Bidon Archives - Steele Hard Hamilton Steele Sun, 25 Dec 2022 23:55:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bidon Archives - Steele Hard 32 32 Truth and Beauty Sun, 25 Dec 2022 23:54:59 +0000 Truth and Beauty or Happiness ? Giving up truth and beauty is the price for human happiness. – Mustapha Mond, World Controller In the war for humanity’s soul, human beings must first be made to suffer. In our struggle against the ever increasing social complexities, we accept whatever numbing or simplifying crumb is dolled from...

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Truth and Beauty or Happiness ?

Giving up truth and beauty is the price for human happiness. – Mustapha Mond, World Controller

In the war for humanity’s soul, human beings must first be made to suffer. In our struggle against the ever increasing social complexities, we accept whatever numbing or simplifying crumb is dolled from the tables of those who command. Our senses dulled, we bathe ourselves in artificial lights, so that we stop seeing the magnificence of the star filled night sky. And we stare at digital screens, blinding ourselves to the symphony of colors from the setting sun, which used to sing us to sleep. Without a difference between day and night, we toil on, deprived of sleep. The only justification for this sacrifice of beauty is the lie we tell ourselves, that we’re building a better tomorrow. Ugliness is synonymous with progress, but we choose to believe somehow technology will bring about a paradisaical life, free from pain.

When society turns its back on the elegant awe of creation, then hideousness enters our minds and destroys our yearning for truth. The truth often can hurt, whereas beauty soothes; yet simultaneously beauty is truth and truth is beauty. It can be said therefore, that beauty and truth are born from the same womb. Fraternal twins, the one nourishes the soul and the other liberates. Once beauty and truth are eliminated from humanity’s mind, then all that rests is depression and desperation. Sadly, this is where the power hungry play their manipulative mind games.

In Aldous Huxley’s novel, “Brave New World,” Mustapha Mond can be considered a paradoxical character. On one hand he’s an independent thinking scientist, who reads the bible and Shakespeare. On the other hand, he censors ideas and opinions. because humanity is controlled with dopamine infused happiness and the stability of a predictable collective. Individual expression and attempts at mental copulation with others are treated as cancerous, to be eradicated from society. Freedom of speech is a quest to for truth. Something which to all totalitarian societies, fictional or real; is an enemy that must be killed.

Beware the promise of happiness

“I am not proud, but I am happy; and happiness blinds, I think, more than pride.”Alexandre Dumas

None of the above is controversial or revelatory. It can be argued that it’s philosophical or maybe poetic. Regardless, it’s the non-refutable pathway towards peace. Genuine progress is living for those moments of beauty and truth. Instead we make sacrifices to attain the artificial constructs or man-made creations that we convince ourselves we need. Humanity is the only species where individuals define themselves by material wealth and paper certificates, they won from expensive institutions. You’re a social elite if you own a private jet or have a PHD from a prestigious university. Sadly, you can own a fleet of jets and have multiple accolades, but still be a feckless power hungry asshole, who’s only real talent is to destroy hope while offering false promises of a Utopian tomorrow.

Hopefully in 2023 more people will unplug their computerized gadgets and ignore the background noise of the scheming politicians and their media allies. Atheist or religious, it’s time for our species to sit quietly and let the wonderment of creation’s beauty heal our souls. We need priorities focused on positive human experience, not mass accumulations. Let truth replace our drug dependencies and other addictions. Ignore the evil liars, con artists and megalomaniacs. Accept the fact, that children’s play is more melodious than Hip Hop’s top stars. And that a kindness shown to a homeless stray (animal or human) has done more to make the world a better place, than every politician and diplomat combined.

You can’t build a utopia, but you can make your corner of the world, just a little bit nicer. Perspective is a personal decision. You can chose to marvel at a field of wildflowers in bloom, the twinkling brightness of fresh fallen snow, or the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread. Or, you can let yourself be hypnotized by the engine drone and passing street lights on your commute to work, try to find something to make you laugh or smile watching stupid memes or just get more miserable listening to the rantings of the elites. Will you chose beauty and truth or ugliness and despair ? – Both your life and humanity’s path are in your hands…

Happy Holidays and prayers that 2023 be the year we walk away from the hell we’re creating.

Hamilton Steele

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Disinformation Board Tue, 03 May 2022 22:04:02 +0000 The Disinformation board is Our Ministry of Truth It’s not difficult to equate the Biden administration‘s Disinformation Board to Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in the novel 1984. All the current noise about disinformation/misinformation are just the political establishment and their mainstream media lackeys attempting to gain support for state certified censorship and propaganda. Their first...

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The Disinformation board is Our Ministry of Truth

It’s not difficult to equate the Biden administration‘s Disinformation Board to Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in the novel 1984. All the current noise about disinformation/misinformation are just the political establishment and their mainstream media lackeys attempting to gain support for state certified censorship and propaganda. Their first lie is having our bests interests at heart; no one becomes a politician because of a inner need to do charity work. If the disinformation board was being promoted in Russia, Iran or even Venezuela, we would be denouncing it as an attempt by an authoritarian state at mass mind control over its citizens. Yet our prideful position in America as the world’s purveyors of freedom, makes even the concept of such tyranny starting here, unthinkable. But we must think, because they are counting on us to let them do the thinking for us. As much as they are convinced of their own superiority, because of the mindless masses who revel in being ignorant and told what to think or do, they fear those outspoken free-thinkers among us that challenge their narrative and lustful pursuit of absolute authority. In a bid to silence us indefinitely, they label us bigots, evil phobics who threaten the American way of life. The public acquiescence to such immature name calling and finger pointing proves Orwell’s prophetic proclamation that “Ignorance is Strength” and “Power is sought entirely for its own sake.”

Freedom of speech is the freedom to think for yourself.

The porn industry has never had a shortage of educated people. Albeit, there has also never been a shortage of low IQ and poorly educated people in the jiz biz. Freedom of speech is the very life blood that allows us to create pornographic content and sell it. So the idea that anyone who depends on a paycheck from adult business should support the creation of a Disinformation Board is horrific and traitorous to our trade. Supporting state sanctioned censorship isn’t shooting yourself in the foot… It’s committing suicide.

Unfortunately, there are many people reliant upon smut production that believe the creation of a Disinformation Board is a positive thing. However, the strange twist is that it’s predominately the well educated and high IQ individuals that are the most committed; particularly those whose contribution is technical support. They, themselves pursuant of power and dominance, enable the algorithms to control our lives. University doesn’t teach you think, it teaches you how to conform. Regardless of field of study, it’s all about rewarding (with good grades), students who adhere to official orthodoxy and punishing (with bad grades) those who don’t do as they were instructed. Furthermore, we’re told that failure to obtain a university degree is a guaranteed pathway to economic and emotional ruin. Many of the less educated among us, are so because they started out in life already in economic ruin. Having to handle day to day the ramifications of decisions which were made on one’s behalf, those with less options in society, recognize danger when they see it. It’s a survival strategy, because they can’t buy their way out of a problem, they have to deal with it head on..

“Orthodoxy means not thinking–not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”

This same book-smarts versus street-smarts paradox was evident during Covid. While the government’s Official Science ordered the world’s citizens to be fearful, and that questioning the promoted scientific doctrine was either suicidal or murderous, our doctors, politicians and media pushed a single narrative. The more unified the message was, the more those lacking advanced education became distrustful and questioned it. Today, there’s a growing body of mathematical evidence suggesting that the overwhelming vast majority of the world’s population was never in any serious danger from the C19 virus. Henceforth, proving that the grunt workers of society, even many of the most illiterate, were right. At this point, the Disinformation Board is only supported by those whose power base it fortifies and the willfully ignorant. It’s a shame that the highly educated have probably read 1984 but lack the humble existence to understand it.

American author Michael Hopf best explained this phenomena. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” Those among us who have overcome hardship are strong, independent and contribute to the next generation. But if that generation lives without facing any real challenges or conquering any of his own hardships, he becomes weak. The more weak members in a society, the less productive it is, the worse the times. Far from suggesting that poverty is a guarantee to make one stronger; only those who rise above adversity are strengthened by it. Inherited wealth tends to breed self-righteous elitism, while an encompassing social net fosters an apathetic lower class. It’s not difficult to see that in our current era, that we have far too many financially advantaged, while our social net has become too robust and too comfortable.

In regards to the uneducated, high school drops outs must develop a different life skills. Their competencies do not involve a regurgitation of textbooks, or even a head for numbers, but out of the box thinking, questioning what they are told and a healthy distrust, because naivety can make their situation worse. To them, in the most basic sense, a Disinformation Board means that they must accept state doctrine without question, and that’s just something they have never learned to do. For those of them who are financially dependent upon the adult industry the equation is simple to understand. Censorship of them means they can’t buy food, and if the government can shut up one person then it can silence everyone, especially an industry it loathes.

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