Atheist woman transforms from porn sex worker to Islam.
Even an atheist is affected by religion(s) and a woman that goes from porn sex worker to Islam punctuates this fact. Ironically, this is more common than most would believe, and there is no shortage of Muslim sex workers. In truth, Christian, Jewish or Muslim, faith in God is very much thriving in the sex industry. Such beliefs tend to be expressed very individualistically and often secretly. In secret because the last thing anyone employing a sex worker wants to think about is God. – Pious whores are also poor whores.
Marilou, or Aisha as she now calls herself, is self described as a classy prostitute, who occasionally becomes a porn slut. In front of the camera, she’s done close to everything and confesses to enjoying group sex, with the caveat that she prefers a multiple male gang-bang to an all lesbian orgy. She assures that the engaging in the latter is purely for the money because she “adores masculinity” and “double penetration feels just too good.” Women can chose to wear the Muslim veil, but when they go from sex worker to Islam their mentalities tend to remain that of an adult industry veteran.
Always good with saving money and never suffered with any form of addiction, she started in the adult industry almost 30 years ago when she was 19. She has done acceptably well for herself, estimating that she’s probably had sex with several thousand people. In her journey from sex worker to Islam, Aisha wrestled with guilt her first few years in the jizz biz and wanted to have a normal job, but that never seemed to work out. Eventually she just gave up trying and distanced herself from mainstream society.
Couldn’t even keep a decent boyfriend
It’s a rare man that accepts that his partner has sex with other men, and even rarer one that can handle being with a woman who’s exchanges sex for money. Often sex workers try to hide what they do for a living, and still more, find relationships easier when they expect them to be temporary. Within the porn industry, some performers find long term love among others in the biz, but seldom are such couplings without other difficulties. So, it’s no wonder that a woman can start looking towards God, and can go from sex worker to Islam, despite the strict and misogynistic reputation that it has in Western society. A belief in Yahweh/God/Allah is a tremendous source of comfort for the loneliness and emotional isolation that the sex industry can create. It’s a far better choice than drugs or alcohol, especially for anyone with the proverbial heart of gold.
People within the sex industry seldom claim to be role models and have a habit of being very honest with themselves about who and what they are. The path from sex worker to Islam is less a question of trying to redeem their sins of sexual deviance and instead is a way to validate that they are worth more than the price tag on their genitalia. But perhaps the most interesting is that because of these economically challenged times, we are witnessing the paradox of pious Muslim women selling sex and career sex workers becoming pious – True belief in the Divine seems to be a great equalizer.