Business Archives - Steele Hard Hamilton Steele Sat, 24 Sep 2022 19:54:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 The virginity gap Tue, 20 Sep 2022 17:36:16 +0000 The virginity gap between the sexes has changed. A porn industry veteran, Hamilton Steele, says that there’s a virginity gap between men and women. He attributes this to societal rewards for female promiscuity. To quote, “No one is compensating a woman for remaining chaste.” In fact, it’s very much the opposite. Even a very plain...

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The virginity gap between the sexes has changed.

A porn industry veteran, Hamilton Steele, says that there’s a virginity gap between men and women. He attributes this to societal rewards for female promiscuity. To quote, “No one is compensating a woman for remaining chaste.” In fact, it’s very much the opposite. Even a very plain looking woman can earn significant money, if she’s willing to sell access to her vagina. As testament to this fact, the Internet has seen an unprecedented uptick in platforms who facilitate helping ladies monetize their self-produced pornography. So it should be no surprise that, these social porn media sites are also fueled, in no small part, by a surge in virginal and sexually inept male users.

For older male virgins, porn has become their sex life.

A pornographer has a different world perspective compared to the average person. As porn has become a dominate force in modern society, women are catching up to men in its consumption. While the growing market of female viewers should be reason to celebrate from a pornographer’s perspective, porn addiction effects women differently and long-term that may mean a complete change in the market. Because unlike their male counterparts who substitute porn for sex to the detriment of interpersonal relationships. In females, this hypersexualization tends to lead to sexual promiscuity and extreme liberal sexual attitudes when it comes to relationships.

Among addicts the virginity gap is even more pronounced, because the female porn addicts are rarely virgins, while too much porn for men means that they have trouble connecting with women. Female porn addiction appears to come in two flavors ;

(1) Hypersexuality which often proceeds a sex addiction
(2) Insecurities and/or frigidity while still having an addiction to watching porn.

A pornographer obviously sees a lot of women who want to pursue a career in the adult industry. Just a decade ago, money was the dominate reason for wanting to be a pornstar. Today, almost as many females sex addicts, view being an adult performer as a means to indulge their cravings and secondarily still manage to keep a roof over their heads. During a quick interview, one 20 year old girl happily said that she views a porn career as a way to get rodeo fucked daily, without having to worry about becoming homeless. When asked about how long she has been looking at porn and at what age she lost her virginity, she responded that probably been looking at adult videos since she was 8. She had sex for the first time on her 13th birthday, unbeknownst to her 30 year old partner, who she led to believe that she was 19.

Females with insecurities, depression and/or who are frigid, also often find their way into the sex industry. But that is nothing new in the porno world. Porn video producers and performers are most often very complimentary towards female talent, stoking egos is part of the game. So the insecure find themselves the center of attention and of course with make-up, cameras, and being called models, they feel attractive. Whereas the appeal to purely frigid females is that sexual acts are staged and sometimes almost mechanical. They’re not expected to enjoy the sex, just to make it look good. Furthermore, the relationship with their sexual partners are over when a producer says “It’s a wrap, you can go home” . It’s the large increase of this kind of woman entering the business that is unusual, and once again for many of them they started having sex at a very young age.

The virginity gap between men and women from porn’s perspective.

The Internet instills a false belief that males are the winners in the current situation. Every man believes he can quickly create his fan page and he’ll be a success because hoards of females will pay to see him naked and masturbating. The paradox is that most women have almost no interest in solo male pornography and they gravitate towards the multi-performer and lesbian videos. They want to see a woman enjoying herself. It’s gay men predominantly, who want to see a man alone. And even this demographic can be fickle, because homosexual males will also watch heterosexual porn, when the male talent is well endowed, attractive or has some other arousing feature.

More evidence for the male vs female virginity gap is demonstrated by those men who are hoping to become pornstars. There will never be a shortage of guys that want to be in the sex industry. Some find their way into a pornographer’s office and many them are both extremely well endowed and physically attractive. But those qualities, although preferable, are no guarantee to a porn career, because more often than not, size is NOT enough to get the job done. Unfortunately, for the past 5 years, many of these hopeful males are still virgins, having never had sex in their personal lives, they believe that the hours they have devoted to watching the finished product makes them an expert. These hopeful swordsmen, rarely have the stamina or control to make a porn, not to mention a complete lack of finesse with the female talent.

No porn producer can (or will) take a chance on a guy that hasn’t had some kind of active sex life, prior to his interest in doing porn. Viagra can’t fix broken… It can only make what works even better. A 30 year old virgin male has usually watched thousands of hours of pornography and at best they have erection and attention deficit problems. Any pornographer that doesn’t have access to a large pool of talent most often will favor taking a chance on men that are at least over 40. Money is on the line and there’s so much competition that profit margins are low. So when looking for straight male talent, it’s often necessary to be the porn industry equivalent to an FBI profiler.

The unifying factor between the sexes is early exposure to porn.

The pornographic industry has always been on the cutting edge of both technology and societal trends. It’s also resilient to an arguable fault as even the most theocratic and totalitarian governments have been unable to eliminate demand for it; on the contrary attempts to do so only increase its desirability. So the industry can be thought of as the proverbial canary in the coal mine, when it comes to alerting us to societal changes or problems. Only, when the bird dies, instead of alerting everyone to flee the danger zone, pornographers will attempt to make money selling images of dead canaries. What many porno veterans are predicting is an eminent normalization of sex with children. But the shape that normalization takes will depend greatly on society’s relationship with the sex industry. Will children become exploited in the mine, or will it be boarded up, and the old ways of marrying pubescent girls to older established men, be rediscovered? Or, do we still have hope to build a better and a more appealing future?

Hamilton and Ghost discuss the Virginity Gap in their podcast

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Profit not Politics Wed, 25 May 2022 18:51:56 +0000 Business must emphasize profit not politics If we are ever going to get anywhere in this world, we have to work for profit not politics. Although the lay person might be under the impression that politicians work for a political objective, they are really only using the politics to assure their own paychecks. And it’s...

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Business must emphasize profit not politics

If we are ever going to get anywhere in this world, we have to work for profit not politics. Although the lay person might be under the impression that politicians work for a political objective, they are really only using the politics to assure their own paychecks. And it’s more than the check that is issued by the government office, or any of the free dinners and write offs; it is often more insidious, the stuff that we call dirty politics and corruption, the deals and investments which have made our political leaders and the mainstream newscasters who support them, members of the millionaires club.

Of course not every politician has reached this level, and not everyone is corrupt (we hope) but power is consolidated into the hands of so few, and manipulated so easily by the legacy media and social media, that anyone standing against them will feel not like David facing down Goliath, but rather a group of Godzillas. He just can’t do it alone. The multifaceted nature of the establishment is not easily understood. But if we can follow the money, the political movers playing for profit and not politics should reveal themselves. It appears presently that the pharmaceutical giants, Bill Gates and his multi-level contributions to (read influence over) the WHO are at the top of the pyramid.

Politics can destroy everything it touches

The recent bid by Elon Musk to buy Twitter has brought to light the pathetic reality that this 15 year old company remains unprofitable. Clearly Elon’s designs on privatizing the company are for profit not politics, even if his proclaimed desire to reestablish free speech has been vilified as a right wing agenda. To that effect, the leftist control of the social media giant is plainly evident, even without subsequent revelations of proof by an executive. The backlash to Twitter’s acquisition has been so strong, that some have followed the money behind it, finding once again Bill Gates. So the question remains, what is the motivation to keeping Elon Musk from taking over at Twitter? Is it a personal vendetta, a battle of the billionaires, played out with social media dependent users as pawns? Or does the direction of such a socially influential platform threaten Billy boy’s ability to profit elsewhere, what secrets have been kept hidden by the muzzling of misaligned users up until now?

Getting to the Billionaires club, means playing for profit, not politics. But having reached this financial pinnacle does not preclude it’s members from having political influence. Actually, it most assuredly provides them with the means to directly manipulate society, especially with our dependence on social media to communicate. The free open market has done more for humanity than any other human construct. We’ve gone from a medieval feudal system that divided society into nobles and peasant servants to having almost everyone, including the poor, able to own a flat screen TV. It was only 1970, when many American households were complaining about the cost to buy a color television set. Today’s household, in contrast often has multiple TVs and computers. In fact, because of the smart phone, many people surf the Internet and watch Netflix while sitting on their toilets. . But there is more to freedom than the ability to play video games and watch tube sites, and eventually the endorphin rush from the latest “feel-good” marketing will be unable to compete with the real hunger that continued inflation is creating.

It can be difficult to like Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a member of the “elite” and probably we should be wary of his Twitter takeover. But definitely no more than we should be worried about the influence all social media has on us today. There isn’t a popular platform that hasn’t got a multimillionaire behind it. So the propensity of these platforms to remain unprofitable, seems well, inconceivable. But Twitter is more concerned with being a leader in diversity and inclusion hiring practices than a lean and mean business that operates for profit not politics. Wanting to tap into global markets, some diversity makes sense, but how many times do you need to sub-divide into special interest representatives before the bloat of employees becomes redundant? Does Twitter have a grasp on the relative productivity of it’s salaried hires, everyone says how great they are to work for, but how much work at actually improving the value of Twitter’s service is actually getting done? When you consider that a large section of the general population (of the US) feels alienated by Twitter’s leftist ideologies, isn’t the promise by Elon Musk to fix this actually less exclusionary? Or do the traditional masses not count if they are outnumbered by the sum of special interest groups?

It remains to be seen in which direction Elon Musk will captain Twitter. Freedom of speech is without a doubt vital to the health of a free and open democratic nation. Equally important to a nation is its citizenry’s ability to enjoy a high quality of life and therefore all commercial pursuits need to be able to make a buck. What’s most exciting about Musk’s purchase is not his comments about protecting free speech, but the promise that he’s going to bring back centuries old Adam Smith wisdom. Ultimately true freedom can only be obtained in one of two ways…. At the end of a gun or by the amount of money in your wallet. Rest assured that we’ll all be more free if Elon Musk can make Twitter function for profit, not politics.

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Taking a selfie Sun, 03 Apr 2022 19:00:22 +0000 Taking a selfie is now being used as identification Taking a selfie, along with copies of your government ID is now being requested by sites for affiliate programs. Business with those who make you uncomfortable is best minimized, or avoided altogether. While moronic behavior has long been a sign of an unsafe business venture. Without...

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Taking a selfie is now being used as identification

Taking a selfie, along with copies of your government ID is now being requested by sites for affiliate programs. Business with those who make you uncomfortable is best minimized, or avoided altogether. While moronic behavior has long been a sign of an unsafe business venture. Without a doubt, each of these sites are able to “justify” and provide “reasons” why they’re requiring selfies, but bureaucrats can find reasons and justifications for literally everything that they do. Regardless of if they are employed by the government or in private sector, creating excuses for their idiotic bureaucracy is the one skill that all functionaries have in common.

Any businessperson with an iota of commonsense will quickly point out that paperwork eats in to their profits. For the intelligent, it’s a question of how much should they tolerate before they move on to easier and more profitable people to work with. So for many, taking a selfie can very much be where they draw the line, and they will dump companies making such a requirement. Unfortunately, alternative options are dwindling, as Big Tech’s oligarchy grows.

Our options become even more limited when you consider that there is no shortage of people in developing nations willing jump through hoops, taking a selfie, or whatever else is requested for a fraction of the payoff we expect. The 3rd world sees the Internet like a promised land of potential revenue, and many companies are happy to replace each Western partner lost with dozens more in non-occidental nations. Long term, they’ll be able to pay these new colleagues less money, thereby increasing their profits. No doubt that many international government circles are betting that they can turn impoverished nations into richer ones and when they become too expensive, they’ll turn their eyes back towards us, who in desperation will cooperate with whatever they ask.

The backbone of tyranny is bureaucratic policies. They may be simply doing business, but they are creating serfdom for society. Tyrants, including private sector ones, are short sighted morons because they seldom look towards creating anything of quality or endurance, in either their products or commercial endeavors. The lure of easy money and prestige is hard to refuse, but it’s a game that the majority of players end up losing. Cooperating with tyranny is perhaps even more short-sighted and stupid because your role as only a pawn has been made abundantly clear. Perhaps taking a selfie “for security reasons” is an innocuous request, but it’s not going to stop there, so don’t be surprised when they demand bio-metric data or worse. You’re in control today; be careful what you give away, or you may lose that control.

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