Steele Hard 17 tackles erectile dysfunction with a ghost story
I had been promising for weeks that my business partner and I were going to start making video podcasts (vlogs). Well, we finally did it with Steele Hard 15 but there were still a few bugs that we needed to fix. We’re old school video producers and everything we did involved film sets, makeup, etc. It never occurred to us just how difficult it was to simply sit in front of a small camera and make our conversation somewhat entertaining. Needless to say, we had to learn some new skills and find a video host because youtube sure as hell didn’t want anything to do with us. We also never considered that our first perfected podcast would be titled,”Erectile dysfunction with a ghost story.”
In Steele Hard 17 we tackle something that I need to worry about with each production and that’s making sure each cock on set is hard and ready to fuck. For most men, there comes a moment when their penis decides to go on strike for better working conditions. Normally these moments of refusal to work, are just that, a few moments. However, sometimes the lockout can go on for weeks and even months. It’s only when labor negotiations completely break down that your once living cock has officially contracted the disease of “Limpitnitis Dickous” (limp dick). Therefore the first half our podcast, “Erectile dysfunction with a ghost story” podcast addresses men that just can’t get it up.
Some men prefer to make love and others just want to screw. It doesn’t really matter which you prefer because in the end, it all involves being able to penetrate your partner with a good stiff penis. Sadly even Viagra will fail when you’re under too much stress and unlike pornstars, not many men have the fortitude to use a Caverject. I’m being very honest when I say that you need steele balls to be able to jab your cock with a needle. I’ve been hoping to devote a podcast on this issue for a while now, but were at a loss for a complimentary secondary subject. As you can see, I didn’t find one and because similarly we had nothing to go along with our paranormal story, we just decided to put these two orphan podcast segments together. Henceforth, erectile dysfunction with a ghost story.
Erectile dysfunction and the paranormal seem to go together
The ghost story part of our podcast, erectile dysfunction with a ghost story talks about a real life event that happened to us on set. My business partner, a makeup artist and myself all had a brush with the paranormal which left me wondering if I had sex with an actual ghost. We met a lovely and beautiful woman in Paris, France and scheduled a shoot a few weeks down the road. Unknown to us, misfortune struck for our aspiring porn actress and she was killed in a car accident before the shoot. However because we never knew she was dead, when she showed up on set, we went ahead with the production….she gave a great performance.
Had I known that I was fucking a phantom, I’m sure that this podcast about erectile dysfunction with a ghost story would have been about a meat puppet that overdosed on Cilias pills trying to regain the ability to work. Luckily, we didn’t know that we were living a ghost story at the time. In fact, I’m still not 100% convinced that this was truly a brush with the world of the undead, but I don’t doubt that it’s possible. I guess it’s up to the listener to decide what really happened and I hope that you enjoy Steele Hard 17, Erectile Dysfunction with a Ghost Story.