Covid 19 Archives - Steele Hard Hamilton Steele Mon, 10 Jan 2022 17:42:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Covid 19 Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Managing Misinformation Sun, 09 Jan 2022 02:37:22 +0000 Whoever is managing misinformation, is the Ministry of Truth If you are following the news at all these days you would believe that managing misinformation is the crucial altruistic purpose of media venues, both social media and traditional news. In reality we are witnessing the birth-pangs of an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. When we allow...

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Whoever is managing misinformation, is the Ministry of Truth

If you are following the news at all these days you would believe that managing misinformation is the crucial altruistic purpose of media venues, both social media and traditional news. In reality we are witnessing the birth-pangs of an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. When we allow a third party to decide what is ok for us to know and what is not, we are essentially allowing them to do the thinking for us. Not only denying ourselves the opportunity to engage in critical thinking, but trusting that said third party is truly infallible. omniscient and benevolent enough to be allowed to make this decision on our behalf. Misinformation is nothing more than a fancy word for lies, but when the media uses it, to ascribe everything outside of the preferred narrative, that narrative becomes propaganda.

The concept of misinformation comes from the Russian word dezinformatsiya, which was according to Wikipedia, a government propaganda program whose purpose was to create false information whose source was also falsely associated. It’s sort of like a false flag operation but using the media to sway public opinion. Here’s an example… Going back to Nazi Germany, Hitler didn’t have full control of the nation at first, and the communist party was his parliamentary opposition party. He called for a reelection, then the parliament building was torched. Immediately the communists were blamed, it was decreed a terrorist act signaling a communist uprising and in the upcoming weeks the communist party credibility was destroyed and members were villanized while, Hitler’s Nazi’s gained full control over the government processes, law making, right revoking, property confiscating, etc

A media today is possibly even more powerful than it was in Hitler’s era. It dominates our lives, our social interactions, the screens at work, at our gyms and in our homes. It stimulates our eyes, our ears and especially our emotions. This emotional response ripe with dopamine is a powerful tool that has split the population into rival gangs. Reason goes out the window, facts become are irrelevant, and misinformation peddlers are labeled far-right extremists. Those self elected to the task of managing misinformation, label others as a consequence of questioning the status quo or choosing one’s own narrative, even when based on personal experience, and it has nothing to do with voting history or vaccine status. A population divided is already half conquered, because we attack each other instead of the forces that truly disrupt our lives and livelihood. But this is NOT about Trump vs Biden…heck the main debate today is mandates versus precaution when it comes to dealing with Covid and both political leaders are on the SAME team when it comes to the vaccine. Trump continues to peddle the shot at every speaking engagement, it was after-all his “baby”, he is the one behind “operation warp speed” and allowed an experimental pharmaceutical solution on the market before it was fully tested. Biden just takes things one step further by trying to mandate that everyone takes it. And those managing misinformation? Well, they don’t want us to know enough to make an informed decision, because they think we are all too stupid to understand anything that they don’t tell us… Truthfully, from my perspective watching this fiasco unfold, I can see where they might get the idea that people are too stupid to make their own decisions.

A feeble mind can be overindulged

The brain like any muscle in the body responds better to good nutrition and exercise, than it does to sweets and passive activity. And just like an armchair athlete, we often think we know something because we agree with something we are told. Unfortunately even the so called educated are not exempt. So called college graduates have been increasingly unable to read at their degree certified grade level. In the 90s already less than half of the graduates showed reading proficiency of regular text , their understanding worsened when it came to reading documents. The number of graduates who regurgitate, but can’t understand what they are reading grew from there. As a consequence, so called experts, may not be. Which leaves the question, who then is managing misinformation? Those who have an analytical understanding of the articles on which they pass judgement, or is their measure merely if the information contradicts their personal beliefs? We all must be diligent and seek data, numbers, not conjecture and hyperbole.

We have been intellectually lobotomized by adjective heavy reports that quote things in such a way as to confound the average consumer. When it comes to keeping a public terrified of Covid, case numbers are quoted (without consistent testing parameters – but that’s another issue) and we never hear about how many people got better from it. Actually the way things have been presented is akin to convincing the public that the more lottery tickets are sold, the better the chances of their numbers coming up. And although death totals are more pertinent, they too must be kept in perspective to real risk? For instance. how healthy were those who Covid took out ? Were they physically active or just waiting to die ? (Sorry it seems cold, but with 80% of the deaths in America hitting those in their retirement years, one needs to ask, the hard questions.) Science up until recently was about asking those troublesome questions, challenging other people’s findings. The offspring research accounting for more parameters, and fine tuning things as a result. Conversely, when everything is excepted as is, errors are not caught, and progress dies. Sure, we’ll get subsequent “boosters”, but is a the fiscally timed development by someone with a monopoly, really the best solution?

Life isn’t about always feeling good, it’s about experiences. Bad things will happen, they are opportunities to reflect and learn. Introspection and reading are how we exercise a mind. Fail to do this and our thoughts become clouded, our attention distracted, eventually the lethargy overtakes us and we allow someone else to do the thinking for us, telling us what to believe. Managing misinformation is not the job of some faceless institution, it is the duty of every freedom loving free-thinking soul. It is an individual responsibility, to be judged against your own personal experiences, observations and discoveries. Failure to do so invites deception to control you, dictatorship to guide you and binds you to a chain gang like existence that will eventually even rob you the hope of escape. Think of this as the last decision you make. Believe what I am suggesting and get off the proverbial couch and start training your mind to think again or don’t and let you brain be directed by another to do what’s best for them, not you.

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Learning to Live Again Sat, 01 Jan 2022 03:25:14 +0000 Learning to live again is a choice It’s been said to me that learning to live again isn’t easy because it takes an act of defiance, a decision to face one’s fears. By comparison, cowardice is easy and requires almost no effort, save for repeating the same lies until you believe them wholeheartedly. The lying...

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Learning to live again is a choice

It’s been said to me that learning to live again isn’t easy because it takes an act of defiance, a decision to face one’s fears. By comparison, cowardice is easy and requires almost no effort, save for repeating the same lies until you believe them wholeheartedly. The lying to yourself is a vital because almost no one wants to admit to being a coward, especially to his/herself. So instead, fearfulness gets disguised as a virtuous act of bravery and the world has seen a lot of that in the past 2 years.

My childhood was filled with abuse perpetrated by many but mostly by my grade school teachers, government goons (aka. Law Enforcement) and even the medical system. Needless to say, that I have a lot of emotional baggage and know first hand, what learning to live again entails. First they punished me for my own good and later they punished me for the good of others. To this day, other than being born, I don’t know what my crimes were. What kind of crimes can any child between that of a newborn to adolescence commit? A soft spoke polite child that wasn’t violent or stole anything from anyone? But like millions, perhaps billions, of other children I was convicted without a trial or proof of any wrong doing.

There are monsters who disguise themselves as humans

Since 2019, we have all been battered by the media and government(s) with a non-stop fear mongering message of death. They told us that it’s brave to hide in our homes and that it’s virtuous to hate anyone who questions their authority. This is why we must start learning to live again, because since 2019, we’ve been waiting for death. Unfortunately the war we are caught up in is incomparable to anything in our known history, neither like Nazi Germany, nor the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Our enemy is now our neighbors, friends and even family members. Everyone who fails to conform 100% to the new normal, we are told, is a murderous saboteur against all that is good. – But this outcry for public safety is truly nothing more than the offspring of a political lust for power and corporate greed that isn’t satisfied by the $1000 made ever single second.

Fortunately, just as the darkest night has its dawn and every war must eventually end. The things that went bump in the night are never as scary as we let ourselves believe. When the sun rises, we can either use it to see the beauty of life or let it burn us as it illuminates the depths of our paranoia. When learning to live again, you must accept that the brave bathe themselves in glory, while the coward recoils in horror in recognition of the atrocities s/he has committed.

2022 is a new year with a new opportunity to be brave. This year our enemy isn’t Covid, but fascism, a mental illness that no doctor can treat. Its only cure is a bitter pill called truth! It doesn’t matter who you are because time will write your eulogy and it’ll either record you as brave or a coward. Which will depend on which side of history you chose to be on and that depends on if you’re learning to live again or continuing to wait for death…it comes for all of us, but how much better is the life lived than that feared?

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Brand Trump Sun, 26 Dec 2021 14:58:51 +0000 The bankable Brand Trump When I look at politics I see brand Trump, not former President Donald Trump. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. It seems to me, that it’s also the definition of democracy, because with each election the public expects a...

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The bankable Brand Trump

When I look at politics I see brand Trump, not former President Donald Trump. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. It seems to me, that it’s also the definition of democracy, because with each election the public expects a different outcome than the last. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton and perhaps every president stretching back, to at least, the end of the 2nd world war has used some sort of brand marketing for their image. Unfortunately I see a lot of similarities in brand Trump (really brand president) to my brand Hamilton Steele and if some of the rumors that I’ve heard are true, Donald Trump and I may have even had sex with many of the same women, albeit, while I was paid to fuck them, he allegedly paid them to fuck him.

Hamilton Steele talks smack constantly. Each woman that I’ve had sex with has had the greatest orgasmic experience of her life. Each scene that I’ve filmed is a masterpiece of pornification. Without Hamilton Steele, the porn industry would collapse and masturbators would be forever lost in a dark void, because the entire world of sex revolves around him. That’s the brand Hamilton Steele, whereas me, the man, is just doing a job and knows Hamilton is only a marketing image. I can, and do, shelf that persona at anytime until it’s needed. While Donald J Trump is pretty much screwed, because he’s stuck upholding brand Trump whenever he leaves the privacy of his home.

If you look at financial wealth you might think that Trump has it so much better than I. But that is where you’d be wrong. You see, I know that what I do in this world is relatively meaningless, I mean the world could, if it wanted to, live without porn. In fact, I know that if the money ran out in this industry, that I would move onto something else. (ie: I am self-reliant, and I really don’t need my fans.) Trump on the other hand has nothing without those who support him. He needs people to take care of every aspect of his life and schedule. And as with every politician, we don’t need them, they need us.

Everything I needed to know I learned in the porn industry

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Equally, my enemy is not necessarily against me and my friend is not necessarily always on my side. There are a lot of people in the jiz biz that I would prefer to keep my distance from, some I want to spit on. It’s the biggest reason why I like to work alone, off grid so to speak. But realistically while I might not like someone, I’ll eagerly call them my buddy and cooperate with them, if it helps achieve my goals. The adult industry is not the only place such cooperation exists; obviously with all the same contacts and corporate backers, Republicans and Democrats are just as guilty of working together. To tell the truth if voting worked the way we think it does, we wouldn’t be allowed to do it. Furthermore, it was all part of a political plan to get Joe Biden in office. Before becoming president, Donald Trump was associated with his consumer products and service, all of the former president’s election campaigning and later claims about cheating are nothing more than him protecting brand Trump.

Trump, Pelosi, etc. I doubt that there exists any official non-aggression or even cooperative contract between politicians officially, but the unwritten rules that the players conduct themselves by, are just, well, politics. In the centralized porn industry everyone who says the right things and gets along with others, gets hired. Within the jiz biz, someone who you may have never met, can keep you out of work by simply talking trash about you to the right people. So if you want to make it in the great popularity contest, you eagerly repeat what’s popular and bury personal opinions and beliefs when they don’t mesh with the dominate narrative. Whenever there was a vocal disagreement, it was because of two reasons. (1) It was done on purpose, for attention to make more money. (2) Someone stepped out of the politically correct line. When this happened, they either learned to embrace the right ideology, shut up and keep their opinions private or otherwise be destroyed by the vultures looking an opportunity. I have no doubt that brand Pelosi, when she ripped up the brand Trump state of the union address, did so for monetary incentives.

Big Pharma is earning over $1000 each second and Trump was an integral part of that happening. The nation, in fact the world, has been polarized by what’s been happening in American politics for the last 5 years. My pornographer’s super powers tell me that none of this was by accident simply because there’s way too much money involved. So Donald J. Trump has retired from being brand president of the United States. Now he has returned to his traditional brand Trump where he happily pimps the covid shot and most likely gets millions in kick backs from the vaccine makers. Which is undoubtedly the same thing happening with politicians all over the world.

In a few years there will be photos of Trump and Biden playing golf together just like Clinton, Bush and Obama are currently doing.

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Fully Erect Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:10:40 +0000 There is a growing concern for problems with erectile dysfunction as it now faces both young and old alike, and being fully erect in my line of work is vital. So I felt I would use this time to make a sort of public service announcement to help men who may be worried why they...

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There is a growing concern for problems with erectile dysfunction as it now faces both young and old alike, and being fully erect in my line of work is vital. So I felt I would use this time to make a sort of public service announcement to help men who may be worried why they can’t seem to get it fully erect.

Let me assure you that this isn’t some sort of an attempt to sell Viagra, Cialis or some other drug that helps a man get a powerfully full erection. Instead I’m just going to write about the importance of healthy living for everyone that’s a recreational sex aficionado.

Estrogen mimicking foods and medications aside, there are other physically changeable hindrances to becoming fully erect. For young men, this is linked to a porn addiction without real life experiences. But older men, should also know that this doesn’t have to be an inevitability. Becoming fully erect, when it your Bonny Johnny has let you down, starts with a lifestyle change. Covid has exposed the poor health of the average American. My own observations show that the most terrified of Covid (at least the most vocal) people are either obese, smokers, borderline alcoholics or use recreational drugs and in some cases, do all of the above.

These vices screw with someone’s sleep patterns and lack of sleep keeps you from being at your healthiest best. Therefore when you don’t get 8 hours of sleep each day you can eventually say goodbye to ever getting fully erect. In fact, go long enough without being fully rested and you’ll discover that not only can’t you get a full erection but also that you’re going to put on weight. Which only makes things worse because unless you’re a genetic anomaly like Ron Jeremy, overweight men tend to have very unreliable boners. Perhaps I should also point out that from a visual perspective, a fat man’s cock looks smaller. Even on video, it looks a lot smaller.

The secret to a good night’s sleep is making sleep a priority in your life. First start with all the psychological garbage that keeps your mind active when you lay down. For most people this means establishing a regular hour that you go to bed, putting down the phone or turning off the computer. Not only do we forget to blink because of these devices, but they lulls us into a quasi hypnotic state that we can neither wake up from nor fall asleep to. Long gone are the days of an old analog black and white TV that had just the right flicker rate to make most people doze off.

After getting rid of those things that fry your brain’s synaptics, it’s time to work on nutrition. Getting a full night’s restful sleep will give you a better erection, but you’re not going to get the best possible night’s sleep and consequently become fully erect until you get your diet in order. The first thing to look at is what you are eating too much of…caffeine and processed sugar are not your friends. Sure they add caffeine to diet pills, energy concoctions and even headache medicine these days, but too much caffeine could actually be the cause of your weight gain, sluggishness and headache in the first place, because caffeine will affect your sleep. Whereas we usually have an idea when we are getting caffeine, sugars are added to almost all processed foods and sauces, even to spice blends if you happen to be someone who prides yourself in a home cooked meal.

It’s less about special diets, unless you have some allergy or medication interaction and more about balance. The 4 traditional food groups are Meats, Dairy, fruits/vegetables and Grains. Eat too much of any of these groups and nutritionally our bodies become unbalanced. Unfortunately most of us, eat way too many carbs (too many grains) and sugar to be healthy. These are what makes our junk foods. Chips, candies, alcoholic beverages, and anything deep friend (especially if it is battered) are all bad for you. While it’s true that anyone who consumes enough alcohol will eventually fall asleep (pass out), this sleep is never restful. Instead, your body is fighting to process the poison that you’ve put in it. My personal opinion is that a man would be better masturbating (even at half mast) until he fell asleep. Not only will he have better dreams, but I’m told regular ejaculation is essential for prostrate health.

While following my advice and eating and sleeping right will get you back to being fully erect, you can still achieve more. Add a workout routine of at least 20 mins, 3 or more times a week, and you should be able to bang in nails with that wood. At the height of my career, this elevated heart-rate was regularly achieved pumping pussies instead of iron, for generally an hour at a time. Today, I inter-splice sex with vigorous training at the gym.

Please note that for legal reasons, I must warn everyone reading this to check with their doctor before undertaking any commitment to exercise. Seriously, anyone that has a bad heart or some other health problem should just forget getting having full erections and pay someone to stimulate his dick. After all, they’re getting paid, so why the hell do you care if they’re sexually satisfied or not? It’s your pecker and it’s your life. I’m not judging anyone that’s happy being unhealthy. On the other hand, if you want to be fully erect and have the ability to fuck like a pornstar, then you need to have a healthy lifestyle. Like any athlete, you need to train to fuck like a gold medalist.

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Ignorance is strength Mon, 25 Oct 2021 19:37:49 +0000 George Orwell wrote that ignorance is strength in his dystopian novel, 1984. The book’s main character is Winston works for the Ministry of Truth. A very basic summary of his duties are that they included locating documents from the past, rewriting them to fit the current government agenda and then ensuring that the originals were...

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George Orwell wrote that ignorance is strength in his dystopian novel, 1984. The book’s main character is Winston works for the Ministry of Truth. A very basic summary of his duties are that they included locating documents from the past, rewriting them to fit the current government agenda and then ensuring that the originals were “memory hole’d.” In case you haven’t read the book, the “memory hole” was a tube that whisked away all documents put in to it to a furnace to be burned.

Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past.

A few of my clients and fans have argued that when a pornographer starts quoting Orwell, we’re truly living in an Orwellian era. Although I prefer to believe that we’re not living through a dystopian story, I’m able to see the validity of their arguments. Nevertheless since I produce videos of sexual debauchery, I should really be among the last people to pass judgment on our current situation.

In my line of work, I’ve noticed that videos that show simple sex between a man and woman don’t sell very well. Sure, there’s some wiggle room for high production value photos and videos that showcase a performer’s beauty and well done comedy can command a decent audience. However, it’s far cheaper and more profitable to have a 5ft tall thin frame performer’s anus ripped open by a large muscular man with a huge cock in a simulated rape scene. Like it or lump it, people are captivated with power dynamics. Or, more aptly said, we’re obsessed with being able to control others.

Contrary to popular belief, censorship isn’t about controlling the information that you have access to; that’s an oversimplification. When we see it as only a muzzling of voices, we need only one example of a breakthrough alternative view to quell all argument that censorship is happening. It’s really about controlling what you think and subsequently controlling your behavior; which is exactly what Orwell was trying to warn us about.

When I produce a rape video, I don’t want any performer to actually get hurt, so some planning occurs. By comparison corporations and governments also plan out what they want to see happen, but unlike a pornographer, their not getting anyone’s consent, and their only real concern is if they will directly suffer consequences, they rarely give a second thought to anyone else. So they manipulate society’s environment, until there are people who will literally go out and “rape” (read: commit atrocities) in the real world.

World governments have a love-hate relationship with the porn industry. In the past it was the consumer’s demand for porn that fueled consumer demand for innovation. It was old school pornographers that exploited video cassettes to the point it became the primary unspoken reason to by a VHS machine. It was the porn industry that made millions want high-speed Internet and sites like youtube, wouldn’t exist without smut peddlers inventing online streaming. I’ll also argue that during the lockdowns, thousands of hookers should have become rich, but OnlyFans suddenly rose up and kept millions of horny men at home. So don’t delude yourselves, governments view people like me as convenient tools to achieve their goals.

Currently the porn industry is being censored, but not by any government, it’s by the banks. This is something to which even anti-porn people should be paying attention. The reason why is simple logic, if they can do it to us, then they can do it to you. Don’t kid yourselves, this is Orwell at the most basic level and it’s as scary as it gets. Western society is fractured into 2 separate “races”: the elite ruling class, including politicians, corporate executives, bankers, overpaid celebrities and then there’s everyone else, which are the unimportant, and victims like you and me.

Today’s pornographer can produce the tamest and most vanilla porn possible. He can ensure that every requirement is obeyed for legal age requirement, consent and health and safety. However, the bank can still decide to revoke his payment processing abilities. They can do this without warning or explanation and for any reason they chose. Suddenly someone’s ability to pay their bills and even provide paid work for others is whipped out with the scratch of a pen. Ask yourselves, if the elites didn’t do exactly this to thousands of restaurants, hair salons, etc. with Covid lockdowns? Life went on normally for them, but the rest of us got fucked over. (Mr. Orwell tried to warn us).

There are many different types of totalitarian societies, a few of which I’ve had the opportunity to visit . In my opinion the most heinous is the authoritarian regime where both government and corporations operate as a single entity. Even the most ardent patriot can have a hundred guns and enough ammo to fight a small war, but the moment he causes any problems, he’ll simply find his mortgage canceled, be fired from his job, have his bank account seized and/or he won’t be allowed in any store to buy food or even the use of a homeless shelter. Alone in a world filled with others too scared to defend him and face the same consequences, he is shunned and relegated to sleeping in the streets or the woods, scavenging or hunting for food.

My advice to everyone is to live each day like it’s your last. We must stand up for ourselves now because tomorrow promises nothing. Start by thinking for yourselves, and don’t let the ministry of truth censor anything. Because once they take away your brain’s nutrition, facts that stimulate thought and reflection, they can fill your brain with intoxicating garbage that leaves you with a momentary satiation and keeps you returning for more, until they own your thoughts, like a dealer owns a junkie’s life.

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Off-Grid in porn Tue, 10 Aug 2021 16:16:18 +0000 There are many different people living inside my head and I’ve got the different stage names to prove it. One thing for sure — I’ve shared with the public a number of voices and changed my physical appearance several times. So significant at the changes that anyone viewing my early work and comparing it to...

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There are many different people living inside my head and I’ve got the different stage names to prove it. One thing for sure — I’ve shared with the public a number of voices and changed my physical appearance several times. So significant at the changes that anyone viewing my early work and comparing it to my recent work would swear it’s a different guy. I’ve been in the adult industry since the 1990s starting as a stripper named Rebel but of all the different personas that I’ve had, the moniker Hamilton Steele stands out as the most well know simply because I worked in Los Angeles’ “Porn Valley” for several years in the early 2000s’.

Back in the early days I didn’t realize that being a skinny long haired computer geek was impeding my career. One day I found myself working on the set of Micheal Ninn’s video “Perfect” and I was looking anything but perfect,” I immediately began working out, and as I got more muscular, people started bitching about the length of my hair, so I eventually took care of that too. I have a larger than life personality and I’m very gregarious which unfortunately tends to attract as many haters as it does friends. My smart-mouth gives a comical appeal is great for Internet work and large part of me hopes to one day return to being an smart ass plumber, pizza delivery man or something with equal comic potential on the Internet. However, the Internet has drastically changed over the last 10 years, so I don’t see it happening.

I lost my virginity when I was a child and started experimenting with group sex by the time I was 14. In the early days of my career I never wanted to publicly admit it, but I was molested as a child. Deceased pornographer and friend, Henri Pachard once told me that it was more the norm than not that pornstars were sexually abused when they were children. His words struck home with me but I still couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone that it happened to me. However with enough time wounds scar over and experience has shown me just how bluntly truthful Henri was. I’ll add that that these days I doubt that there is anyone exploiting themselves in the jizz biz that wasn’t diddled with as a child. It’s the sexual interference as children that gives the vast overwhelming majority of us the ability to do what we do. — It’s also why so many of us end up dead.

At one time I believed that it was the sexually repressed and immature nature of American culture that allowed porn to thrive. Honestly, I think that probably was very true at one time, but today’s society sexualizes children. I mean, if glorifying masturbation and anal sex to 5 year olds (in the name of education) isn’t abuse, then I obviously don’t know what is. I can only live in this world, as I don’t make the rules; regardless, even if this depraved sexual interference becomes legal and normal, there is no way in hell will I ever participate in abusing children.

The big question that many people have is where have I been for the last decade?

Truthfully, if it hadn’t been for Covid, I would have never made a public appearance. I learned back in the early 2000s that the Internet marginalizes and destroys without apprehension, like a man-made blackhole. Needless to say, I found that being unknown has far less headaches than being recognizable, so I kept my head down and strove to remain below radar. For a good portion of my time “off grid” I was mixed up with the last porn theater in Paris, Le Beverley. I produced many videos that were shown on the big screen and organized special showings. Some of my pornos were artistic, a lot were amateur crap and most were funny. is my site and in my spare time I’m building a kind of memorial for le dernier porno de Paris. (nb: The original site was .info but I forgot to renew it and someone else purchased it)

The world is changing and it’s anyone’s guess where we’re going to be in the next 5 years. So I’m going to make the best of every day and perhaps… Just perhaps… it might change enough that porn aficionados will want to watch reality porn again and I can again produce supermarket pick up videos. The jizz biz is my life and I’ll be here until my balls run dry.

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Sex Pornographer or Fear Pornographer Mon, 09 Aug 2021 02:54:21 +0000 Pornographers pedal the obscene, taboo, or shocking to create a physiological response. The response in small doses is rather harmless, and quickly forgotten, but with repeated exposure can have an addictive effect and create a dependency on the viewer. The traditional pornographer, like myself, tries to profit from turning people’s unsatisfied desires into obsessions and...

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Pornographers pedal the obscene, taboo, or shocking to create a physiological response. The response in small doses is rather harmless, and quickly forgotten, but with repeated exposure can have an addictive effect and create a dependency on the viewer.

The traditional pornographer, like myself, tries to profit from turning people’s unsatisfied desires into obsessions and perversions. We don’t concern ourselves so much with prestige or power, but rather making a buck. I don’t care what others think of me, and I don’t desire to have any form of influence on them. In fact what I produce is usually dictated by the consumer, not the other way around.

But society has another type of pornographer, pedaling the physiological response. And they are more insidious. They deal with a primitive instinct that trumps both the human sex drive and even the physical need for food. Our flight or fight response, fear itself. Along with the message of impending doom they offer their solution, as the only way to fight back against the eminent threat to your life. A threat that they are sure to continue to tell you about. The people who produce this product are numerous, they are your politicians, the media, big tech and a myriad of wealthy businessmen. They rape minds for their own benefit.

So what exactly is fear?

Fear is an instinct that effects us in two ways. There is filial fear which is external of the ego, it comes out of reverence or respect. And then their is servile fear, a ego driven fear of punishment or personal consequence. Filial fear is what we feel when we worry over a loved one, it’s what gives rise to both helicopter parents and tough love. It’s why we “do the right thing” when faced with temptation. Mostly, filial fear is healthy, it’s what puts the humane into humanity.

Now then, we need to examine servile fear, for ultimately this is the fear that is being pedaled by the fear pornographers. Servile fear is not only the unhealthy fear that is the root of all phobias, it is also a means of control.

Servile fear makes liars out of those who fear judgement, makes silent those who fear having their reputation destroyed. It’s the fuel for addictions that offer an escape from reality. And in modern society it’s the source of anxiety, a feeling that rises within us in response to external forces beyond our control.

This modern anxiety comes from a place deep inside our minds where no fear should ever come from. Our subconscious is seething with all kinds of negative thoughts and doubts that are constantly seeking appeasement. These doubts transcend normal apprehensions of day to day behaviors and life because they’re the result of purposeful brainwashing.

The effects of servile fear on society are neurosis, terror and horror. Neurosis makes society mentally ill, people start to doubt themselves and seek reaffirmation because their subconscious is aware of something that they will not allow their conscious mind to dwell on. (A classic example of this is Lady MacBeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth) Today this is commonly seen in those who on some level know that they are being lied too, but accept the lies anyway, until they believe them so fervently that any opposition is conceived as a personal attack.

The second effect of this harmful fear is terror. Terror results when the threat one fears is long-term, when violence or threat of death are used to dominate. Living in terror people become irrational, they recoil in submission to the constant threat and turn on those around them that might challenge the terrorizing factor. We see this manifested in the absolutely one-sided narrative of Covid. Anyone who voices concerns over complications with the vaccine is attacked as an anti-vaccination propagandist even those among the vaccinated who are only trying to share their personal experiences.

Finally we have horror. Horror comes with absolute hopelessness. Both the suicidal and those people who loose themselves in addictions are trying to escape the horror, that for them life has become.

Undoubtedly, today’s world is in a very dark place and everyone needs to stop letting their fears dominate them. We can do that by questioning our fears. Start by identifying what is the source of your fear, then remove yourself from it. It used to be a very beautiful world; but instead of living your life, you unwittingly chose to allow someone to rape your mind and ejaculate fear into it. The way out of this mess is by taking action with righteous indignation. Have courage, because even one voice that yells in the night can become a rallying point for others. In the end, this is just food for thought, I’m not pedaling influence…besides at the rate things are going I’ll be selling escapism for a long time to come. But if you agree with anything that I’ve said, realize that it is time to do something, because when a self-serving pornographer becomes the voice of reason, the world is really fucked up.

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The post Sex Pornographer or Fear Pornographer appeared first on Steele Hard.

SteeleHard podcast 02 – July 01, 2021 Fri, 02 Jul 2021 19:44:53 +0000 Creating a podcast isn’t difficult but it’s also not easy This is our 2nd podcast and it looks like our beginner’s luck has already run out. We struggled getting the conversation going and had to start over a handful of times. Eventually we managed to click and published a very acceptable podcast about various issues...

The post SteeleHard podcast 02 – July 01, 2021 appeared first on Steele Hard.

Creating a podcast isn’t difficult but it’s also not easy

This is our 2nd podcast and it looks like our beginner’s luck has already run out. We struggled getting the conversation going and had to start over a handful of times. Eventually we managed to click and published a very acceptable podcast about various issues within the adult industry.

Our topics included the controversy of using the PCR test for both HIV and Covid, how to find porn talent; we mock a would-be pornographer’s efforts to illustrate what NOT to do and we also touch upon some challenges a pornographer could face when dealing with big tech.

The podcast is now available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Breaker.