How to keep your kids away from pornographers
It’s becoming difficult to keep your kids away from pornographers because we live in a pornified world. There are many roads that lead to a my door, and they run the whole gambit from drug abuse to thrill seekers. However, these days, the most common porn slut maker is what I call ghost parents. Ghost parents are physically in their child’s life but they have little or no substantial interaction with their kids. The ghost parent might even work hard to provide for the physical needs of their children, but in doing so their emotional needs get neglected. On your child’s 18th birthday s/he is legally considered an adult and people like me are eager to teach them how to have sex on camera in exchange for money, the one thing that you have taught them has tangible value. Furthermore, there’s nothing a parent can do about it, because by then, it’s too late.
The parents might do an incredible job keeping food on the table, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs. They might even go to every parent teacher meeting and be involved with the PTA. However, apart from these obvious responsibilities they’re otherwise just too busy or preoccupied with their own lives to interact with their children. These parents are emotionally drained by professional demands, putting all their energy into working towards a deadline or promotion. They find themselves short fused around the never-ending demands of child rearing and seek time to themselves or with friends to decompress and “be a better parent”. Leaving children to quietly play on their screens, be babysat or even just stay home alone if they are old enough. Absenteeism isn’t not a formula to keep your kids away from pornographers, in fact it drives many of them right into our loving arms.
Pornographers like being father figures.
Adult videos starring 18 year olds are undoubtedly popular among pedophiles and are completely legal. I’ve have had young porn talent introduce me to their siblings when they became legally able to consent. Girls literally celebrating their birthdays on set, thinking about all the goodies their new job will provide them with. I even remember being on set with 3 sisters aged between 22 and 18. The slutty sisters even shared scenes becoming a fucking family. There is a reason why, “who’s your Daddy?” is a porno line. During the shoot, I listened to the producer constantly praise the girls for how beautiful they were and how spectacular their work was. There were also big hugs and kisses whenever any of them wanted them. Sexually inappropriate misconduct is just not a thing on porn sets. Anyone who wants to keep their kids away from pornographers needs to start by becoming close to their children. And they need to do it, on their kids terms, while they are still young and looking for parental attention. Not after they have grown enough to have given up and are are ready to find someone else.
School Sucks ! The porn industry has already started to benefit from the school systems neglect to teach reading, writing and arithmetic in favor of studies in gender expression. So to keep your kids away from pornographers you need to either put an end to the bullshit going on their schools or pull them out and home-school them. As a producer, getting to know my talent for who they believe themselves to be has been both rewarding and very profitable. Unsurprisingly, I have had all kinds of sexuality expressionists enter my doors. The young biological female who swore she was a boy and wanted to only do solo work, ended up doing a mini gangbang and now she escorts. So I guess. like me, her new gender is whore. – Trust me, there are lots of pornographers eagerly anticipating what the mask generation will be willing to do for an easy dollar and with luck it won’t cost us much more than that.
Another way to keep your kids away from pornographers is to stop being a helicopter parent, this behavior is akin to a prison warden. You need to stop preventing your kids from doing things, fearing that they may be hurt, and start to do things WITH them that challenge them to grow. Get your fucking priorities in order, because I guarantee that most people don’t need to be spending their money on half the crap which they do. Most couples can afford to have one parent stay home instead of working, and either home school the children or at least be there when needed. Unfortunately the majority of people chose to send a message to their kids that having money to keep up with tech, entertainment and fashion, is more important than interpersonal relationships. In fact they teach them that they are showing their love by buying the newest Iphone, Netflix or Amazon Prime subscription or driving the coolest car. Single parents should make every effort to force the government to pay them to stay home. Let’s face it, the government spends trillions on useless crap, would taxes not be better spent helping raise decent human beings?
As always, what someone chooses to do is up to them. They’re your kids and not mine, I don’t want the responsibility. But once they are legally adults, all bets are off. Just don’t say that you weren’t warned, when you see your 18 year old daughter on the Internet screwing me.