lockdown Archives - Steele Hard https://steelehard.com/category/covid-19/lockdown/ Hamilton Steele Mon, 25 Oct 2021 19:38:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://steelehard.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG_9805-150x150.jpg lockdown Archives - Steele Hard https://steelehard.com/category/covid-19/lockdown/ 32 32 Ignorance is strength https://steelehard.com/2021/10/25/ignorance-is-strength/ Mon, 25 Oct 2021 19:37:49 +0000 https://steelehard.com/?p=756 George Orwell wrote that ignorance is strength in his dystopian novel, 1984. The book’s main character is Winston works for the Ministry of Truth. A very basic summary of his duties are that they included locating documents from the past, rewriting them to fit the current government agenda and then ensuring that the originals were...

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George Orwell wrote that ignorance is strength in his dystopian novel, 1984. The book’s main character is Winston works for the Ministry of Truth. A very basic summary of his duties are that they included locating documents from the past, rewriting them to fit the current government agenda and then ensuring that the originals were “memory hole’d.” In case you haven’t read the book, the “memory hole” was a tube that whisked away all documents put in to it to a furnace to be burned.

Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past.

A few of my clients and fans have argued that when a pornographer starts quoting Orwell, we’re truly living in an Orwellian era. Although I prefer to believe that we’re not living through a dystopian story, I’m able to see the validity of their arguments. Nevertheless since I produce videos of sexual debauchery, I should really be among the last people to pass judgment on our current situation.

In my line of work, I’ve noticed that videos that show simple sex between a man and woman don’t sell very well. Sure, there’s some wiggle room for high production value photos and videos that showcase a performer’s beauty and well done comedy can command a decent audience. However, it’s far cheaper and more profitable to have a 5ft tall thin frame performer’s anus ripped open by a large muscular man with a huge cock in a simulated rape scene. Like it or lump it, people are captivated with power dynamics. Or, more aptly said, we’re obsessed with being able to control others.

Contrary to popular belief, censorship isn’t about controlling the information that you have access to; that’s an oversimplification. When we see it as only a muzzling of voices, we need only one example of a breakthrough alternative view to quell all argument that censorship is happening. It’s really about controlling what you think and subsequently controlling your behavior; which is exactly what Orwell was trying to warn us about.

When I produce a rape video, I don’t want any performer to actually get hurt, so some planning occurs. By comparison corporations and governments also plan out what they want to see happen, but unlike a pornographer, their not getting anyone’s consent, and their only real concern is if they will directly suffer consequences, they rarely give a second thought to anyone else. So they manipulate society’s environment, until there are people who will literally go out and “rape” (read: commit atrocities) in the real world.

World governments have a love-hate relationship with the porn industry. In the past it was the consumer’s demand for porn that fueled consumer demand for innovation. It was old school pornographers that exploited video cassettes to the point it became the primary unspoken reason to by a VHS machine. It was the porn industry that made millions want high-speed Internet and sites like youtube, wouldn’t exist without smut peddlers inventing online streaming. I’ll also argue that during the lockdowns, thousands of hookers should have become rich, but OnlyFans suddenly rose up and kept millions of horny men at home. So don’t delude yourselves, governments view people like me as convenient tools to achieve their goals.

Currently the porn industry is being censored, but not by any government, it’s by the banks. This is something to which even anti-porn people should be paying attention. The reason why is simple logic, if they can do it to us, then they can do it to you. Don’t kid yourselves, this is Orwell at the most basic level and it’s as scary as it gets. Western society is fractured into 2 separate “races”: the elite ruling class, including politicians, corporate executives, bankers, overpaid celebrities and then there’s everyone else, which are the unimportant, and victims like you and me.

Today’s pornographer can produce the tamest and most vanilla porn possible. He can ensure that every requirement is obeyed for legal age requirement, consent and health and safety. However, the bank can still decide to revoke his payment processing abilities. They can do this without warning or explanation and for any reason they chose. Suddenly someone’s ability to pay their bills and even provide paid work for others is whipped out with the scratch of a pen. Ask yourselves, if the elites didn’t do exactly this to thousands of restaurants, hair salons, etc. with Covid lockdowns? Life went on normally for them, but the rest of us got fucked over. (Mr. Orwell tried to warn us).

There are many different types of totalitarian societies, a few of which I’ve had the opportunity to visit . In my opinion the most heinous is the authoritarian regime where both government and corporations operate as a single entity. Even the most ardent patriot can have a hundred guns and enough ammo to fight a small war, but the moment he causes any problems, he’ll simply find his mortgage canceled, be fired from his job, have his bank account seized and/or he won’t be allowed in any store to buy food or even the use of a homeless shelter. Alone in a world filled with others too scared to defend him and face the same consequences, he is shunned and relegated to sleeping in the streets or the woods, scavenging or hunting for food.

My advice to everyone is to live each day like it’s your last. We must stand up for ourselves now because tomorrow promises nothing. Start by thinking for yourselves, and don’t let the ministry of truth censor anything. Because once they take away your brain’s nutrition, facts that stimulate thought and reflection, they can fill your brain with intoxicating garbage that leaves you with a momentary satiation and keeps you returning for more, until they own your thoughts, like a dealer owns a junkie’s life.

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Sex Pornographer or Fear Pornographer https://steelehard.com/2021/08/09/sex-pornographer-or-fear-pornographer/ Mon, 09 Aug 2021 02:54:21 +0000 https://steelehard.com/?p=655 Pornographers pedal the obscene, taboo, or shocking to create a physiological response. The response in small doses is rather harmless, and quickly forgotten, but with repeated exposure can have an addictive effect and create a dependency on the viewer. The traditional pornographer, like myself, tries to profit from turning people’s unsatisfied desires into obsessions and...

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Pornographers pedal the obscene, taboo, or shocking to create a physiological response. The response in small doses is rather harmless, and quickly forgotten, but with repeated exposure can have an addictive effect and create a dependency on the viewer.

The traditional pornographer, like myself, tries to profit from turning people’s unsatisfied desires into obsessions and perversions. We don’t concern ourselves so much with prestige or power, but rather making a buck. I don’t care what others think of me, and I don’t desire to have any form of influence on them. In fact what I produce is usually dictated by the consumer, not the other way around.

But society has another type of pornographer, pedaling the physiological response. And they are more insidious. They deal with a primitive instinct that trumps both the human sex drive and even the physical need for food. Our flight or fight response, fear itself. Along with the message of impending doom they offer their solution, as the only way to fight back against the eminent threat to your life. A threat that they are sure to continue to tell you about. The people who produce this product are numerous, they are your politicians, the media, big tech and a myriad of wealthy businessmen. They rape minds for their own benefit.

So what exactly is fear?

Fear is an instinct that effects us in two ways. There is filial fear which is external of the ego, it comes out of reverence or respect. And then their is servile fear, a ego driven fear of punishment or personal consequence. Filial fear is what we feel when we worry over a loved one, it’s what gives rise to both helicopter parents and tough love. It’s why we “do the right thing” when faced with temptation. Mostly, filial fear is healthy, it’s what puts the humane into humanity.

Now then, we need to examine servile fear, for ultimately this is the fear that is being pedaled by the fear pornographers. Servile fear is not only the unhealthy fear that is the root of all phobias, it is also a means of control.

Servile fear makes liars out of those who fear judgement, makes silent those who fear having their reputation destroyed. It’s the fuel for addictions that offer an escape from reality. And in modern society it’s the source of anxiety, a feeling that rises within us in response to external forces beyond our control.

This modern anxiety comes from a place deep inside our minds where no fear should ever come from. Our subconscious is seething with all kinds of negative thoughts and doubts that are constantly seeking appeasement. These doubts transcend normal apprehensions of day to day behaviors and life because they’re the result of purposeful brainwashing.

The effects of servile fear on society are neurosis, terror and horror. Neurosis makes society mentally ill, people start to doubt themselves and seek reaffirmation because their subconscious is aware of something that they will not allow their conscious mind to dwell on. (A classic example of this is Lady MacBeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth) Today this is commonly seen in those who on some level know that they are being lied too, but accept the lies anyway, until they believe them so fervently that any opposition is conceived as a personal attack.

The second effect of this harmful fear is terror. Terror results when the threat one fears is long-term, when violence or threat of death are used to dominate. Living in terror people become irrational, they recoil in submission to the constant threat and turn on those around them that might challenge the terrorizing factor. We see this manifested in the absolutely one-sided narrative of Covid. Anyone who voices concerns over complications with the vaccine is attacked as an anti-vaccination propagandist even those among the vaccinated who are only trying to share their personal experiences.

Finally we have horror. Horror comes with absolute hopelessness. Both the suicidal and those people who loose themselves in addictions are trying to escape the horror, that for them life has become.

Undoubtedly, today’s world is in a very dark place and everyone needs to stop letting their fears dominate them. We can do that by questioning our fears. Start by identifying what is the source of your fear, then remove yourself from it. It used to be a very beautiful world; but instead of living your life, you unwittingly chose to allow someone to rape your mind and ejaculate fear into it. The way out of this mess is by taking action with righteous indignation. Have courage, because even one voice that yells in the night can become a rallying point for others. In the end, this is just food for thought, I’m not pedaling influence…besides at the rate things are going I’ll be selling escapism for a long time to come. But if you agree with anything that I’ve said, realize that it is time to do something, because when a self-serving pornographer becomes the voice of reason, the world is really fucked up.

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Who is the owner of Pornhub? https://steelehard.com/2021/05/25/who-is-the-owner-of-pornhub/ Tue, 25 May 2021 21:36:15 +0000 https://steelehard.com/?p=383 Pornhub and the other tube sites have long been a pain in the ass to many pornographers. In the early 2000’s someone came up with the bright idea to create a youtube type site and let its users upload all the porn they want while they make money from *cough cough* “advertising.” The result was...

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Pornhub and the other tube sites have long been a pain in the ass to many pornographers. In the early 2000’s someone came up with the bright idea to create a youtube type site and let its users upload all the porn they want while they make money from *cough cough* “advertising.” The result was a scorched earth full of piracy, 3rd rate talent and destroyed porn businesses. Technology has always been mixed blessing to the jizz biz, on one hand it enables it and on the other hand it turns it into cheap crap. In the 1970s, they made high production value movies that people actually watched in theaters. But by the time I started my career, we were 90 % gonzo, due to the change from analog to digital. These days, since everyone has a camera in his/her pocket, fuck videos are a dime a dozen.

So who is Bernd Bergmair?

According to Tortoise Media, he’s the secret majority owner of Mindgeek (aka. Pornhub). Now in case you didn’t already suspect, Pornhub gets a mountain of traffic, (92 million daily visitors were counted in 2018). I’ve no doubt that Covid lockdowns have contributed to raising that number. Increased traffic includes increased uploaders, which brings its own set of problems. Problems with mentally sick pedophiles uploading kiddie porn… Jackasses uploading videos of people that never knew they were being filmed… And assholes that just want to get revenge on someone. Personally, I’ve got an old school mentality, so it should be no surprise that I like the idea of removing the anonymity of uploaders and then sending men with baseball bats to their homes. (Hey, my family is Sicilian, this train of thought is genetic.)

I have always been in favor of treating sites like Pornhub the same way we treat distributors of adult erotica. That means EVERYONE who uploads must adhere to 18 USC 2257. So the general public doesn’t get to upload to the platform without submitting copies of the performer’s IDs and releases. As a producer, I assure everyone that I want the scumbags shut down too and that it’s in everyone’s best interest, including Mindgeek’s to work together.

Quid-pro-quo business approaches ensure long-term profitability and growth.

When we fail to keep the human garbage out of our industry, another industry will be happy to do it for us and be labeled as heroes for it. All those anti-porn activists and political lobby groups that will put enormous public pressure on career politicians, who will be very happy to win public favor by kicking the adult industry in the head. No one is ever going to win an election by promising to make porn production easier, but a promise to shut one of us down, will easily win 50k more votes from both feminists and Christian groups. I can just imagine the chaos that will happen the moment some social justice warrior successfully claims that porn contributes to rape culture and/or toxic masculinity.

Whoever Bernd Bergmair is, it might be a good time for him to step up and change the way Pornhub functions. My search results say Pornhub earns close to half a billion dollars a year, so it’s had a great run. The world is forever changing and as much as I dream of making a 1970s porn movie, I’m now experimenting with my smartphone and sending the majority of what I produce to private collectors. The situation is… What the situation is.. So who Bernd Bergmair is doesn’t really matter but maybe now it’s Mindgeek’s turn to adapt or die.

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The Great Whores of Babylon https://steelehard.com/2021/05/19/the-great-whores-of-babylon/ Wed, 19 May 2021 18:30:29 +0000 https://steelehard.com/?p=354 The porn industry has as many opinions as it has assholes, both literally and figuratively. In the past expressing these opinions was overwhelmingly motivated by a common agenda, to make a buck. The reasons for wanting the money were varied, from lifestyle, to debt, to addiction. However motivation was never sexual, the sexual aspect was...

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The porn industry has as many opinions as it has assholes, both literally and figuratively. In the past expressing these opinions was overwhelmingly motivated by a common agenda, to make a buck. The reasons for wanting the money were varied, from lifestyle, to debt, to addiction. However motivation was never sexual, the sexual aspect was just the commodity, although having a high sex drive, or particular fetish did help keep the job from getting boring. Money is no longer the driving force behind the modern anything goes industry, if you can even call it an industry, with everything else redefined including virginity and gender.

Now in the middle of this social fiasco comes Covid; I’ve had to deal with germaphobes, masks, covid tests and now vaccine status. Through all of this insanity my objective hasn’t changed, I’m here for the money. And I expect those I work with to be of a similar ilk, and bring an old school sex worker’s mentality to the porno table. After all, if I was looking for complications in my life, I would have found a career that I could have put on a bank loan application. Needless to say, the only talent I book on my sets are those that show up without asking too many questions. No surprise, then, that my roster of available performers has been reduced.

What does come as a surprise is that I can pretty much guess who is going to be problematic based on their education level, social background, politics and to a lessor extent how much time they spend on Fartbook and/or TWIT’r. If they’re under 30, they’re white, have been to university, come from at least an upper middle class family and vote Democrat. If they’re over 30 they might not have been to university but everything else is the same. The only exception to this rule are the morons that seem to always be on social moron media and moron is an understatement.

Honestly, the only opinion I have about Covid is that it makes me angry when the obese, the smokers and other people that abuse their bodies expect me to protect their health. People that don’t care enough to to take care of themselves shouldn’t be my problem. Unfortunately, there’s a hell of a lot of web-designers, etc in the adult industry that need to go on a diet and get into a gym. I’m sick of hearing these entitled jackasses blame healthy people for lockdowns and loss of income. Looking to people I’ve know in the biz, Ron Jeremy comes to mind. He said that he made his own hell because he chose to live at the buffet table. Ronny chose food over health and never once did he ever tell me that I had to deal with his problems. He dealt with his own…. He owned it and that attitude is a rarity these days.

Currently, the only people on my sets (or in my escort agency) are genuine whores. When it’s for video they show up with their ID and when it’s for outcall, they leave their ID in the car. They know that they can’t suck a cock wearing a mask and that they won’t get paid unless they suck those cocks. Plus if you’re going to get sick, it’s best to paid in the process. After all, the doctor isn’t going to give you a freebie.

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Meanwhile in Canada https://steelehard.com/2021/04/10/meanwhile-in-canada/ Sat, 10 Apr 2021 15:08:16 +0000 https://steelehard.com/?p=247 Canada’s greatest past time isn’t hockey, it’s virtue signalling. In case you don’t know, virtue signalling is basically a small child telling everyone what a special, good boy he is. From a five year old, it’s cute; when adults do it, it’s annoying. And when it’s part of nation’s culture, it’s fucking pathetic. Canadians love...

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Canada’s greatest past time isn’t hockey, it’s virtue signalling. In case you don’t know, virtue signalling is basically a small child telling everyone what a special, good boy he is. From a five year old, it’s cute; when adults do it, it’s annoying. And when it’s part of nation’s culture, it’s fucking pathetic. Canadians love telling everyone that they’re not Americans, that they are more peaceful than their gun toting counterparts. Their inclusive society looks at gated communities like xenophobic klan gatherings, and they take great pride in showing how smart they are communicating in polite, politically correct exchanges… but Covid lockdowns are showing them that they’re idiots.

I’ve got a few friends in Canuckastan, and they tell me they have a nationalized dollar store called Craparama. Only it’s not really a dollar store because most of the good stuff is $4.00. (Only Canadians will overpay for cheap Chinese shit.) After over a year of gov’t restrictions and with their American counterparts opening up, it seems Canucks are still waging a polite war against the China virus… All their stores are closed except the dollar store and Wagglemart because germs have adapted to the low grade government regulated hand sanitizer. To make matters even worst, Chinese imports that line the shelves of these stores, are teaming with Coronaviruses, so on the shelves they must stay, no one can buy them.

So my good friend Singh walks into the crapola store looking to buy a can of beans, dish detergent, a dish sponge and a kitchen sink stopper. However, when he gets to the cashier, the woman takes out the sponge, and the sink stopper and tells him they’re non-essential. My friend is dumbfounded, he has been dutifully under house arrest and now he wonders what he did wrong, because he did everything he was told. Which in Canadianese means that he was expecting to get a pat on the head for being a “good boy” and not denied spending his gov’t check on what he sees in the prison store.

All this virtue signalling, good little patsy stuff made me curious about the biggest Canuckian that I know. It’s GFY’s #1 basement wimp from Montreal, 2MuchMark. Last weekend he waited in line outside of the Olympic Stadium, the place where Bruce Jenner outran his own balls in 1976, for his anti-Covid shot. Sadly, French Canadiens are so scared of the Coronavirus that they didn’t have the customary line of government employees available to praise Cowardians for being good and doing as they’re told. So poor Marky had to go online and proudly proclaim to pornographic webmasters how special he was, to get some virtual high 5s‘.

Fortunately, for Canadians there is a silver lining to all of this Covid insanity. Part of the foundation of communism is its make work programs. So even if their bosses go out of business, there will be no shortage of government jobs for people willing to pat Canucks on their heads and tell them how good they are. In the meantime, Trudeau and Rob Ford want to assure the public that boot licking is still germ free.

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