Sadly, Mia Khalifa regrets having done porn.
Mia is a very sexy Lebanese immigrant, who loves being the center of attention but Mia Khalifa regrets having done porn for three months from November of 2014 to January 2015. She got hooked up with the two biggest porn companies, Pornhub (Mindgeek) and Bangbros (WGCZ Holding) almost immediately. These Internet porn gurus’ ability to distribute and market worldwide combined with a bad decision to wear a hijab while doing a two guys on one girl sex scene made her a target of Muslim jihadists (reportedly ISIS). Now Mia is NOT Muslim, her only connection to Islam is that her birth country has a Muslim majority. But the prolific promotion of this scene in particular made Mia Khalifa a standout among the hundreds of girls that get involved with porn each year.
For most girls who dip there toes into porn for a mere 3 months, nobody really notices. But Mia Khalifa’s agreement to wear a hijab made her perhaps the most exploitable porn chick that ever was. She rose in a mere two months from unknown to the most searched for girl in porn. This was of course mostly due to death threats and the mainstream publicity that ensued. With death threats, it’s no wonder Mia Khalifa regrets having done porn.
Porn isn’t for everyone, and it puts a great strain on interpersonal relationships. Clearly this is one reason why Mia Khalifa regrets having done porn. Apparently Mia’s parents have disowned her and according to information available, she and her husband (who joined her in her first on camera sex) divorced in 2016. Mia did do some camming for a while, but working for the BangBros, those recordings have since been released as porn films, keeping the producers profiting from Mia. Most porn stars, if they cam after quitting the biz, they retain control over those shows, no recording, self distribution, it’s what Patreon fans pay the most for. In Mia’s case she had a baptism by fire, learning all the pitfalls of porn in such a short time.
Staying relevant is a full time job
BangBros retained, after she canceled their contract, but Mia made her notoriety work for her. Mia Khalifa regrets having done porn, but she has profited from it. She set up an OnlyFans account and staying active on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Twitch, the 5’2” busty beauty kept herself relevant. Having someone threaten to kill you is a great way to earn the media’s ear. Having someone declare you dead, is a great way to bring people out of the woodwork to see if it’s true. Letting everyone know that you are still alive, keeps people’s interest peaked, old clients get reminded to interact with you or visit your sites, the media circulates your name and image, bringing you to the attention of even more people. And with 4.2 million twitter followers, I don’t think that the media will lose sight of Mia for very long, because they want a piece of that.
Mia Khalifa has been asked several times in interviews, if she knew what would happen, would she still do porn. Her answer, because Mia Khalifa regrets having done porn, is always a resounding NO. So I think that Mia would be happy to be known for something other than porn and she has learned the hard way that notoriety is a double edged sword. Given that and a job as a sports newscaster, I just can’t think of Mia Khalifa as a porn star, she should be known for what she does best, being a social media influencer.