Whom do you trust when it comes to sex education for children?
Should churches and families or the state be trusted with sex education for children? Before the last half of the 20th century, children received information about sex in three ways. From religion, their family or they just learned it ad hoc, on their own. The sex act isn’t very complicated and it is probably safe to assume that there’s nothing that a modern day pornographer can dream up that some prehistory neanderthal didn’t paint on his cave wall. Logically, therefore, sex shouldn’t be part of political debates.
The controversy, mostly, isn’t about how someone stimulates their genitals. Sex education for children that simply teaches anatomy and how to engage in the different types of sexual intercourse can be accomplished with a short lecture given by a medical professional, an afternoon discussion at a table with a parent, or by simply having sex with someone more experienced. (Some might even argue that watching a couple of pornographic videos can also be a step-by-step guide. but I’m not one of them). Unfortunately, never in human history has sex ever been so complicated, as it is today.
The politics are who’s morals get taught.
Trying to teach people what they can and should not do in their bedroom has, historically, been mostly a failure. Young men were taught that masturbation was wrong but they still did it. Sexually sharing your spouse with someone else has been labeled wrong, but the term cuckold dates back to at least 1250 AD. Sodomy has been almost universally condemned as wrong, but women have practiced anal sex as a form of birth control and men have been asking for their prostate to be stimulated for all ages. Real rape is inexcusable, yet studies show the majority of women fantasize about it. What someone enjoys sexually, can’t be taught, it can only be experienced through exploration and that might make sex education for children irrelevant.
The battle is then, about whom someone can or should have sex with. Obviously, religions and traditional families have their own beliefs on this issue and sex education for children often can mean promoting celibacy until marriage and refraining from homosexual intercourse. There are many people and groups that don’t agree with these values. Until recently parents have taken for granted that they had the right to choose the education for their children in this regard. Someone can vehemently disagree with the kind of moral instruction a child receives, but unless they’re that child’s parent, they have no say. However, the state is now beginning to assume that its authority takes precedence.
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” – President Ronald Reagan
From the perspective of an independent businessman, a pornstar / pornographer, I know that mistakes can be fixed, until totally screwed up beyond recognition and repair by government involvement. Therefore, allowing the state to take over moral instruction of children is a ticking time bomb that will make the Covid disaster look tame by comparison. From the age of 5 to adulthood, approximately 13 years, the public school system has to teach children how to read and it fails with more kids each year. So why should they be entrusted to teach sex education to children, when it is something with importance paramount to the continuation of our species?
Creating conflict is NOT good for children
Of course, they point to a myriad of reasons for this failure. Everything from racism to lack of funding, and even recently pinning it on lockdowns and too much parental involvement. The fact is that by their own words, these institutions are failures and should not be entrusted with the care of children. Sex education for children is just going to become a soapbox for people with an agenda. It’s neither to pass along factual scientific information, nor necessarily good for the emotional well being of a child, or the young adult that s/he becomes. The institutional takeover of sex education for children; promotes that their world view is superior to that of the child’s loved ones and the community that their family is involved in. This creates a conflict within the child, who is torn between fitting in at school and loyalties to family. Paradoxically, parents, in sending their child/ren to fend for themselves amongst the antagonists at school are the ones originating the mixed message.
As a sex worker, it’s very difficult to agree with the values and opinions of the more Orthodox faiths and families. Understanding the government’s ability to create large-scale social problems and to breed dysfunctionality; it is, in the vast majority of situations, in a child’s best interests to receive their sexual instruction from their parents. – It’s truly a case of choosing the devil that you know, over the devil that you don’t know.