Cruelty Archives - Steele Hard Hamilton Steele Thu, 02 Dec 2021 16:09:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cruelty Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Ghislaine Maxwell Thu, 02 Dec 2021 16:09:29 +0000 In the eyes of the law Ghislaine Maxwell is innocent until proven guilty. Ghislaine Maxwell, according to Jeffrey Epstein’s long-time pilot, had a relationship that was more personal than professional with the convicted pedophile. If this is true, her innocence is highly improbable. But when it comes to justice, I’ll admit that my opinion is...

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In the eyes of the law Ghislaine Maxwell is innocent until proven guilty.

Ghislaine Maxwell, according to Jeffrey Epstein’s long-time pilot, had a relationship that was more personal than professional with the convicted pedophile. If this is true, her innocence is highly improbable. But when it comes to justice, I’ll admit that my opinion is that the police are similar to mob enforcer goons and that sitting judges are the government’s equivalent of Mafia capodecina. Only unlike the Mafioso, the political establishment isn’t going to give the victims sharp knives and leave them alone with their assailant for 10 minutes. (Which might actually be a better deterrent to crime). Instead the media is either going to turn this courtroom drama into a new television reality series or worse, they’re going to cover it up, to protect a bunch of billionaire pedophiles.

In this world there are 2 justice systems, a rich man’s and a poor man’s.

OJ Simpson may literally gotten away with murder when he was rich, but he was just another poor sucker when they grabbed him for robbery. Hiding from the truth won’t change it and unless you have close to a billion dollars in your checking account. The only people in the legal system that are going to even give you the time of day, are the lawyers getting fat paychecks while they drain your financial resources. Unfortunately for 99% of the people, we’re better off buying a baseball bat and taking matters into our own hands, than we are trying to get justice from the system. Barbarism might be a horrible thing to base a society upon, but it would be fair. It would even prevent much of this from happening in the first place as the smaller players who feed the exotic tastes of the elite predators would be taken out by vigilantism years earlier, before their circle of power and influence could grow. Ghislaine Maxwell has lived her whole life as a wealthy socialite, and she has already been sued on similar charges, her family’s wealth too, has a history of power, influence and even embezzlement from the working class.

To be blunt, anyone that suspects or knows that someone is molesting a child and chooses to remain silent is guilty of aiding the abuser. This means that in my opinion, the only way Ghislaine Maxwell could claim she’s innocent is that somehow she wasn’t aware of what Jeffery Epstein was doing with young girls. I can accept not knowing that innocent children were being molested, if their relationship was purely professional. My business partner and I, despite having a working relationship that’s lasted more than a decade, live separate private lives. We share a lot of information about our private lives, but it’s no where near 100%. Therefore, if the relationship between Ghislaine and Jeffery were anything more than business, then I can’t believe that she didn’t know what he was doing.

Ghislaine Maxwell is wealthy and I suspect that she greatly increased her wealth because of her relationship with Epstein. Therefore it comes as no surprise that she has some very powerful friends and contacts, such as Prince Andrew, former President Donald Trump and Bill Gates. What’s really terrifying is that many of her friends and contacts may have also abused children. I can’t help but wonder just how many of society’s powerful elites were involved in these crimes and how many of them are untouchable.

There exist people more powerful that even the President of the United States. But if the general population has even heard of these people, they are mostly unaware of the extent of their power. Someone like this could demand that Ghislaine Maxwell be declared innocent, just to protect his interests. Or perhaps, she’ll conveniently commit suicide in jail, before she can implicate others. Regardless of how this plays out, everyone who isn’t a member of the billionaires club or can’t dine in Buckingham Palace, should be aware that the people who do are not your friends. They’re predators with enough financial and political resources to create hell on earth for anyone who stands between them and what they want….Ironic isn’t it? When barbarism is denied to the insignificant little guy, the head honcho is free to dish out what ever torture he can devise with impunity.

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Generation of Pedophiles Mon, 22 Nov 2021 21:19:28 +0000 Today’s generation of pedophiles are far more powerful than the average pornographer. As a pornstar and pornographer, even being falsely called a pedophile would mean the destruction of my career and perhaps even prison time. So, I don’t take any chances and I demand to see and make copies of ID from all potential talent,...

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Today’s generation of pedophiles are far more powerful than the average pornographer.

As a pornstar and pornographer, even being falsely called a pedophile would mean the destruction of my career and perhaps even prison time. So, I don’t take any chances and I demand to see and make copies of ID from all potential talent, regardless of their age. An obviously 70 year old woman could walk into my office and I would scan her ID for my files. Looks can be deceiving, by following this rule EVERYTIME, I won’t forget when it counts. Society today is highly sexual and pornified, but by holding myself out as a pornographer, I have opened the door to scrutiny, and thusly must draw a line (follow the rules to the letter) to avoid becoming the proverbial scapegoat. I also happen to have a personal moral code in this regard; so these protective measures, against exploiting minors while protecting them from this generation of pedophiles, are an obligation that I embrace.

Pedophiles have always existed and I sincerely doubt that there has ever been a moment in history that they were accepted by society. Now before you start negating this statement with cultural practices of children being married off early, let me explain why this isn’t the same. Pedophiles exploit, they go after the most fragile, they most innocent and like monsters skinning their prey, they peel away the layers of innocence, until the child is an emaciated image of his/her former self and then they discard them for the next victim. So the current generation of pedophiles are just as hated now as they have always been and I call them a generation in part because of how mainstream they’ve become. So much so, even loving parents, knowingly turn a blind eye and hand over their kids to these mentally ill people.

In my field, I come into contact with a very diverse populace. My business model offers complete discretion and avoids children like a plague, but otherwise when it comes to people’s sexual arousal and perversion, I go where few others dare. I provide both a product and a service that very few are willing to admit that they use, let alone acknowledge knowing those responsible for satisfying their lusts. My clients and talent run the whole spectrum of society; the middle class, from professionals to housewives can show up as either clients or talent, while the very wealthy including politicians and mobsters are clients and the poor and self-exploiting (some even homeless) act solely as talent. Sadly this generation of pedophiles are equally diverse: it’s no longer just creepy men. This generation of pedophiles includes many well educated and financially successful women interested in abusing children, such as Ghislaine Maxwell. As many even as there are working class drunk fathers, molesting their own kids.

Under the labels of “ArtHouse” and/or “socially conscious”, there are filmmakers and organizations openly producing films that would land a pornographer like me in jail. I’ve seen video footage that was produced in the name of sexual expression that can only be classified as racist, violent and yes, in many cases, what the law would call child porn. Most western nations have very similar anti-child sexual exploitation laws. It seems like when it’s in the name of sexual expression or social justice that it’s all acceptable regardless of what’s portrayed. This generation of pedophiles, go beyond questionable films such as the French movie “Cuties.” There is photographic material depicting actual children, sometimes nude themselves, and often with nude adults, being shown at film festivals and distributed to the public using the excuse of “inclusivity.”

We now have a generation of pedophiles infiltrating public schools.

Sexually abusing a child has got to be one of the greatest betrayals of trust in existence. A child can be an adorable angel or an absolute hell raiser but none of them have any idea of what a sexual predator wants to do to them. I’m neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist, but I’ve learned a ton about people’s sexual urges. Regardless of current generation of pedophiles or past ones, all of them appear to be attracted to childhood innocence. Like a vampire, they need a kid’s life force. And their perversions begin with the corruption of that innocence through exposure to images and ideas that are only suitable for a developed discerning mind, a mind which has, not only reached physical sexual maturity, but also can emotionally understand the complexity of the relationship that such images or ideas entail.

In very recent years there has been a push towards “inclusivity” in public schools. There have been many incidents because of this agenda which have included; male students dressed in bras and underwear giving male teachers lap dances in Kentucky, a sixth grade teacher at Bethlehem Junior Academy in Florida molested a 12 year old, a 26-year-old woman is employed as a community liaison at El Sausal School in Salinas California had sex with middle school children and a former central Indiana school nurse was sentenced to 105 years in prison on child molesting charges. – Unfortunately, we can only identify these abusers because they were caught, we have no way of knowing how many others are abusing kids in this generation of pedophiles.

What we do know about the present generation of pedophiles is that they’re growing in number and many of them have both large sums of money and a fair amount of political power. This knowledge should leave any parent with a sickening feeling because unless enough people take a stand against this, sex with children is going to be normalized. When that happens the exact emotional impact on our society is unknowable but if I had to hazard a guess, I’m going to guess a lot of mental illness creating a horribly unjust and unfair future. Rob a child of her/his innocence today and tomorrow s/he may become a monster.

So where are all the helicopter parents that watch over their kids?

We have a generation of pedophiles that with each day are becoming untouchable. They build islands like Jeffery Epstein did, making alliances with people like Bill Gates and the Clintons. The media freaked out with live feeds about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, but gave almost no mention of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trail. Our schools aren’t safe, sex ed is being introduced as early as kindergarten. While pornographic books are readily available in many middle and high school libraries. Parent’s outcry on the sexualization of our children and pubescent minors is either ignored by mainstream media, or used to make concerned parents look like they are evil, non-progressive, bigots. As for the government, their widespread curriculum changes in support of special interest groups have taken precedence over the 3Rs. So it should come as no surprise that Texas Governor Abbot is the ONLY powerful politician addressing the complaints of sexual material in the schools.

I’m a pornstar and pornographer in the adult industry, with emphasis on the words “ADULT INDUSTRY.” I’m therefore not an enemy to anyone that cares about their children. The only thing I have to say is, “If you don’t care about your kids enough to protect them, don’t expect anyone else to either. ”

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Rape is a four letter word Fri, 15 Oct 2021 16:26:21 +0000 Rape is a four letter word in the expletive sense, its affects ripple through society like the plow wave of an atomic bomb, destroying the lives of those closest to it while leaving the radioactive residue that contaminates us all. Yet despite this being a clear cut, and well defined crime of a sexual nature,...

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Rape is a four letter word in the expletive sense, its affects ripple through society like the plow wave of an atomic bomb, destroying the lives of those closest to it while leaving the radioactive residue that contaminates us all. Yet despite this being a clear cut, and well defined crime of a sexual nature, our modern day Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” has decided that it is now a social construct. Much like the rest of society, I believe that rape involves penetration of vagina, and or ass without consent, or by having someone forcibly shove his cock in your mouth against your will, and this view pretty much surmises the legal definition provided on Wikipedia. It’s not difficult to foresee a possible avalanche of problems the moment rape becomes a culturally subjective experience.

The fallout that I can imagine cascades in all directions. Take for instance a situation where someone anally rapes a female with broom handle and their defense in court is that it wasn’t rape because in their culture, rape can only be done by a penis entering a vagina. Imagine the trauma of having to relive such a violent act to testify, only to have the ordeal negated because the charges won’t stick under this subjective definition. Inversely a security guard could be criminally charged with rape for conducting a job related pat-down. We’ve already seen lives destroyed by unfounded accusation without consequence to the accuser. How much worse could it be if a bias judge was allowed to interpret the meaning as she saw fit. The destruction that a culturally fluid concept of rape can cause is, in my eyes, unfathomable and it scares the hell out of me.

Male, 26 years old repeatedly raped in prison.

Carl (not his real name) served an 18 month prison term in New York State where he was repeatedly raped by multiple men. We met 3 months ago when he contacted me, looking to work in the adult industry. Carl was soft spoken, and he wanted work, not trouble. For all the reasons people get into sex work, the biggest is that it’s really all they can handle. The commitment of regular jobs is too much for them. While sex work can be fast, easy, and you get paid right away. The sad truth is that traumatic rape experiences often create emotionally fractured people who go from being someone’s sex toy, to objectifying themselves to make ends meet.

Carl explained how he had been hanging out with a bad crowd when his carefree lifestyle caught up with him and he went to jail at 20. He was nonchalant in his tone, but as his eyes averted mine, I knew he was struggling to suppress his emotions. I watched his left foot bounce incessantly as he continued,

“When they brought me into the prison it didn’t take long for a couple of guys to give me that look like I was a new fuck doll. I remember walking past one guy and him saying to me that he’ll protect me. No one told me, but that’s how it works in jail, some guy rapes you and then he’s like, your daddy or husband. You ain’t got anymore manhood and your ass belongs to him. I was young and skinny, so from behind my ass looked like a woman to men that haven’t seen a female in years.”

He stops to have a cigarette, letting his foot hit the floor and stop it’s infernal bounce. He interjects that I don’t have to worry, nicotine is his only addiction now, he gave up drugs and hanging with that crowd.

As he gathered strength from the hot inhalation, he went on to tell me how his cellmate claimed him that first night. “When we were locked in my cellmate came up to me with his cock hanging out asking for a blowjob. I told him that I wasn’t gay or bisexual and he just smiled and grabbed my hair and forced me down. He was a big powerful guy that could have killed me, so when he threatened me I complied. Once he got hard he pulled my pants down and fucked me in the ass and he rode me hard and long. In the morning he told his friends and they all took turns raping me. I was raped almost every day I was in jail. I regularly had the shit beaten out of me and would walk around with bruises, cracked ribs and my asshole ripped open from impromptu gang bangs. The administration always made it clear that I should shut up about being raped and I did because I didn’t want it to get worse.”

Female, 32 years old raped several times by school teacher and husband

Lisa (not her real name) was 14 when she was raped several times by a school teacher and her husband. Like myself, she’s a veteran of the adult industry having worked in it more than 15 years. People that remain in this industry develop a thick skin and over time it only gets thicker validating the expression that we’re “tough as nails.” Although rape often is what causes many of us to become sex workers it’s the rape experience that causes someone’s mind will fracture. How those fractures express themselves can be drastically different among each individual.

Lisa matter-of-factly retold the story like she was reading through a porn premise. She knew how to remove herself from the reality, the psychological schism completely in her control. Her life took a turn just after starting high school. Having difficulty in math, she jumped at the chance to work one on one with her teacher, Mrs. Gibson. “ Friday after school, she drove me to her home and she helped me study for about an hour. After that she offered me some wine and like any kid I accepted.” Lisa isn’t sure how she ended up being eaten out by her teacher that day, but she does remember the confusion she felt after she orgasmed. “It totally fucked with my head because I had always believed that rape was something men did to women. I had no clue what to call that was happening to me. She also made me cum so I figured that I somehow responsible for what was happening.”

She continued to explain how her teacher started necking with her in the car before dropping her off. And like on any date with an aggressor, she ended it by telling her to be ready the next day to continue her tutoring. “I was a total naive idiot and I was outside sitting on the porch with my books waiting for her. She fingered me while we drove back to her home and when I got there her husband was there with another glass of wine for me. They both laughed when he took my virginity and I got blood on their bed.”

Lisa stops telling me her rape story to ask how much she’s getting paid for the boy-girl-girl scene I am shooting the next day, and I tell her. She complains that it’s on the low side and says how much she hates eating out girls. But then she quickly reminds herself that I’ve hired her several times, it’s easy work with me that doesn’t end up on the Internet.

From her perspective, for whatever reason, the sexual exploitation, wasn’t the worst of Lisa’s problems which she feels really began when, about a month later, she told someone what was happening. After that her world collapsed, nobody believed her, not even her parents. She started drinking, doing drugs and she left home. “ I was 15 and living on the streets and hooking behind a music shop. Even a couple of those Christian ministries guys came around to have me suck them off. They never screwed me because that was wrong but swallowing their loads was ok. I was around 18 when an old street walker from Boston helped me get off the streets and get clean. She ran an escort agency and the work was safer. I don’t know what happened to that teacher and I haven’t seen my parents since either.”

Helen, 45 years old wants to be raped

Helen (not real name), fantasizes about rape. It is a common fantasy, but women rarely want to be brutally raped, most rather enjoy the idea of being physically taken by an unknown aggressor. In Helen’s case though she wanted it as brutal as any mainstream movie, violent, physically damaging, sudden and anonymous. We were on the phone, when I realized she wasn’t looking for a re-enactment of Veronica Hart’s Taken. I made notes and demanded to meet face-to-face in a public place. I loath surprises and a woman willing to pay to be brutalized and raped has the extreme potential for a bad surprise.

A couple of days later, Helen was perturbed that I showed up with a witness (another girl) and a small camera. Rape fantasies, when they involve physical injury as well as sex, don’t always stop at the act. I mean she could very well be masturbating to the idea of also putting a rapist in jail. Considering the level of reality that she was asking for the only thing that would keep my ass from being arrested was fully documenting her request before proceeding.

Helen is a successful professional, she comes across the quiet conservative type, the ones we always whisper about being the ones to watch out for. She wanted to be taken off the streets, driven to a secluded area and beaten into submission by a masked man who would rape her. She liked the idea of a knife or a gun being used too. We finally agreed on a home invasion to occur by the next quarter. I also made her pay 50% upfront by personal check, made out to me personally as one more level of documentation. Much to her displeasure, I insisted that she have a safe word. If she said mercy at any point during her attack, it would be stopped, and the contract would be considered fulfilled Our meeting ended with her being filmed signing a legal document that explained that the rape was consensual while absolving me of all legal and/or financial responsibilities. After the signing and witnessing of the contract she would be unexpectedly raped within the next 3 months.

Just over a month later, she was caught in her kitchen by a masked intruder. Her rapist wore a discreet body cam and filmed the ordeal. (Again legal safety) She received a knife slash across her shoulder, a black eye and a split lip but never once did she say “mercy.” As I watched the footage, it was her eyes that struck me the hardest. The swift movements of her pupils divulged genuine fear, while the flush of the skin and the way her eyes would momentarily roll back after her pupils dilated betrayed her elation, as she struggled against her assailant. Helen was penetrated both vaginally and anally and she had multiple orgasms, during the following 3 hours, she got everything she had been looking for.

The outstanding sum on the contract was payed the next night. Helen looked like hell. I asked how on earth was she explaining her injuries, and without hesitation she told me that she got into a fight with another woman over politics. The pride she took in her injuries was confirmed by the fact that she tipped me, and then asked about setting up another rape session.

In conclusion

I look at the world these days, and I see a sick society, one that is becoming increasingly sicker. People who know me, often say I am like Han Solo, but these days I feel more like Darth Vadar as the darkest fantasies become realities. But don’t get me wrong, I still think that rape (in it’s traditional definition) is wrong and should be dealt with the harshest of penalties. Consent must be 100% or it’s not consent.

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Even Hitler was a dog lover Wed, 25 Aug 2021 00:53:26 +0000 Most people don’t know that Adolph Hitler was a dog lover. Unfortunately, the majority of people are also ignorant to the fact that Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy. David Berkowitz and a large percentage of serial killers perfected their evil on animals before they decided to go after human beings. We might be able to understand...

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Most people don’t know that Adolph Hitler was a dog lover. Unfortunately, the majority of people are also ignorant to the fact that Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy. David Berkowitz and a large percentage of serial killers perfected their evil on animals before they decided to go after human beings. We might be able to understand what makes these men do what they do but we can easily understand what they are, they’re monsters. – It isn’t any more complicated than that.

I do this so, this world will know… That it will not change me – Garth Brooks

Despite what modern secularists might try to say, I don’t believe that evil is relative or a social construct. Sometimes wrong is just wrong and bad is just bad. Even the most immoral individual knows that there are some things you just shouldn’t do. Now I can however, accept that monsters can be a product of their environment but my life experiences and observations have proven to me that demonic humans are simply born evil. The only way to deal with them is by standing against them and I am speaking to even the morally challenged pornographers, such as myself.

What’s my point…Lost in the news…

Several impounded dogs due to be rescued by a shelter have instead been shot dead by a rural council in New South Wales (NSW) under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions, alarming animal activists and prompting a government probe.
Bourke Shire Council, in the state’s north-west, killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from traveling to pick up the animals last week, according to council’s watchdog, the Office of Local Government.

Source: The Sydney Herald

In 2008 Lance Cpl. David Motari, a U.S. Marine, was videotaped throwing a puppy over a cliff while it yelped when he was on patrol in Iraq. This cruelty to an innocent was the result of one seriously twisted mind and his fellow soldier that stood by and did nothing to stop him. Because of the international outcry Motari was kicked out of the military and his co-worker was disciplined. The Marines sent the right message by getting rid of both the monster and his accomplice .(

If you haven’t heard of Godwin’s law then I suggest you look it up, because it’s a perfect fit for this atrocious act of cruelty. Almost everyone instinctively knows that the persons who killed those defenseless animals are monsters; human garbage in my opinion. But what people fail to consider is that these “officers” are no different than the guards at a Nazi death camp putting people in gas chambers. Therefore, that makes every member of Bourke Shire Council, Adolph Hitler and his S.S. Officers. Unfortunately, I’m not even remotely shocked, I’ve come to expect this kind of behavior from the degenerates that call themselves leaders.

It was also around 2008, while I lived in Europe, that one afternoon, I shared a drink and had a long conversation with a Holocaust survivor. At the time I was looking to do a mainstream project and as I made notes, I was mentally prepared to hear all the horrors he witnessed and experienced. In those moments, as I listened, I was comfortably removed from what he told me. It wasn’t until we got up to part ways that the impact of what true evil is was revealed to me.

He was a slow moving old man that never liked taking the bus. His only true anger wasn’t at the police, the Nazi soldiers or even Adolph Hitler. He was 7 years old when they came to take him and his family away to the camps. Refusing to get on a bus and reaching out to his mother, the civilian driver gave him a piece of candy and helped him find his seat. Every day thereafter, the rest of his life, for Izaak (Isaac) the face of pure evil was everyone that said nothing, did nothing or worst, simply continued to go about their lives, jobs, business as usual, as if nothing bad was happening. Each time he looked at a bus driver, he saw the greatest and most evil monster of this world. And based on what I learned from the history in Europe, the same can be said for school teachers, shop keepers, policemen, and even close neighbors who in the name of civic duty became the monstrously evil majority by turning a blind eye, or worse turning in the “undesirables” around them.

I used to wonder how a civilized individuals could become barbaric murderous Nazis. In my own innocence I wanted to believe that such a transformation was a fluke and that it could never happen again because humanity had learned its lesson. Sadly, Covid has shown me that it can happen again so very easily. So as Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz have demonstrated, it all begins on a small scale. The lack of coverage of this story (in comparison with “Puppy toss”) makes me think that people no longer feel outrage at acts of senseless cruelty to the most innocent and defenseless.

I for one must speak out. But I am not innocent, nor defenseless, for as a pornographer I am likened to a cockroach in society, one of the survivors. As for the rest of you…if society already is not responding to senseless acts of cruelty, YOU ARE ALREADY FUCKED!

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