Social Media Stupidity Archives - Steele Hard Hamilton Steele Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:46:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media Stupidity Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 That damn report button Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:43:17 +0000 Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses, big tech and the Internet. I’ve been releasing a podcast for the past couple of weeks and although I discuss the jizz biz, it’s actually very tame by most modern western definitions. When the podcast...

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Free Speech Alternative to YouTube censors me

Some days you just have to laugh at the insanity of big businesses, big tech and the Internet. I’ve been releasing a podcast for the past couple of weeks and although I discuss the jizz biz, it’s actually very tame by most modern western definitions. When the podcast is uploaded to a mainstream, non-adult tube site, we make sure that the images we chose are not pornographic. Although modestly sexy, every woman in the pictures is fully clothed. The conversation in the podcasts can be a bit colorful; but they’re mostly about business and many Netflix videos have far more graphic dialog than what I’m creating.

One of the sites that the podcasts were uploaded to, bills itself as being a supporter of free speech. Obviously people can’t really go about saying anything, anywhere without expecting consequences. For instance, yelling fire in a crowded movie theater when there isn’t one is an asshole thing to do, someone can get seriously hurt in the panic. However, in the case of Internet platforms that depend on user generated content, I’m comfortably certain that they’ve found ways to pass the responsibility of policing uploads on to algorithms and on the backs of their subscribers. This means a thousand people could have had no problems watching or listening to your creation, but a small handful people either don’t like it or they just want to be jerks and democracy or justice be damned, there is a judgement against you. The result is censorship, demonetization and /or banning and it’s done automatically without human oversight.

Most of these platforms have an appeal process and to a certain extent it works. Unfortunately, more often than not, this is outsourced to poor nations who supply cheap labor. So the people reviewing your content interpret it’s acceptability with their own cultural biases. Take Muslims in India or Pakistan, whose religious conservatism dominates their lives; their beliefs run into conflict with western society. When they don’t believe that women should have a right to even a basic education, you can’t be expected to them to approve content filled with female empowerment. And I’m not comfortable having them review the merits or lack thereof of my work. Perhaps the appeal process was fair and perhaps it wasn’t, but the only certainty is that we have no way of knowing, no information is provided on who the reviewers are or how they arrive at their decisions. And that is just wrong…because you can’t correct a problem, if you can’t identify it, and you can’t defend against bias if you have no proof of it’s existence.

The Masses Are Asses

My real complaint isn’t with these biased reviewers, it’s with the consuming masses that accept and often encourage widespread and rampant censorship without debate. Some think as Descartes that our existence is a quintessential result of thought, or that thought is what gives life purpose. Although I’ve always joked that when compared to other species, humanity can be better defined by the inability of individuals to think for themselves. It’s a sad fact, but the majority of us want to be told what to think and what opinions we should hold. Henceforth proving that Alexander Hamilton was right when he said that the “Masses are asses.”

What truly separates us from the rest of the creatures on this planet is that we engage in politics. Which, is nothing more than large enough group of people allowing very small different group of people or even single individual, to determine what they believe. Censorship therefore, is nothing more than a filter against undesirable thoughts. So the site that proclaimed it was an island refuge for free expression, really only offers freedom of speech for those that share its opinions. Unfortunately, this means that regardless of how tame and vanilla, I can never produce any sort of content that they will find acceptable. The moment anyone finds out that I’m a pornstar and pornographer, I’ll be banned and forced back into the free speech ghetto.

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Finally the end for pornhub? Sat, 19 Jun 2021 20:59:00 +0000 No, not by a long shot will this bring down the behemoth. According to yahoo news: “More than 30 women sued Pornhub on Thursday, accusing it of violating federal sex trafficking laws, distributing child pornography, racketeering and other crimes. The suit alleges that Pornhub’s parent company, MindGeek — and its constellation of porn brands —...

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No, not by a long shot will this bring down the behemoth.

According to yahoo news:

“More than 30 women sued Pornhub on Thursday, accusing it of violating federal sex trafficking laws, distributing child pornography, racketeering and other crimes.

The suit alleges that Pornhub’s parent company, MindGeek — and its constellation of porn brands — is a criminal enterprise that purchases, launders and uploads illegal content often obtained through human trafficking and sexual assault.”

Over the years I’ve heard my fair share of rumors about pornhub laundering money and illegal content. I’ve never been a fan of the user generated porn content. Especially when it’s policed by a community standards business model. Personally, I would have preferred to see a profit sharing approach with producers and production companies. When you deal directly with civilians, you’re going to be bullshit screwed over sooner or later. It appears now that controversy and law suits are fast becoming a business expense for Mindgeek.

In an era dominated by social justice warriors, it’s not a good time for porn professionals to fall under public scrutiny. All it’s going to take is one freaky colored hair Megan Rapinoe type to step forward with allegations that underage incest videos of her were uploaded to the Internet and all hell will break lose. Cable news will go bat shit crazy over the story, congress will call for a moment of silence and some razor company will manufacture a DIY cut off your dick kit to combat evil toxic masculinity. And you have to be a self-deluding fool if you don’t believe that those angry social justice warriors would purposely create and upload underage incest videos just to trap Pornhub.

I’m being a realistic bastard when I say that the social justice obsessed would go as far as to film themselves having sex with their own 8 year old child. Modern society not only is in the middle of a pandemic of mentally unstable crazies, but it’s also under assault by numerous power hungry self-righteous militant groups. Add to this a very dumbed down public, where anyone with common sense finds him/herself in the minority. Country singer Kenny Rogers sang, “know when to hold them… know when to fold them… know when to walk away and know when to run.” Well, if life is a poker game, these days anyone with a good brain is playing their cards very close to their chest.

Then again, I’m just one independent focused on how I’m going to navigate my stretch of the Mississippi river. Mindgeek has a lot more money, intellectual talent and contacts than I do. So maybe this lawsuit and all the previous problems are nothing more than the proverbial fly in the ointment to them. What I can say is that I’m no stranger to porn controversies and so I wish them the best.

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The Great Whores of Babylon Wed, 19 May 2021 18:30:29 +0000 The porn industry has as many opinions as it has assholes, both literally and figuratively. In the past expressing these opinions was overwhelmingly motivated by a common agenda, to make a buck. The reasons for wanting the money were varied, from lifestyle, to debt, to addiction. However motivation was never sexual, the sexual aspect was...

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The porn industry has as many opinions as it has assholes, both literally and figuratively. In the past expressing these opinions was overwhelmingly motivated by a common agenda, to make a buck. The reasons for wanting the money were varied, from lifestyle, to debt, to addiction. However motivation was never sexual, the sexual aspect was just the commodity, although having a high sex drive, or particular fetish did help keep the job from getting boring. Money is no longer the driving force behind the modern anything goes industry, if you can even call it an industry, with everything else redefined including virginity and gender.

Now in the middle of this social fiasco comes Covid; I’ve had to deal with germaphobes, masks, covid tests and now vaccine status. Through all of this insanity my objective hasn’t changed, I’m here for the money. And I expect those I work with to be of a similar ilk, and bring an old school sex worker’s mentality to the porno table. After all, if I was looking for complications in my life, I would have found a career that I could have put on a bank loan application. Needless to say, the only talent I book on my sets are those that show up without asking too many questions. No surprise, then, that my roster of available performers has been reduced.

What does come as a surprise is that I can pretty much guess who is going to be problematic based on their education level, social background, politics and to a lessor extent how much time they spend on Fartbook and/or TWIT’r. If they’re under 30, they’re white, have been to university, come from at least an upper middle class family and vote Democrat. If they’re over 30 they might not have been to university but everything else is the same. The only exception to this rule are the morons that seem to always be on social moron media and moron is an understatement.

Honestly, the only opinion I have about Covid is that it makes me angry when the obese, the smokers and other people that abuse their bodies expect me to protect their health. People that don’t care enough to to take care of themselves shouldn’t be my problem. Unfortunately, there’s a hell of a lot of web-designers, etc in the adult industry that need to go on a diet and get into a gym. I’m sick of hearing these entitled jackasses blame healthy people for lockdowns and loss of income. Looking to people I’ve know in the biz, Ron Jeremy comes to mind. He said that he made his own hell because he chose to live at the buffet table. Ronny chose food over health and never once did he ever tell me that I had to deal with his problems. He dealt with his own…. He owned it and that attitude is a rarity these days.

Currently, the only people on my sets (or in my escort agency) are genuine whores. When it’s for video they show up with their ID and when it’s for outcall, they leave their ID in the car. They know that they can’t suck a cock wearing a mask and that they won’t get paid unless they suck those cocks. Plus if you’re going to get sick, it’s best to paid in the process. After all, the doctor isn’t going to give you a freebie.

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Meanwhile in Canada Sat, 10 Apr 2021 15:08:16 +0000 Canada’s greatest past time isn’t hockey, it’s virtue signalling. In case you don’t know, virtue signalling is basically a small child telling everyone what a special, good boy he is. From a five year old, it’s cute; when adults do it, it’s annoying. And when it’s part of nation’s culture, it’s fucking pathetic. Canadians love...

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Canada’s greatest past time isn’t hockey, it’s virtue signalling. In case you don’t know, virtue signalling is basically a small child telling everyone what a special, good boy he is. From a five year old, it’s cute; when adults do it, it’s annoying. And when it’s part of nation’s culture, it’s fucking pathetic. Canadians love telling everyone that they’re not Americans, that they are more peaceful than their gun toting counterparts. Their inclusive society looks at gated communities like xenophobic klan gatherings, and they take great pride in showing how smart they are communicating in polite, politically correct exchanges… but Covid lockdowns are showing them that they’re idiots.

I’ve got a few friends in Canuckastan, and they tell me they have a nationalized dollar store called Craparama. Only it’s not really a dollar store because most of the good stuff is $4.00. (Only Canadians will overpay for cheap Chinese shit.) After over a year of gov’t restrictions and with their American counterparts opening up, it seems Canucks are still waging a polite war against the China virus… All their stores are closed except the dollar store and Wagglemart because germs have adapted to the low grade government regulated hand sanitizer. To make matters even worst, Chinese imports that line the shelves of these stores, are teaming with Coronaviruses, so on the shelves they must stay, no one can buy them.

So my good friend Singh walks into the crapola store looking to buy a can of beans, dish detergent, a dish sponge and a kitchen sink stopper. However, when he gets to the cashier, the woman takes out the sponge, and the sink stopper and tells him they’re non-essential. My friend is dumbfounded, he has been dutifully under house arrest and now he wonders what he did wrong, because he did everything he was told. Which in Canadianese means that he was expecting to get a pat on the head for being a “good boy” and not denied spending his gov’t check on what he sees in the prison store.

All this virtue signalling, good little patsy stuff made me curious about the biggest Canuckian that I know. It’s GFY’s #1 basement wimp from Montreal, 2MuchMark. Last weekend he waited in line outside of the Olympic Stadium, the place where Bruce Jenner outran his own balls in 1976, for his anti-Covid shot. Sadly, French Canadiens are so scared of the Coronavirus that they didn’t have the customary line of government employees available to praise Cowardians for being good and doing as they’re told. So poor Marky had to go online and proudly proclaim to pornographic webmasters how special he was, to get some virtual high 5s‘.

Fortunately, for Canadians there is a silver lining to all of this Covid insanity. Part of the foundation of communism is its make work programs. So even if their bosses go out of business, there will be no shortage of government jobs for people willing to pat Canucks on their heads and tell them how good they are. In the meantime, Trudeau and Rob Ford want to assure the public that boot licking is still germ free.

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Starting off with something easy Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:42:35 +0000 “There are 2 ways to make a lasting impression on someone. You can either pull out our cock and piss on their shoes or you can sucker punch them in the mouth.” Well, this is the Internet and I can’t really urinate on someone’s loafers or belt them in the mouth and to be honest,...

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“There are 2 ways to make a lasting impression on someone. You can either pull out our cock and piss on their shoes or you can sucker punch them in the mouth.” Well, this is the Internet and I can’t really urinate on someone’s loafers or belt them in the mouth and to be honest, neither is really my style. However, on the Internet there’s no shortage of easy targets that I can piss off. Let’s face it, we live in the era where Dr. Seuss and Dumbo are considered offensive. So perhaps the only difficult decision I had was choosing which group of people to talk about.

Well there’s a dying adult webmaster forum that’s still filled with characters that haven’t realized that the year 2005 is over. I’m talking about a forum called (Go Fuck yourself). This forum is struggling to stay relevant in the porn industry but to its credit I get better technical advice from its members than I do from big tech companies.

GFY has a never ending argument going on between Bidon fans and Trump fans. It doesn’t matter what the topic is, eventually it’s either all Trump or all Bidon’s fault and everyone that listens to them. Today’s hot topic is “Why didn’t Trump fans save the homeless?” Or maybe it was called “We have homeless people because of Trump” Or maybe it was called “Bidon tripped on the steps and Cameltoe Harris smoked joint so we’ve got homeless” Or more probably I don’t really give a damn what the thread is called and I’m being mocking asshole. Feel free to check it out for yourselves.

There’s this guy that calls himself, Rochard. Which consequently, is a good French name and if he’s French it would explain why he’s wants to have gay sex with Justin Verlander and in fact he really wants Mr. Verlander’s cock up his ass. Now I should point out that there’s nothing wrong with being homosexual and I’m sure Justin Verlander’s wife might enjoy watching her husband fuck Rochard in the ass. My only complaint is that I don’t know who Justin Verlander is and I doubt that his wife is going to let a greedy pornographer like me film her dildo’n her twat while watching GFY’s resident Roach gets his bung hole plowed.

So Rochard starts off with his usual way of passive aggressivity by asking why Donald Trump never rid the earth of homeless people or at least send them all Christmas cards. Which was quickly answered by another member named Crockett that said he wants to fuck all Republicans in the end with no more foreplay games. I don’t know why but I get the feeling that this Crockett isn’t the same Crocket that starred in Miami Vice. Or maybe he is and this is why drugs are bad mmmkay? (oopps different show)

Just the same, I’m guessing that Crockett is bisexual or is it now called pansexual? Or is pansexual reserved purely for people that get turned on by cooking utensils and shows? Regardless I don’t think anyone is going to invite me over for dinner.

So I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Cricket and Rocky are most likely political-sexuals. Crockett enjoys going straight to the A with Republicans of all genders while Democrats Dildo themselves. As for Rocky he prefers more intimate scenarios where celebrity supporting Democrats do him in the ass while their spouses finish by jerking off on him.

Honestly, I think Rochard and Crockett should run for President and Vice President in 2024. Or at least do a reboot of Miami Vice.

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