Performer Availability Screening Services (PASS) has said that they will no longer require testing for Covid-19 on sets that are fully vaccinated. That’s all fine and dandy but the question remains, who is PASS to dictate anything that happens on anyone’s set? I mean if they’re producing videos /content then they can make any rule and require anything they want on their OWN sets. However, when it comes another company’s production project , I really don’t think it’s any of their business what adults do. But if you listen to the noise of the Internet you’re given to believe that they’re some kind of powerful government body saying what everyone is allowed to do. Knowing better, I decided to read their statement.
PASS guidelines will no longer require COVID-19 testing for fully-vaccinated individuals on set pending the adoption by the Cal/OSHA Standard Board of the proposed changes to the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards on June 3.
All other safety protocols should remain in place, including symptom screening, social distancing, and masking when necessary.
Increased vaccination rates can help us finally return to pre-pandemic protocols,” says Ian O’Brien, Executive Director of PASS. “While not everyone yet has access to the vaccine, we encourage those who are able to do so to protect themselves and the production community.” Continues:
Bareback gangbang but wear a mask.
I don’t want to see anyone get sick and I understand that there’s been a lot of fear surrounding Covid but I also have a very old school attitude. Several things jump out at me… First who the hell wears masks making a fuck film, unless of course its a parody of germaphobe BDSM sex. Secondly, their big wig “executive director” (just how many pencil pushers do they have anyway?) is quoted saying “to protect themselves and the production community” Just because you keep a database of the performers, doesn’t mean you are producing anything, the talent could just as well go to their doctor and get tested and bring those results to a set. PASS is not involved in production, they just offer a centralized service, and let’s hope that their security is better than their predecessor or being in their database, may have disastrous consequences.
In this industry the people that get fucked over are almost always the performers and the producers, the very people that invest their time, their money and their bodies to produce a product. Whereas the people almost never get the shit end of the stick are those who make money from porn but have absolutely nothing to do with its creation. They use every trick possible, including public opinion, to convince others how invaluable they are, but seldom do they ever step foot on a porn set and even less will fuck in front of a camera. Everyone is free to think what they want about Sharon Mitchell, but before she founded AIM in 1998, she was gulping down sperm on video, just like all the other porn sluts. Just the same, Adult Industry Medical still screwed over performers in 2011 when 12k performers had their private information publicly exposed.
Finally the word “guidelines” jumps out. That tells me that they have no authority over anyone unless someone decided to adhere to heir regulations. No doubt their representatives will give anyone who talks to them a wonderful song and dance on how integral they are to this industry. And they’ll probably try to scare independent producers by threatening to withhold services and claiming how much that will hurt the would be pornographer. Other non-porn companies do this sort of bullshit so I don’t see PASS being any different.
The best advice I was ever given in this industry still holds true today. Never be in a porn video when you’re afraid that someone might find out or if you’re scared of getting gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV and now, Covid-19. Instead get an regular job or stay home. In the adult industry when something bad happens (and it will) no one is going to save you, or help you; you’re on your own. No amount of paperwork or tests is going to protect anyone when the shit hits the fan and if it’s real trouble, even your friends will make themselves scarce. This is the adult industry and at the end of the day only the adults will survive in it.