So there’s some congressman named John Joyce M.D. and in 2021 a name like “John Joyce” just confuses the hell out of me. Now is J.J. a guy or a girl or something in between? I honestly have no clue, but I’m going to guess that the M.D. is short for Medical Doctor and not Mad Dictator. To be honest I feel pretty confident saying that because J.J. has introduced a new initiative that would protect access to historical literature which includes Dr. Seuss.
The “GRINCH” (Guarding Readers Independence and Choice) Act is supposed to protect classic authors whom Woke Cancel Culture has deemed as being offensive. The goal is to stop taxpayer money from going into the pockets of bureaucrats that attempt to censor children’s literature and determine what they’re allowed to read.
Well… If they’re censoring Dr. Seuss and Pepé Le Pew for racism, then pornographers are fucked and not in a good way. I mean there goes the entire interracial line up of videos because no one wants to see a romantic love making scene involving a little white blonde girl and black megasaurus. What the consumer wants to see is a dark skinned horse cock rip open tiny pale skin pussy. Actually the video will be a block buster If the black stud looks like he just served 10 years for armed robbery and the porn chick sounds like her father was a grand poobah in white supremacy.
As for Pepé Le Pew… I made an entire career for myself by insulting the French! I was the program director of Le Beverley and created in house artcore porn. Therefore, I can confidently say that they do act like horny skunks and that many of them smell bad! I mean French culture is eating raw meat, snails and smoking like a chimney. How am I supposed to pay my bills when the Woke Warriors won’t allow me to film snooty high class French women getting fucked on the hood of a car by a group of homeless Parisian Arabs in the Bois de Vincennes?
Then I’m left to ask, will the Woke War stop at racism? How about misogyny ? Politicians have already passed laws making us use condoms, are we going to get censored for calling a porn girl a dumb fucking cunt? Are we also going to have to “ask for permission” on video before we’re allowed to smack her in the mouth and rodeo fuck her? How about ass-to-mouth becoming illegal?
Please Woke people have some compassion! We pornographers are people too and most of us voted for Biden. Despite that many of us don’t understand what transgenderism is or how it works, we don’t discriminate against them. Let’s face facts, videos with men that have big fake tits make great money. And think about all those cuckold videos that we make too. You can’t get more anti-white male than having some ginormous black man fuck the hell out of his wife who laughs at how useless her man’s tiny white pee pee is.
I’m begging the World Woke Association to please give us a chance because we’re your allies. We’ll produce videos titled, BLM (Black Lesbos Matter) and ANTIFA (Any Time Fucking Assholes). I’ll even personally start a crowd funding campaign to produce a video of the Orange Man getting anally raped by blue hair feminists. All we want is a chance to prove our loyalty to you.
ps. Just in case you’re wondering, artcore porn is a fuck film with some moral angst about how unfair society is. In my movies it meant French women that felt guilty about being a Marie-couche-toi-là and occasionally it was an Algerian women getting DP’d during the adhaan.