A Baptist Church versus the Meat Puppet or more accurately, a bunch of holy roller crusaders declared a Jihad on me.
I won’t get into a theological debate or justify my beliefs. However, I will go on record as saying that while I believe in God, I’m obviously not a member of the choir. Don’t worry, I’m not going out of my way to corrupt any young Christian ladies. But all bets are off, if they show up at my door, looking for work.
A very ravenous Baptist minister has discovered that I live and film within a 2 minute walk of his church. Somewhere in his twisted mind , he has gotten the idea, that I’ll make a good stepping stone to both further his career and grow his congregation. Now I fully support prayer, showing respect to the Divine and everyone’s right to assembly. But I am not so naive as to believe that churches are run by nothing but goodwill volunteers. I know they are filled with politics and those playing that political game are looking for both power and financial gain. Ministers are nothing more than local politicians.
I want my cut when anyone uses me to make a buck.
Needless to say, I’ll go for the throat the moment anyone tries to use me without paying me. As far as I’m concerned, this situation is no different. As luck has it, my enemy reads SteeleHard.com So without further diatribe drivel allow me to introduce everyone to the swinging Baptist Pastor and his slut wife.
These photos are from the 1990s, but rest assured, I’ve got stills and footage from as recently as a month ago. I want an end to the weekly group prayers in front of my home and the passing out pamphlets, to the people who visit me. Otherwise expect me to escalate this. I’ll post everything that a member of your organization has given me, complete with faces.
By the way, in case you haven’t noticed…you have more enemies than me. So think next time you hypocritically attack someone you think is an easy target.