The post Age verification appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Age verification, in the legacy porn industry, was non-debatable. Albeit, many of the performers, pornographers and distributors only agreed with age verification because no one wanted the public backlash, rather than due to a moral duty to protect minors. However, the legacy porn biz did not have a shortage of single moms trying to make a decent living or dads paying child support. James DiGiorgio (Jimmy D) once said, “Almost everyone in front of the camera has a kid. We’re a business that loves our kids and will protect them with a bat.” For the few smut creators left of the old school, arguing against some form of age barrier is something akin to a South Park episode.
Big tech and the political scam
Technology was once the porn industry’s ally, but the big tech platforms turned out to traitors. Porn tube sites (platforms such as P0rn Hùb) allowed users to upload and share adult content for free.
But worse of all…
The “click to enter” function was normally accompanied by some pseudo legalese text giving it the appearance that it was some form of an electronic attestation /contract with the user. Except those under 18 cannot be bound by such a contact. More importantly though minors cannot be expected to be truthful. Especially when faced with the “attractive nuisance” that online pornography is. To simplify, any site’s “Enter only if you’re over 18” button, legally has less worth than the paper it was printed on (NB: it’s not written on paper). Yet, despite this reality, worldwide governments, lawyers and even anti-porn groups accepted this as a sufficient gate-keeper to deter children.
One of the first and largest porn tube sites, received large sums of startup capital from Fortress Investment Group which as founded in 1988 by Wesley R. Edens, a former partner at BlackRock. In 2002, Fortress welcomed Peter Briger, a former Goldman Sachs banker into its executive roster. Clearly this private equity firm has substantial financial assets and powerful political influence. Quite literally the stuff that conspiracy theories are made of: Were the last 20 years liberal porn access due to global incompetence among the ruling class or were there other agendas being pursued ?
Clearly politicians don’t really have our best interests at heart. They can’t get elected unless they have the support of those who control the thoughts (media) and purse-strings of the nation. Whether it’s political contributions, insider trading, or direct bribery, even the most saintly individual will eventually exchange favors for money. Because anyone who is able to resist this temptation will eventually be replaced by someone who isn’t so morally inhibited. Therefore at this point in time, it’s irrelevant if various governments were just neglectful or if some conspiracy was at play. In all likelihood, it’s probably varying degrees of incompetence and corruption.
Twenty plus years with tube sites having free reign over adult content is all the proof one needs that activist groups and lawyer organizations were not really fighting to protect minors. All which was needed was to enforce the laws that were already in place. Instead we got rhetoric that these “new” technologies required “new” digitally specific legislation. By exposing and discrediting these organizations, we can better focus on legitimate solutions to the issue at hand.
Politicians are using the issue of age verification for adult sites as a means to garner media attention. By championing the cause of protecting children from explicit content, they can present themselves as moral crusaders. Pandering, on the surface, to the well meaning public. This seemly noble cause to protect the innocent, covers a corporate fascist agenda.
The twenty years that they took to address this issue was just time enough to consolidate most of the porn industry into a handful of tech companies. Furthermore, in this time, the world has developed a dependency on social media. The combination of profiling through social media and porn consumption will create a complete profile of individuals. Social media already has a profile based on contact information, personal tastes, public values, as well as social circle. Giving big tech control over the ID verification for porn consumption will allow social media profiles to be over-layed with your physical address, as well as your most intimate and private desires.
Online ID verification is a database readily accessible by corporations, banks, government agencies and law enforcement, with little or no oversight and even less transparency. Any individual’s sexual proclivities can easily be cross-referenced with their government issued Identification. A married woman with children may have secret lesbian desires. While a middle-age man might enjoy seeing barely legal videos. Imagine the potential for blackmail and damage if it were to be irrefutably known that a high ranking military official, national security agent, head of state or even banker enjoys watching humiliation and degradation videos.
Many of the jizz biz old schooler’s have commented that if there ever was an industry that didn’t require democratization, it’s the porn industry. The porn tubes and fan platforms (eg: 0nly Fàns) do little to promote individual sexual expression or diversity, in fact, strict rules of engagement ensure conformity. All the platforms use monetization and banning as tools of censorship for any sex act or scenario, they deem too divergent from their desired norms. Meanwhile, they financially reward only a small elite group of content makers. The truth is that 99% of content creators earn little, to nothing, for their work.
The legacy pornographers fought for the Right to Freedom of Speech. Only, this right wasn’t won through the direct use of technology. It’s impossible to create democracy by using corporate controlled social media or blogging about social problems when google (and soon AI) controls what the public sees. Porn became recognized as a form of Free Speech when people were willing to go to jail for creating it. In other words, democracy is in defiance and it’s in an angry mob. It’s not going to be found on the Internet.
The only workable solution to truly protect minors remains a paywall, with access purchased at a physical store. There are much fewer of these places than there were 20 years ago, but like the few remaining die hard pornographers, some do continue despite of online domination. Without a doubt, Big tech will continue to dominate distribution because of their resources. However, many avenues could open up for the small “mom and pop” adult businesses willing to deal directly with the public.
For example:
The list of possibilities for direct sales is only limited by imagination. Big corporations can only limit what someone sees, and they increase these limitations regularly. Whereas small producers innovate and create art! In a very ironic sense, this grassroots approach to porn production would be even more democracy within porn. Unfortunately, it’s a form of sexual and economic freedom that neither government, nor the big corporations desire or will allow.
Now more than ever, what’s required is 20th century anger and bravery. The corporations and government have gained control over the minds and hearts of many people. It stands to reason that they also want control over your genitals. Orwell’s 1984 is already upon us, it’s now just a question of who will finally acknowledge the threat and take a stand.
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]]>The post Profit not Politics appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>If we are ever going to get anywhere in this world, we have to work for profit not politics. Although the lay person might be under the impression that politicians work for a political objective, they are really only using the politics to assure their own paychecks. And it’s more than the check that is issued by the government office, or any of the free dinners and write offs; it is often more insidious, the stuff that we call dirty politics and corruption, the deals and investments which have made our political leaders and the mainstream newscasters who support them, members of the millionaires club.
Of course not every politician has reached this level, and not everyone is corrupt (we hope) but power is consolidated into the hands of so few, and manipulated so easily by the legacy media and social media, that anyone standing against them will feel not like David facing down Goliath, but rather a group of Godzillas. He just can’t do it alone. The multifaceted nature of the establishment is not easily understood. But if we can follow the money, the political movers playing for profit and not politics should reveal themselves. It appears presently that the pharmaceutical giants, Bill Gates and his multi-level contributions to (read influence over) the WHO are at the top of the pyramid.
The recent bid by Elon Musk to buy Twitter has brought to light the pathetic reality that this 15 year old company remains unprofitable. Clearly Elon’s designs on privatizing the company are for profit not politics, even if his proclaimed desire to reestablish free speech has been vilified as a right wing agenda. To that effect, the leftist control of the social media giant is plainly evident, even without subsequent revelations of proof by an executive. The backlash to Twitter’s acquisition has been so strong, that some have followed the money behind it, finding once again Bill Gates. So the question remains, what is the motivation to keeping Elon Musk from taking over at Twitter? Is it a personal vendetta, a battle of the billionaires, played out with social media dependent users as pawns? Or does the direction of such a socially influential platform threaten Billy boy’s ability to profit elsewhere, what secrets have been kept hidden by the muzzling of misaligned users up until now?
Getting to the Billionaires club, means playing for profit, not politics. But having reached this financial pinnacle does not preclude it’s members from having political influence. Actually, it most assuredly provides them with the means to directly manipulate society, especially with our dependence on social media to communicate. The free open market has done more for humanity than any other human construct. We’ve gone from a medieval feudal system that divided society into nobles and peasant servants to having almost everyone, including the poor, able to own a flat screen TV. It was only 1970, when many American households were complaining about the cost to buy a color television set. Today’s household, in contrast often has multiple TVs and computers. In fact, because of the smart phone, many people surf the Internet and watch Netflix while sitting on their toilets. . But there is more to freedom than the ability to play video games and watch tube sites, and eventually the endorphin rush from the latest “feel-good” marketing will be unable to compete with the real hunger that continued inflation is creating.
Elon Musk is a member of the “elite” and probably we should be wary of his Twitter takeover. But definitely no more than we should be worried about the influence all social media has on us today. There isn’t a popular platform that hasn’t got a multimillionaire behind it. So the propensity of these platforms to remain unprofitable, seems well, inconceivable. But Twitter is more concerned with being a leader in diversity and inclusion hiring practices than a lean and mean business that operates for profit not politics. Wanting to tap into global markets, some diversity makes sense, but how many times do you need to sub-divide into special interest representatives before the bloat of employees becomes redundant? Does Twitter have a grasp on the relative productivity of it’s salaried hires, everyone says how great they are to work for, but how much work at actually improving the value of Twitter’s service is actually getting done? When you consider that a large section of the general population (of the US) feels alienated by Twitter’s leftist ideologies, isn’t the promise by Elon Musk to fix this actually less exclusionary? Or do the traditional masses not count if they are outnumbered by the sum of special interest groups?
It remains to be seen in which direction Elon Musk will captain Twitter. Freedom of speech is without a doubt vital to the health of a free and open democratic nation. Equally important to a nation is its citizenry’s ability to enjoy a high quality of life and therefore all commercial pursuits need to be able to make a buck. What’s most exciting about Musk’s purchase is not his comments about protecting free speech, but the promise that he’s going to bring back centuries old Adam Smith wisdom. Ultimately true freedom can only be obtained in one of two ways…. At the end of a gun or by the amount of money in your wallet. Rest assured that we’ll all be more free if Elon Musk can make Twitter function for profit, not politics.
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]]>The post Google is the owner of this site. appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>I’m a man with certain worldly experiences, but without getting into details about my past, let me say that, one of the ways to disable your enemy’s military is to cease control of their communications. As far as the internet is concerned, Google certainly has done that. WordPress sites have tools, such as Yoast SEO, that guide an author through the process of ensuring 100% Google compliance. We live in an Orwellian era of censorship with big tech being our overlords dictating what is safe for us to see. Don’t lie to yourself by trying to believe that this isn’t a modern version of Nazi Germany book burning.
Thoughts and opinions no longer need to be set ablaze and thrown into a bonfire. Instead they’re relegated to the dark corners of the Internet where very few people will ever encounter them. Today libraries are shutting down or being remodeled and reworked in an attempt to attract the public’s interest. Furthermore, the traditional media has now resorted to click bait articles and emotion based sensationalism to make a buck. So it should scare the hell out of everyone that men like Sundar Pichai decide what we’re allowed to see under the umbrella excuse of public health and safety. As CEO of Google, he’s today’s Führer the rest of his big tech companions are SS Officers.
The results of this illusion can be seen played out on social media platforms. Facebook governed by Zukerberg and Twitter ruled by Dorsey have reaped the benefits of the ignorant masses that believe themselves informed had taken up polarized political positions and argued incessantly for 4 years of Trump vs the Democrats. And now they have moved on to the need for medical apartheid versus body autonomy. Today’s SS technocracy has a plethora of unimaginable technological tools at their disposal to rewrite reality and manufacture the popular opinion. Their control of the tools we use to communicate ensures that they can always control the thoughts of the average person thereby turning them into slaves.
Ironically there are 2 groups of people that threaten the authority of today’s establishment. They are those individuals with PHDs (or similarily high IQs) who understand the complexity of the issues being polarized by big tech. This thinking portion of society is joined by people whom have never finished high school, their reservation brought about not from analysis and contemplation, but mistrust and life experience. They’ve learned to be suspicious of all authority. Unfortunately very few people in either of these groups are willing to stick their neck out and fight for the good of society. Both of them understand the costs of resistance and are subsequently staying out of the fight. But unfortunately without leaders, the masses will probably never rise above their ignorance, condemning themselves to lifelong servitude.
So to quote Joe Biden, “We’re about to go into a dark winter” … A dark winter that I’m certain will be the violence perpetrated by the ignorant on the other ignorant.
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]]>The post Covid testing no longer needed on adult sets appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>PASS guidelines will no longer require COVID-19 testing for fully-vaccinated individuals on set pending the adoption by the Cal/OSHA Standard Board of the proposed changes to the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards on June 3.
All other safety protocols should remain in place, including symptom screening, social distancing, and masking when necessary.
Increased vaccination rates can help us finally return to pre-pandemic protocols,” says Ian O’Brien, Executive Director of PASS. “While not everyone yet has access to the vaccine, we encourage those who are able to do so to protect themselves and the production community.” Continues:
I don’t want to see anyone get sick and I understand that there’s been a lot of fear surrounding Covid but I also have a very old school attitude. Several things jump out at me… First who the hell wears masks making a fuck film, unless of course its a parody of germaphobe BDSM sex. Secondly, their big wig “executive director” (just how many pencil pushers do they have anyway?) is quoted saying “to protect themselves and the production community” Just because you keep a database of the performers, doesn’t mean you are producing anything, the talent could just as well go to their doctor and get tested and bring those results to a set. PASS is not involved in production, they just offer a centralized service, and let’s hope that their security is better than their predecessor or being in their database, may have disastrous consequences.
In this industry the people that get fucked over are almost always the performers and the producers, the very people that invest their time, their money and their bodies to produce a product. Whereas the people almost never get the shit end of the stick are those who make money from porn but have absolutely nothing to do with its creation. They use every trick possible, including public opinion, to convince others how invaluable they are, but seldom do they ever step foot on a porn set and even less will fuck in front of a camera. Everyone is free to think what they want about Sharon Mitchell, but before she founded AIM in 1998, she was gulping down sperm on video, just like all the other porn sluts. Just the same, Adult Industry Medical still screwed over performers in 2011 when 12k performers had their private information publicly exposed.
Finally the word “guidelines” jumps out. That tells me that they have no authority over anyone unless someone decided to adhere to heir regulations. No doubt their representatives will give anyone who talks to them a wonderful song and dance on how integral they are to this industry. And they’ll probably try to scare independent producers by threatening to withhold services and claiming how much that will hurt the would be pornographer. Other non-porn companies do this sort of bullshit so I don’t see PASS being any different.
The best advice I was ever given in this industry still holds true today. Never be in a porn video when you’re afraid that someone might find out or if you’re scared of getting gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV and now, Covid-19. Instead get an regular job or stay home. In the adult industry when something bad happens (and it will) no one is going to save you, or help you; you’re on your own. No amount of paperwork or tests is going to protect anyone when the shit hits the fan and if it’s real trouble, even your friends will make themselves scarce. This is the adult industry and at the end of the day only the adults will survive in it.
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]]>The post Who is the owner of Pornhub? appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>According to Tortoise Media, he’s the secret majority owner of Mindgeek (aka. Pornhub). Now in case you didn’t already suspect, Pornhub gets a mountain of traffic, (92 million daily visitors were counted in 2018). I’ve no doubt that Covid lockdowns have contributed to raising that number. Increased traffic includes increased uploaders, which brings its own set of problems. Problems with mentally sick pedophiles uploading kiddie porn… Jackasses uploading videos of people that never knew they were being filmed… And assholes that just want to get revenge on someone. Personally, I’ve got an old school mentality, so it should be no surprise that I like the idea of removing the anonymity of uploaders and then sending men with baseball bats to their homes. (Hey, my family is Sicilian, this train of thought is genetic.)
I have always been in favor of treating sites like Pornhub the same way we treat distributors of adult erotica. That means EVERYONE who uploads must adhere to 18 USC 2257. So the general public doesn’t get to upload to the platform without submitting copies of the performer’s IDs and releases. As a producer, I assure everyone that I want the scumbags shut down too and that it’s in everyone’s best interest, including Mindgeek’s to work together.
When we fail to keep the human garbage out of our industry, another industry will be happy to do it for us and be labeled as heroes for it. All those anti-porn activists and political lobby groups that will put enormous public pressure on career politicians, who will be very happy to win public favor by kicking the adult industry in the head. No one is ever going to win an election by promising to make porn production easier, but a promise to shut one of us down, will easily win 50k more votes from both feminists and Christian groups. I can just imagine the chaos that will happen the moment some social justice warrior successfully claims that porn contributes to rape culture and/or toxic masculinity.
Whoever Bernd Bergmair is, it might be a good time for him to step up and change the way Pornhub functions. My search results say Pornhub earns close to half a billion dollars a year, so it’s had a great run. The world is forever changing and as much as I dream of making a 1970s porn movie, I’m now experimenting with my smartphone and sending the majority of what I produce to private collectors. The situation is… What the situation is.. So who Bernd Bergmair is doesn’t really matter but maybe now it’s Mindgeek’s turn to adapt or die.
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]]>The post Free Speech Coalition teaching performers financial planning appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>The Free Speech Coalition has announced it will host a special FSC INSPIRE session focused on tax preparation for adult workers this Thursday, April 8 at 11am PST. The session, hosted by FSC Industry Relations Advocate Lotus Lain, will feature tax preparer Lauren Fumagalli, a veteran performer and IRS Enrolled Agent with 16 years of tax experience, bookkeeper Jessie Hornby (Nerds4Numbers) and AILAA-founder Mary Moody. Source:
If there ever was a period in history that needed champions to fight for Freedom of Speech it’s today. Fortunately, we’ve got the porn industry’s Free Speech Collation to wage this holy war for us. But their first priority is to teach porn performers how to manage their money. Nevermind that Fartbook, Twatter and Poogle are dictating what the world can and can not read; porn sluts need their tax return money to pay for their Amazonian purchases. In FSC’s defense, they’re most likely overworked and understaffed, so I’ve decided to step up to the plate and offer a free money management lesson.
Now, I never point out a problem unless I have an idea for a solution and the problem, as I see it, with porno chicks is that they can’t visualize normal math. So let’s walk through a simple calculation.
Let’s say you want to buy a pink Victorian Secret butt thong at $20 and 2 clitoral stimulating vibrators at $40 and the government wants to fuck you in the ass and bill you $50. How much will this cost you?
See how easy that was? It’s all in the language and how you present the problem. Getting porn performers to manage their money is as easy as getting them to think in terms of sex acts. ie. Get fucked in the ass 3 times and you can have a $3k car. Getting them to pay their taxes is equally easy, “The government is your pimp. Give him your money or he’ll take your shit and kick you to the curb like a common street whore.”
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