The bankable Brand Trump
When I look at politics I see brand Trump, not former President Donald Trump. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. It seems to me, that it’s also the definition of democracy, because with each election the public expects a different outcome than the last. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton and perhaps every president stretching back, to at least, the end of the 2nd world war has used some sort of brand marketing for their image. Unfortunately I see a lot of similarities in brand Trump (really brand president) to my brand Hamilton Steele and if some of the rumors that I’ve heard are true, Donald Trump and I may have even had sex with many of the same women, albeit, while I was paid to fuck them, he allegedly paid them to fuck him.
Hamilton Steele talks smack constantly. Each woman that I’ve had sex with has had the greatest orgasmic experience of her life. Each scene that I’ve filmed is a masterpiece of pornification. Without Hamilton Steele, the porn industry would collapse and masturbators would be forever lost in a dark void, because the entire world of sex revolves around him. That’s the brand Hamilton Steele, whereas me, the man, is just doing a job and knows Hamilton is only a marketing image. I can, and do, shelf that persona at anytime until it’s needed. While Donald J Trump is pretty much screwed, because he’s stuck upholding brand Trump whenever he leaves the privacy of his home.
If you look at financial wealth you might think that Trump has it so much better than I. But that is where you’d be wrong. You see, I know that what I do in this world is relatively meaningless, I mean the world could, if it wanted to, live without porn. In fact, I know that if the money ran out in this industry, that I would move onto something else. (ie: I am self-reliant, and I really don’t need my fans.) Trump on the other hand has nothing without those who support him. He needs people to take care of every aspect of his life and schedule. And as with every politician, we don’t need them, they need us.
Everything I needed to know I learned in the porn industry
The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Equally, my enemy is not necessarily against me and my friend is not necessarily always on my side. There are a lot of people in the jiz biz that I would prefer to keep my distance from, some I want to spit on. It’s the biggest reason why I like to work alone, off grid so to speak. But realistically while I might not like someone, I’ll eagerly call them my buddy and cooperate with them, if it helps achieve my goals. The adult industry is not the only place such cooperation exists; obviously with all the same contacts and corporate backers, Republicans and Democrats are just as guilty of working together. To tell the truth if voting worked the way we think it does, we wouldn’t be allowed to do it. Furthermore, it was all part of a political plan to get Joe Biden in office. Before becoming president, Donald Trump was associated with his consumer products and service, all of the former president’s election campaigning and later claims about cheating are nothing more than him protecting brand Trump.
Trump, Pelosi, etc. I doubt that there exists any official non-aggression or even cooperative contract between politicians officially, but the unwritten rules that the players conduct themselves by, are just, well, politics. In the centralized porn industry everyone who says the right things and gets along with others, gets hired. Within the jiz biz, someone who you may have never met, can keep you out of work by simply talking trash about you to the right people. So if you want to make it in the great popularity contest, you eagerly repeat what’s popular and bury personal opinions and beliefs when they don’t mesh with the dominate narrative. Whenever there was a vocal disagreement, it was because of two reasons. (1) It was done on purpose, for attention to make more money. (2) Someone stepped out of the politically correct line. When this happened, they either learned to embrace the right ideology, shut up and keep their opinions private or otherwise be destroyed by the vultures looking an opportunity. I have no doubt that brand Pelosi, when she ripped up the brand Trump state of the union address, did so for monetary incentives.
Big Pharma is earning over $1000 each second and Trump was an integral part of that happening. The nation, in fact the world, has been polarized by what’s been happening in American politics for the last 5 years. My pornographer’s super powers tell me that none of this was by accident simply because there’s way too much money involved. So Donald J. Trump has retired from being brand president of the United States. Now he has returned to his traditional brand Trump where he happily pimps the covid shot and most likely gets millions in kick backs from the vaccine makers. Which is undoubtedly the same thing happening with politicians all over the world.
In a few years there will be photos of Trump and Biden playing golf together just like Clinton, Bush and Obama are currently doing.