasian boys find their place in the classroom and later society when they are constantly being beaten down? Do they get labeled as troublemakers and keep some sense of personal identity or do they acquiesce and develop more demure, traditionally feminine traits? Or do they end up on their knees begging for forgiveness (in some pseudo-sexual) act of submission while being humiliated by some racist person who is demanding apology for his white privilege?
Could this be conflict by design?
In the nature versus nurture debate, the fact is that a forceful environment can overwrite someone’s biological tendencies. One thing for certain, at least from my perspective, is that the number of effeminate males is growing. They turn to anyone that will listen because something is missing in their lives, something that therapists might not be legally allowed to bring up as an option. Much like in the school system with it’s strictly secular policies, a system that embraces atheist dogma; the medical industry demands that everyone leave God / Allah (swt)/Jehovah out of the equation. Truthfully, they can’t even suggest that something is wrong with a caller’s desire to take the next step in his feminine transition. They can only act as a sounding board. eg. “Yes this is common, no you are not unusual, no you are not strange, etc.” Hopefully something changes soon, or we may find that Islam’s statement that 50 women supported by one man, might have partially started out as impressionable little boys.