There are many different people living inside my head and I’ve got the different stage names to prove it. One thing for sure — I’ve shared with the public a number of voices and changed my physical appearance several times. So significant at the changes that anyone viewing my early work and comparing it to my recent work would swear it’s a different guy. I’ve been in the adult industry since the 1990s starting as a stripper named Rebel but of all the different personas that I’ve had, the moniker Hamilton Steele stands out as the most well know simply because I worked in Los Angeles’ “Porn Valley” for several years in the early 2000s’.
Back in the early days I didn’t realize that being a skinny long haired computer geek was impeding my career. One day I found myself working on the set of Micheal Ninn’s video “Perfect” and I was looking anything but perfect,” I immediately began working out, and as I got more muscular, people started bitching about the length of my hair, so I eventually took care of that too. I have a larger than life personality and I’m very gregarious which unfortunately tends to attract as many haters as it does friends. My smart-mouth gives a comical appeal is great for Internet work and large part of me hopes to one day return to being an smart ass plumber, pizza delivery man or something with equal comic potential on the Internet. However, the Internet has drastically changed over the last 10 years, so I don’t see it happening.
I lost my virginity when I was a child and started experimenting with group sex by the time I was 14. In the early days of my career I never wanted to publicly admit it, but I was molested as a child. Deceased pornographer and friend, Henri Pachard once told me that it was more the norm than not that pornstars were sexually abused when they were children. His words struck home with me but I still couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone that it happened to me. However with enough time wounds scar over and experience has shown me just how bluntly truthful Henri was. I’ll add that that these days I doubt that there is anyone exploiting themselves in the jizz biz that wasn’t diddled with as a child. It’s the sexual interference as children that gives the vast overwhelming majority of us the ability to do what we do. — It’s also why so many of us end up dead.
At one time I believed that it was the sexually repressed and immature nature of American culture that allowed porn to thrive. Honestly, I think that probably was very true at one time, but today’s society sexualizes children. I mean, if glorifying masturbation and anal sex to 5 year olds (in the name of education) isn’t abuse, then I obviously don’t know what is. I can only live in this world, as I don’t make the rules; regardless, even if this depraved sexual interference becomes legal and normal, there is no way in hell will I ever participate in abusing children.
The big question that many people have is where have I been for the last decade?
Truthfully, if it hadn’t been for Covid, I would have never made a public appearance. I learned back in the early 2000s that the Internet marginalizes and destroys without apprehension, like a man-made blackhole. Needless to say, I found that being unknown has far less headaches than being recognizable, so I kept my head down and strove to remain below radar. For a good portion of my time “off grid” I was mixed up with the last porn theater in Paris, Le Beverley. I produced many videos that were shown on the big screen and organized special showings. Some of my pornos were artistic, a lot were amateur crap and most were funny. is my site and in my spare time I’m building a kind of memorial for le dernier porno de Paris. (nb: The original site was .info but I forgot to renew it and someone else purchased it)
The world is changing and it’s anyone’s guess where we’re going to be in the next 5 years. So I’m going to make the best of every day and perhaps… Just perhaps… it might change enough that porn aficionados will want to watch reality porn again and I can again produce supermarket pick up videos. The jizz biz is my life and I’ll be here until my balls run dry.