The post Truth and Beauty appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Giving up truth and beauty is the price for human happiness. – Mustapha Mond, World Controller
In the war for humanity’s soul, human beings must first be made to suffer. In our struggle against the ever increasing social complexities, we accept whatever numbing or simplifying crumb is dolled from the tables of those who command. Our senses dulled, we bathe ourselves in artificial lights, so that we stop seeing the magnificence of the star filled night sky. And we stare at digital screens, blinding ourselves to the symphony of colors from the setting sun, which used to sing us to sleep. Without a difference between day and night, we toil on, deprived of sleep. The only justification for this sacrifice of beauty is the lie we tell ourselves, that we’re building a better tomorrow. Ugliness is synonymous with progress, but we choose to believe somehow technology will bring about a paradisaical life, free from pain.
When society turns its back on the elegant awe of creation, then hideousness enters our minds and destroys our yearning for truth. The truth often can hurt, whereas beauty soothes; yet simultaneously beauty is truth and truth is beauty. It can be said therefore, that beauty and truth are born from the same womb. Fraternal twins, the one nourishes the soul and the other liberates. Once beauty and truth are eliminated from humanity’s mind, then all that rests is depression and desperation. Sadly, this is where the power hungry play their manipulative mind games.
In Aldous Huxley’s novel, “Brave New World,” Mustapha Mond can be considered a paradoxical character. On one hand he’s an independent thinking scientist, who reads the bible and Shakespeare. On the other hand, he censors ideas and opinions. because humanity is controlled with dopamine infused happiness and the stability of a predictable collective. Individual expression and attempts at mental copulation with others are treated as cancerous, to be eradicated from society. Freedom of speech is a quest to for truth. Something which to all totalitarian societies, fictional or real; is an enemy that must be killed.
“I am not proud, but I am happy; and happiness blinds, I think, more than pride.” – Alexandre Dumas
None of the above is controversial or revelatory. It can be argued that it’s philosophical or maybe poetic. Regardless, it’s the non-refutable pathway towards peace. Genuine progress is living for those moments of beauty and truth. Instead we make sacrifices to attain the artificial constructs or man-made creations that we convince ourselves we need. Humanity is the only species where individuals define themselves by material wealth and paper certificates, they won from expensive institutions. You’re a social elite if you own a private jet or have a PHD from a prestigious university. Sadly, you can own a fleet of jets and have multiple accolades, but still be a feckless power hungry asshole, who’s only real talent is to destroy hope while offering false promises of a Utopian tomorrow.
Hopefully in 2023 more people will unplug their computerized gadgets and ignore the background noise of the scheming politicians and their media allies. Atheist or religious, it’s time for our species to sit quietly and let the wonderment of creation’s beauty heal our souls. We need priorities focused on positive human experience, not mass accumulations. Let truth replace our drug dependencies and other addictions. Ignore the evil liars, con artists and megalomaniacs. Accept the fact, that children’s play is more melodious than Hip Hop’s top stars. And that a kindness shown to a homeless stray (animal or human) has done more to make the world a better place, than every politician and diplomat combined.
You can’t build a utopia, but you can make your corner of the world, just a little bit nicer. Perspective is a personal decision. You can chose to marvel at a field of wildflowers in bloom, the twinkling brightness of fresh fallen snow, or the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread. Or, you can let yourself be hypnotized by the engine drone and passing street lights on your commute to work, try to find something to make you laugh or smile watching stupid memes or just get more miserable listening to the rantings of the elites. Will you chose beauty and truth or ugliness and despair ? – Both your life and humanity’s path are in your hands…
Happy Holidays and prayers that 2023 be the year we walk away from the hell we’re creating.
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]]>The post Different groups of people appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Medieval society was divided into three different groups of people, – those who pray, such as priests and monks; those who work, like carpenters; and those who fight, like mercenaries, soldiers and knights. This concept of society organizing itself into three orders is not something you find in the Bible, or for that matter, in any classical sources. The closest iteration of this concept comes from a seventh-century encyclopedia writer named, Isidore of Seville, who referenced that the Romans had divided themselves into three groups: senators, soldiers and plebeians. .
To use the vernacular, we live in a severely fucked up world. Never before in all of human history has so many people been lifted out of poverty and suffering. Yet, ironically, there has never been more mental illness, stress and anger, as we have today. It’s as if human beings can’t be happy unless we’re fighting against something. The more comforts and luxuries we possess, the more we blame others for the imperfections of life and empower megalomaniacs to fix them. In doing so, we’re turning our species into animals. Once again there are again 3 different groups of people, only this time we’re not praying, working or fighting. – We’re just angry and hateful or fearful of what is otherwise a beautiful existence.
Predators in the wild are easy to describe. In the different groups of people, these individuals are like wolves who hunt weaker animals for their for sustenance. Highly intelligent, curios and ruthless opportunists. They go for easy kills, focusing on the very old, the young and the weak. Human predators use the same strategies and stalk people that are easy to manipulate. Most often they’re psychopaths such as many CEOs of banks and large corporations, heads of state and also serial killers. It’s their lack of empathy, that leads many of them to believe that they’re somehow superior or even a different species than other human beings.
In America, many of our politicians are 75 years old or older and yet they continue to pursue prestige, money and power. They’re near the end of their live expectancy, they have reached the pinnacle of wealth, power and influence, and yet they refuse to step away from their dogmas, let someone else take charge. There is so much this world has to offer, so much to see, to learn, to experience and enjoy, these individuals have the means to do anything or go anywhere. But like Midas, being granted a wish, their insatiable greed gets the better of them. It can only be speculated that this is some sort of bizarre combination of narcissism and megalomania. Or, at the very least, it’s sanctimonious arrogance that borders on having a god complex. However, from a pragmatic perspective, these people are not the most dangerous category among the different groups of people.
Prey are the meal that wolves depend on. An animal example is elk, who are instinctively aware that they’re hunted. At the first hint of possible trouble they run and when cornered, they can even stand their ground and assail a predator with hard sharp edge hooves. The point is that they don’t make killing them easy and at no time do they trust trust those that want to devour them.
The Prey of society is perhaps the smallest and rarest are the people. Those who distance themselves. The easiest to identify are the preppers and off-griders. These people are often branded as crazies and anti-social, but as the world continues its downward spiral, there is a growing interest in their lifestyles. Even pursing homesteading and tiny house living are becoming attractive alternatives to mainstream society. In France, there are large numbers of people that have chosen to live in yurts to escape the oppressive French bureaucracy.
Most people almost never see themselves as prey, liking to believe that on some level they’re proud predators. But, the truth is that most people are neither predator nor prey. In the 3 different groups of people, they belong to the category of barnyard animal. The food and comfort has been made plentiful to the point that people are dying from malnutrition, while simultaneously being morbidly obese. Like pigs in a pen, huge swaths of civilization gorge themselves on food, made to fatten and calm them, while doing little or no physical activity.
They go from air conditioned homes, to air conditioned cars and into air conditioned buildings. Their jobs are manufacturers of meaningless garbage that no one truly needs, such as social media moderators. The number of people who are still doing any hard physical labor is shrinking and as it does, perhaps at some point it’ll become obvious that most people are just fattened livestock who are destined, in some form, to be served on a dinner plate. In the meantime like cows being milked or chickens laying eggs, these unhealthy hoards keep the economy booming with their dependency on the medical community and pharmaceuticals to get through each day.
Farmers are the most extreme apex predators in existence. They have found a way to remove the need to hunt for their meat and instead literally raise animals for the purpose of eating them. When looking at different groups of people, 90% of humanity most probably falls into this category of livestock. They have all the fear instincts of herd animals, but instead of running or facing the predator, they look towards them for protection and comfort. When someone in their barn disappears, almost all of them simply go back to eating and praising the farmer for his kindness. Of all the different groups of people, these are the most dangerous, because they will do anything to protect their blissfully ignorant lifestyle. – Never trust anyone who lives comfortable and always smiles.
Pragmatism doesn’t see a glass of water in terms of half-full (optimism) or half-empty (pessimism.) It simply says that there is half a glass of water. For the pragmatist, the situation is the situation and when a problem arises, they implement solutions without concern to how they’ll be viewed, either positive or negative. Like fighter pilots engaged in a dog fight, their forte is situational awareness and in the different groups of people, it’s the one quality shared by both predator and prey. The problem is far too many people make the choice to be livestock because it’s easier than having to face life on its terms. There are risks and because life gives no guarantees, many of those risks can be fatal or worse. Therefore, it really comes down to a question of what category in the different groups of people does someone want to be? Predator, prey or livestock?
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]]>The post Even Hitler was a dog lover appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Despite what modern secularists might try to say, I don’t believe that evil is relative or a social construct. Sometimes wrong is just wrong and bad is just bad. Even the most immoral individual knows that there are some things you just shouldn’t do. Now I can however, accept that monsters can be a product of their environment but my life experiences and observations have proven to me that demonic humans are simply born evil. The only way to deal with them is by standing against them and I am speaking to even the morally challenged pornographers, such as myself.
Several impounded dogs due to be rescued by a shelter have instead been shot dead by a rural council in New South Wales (NSW) under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions, alarming animal activists and prompting a government probe.
Source: The Sydney Herald
Bourke Shire Council, in the state’s north-west, killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from traveling to pick up the animals last week, according to council’s watchdog, the Office of Local Government.
In 2008 Lance Cpl. David Motari, a U.S. Marine, was videotaped throwing a puppy over a cliff while it yelped when he was on patrol in Iraq. This cruelty to an innocent was the result of one seriously twisted mind and his fellow soldier that stood by and did nothing to stop him. Because of the international outcry Motari was kicked out of the military and his co-worker was disciplined. The Marines sent the right message by getting rid of both the monster and his accomplice .(
If you haven’t heard of Godwin’s law then I suggest you look it up, because it’s a perfect fit for this atrocious act of cruelty. Almost everyone instinctively knows that the persons who killed those defenseless animals are monsters; human garbage in my opinion. But what people fail to consider is that these “officers” are no different than the guards at a Nazi death camp putting people in gas chambers. Therefore, that makes every member of Bourke Shire Council, Adolph Hitler and his S.S. Officers. Unfortunately, I’m not even remotely shocked, I’ve come to expect this kind of behavior from the degenerates that call themselves leaders.
It was also around 2008, while I lived in Europe, that one afternoon, I shared a drink and had a long conversation with a Holocaust survivor. At the time I was looking to do a mainstream project and as I made notes, I was mentally prepared to hear all the horrors he witnessed and experienced. In those moments, as I listened, I was comfortably removed from what he told me. It wasn’t until we got up to part ways that the impact of what true evil is was revealed to me.
He was a slow moving old man that never liked taking the bus. His only true anger wasn’t at the police, the Nazi soldiers or even Adolph Hitler. He was 7 years old when they came to take him and his family away to the camps. Refusing to get on a bus and reaching out to his mother, the civilian driver gave him a piece of candy and helped him find his seat. Every day thereafter, the rest of his life, for Izaak (Isaac) the face of pure evil was everyone that said nothing, did nothing or worst, simply continued to go about their lives, jobs, business as usual, as if nothing bad was happening. Each time he looked at a bus driver, he saw the greatest and most evil monster of this world. And based on what I learned from the history in Europe, the same can be said for school teachers, shop keepers, policemen, and even close neighbors who in the name of civic duty became the monstrously evil majority by turning a blind eye, or worse turning in the “undesirables” around them.
I used to wonder how a civilized individuals could become barbaric murderous Nazis. In my own innocence I wanted to believe that such a transformation was a fluke and that it could never happen again because humanity had learned its lesson. Sadly, Covid has shown me that it can happen again so very easily. So as Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz have demonstrated, it all begins on a small scale. The lack of coverage of this story (in comparison with “Puppy toss”) makes me think that people no longer feel outrage at acts of senseless cruelty to the most innocent and defenseless.
I for one must speak out. But I am not innocent, nor defenseless, for as a pornographer I am likened to a cockroach in society, one of the survivors. As for the rest of you…if society already is not responding to senseless acts of cruelty, YOU ARE ALREADY FUCKED!
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]]>The post Sex Pornographer or Fear Pornographer appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>The traditional pornographer, like myself, tries to profit from turning people’s unsatisfied desires into obsessions and perversions. We don’t concern ourselves so much with prestige or power, but rather making a buck. I don’t care what others think of me, and I don’t desire to have any form of influence on them. In fact what I produce is usually dictated by the consumer, not the other way around.
But society has another type of pornographer, pedaling the physiological response. And they are more insidious. They deal with a primitive instinct that trumps both the human sex drive and even the physical need for food. Our flight or fight response, fear itself. Along with the message of impending doom they offer their solution, as the only way to fight back against the eminent threat to your life. A threat that they are sure to continue to tell you about. The people who produce this product are numerous, they are your politicians, the media, big tech and a myriad of wealthy businessmen. They rape minds for their own benefit.
Fear is an instinct that effects us in two ways. There is filial fear which is external of the ego, it comes out of reverence or respect. And then their is servile fear, a ego driven fear of punishment or personal consequence. Filial fear is what we feel when we worry over a loved one, it’s what gives rise to both helicopter parents and tough love. It’s why we “do the right thing” when faced with temptation. Mostly, filial fear is healthy, it’s what puts the humane into humanity.
Now then, we need to examine servile fear, for ultimately this is the fear that is being pedaled by the fear pornographers. Servile fear is not only the unhealthy fear that is the root of all phobias, it is also a means of control.
Servile fear makes liars out of those who fear judgement, makes silent those who fear having their reputation destroyed. It’s the fuel for addictions that offer an escape from reality. And in modern society it’s the source of anxiety, a feeling that rises within us in response to external forces beyond our control.
This modern anxiety comes from a place deep inside our minds where no fear should ever come from. Our subconscious is seething with all kinds of negative thoughts and doubts that are constantly seeking appeasement. These doubts transcend normal apprehensions of day to day behaviors and life because they’re the result of purposeful brainwashing.
The effects of servile fear on society are neurosis, terror and horror. Neurosis makes society mentally ill, people start to doubt themselves and seek reaffirmation because their subconscious is aware of something that they will not allow their conscious mind to dwell on. (A classic example of this is Lady MacBeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth) Today this is commonly seen in those who on some level know that they are being lied too, but accept the lies anyway, until they believe them so fervently that any opposition is conceived as a personal attack.
The second effect of this harmful fear is terror. Terror results when the threat one fears is long-term, when violence or threat of death are used to dominate. Living in terror people become irrational, they recoil in submission to the constant threat and turn on those around them that might challenge the terrorizing factor. We see this manifested in the absolutely one-sided narrative of Covid. Anyone who voices concerns over complications with the vaccine is attacked as an anti-vaccination propagandist even those among the vaccinated who are only trying to share their personal experiences.
Finally we have horror. Horror comes with absolute hopelessness. Both the suicidal and those people who loose themselves in addictions are trying to escape the horror, that for them life has become.
Undoubtedly, today’s world is in a very dark place and everyone needs to stop letting their fears dominate them. We can do that by questioning our fears. Start by identifying what is the source of your fear, then remove yourself from it. It used to be a very beautiful world; but instead of living your life, you unwittingly chose to allow someone to rape your mind and ejaculate fear into it. The way out of this mess is by taking action with righteous indignation. Have courage, because even one voice that yells in the night can become a rallying point for others. In the end, this is just food for thought, I’m not pedaling influence…besides at the rate things are going I’ll be selling escapism for a long time to come. But if you agree with anything that I’ve said, realize that it is time to do something, because when a self-serving pornographer becomes the voice of reason, the world is really fucked up.
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]]>The post Loving all vaginas appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Give me skinny vagina, fat vagina, old vagina and young vagina. White girl vaginas pulsate, black vaginas are cool and tight, while Asian vaginas are full of delight. Hairy or shaved and all points in between, an unwelcome vagina, is yet to been seen. For vaginas make the world a much happier place. I kept calm through the lockdowns with 3 for my face. A source of income for pimps, and pornstars; pornographers and prostitutes even get cars.
In today’s world what’s under a girl’s dress, may fail to impress, when finding a pole while expecting a hole. For years we’ve heard songs about the sexy girl, the woman in red, the hottie in one’s bed but we need more songs to praise the velvety tunnel, the twat,the vagina, the squeaky clean slit, the origin of the world, the wet spot ‘neath the clit.
Very often a cunt owns a vagina. But not all cunts are even female, since society has created the antisocial, self absorbed misfits that exemplify cunts. Therefore, being a cunt is a social construct no different than blue hair or believing that Mc Awful is nutritious and anyone pointing out your fat ass is invading your right to a safe space. So a cunt is a social construct or more accurately it’s a social disease.
Feminists seem to believe that vaginas need to be more masculine, and therefore no man should be allowed to enter a vagina because even an under-endowed penis sets the bar too high. I suspect that their “no penis allowed” policy is the reason that many men have taken to building their own vagina. And not out of rubber, but using the flesh of their own scrotum. It’s of course the man-made vagina and man-made woman that have left me with a cunt of a problem. A serious cunt that’s trying to fuck me in the ass.
A beautiful woman walked into my office looking to make porn videos. However, when she took off her clothes she had a penis where her vagina should be. It turns out that she’s doing porn in order to buy a vagina and get rid of her penis. Her story is a sad one, after having paid for a new face, having a rib removed, a vocal cord shaved and a set of tits, she ran out of money to pay for the one thing that she wanted the most, a vagina.
I assure everyone that I’m not a bigot in any way. My only prejudices and intolerance are purely based on money exchange rates and I’ll film a chick with a dick just as quick as I’ll film a double X chromosome female. However, that’s not heterosexual porn and even surprise penis is its own genre. So I truly wanted to film the woman but she wanted to be treated as a biological female and only do hetero fuck films.
In my best effort to help the woman with her vaginal expenses I offered her work in both a blow bang and bukkake video. My only request was that she leave her skirt on. (I would have said just the panties but her cock was just too big) But nope, she wanted to be on her back and get fucked in the ass just like any other female. So she has gotten a lawyer and now is suing me.
Oh well, as the French would say, C’est la vie.
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]]>The post With hate comes respect appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Most people don’t like the idea of paying for sex, and some people downright hate the idea so much they turn that hatred towards the very people who get paid to get them off. As a sex worker, I’ve been on the receiving end of the hate, A bad month full of assholes can really fuck with your head. What gets me, and other sex workers I imagine, past the difficult times is the money. As I like to say, you can kiss my ass, but it’s going to cost you 20 bucks. I go to the gym every day; a neglected body isn’t worth very much to anyone, I need to look good and be fit because I’m a whore. If I haven’t done it yet, it’s because my price hasn’t been met. Yet it’s surprising some times what I find myself doing for a few bills in my pocket. Like french kissing a chain-smoking, steak tartare eating sex-starved septuagenarian with the most disgusting foul breath you can imagine.
On the other hand everyone loves an easy to lay slut, but most people have no respect for them. Only my clients, coworkers and closest friends know what I do for a living. Since most people don’t tend to think of men as whores, I’m often told what someone thinks of fast and free screws. Also, men don’t enjoy a monopoly on this disrespectful attitude, because I’ve met some lesbians that are just as bad as any man, sometimes worse in their degrading disrespect of a floozy.
There is no middle ground between these two attitudes, but at least when someone hates you, they respect you. Despising someone requires an emotional investment, and it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see your opponent as anything less than an equal. Another way to understand the situation is think of it as becoming someone’s obsession and living rent free in their mind. Believe me, they’ll remember your name.
I’ve never been a fan of the “save a whore” attitude. Without doubt, people like me are mentally wired differently than the average person. It wouldn’t be surprising if sex workers were more likely to commit suicide or die of a drug overdose. But I’ve also seen the opposite , and know that just as many of us are capable of doing impossible things Therefore, I’m often inclined to giving a hand up to a fuck anyone slut transforming them into a pay me whore. Admittedly my efforts have had mixed results, leaving me to wondering if whores are just somehow smarter.
Ghost, my business partner and cameraman has often said that friends are expensive, while clients put money in your pocket. The gist of this is that we need to be careful who we call a friend. Someone might be a swinger but regardless of how their relationship is, it’s one thing to fuck your spouse for free but it’s stupid to screw your neighbor just because you like them. Sluts, even when they decide to become sex workers are infamous for doing foolish things like this. Not only does it cost them money, but they also tend to find themselves surrounded by people that happily sing their praises because they’re getting laid. But all too often, these “friends” disappear when the party is over.
As a pornographer, I often get asked to introduce someone to a performer and my response is always the same, “it’ll cost you”. As a meat puppet, I’m not giving away free samples and most people that assume they can take liberties because we are friends end up making some excuse to call me in the future. A handful get perturbed, but to date, no one that I have ever met in a non-professional environment has ever paid me. The only people who pay have always known upfront that I’m sex worker. With others, it’s as if because they’ve come to know me in a non-business environment, learning that I’m a sex worker somehow entitles them to perks and I’m supposed help them fulfill their fantasy by being a nice guy.
So love me because of professionalism and honesty or hate me because I won’t be used, I don’t really care, because one thing is for sure, you will remember me.
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]]>The post Conspiracy to commit sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>“An adult-film actor tied to a San Diego company that authorities said duped and coerced women into making pornography was sentenced in federal court Monday to 20 years in prison.
In December, Ruben Andre Garcia, 31, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud, and admitted his role as a recruiter and performer with ” – Source: La Times
Mr.Garcia is going to be 51 years old before he gets out of jail. For the next 20 years of his life, the only cunt he’s going to get is probably going to be some convict’s bunghole. That is assuming that he somehow manages to keep his manhood and doesn’t become the pussy. Top or bottom, his life now sucks and he better learn to enjoy swallowing if he plans to survive in prison.
Smart pornographers stick to recruiting experienced sex workers, many of whom are fucking gorgeous. There are times when I’ve filmed civilians, but my rule has always been to make them pursue me. I don’t hide what I do for a living and I give out my business card to any adult with a hand. With curious civilian females I’m brutally blunt about how much I pay and more importantly, that I’m going to exploit the hell out of the photos and video that I produce. But, I leave the onus on a non-porn woman to convince me to film her. Truthfully, if she doesn’t have some experience, if she hasn’t already exploited herself, I don’t want to be alone in a room with her, let alone use her to make a fuck film
We live in an era where porn is everywhere and everyone, including women, have jerked off to it. Needless to say, society is collectively fucked in the head because of the stuff we produce. It may seem that every woman is fair game these days, but the reality is that when it comes to sucking cock on video, the majority of women are still back in the 1950s. A civilian woman might screw on camera like she’s possessed by a demon then take your money and walk out your door. However, she can turn right around and walk back in and say she changed her mind. A pornographer’s only recourse is to let her keep the money and burn the footage in front of her. After that, have a Catholic mass said petitioning the Divine so that she doesn’t go to the cops and claim “coercion.” Times are changing, reputations of the most respected in society have been similarly attacked, and all us “scumbag” pornographers had better heed the writing on the wall, because we don’t even have a reputation to protect us, and no one will defend us.
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]]>The post The Great Whores of Babylon appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Now in the middle of this social fiasco comes Covid; I’ve had to deal with germaphobes, masks, covid tests and now vaccine status. Through all of this insanity my objective hasn’t changed, I’m here for the money. And I expect those I work with to be of a similar ilk, and bring an old school sex worker’s mentality to the porno table. After all, if I was looking for complications in my life, I would have found a career that I could have put on a bank loan application. Needless to say, the only talent I book on my sets are those that show up without asking too many questions. No surprise, then, that my roster of available performers has been reduced.
What does come as a surprise is that I can pretty much guess who is going to be problematic based on their education level, social background, politics and to a lessor extent how much time they spend on Fartbook and/or TWIT’r. If they’re under 30, they’re white, have been to university, come from at least an upper middle class family and vote Democrat. If they’re over 30 they might not have been to university but everything else is the same. The only exception to this rule are the morons that seem to always be on social moron media and moron is an understatement.
Honestly, the only opinion I have about Covid is that it makes me angry when the obese, the smokers and other people that abuse their bodies expect me to protect their health. People that don’t care enough to to take care of themselves shouldn’t be my problem. Unfortunately, there’s a hell of a lot of web-designers, etc in the adult industry that need to go on a diet and get into a gym. I’m sick of hearing these entitled jackasses blame healthy people for lockdowns and loss of income. Looking to people I’ve know in the biz, Ron Jeremy comes to mind. He said that he made his own hell because he chose to live at the buffet table. Ronny chose food over health and never once did he ever tell me that I had to deal with his problems. He dealt with his own…. He owned it and that attitude is a rarity these days.
Currently, the only people on my sets (or in my escort agency) are genuine whores. When it’s for video they show up with their ID and when it’s for outcall, they leave their ID in the car. They know that they can’t suck a cock wearing a mask and that they won’t get paid unless they suck those cocks. Plus if you’re going to get sick, it’s best to paid in the process. After all, the doctor isn’t going to give you a freebie.
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]]>The post Making Snuff Videos appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>When I first got into porn someone asked me if I believed that snuff films actually existed. My answer at the time was, was, “Hell, NO!” . Truth be told, the adult industry is filled with the vilest of human garbage. A low level porn turd is a mope that contributes almost nothing with his presence, good examples of them abound in GFY’s political section. The goofs over there spend long hours posting “Bidon sucks” and “Trump’s stupid” and if they vanished no one would notice. On the other hand, high level porno excrement are the makers of child porn and snuff movies. Now everyone knows that child pornographers exist, but there’s no proof of snuff film producers. Oh and just to make my position very clear on child porn, I’m an advocate of castration for males and type 3 genital mutilation for women for a 1st offense and a slow painful death penalty for a 2nd offense. I’ll happily cooperate with both law enforcement and the Mafia to bring down anyone that abuses an innocent child.
Now there are examples of real-time death recordings, but this is NOT a snuff film. So, I’m not talking about all those violent videos of gang violence in Latin America or the street fights of the Big Looters Movement (BLM) in the United States. Those videos are recorded by a zuccone with a phone or reporters such as the Clown News Network (C.N.N), who call them peaceful protestors, or Fools On X-tasy (Fox), who say it’s a communist attack. Regardless of the source, these people are being opportunists, none of them are actually paying to have someone killed. A snuff film needs a producer (the money /or influence behind it’s creation) and his desire means that it will contain more than the deadly blow. The victim may beg and plead or s/he may reveal personal details about themselves which makes the killing seem more tragic. The ambulance chasers of the media, are not providing more than a chance recording of an accidental death or passion killing, which is very different from the pre-planned and coordinated recording of a coldblooded first degree murder, but I think they are just as reprehensible.
But would someone volunteer to be in a murder porn?
My gut originally said no one would be that stupid to want to be killed at the end of a porno. Mentally, I just couldn’t get past the idea of a director saying, “Quiet on set! We’re ready for the gun shot!” Everyone I know in the porn industry wants to get paid and you can’t cash a check when you’re dead. Unfortunately for me, excluding dick pics, I have a bad habit of answering my emails. There’s a comic on Ted Talks that talks about his adventures in responding to email scams, well I guarantee that I receive far more entertaining messages than the Nigerian scammer.
However, all that changed the day that I responded to Carl, not his real name, who messaged me about wanting to be in a snuff film. At first I was just being an asshole looking for a laugh and after a handful of correspondences, I still hadn’t figured out that he was deadly serious . There was one thing that I hadn’t thought of and that was desperation could provide a source of talent willing to be murdered. Needless to say, I really wish I hadn’t responded to that email.
As my bad luck and my idiotic curiosity would have it, Carl was only a 3 hour drive from me. So like a moron, I set up a meeting and I was shocked when I walked into the restaurant and seen the man. He was in the last stages of terminal cancer and he looked like a corpse. In fact, he even smelt like a rotting cadaver. He informed me that he normally wears a lot of cologne to mask his scent but he wanted to make a good first impression on me.
Carl is dirt poor and he wants to leave some money to his family after his death. What’s more, he also doesn’t want to strap them with the expense of burying him and being killed in a snuff video would easily solve both of his problems. The pornographer could murder him and then dig a hole and bury him in some unmarked grave. In my career I’ve met all kinds of people, from homeless drug addicts to actual royalty. This however, was a new one for me and I still don’t know if there’s a right way to handle the situation. (Again, I should have just deleted his email).
All of this has caused me to reconsider my belief that a true snuff film doesn’t exist. I will never be involved in it’s production, but knowing the exploitative scum that I have encountered, there are people out there willing to do the deed, if not pull the trigger themselves, then at least film a killer splattering someone’s brains across a room. People get killed all the time so murderers can be found. And now I realize willing victims exist too, hidden among the suicidal, the terminally ill and the mentally ill. All that is needed for a snuff film to become a reality is a few introductions. I can even very easily imagine the catalyst to everything, the wealthy private collector providing the financial backing for one. So I no longer believe that snuff is a myth and that there is indeed, real murder porn out there… somewhere.
The post Making Snuff Videos appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>The post Governor Cuomo has a penis appeared first on Steele Hard.
]]>Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is confronting the most tumultuous moment of his political career, after multiple women, including current and former state employees, accused him of sexual harassment or other inappropriate behavior. Source: New York Times
During the New York lock-downs a colleague of mine made a ton of money supplying pussy to the rich and powerful. But even among the elites, there’s always some dumb fucker that would rather try his luck with civilian twat, than stick to working with the professionals. The fact is, that someone has to pretty fucking stupid to have a high profile job such as Governor of New York and not figure out that they shouldn’t be talking about their genitals with office staff. I mean they’ve obviously got the money, so they should call a pussy-for-hire to get it out of their system.
Bill Clinton did similar. However getting a blow job from Lewinsky wasn’t the dumbest thing he ever did, that was marrying Hillary. I mean Billy should have been in porn, considering that he actually could get a hard on and mate with Dracula. It’s also a certainty that his wife never sucked him off, because no one could shut her up long enough to sneak a dick in there. Besides she would probably just chew it up and spit it out. (The Whore of Babylon does not swallow!)
Next is Congresswoman Katie Hill, who proves that a woman can always do a much better job than a man. In this situation she did a better job fucking up. Not only did she fuck her office intern, but she photographed herself doing it, buck naked while smoking a bong and sporting a Nazi tattoo right next to her cunt. And being the power player that she is, she also turned her husband into a cuckold, who like a good little cuck, immediately went on the Internet posting photos of Katie’s ass to look for other men to fuck her.
Does anyone have an uncensored photo of this bitch ?
So I’m wondering what exactly did Gov. Cum do to these women? Knowing the man has his nipples pierced, makes me wonder if he likes men more than women? Or perhaps he just likes males that identify as women, so by modern definitions the Cummer is hetero afterall ? And maybe I really need to take a college course to understand this gender identity stuff.
So Andrew’s dick came up with its own version of the #metoo movement. Only in his situation, he’s an ageing butt-ugly politician who loads his Johnny Bravo Pez dispenser with Viagra. During the New York lockdowns, he could have gone to a nursing home and fucked a few grannies. They wouldn’t have cared if he only gave them 3 minutes of semi-hard cock, because they haven’t been paid any sexual attention in at least 10 years. Also today’s grannies were the LSD swallowing naked sluts at Woodstock and later some went on to become cocaine snorting disco bunnies. Trust me if he whipped out his pee pee in an old age home, the cries would have been, ” Me too Please !” coming from the old ladies. And we’ll never know, maybe even some of the old men would have enjoyed playing with his nipple piercings.
“Hey little girl do you want some candy?”
Perverts like Gov. Andy used to be such class acts. They used to cut the pockets out of their pants and ride the public bus all day. Everyone saw that creepy guy in the back was playing with his Cuomo and no one seemed to mind. In fact, in New York it was considered wholesome family entertainment. Young girls used to ask their moms to go watch the dirty old men stroking their Cuomos outside of the peep shows. When you consider how much a degenerate publicly pulling on his Cuomo used to contribute to single moms, the sex industry and the life education of young females, it just makes you mad. The Governor of New York’s dad probably put millions in the g-strings of single moms because you know, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…especially in the Big Apple.
The post Governor Cuomo has a penis appeared first on Steele Hard.