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]]>Most people don’t like the idea of paying for sex, and some people downright hate the idea so much they turn that hatred towards the very people who get paid to get them off. As a sex worker, I’ve been on the receiving end of the hate, A bad month full of assholes can really fuck with your head. What gets me, and other sex workers I imagine, past the difficult times is the money. As I like to say, you can kiss my ass, but it’s going to cost you 20 bucks. I go to the gym every day; a neglected body isn’t worth very much to anyone, I need to look good and be fit because I’m a whore. If I haven’t done it yet, it’s because my price hasn’t been met. Yet it’s surprising some times what I find myself doing for a few bills in my pocket. Like french kissing a chain-smoking, steak tartare eating sex-starved septuagenarian with the most disgusting foul breath you can imagine.
On the other hand everyone loves an easy to lay slut, but most people have no respect for them. Only my clients, coworkers and closest friends know what I do for a living. Since most people don’t tend to think of men as whores, I’m often told what someone thinks of fast and free screws. Also, men don’t enjoy a monopoly on this disrespectful attitude, because I’ve met some lesbians that are just as bad as any man, sometimes worse in their degrading disrespect of a floozy.
There is no middle ground between these two attitudes, but at least when someone hates you, they respect you. Despising someone requires an emotional investment, and it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see your opponent as anything less than an equal. Another way to understand the situation is think of it as becoming someone’s obsession and living rent free in their mind. Believe me, they’ll remember your name.
I’ve never been a fan of the “save a whore” attitude. Without doubt, people like me are mentally wired differently than the average person. It wouldn’t be surprising if sex workers were more likely to commit suicide or die of a drug overdose. But I’ve also seen the opposite , and know that just as many of us are capable of doing impossible things Therefore, I’m often inclined to giving a hand up to a fuck anyone slut transforming them into a pay me whore. Admittedly my efforts have had mixed results, leaving me to wondering if whores are just somehow smarter.
Ghost, my business partner and cameraman has often said that friends are expensive, while clients put money in your pocket. The gist of this is that we need to be careful who we call a friend. Someone might be a swinger but regardless of how their relationship is, it’s one thing to fuck your spouse for free but it’s stupid to screw your neighbor just because you like them. Sluts, even when they decide to become sex workers are infamous for doing foolish things like this. Not only does it cost them money, but they also tend to find themselves surrounded by people that happily sing their praises because they’re getting laid. But all too often, these “friends” disappear when the party is over.
As a pornographer, I often get asked to introduce someone to a performer and my response is always the same, “it’ll cost you”. As a meat puppet, I’m not giving away free samples and most people that assume they can take liberties because we are friends end up making some excuse to call me in the future. A handful get perturbed, but to date, no one that I have ever met in a non-professional environment has ever paid me. The only people who pay have always known upfront that I’m sex worker. With others, it’s as if because they’ve come to know me in a non-business environment, learning that I’m a sex worker somehow entitles them to perks and I’m supposed help them fulfill their fantasy by being a nice guy.
So love me because of professionalism and honesty or hate me because I won’t be used, I don’t really care, because one thing is for sure, you will remember me.
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]]>The post Getting Your Money’s Worth appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>It used to be that I cringed every time I heard the word whore. I have always seen whores as takers and I prided myself as being a giver. Even when I dated, I preferred to pay, not because I was looking for sex, but because I enjoy giving and sharing with others. I have helped friends out lending every skill imaginable, and among friends I neither charged for the help nor differentiated one service from another. Each service is only subjectively valuable, and the only truly tangible thing I am trading is my time and energy.
Where I was raised, most people have a limited disposable income, this is how things are done. Favors are traded like a bartering system and takers are shunned. But in America today things are very different. So many people are looking for a handout without giving in return. It’s all about having the right image and having the right label on a product is what counts. People still want their prestige and luxury, but these days those that can’t afford to pay for it are also unwilling to do something to earn it. It’s no surprise that when you give something away and it has no value, so making someone work for it turns its value into something tangible, and that value is significantly increased.
When I started making porn, rates were pretty standard and there were many production houses. I didn’t feel like a whore, because what I was giving would last more than the time it took to shoot and could ultimately bring many people pleasure. In my quest to make this world a little happier, I haven’t jeopardized my own happiness. But I value relationships and people more than money, thus I have never had a problem sharing myself with people I genuinely liked, or cutting a deal for “friends”, to help with their production costs. Trouble is the most personable people are capable of loving the almighty dollar more than, all too often, even themselves.
To say that the business can be cut throat is an understatement, everyone is looking for profit, but very few care to actually work for it What differentiates quality from quantity is foresight and planning. Looking at the video industry, we often see that you get what you pay for in regards to the final product, as production costs including makeup, good sets and lighting can turn a performance from something akin to a webcam show to something that has a dollar value. The producers who find ways to avoid the Internet con artists, freeloaders and mouchers are seeing the larger picture. The cheats want it here and now. Those who pay honestly for something rarely feel cheated and those who cheat to get something rarely see its value. It is a little thing called cognitive dissidence. Even if something isn’t all that great, if enough is invested into it, the mind protects the ego by convincing it that it has gotten something of value, and vice versa, given the size of the egos in the adult industry, it is no wonder that this prevails.
This phenomenon is most prevalent in the classification of talent. With a multitude of performers to choose from, those that adhere to their rates are selected predominantly over those who lower rates based on need. So rare is a break on these premium rates, that a hundred off on a multiple scene booking is toted as a deal. More often than not, a manager intercedes on the performer’s behalf to negotiate, at least until the powers that be have decided that they have invested too much into the talent, for the performer to be anything but first rate. Ultimately what makes talent popular is their marketability, what makes them sell is their promotion, what promotes them is someone who has invested heavily to have them as part of a project; all in the quest to be getting their money’s worth.
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]]>The post The Great Whores of Babylon appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Now in the middle of this social fiasco comes Covid; I’ve had to deal with germaphobes, masks, covid tests and now vaccine status. Through all of this insanity my objective hasn’t changed, I’m here for the money. And I expect those I work with to be of a similar ilk, and bring an old school sex worker’s mentality to the porno table. After all, if I was looking for complications in my life, I would have found a career that I could have put on a bank loan application. Needless to say, the only talent I book on my sets are those that show up without asking too many questions. No surprise, then, that my roster of available performers has been reduced.
What does come as a surprise is that I can pretty much guess who is going to be problematic based on their education level, social background, politics and to a lessor extent how much time they spend on Fartbook and/or TWIT’r. If they’re under 30, they’re white, have been to university, come from at least an upper middle class family and vote Democrat. If they’re over 30 they might not have been to university but everything else is the same. The only exception to this rule are the morons that seem to always be on social moron media and moron is an understatement.
Honestly, the only opinion I have about Covid is that it makes me angry when the obese, the smokers and other people that abuse their bodies expect me to protect their health. People that don’t care enough to to take care of themselves shouldn’t be my problem. Unfortunately, there’s a hell of a lot of web-designers, etc in the adult industry that need to go on a diet and get into a gym. I’m sick of hearing these entitled jackasses blame healthy people for lockdowns and loss of income. Looking to people I’ve know in the biz, Ron Jeremy comes to mind. He said that he made his own hell because he chose to live at the buffet table. Ronny chose food over health and never once did he ever tell me that I had to deal with his problems. He dealt with his own…. He owned it and that attitude is a rarity these days.
Currently, the only people on my sets (or in my escort agency) are genuine whores. When it’s for video they show up with their ID and when it’s for outcall, they leave their ID in the car. They know that they can’t suck a cock wearing a mask and that they won’t get paid unless they suck those cocks. Plus if you’re going to get sick, it’s best to paid in the process. After all, the doctor isn’t going to give you a freebie.
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]]>The post Men’s skirts emerge as a fashion trend appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Skirts have been included in the autumn/winter collections of Stefan Cooke, Ludovic de Saint Sernin, Burberry and Jaden Smith’s MSFTSrep label. Source:
Escort girls are some of the most liberal progressive people on the planet. They’re pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-drugs, and pro-bowering money. The only time they’re not willing to save the world from itself is when it comes to free love in which the mere mention of it turns them into evil capitalists willing to kill hippies. The ultimate path to happiness for these girls is sucking $200 out of some guy’s cock.
Blondie, my escort chick, says to me that I’m far too old fashion and bigoted to wear a skirt. Well I’m insulted and I beg to differ with her because I would absolutely wear a skirt. However, I want the tartan of Clan Macleod and it has to be assesorized with a Scottish bastard sword. That way I can scream “There can be only one!” as I swing it at some Highlander called James Fraser. So hell yea, I’m more than happy to wear a man skirt!
That’s not a skirt… It’s a Scottish kilt
She had to inform me that there’s a difference between skirts and kilts. Well duh!!!! A kilt is what you wear when you go in to battle because you might accidentally shit yourself when your enemies point a catapult at you. Whereas today’s soldiers of fortune crap in W.A.G bags and wear Depends adult diapers. So for preppers (or SCA /LARP geeks) a kilt is a necessary part of their uniform. Unfortunately my explanation wasn’t good enough for Ms. Rent-a-cunt because she then had tell me that I’m homophobic and culturally offensive.
Seriously WTF!?!? I’m Sicilian, so being offensive is my culture. I fucking insult everyone except the Virgin Mary and even then I’m wondering how hairy her bush was. Also us Wops gave the world the first MMA WWE Ultimate Fighting matches. We had Gladiators and they wore off the shoulder man white dresses that turned red when they gutted a man. Also, let me set the record straight that no one scares me unless they work for the IRS or have a gun.
Sometimes the only way to make a working girl shut up is to gag her with a cock. The more she talked the more I seriously thought of pulling out my Oscar and shoving it down her throat. But this young lady is working for me and escort girls become worse than porn chicks after you fuck them. This means that I was forced to continue to listen to her drivel.
She’s escorting and therefore participating in the evil patriarchy in order to pay for her college education. In whatever social gender warrior classes that she’s enrolled in has taught her that I’m a white supremacist and it’s my outdated attitude that’s fucked up the world. Which is total bullshit because the only bad thing I did was give millions of men under the age of 35 erectile dysfunction. However, in my defense big tech has had more to do with that than me. All I do is film the porn and it’s the Zucker cult that mass distributes it to curious 8 year olds.
What’s fucked up the world are the stupid people that think they know how to fix the world’s problems. Besides if my young, dumb and full of cum escort girl was smart she would have figured out that the easiest and cheapest way to get a college degree is to suck off the guy that prints them for Harfart University. That way she gets an official document with her name on it while saving both time and money.
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]]>The post 84 hours of work for $180 ? appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>3 months ago I was contacted by a beautiful 19 year old woman who was curious about doing porn. The only problem is that she’s young and kind of stupid. She wanted to know if she actually had to shove anything in her vajajay and if she could wear a mask or disguise. I told her that we could shove stuff up her ass if she didn’t want vaginal penetration, but that there would be no masks or disguises. I also told her how much I pay for solo masturbation videos which isn’t much and that I seldom film them. So if she wanted any real money, she could either let me film us fucking or I could hook her up with escort work.
Needless to say, that conversation ended and she took her hot ass someplace else. Normally when this happens I never see or hear from the woman again. (On the other hand men just won’t go away). But behold, she comes back 3 months later once again crying the blues about needing money. She went on a rant about how much money she was told that she could earn on OnlyFans, while in reality she only made about $180 each month. Apparently she worked at least 3 hours every day interfacing with fans, promoting herself, webcams, etc… So quick math puts that at approximately 84 hours of work for about $2.25 an hour! Fuck sakes, she should move to Venezuela where she might actually be able to live off of that kind of money.
At this point everyone should understand that I had a good looking girl that was desperate for money talking to me. Unfortunately, I’m not filming anything right now, and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to do porn. Not much I can do under those circumstances, so I decided to take a look at what she was doing on the Internet.
The first photo I see she’s sucking off her boyfriend’s little wiener
There’s an expression that goes, “Young, Dumb and Full of Cum” and it certainly works in this situation. I honestly need to learn when to shut up because I ended up wasting 10 minutes of my life trying to explain to her that sucking her boyfriend’s dinkie on a webcam is still making porn. Albeit it’s really bad porn but it’s porn nevertheless.
She disagreed with me but admitted that she could understand why I would think this way. (Seriously WTF?) I didn’t have anything better to do so I decided to change the subject by asking her to take her clothes off. Without hesitations her clothes came off and she started yaking about wanting to do all kinds of sex acts. Bareback, cum swallowing, dyking out, anal, double anal and ass to mouth, all the acts that she had got used to doing for her webcam work. Her only limitation was she only fucked white people… (luckily I know an albino African American).
But this eager beaver has really bad timing, I was deep in post production, and not looking to shoot anything new, so I offered the only work I could, as an escort. She agreed and within no-time I was dropping her off at a client’s residence for a couple of hours. When I picked her up she was smiling like the Cheshire cat; she had earned more money in 2 hours than she had previously in 84 hours. I think I’ll call my new muse Kitty.
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