Today’s generation of pedophiles are far more powerful than the average pornographer.
As a pornstar and pornographer, even being falsely called a pedophile would mean the destruction of my career and perhaps even prison time. So, I don’t take any chances and I demand to see and make copies of ID from all potential talent, regardless of their age. An obviously 70 year old woman could walk into my office and I would scan her ID for my files. Looks can be deceiving, by following this rule EVERYTIME, I won’t forget when it counts. Society today is highly sexual and pornified, but by holding myself out as a pornographer, I have opened the door to scrutiny, and thusly must draw a line (follow the rules to the letter) to avoid becoming the proverbial scapegoat. I also happen to have a personal moral code in this regard; so these protective measures, against exploiting minors while protecting them from this generation of pedophiles, are an obligation that I embrace.
Pedophiles have always existed and I sincerely doubt that there has ever been a moment in history that they were accepted by society. Now before you start negating this statement with cultural practices of children being married off early, let me explain why this isn’t the same. Pedophiles exploit, they go after the most fragile, they most innocent and like monsters skinning their prey, they peel away the layers of innocence, until the child is an emaciated image of his/her former self and then they discard them for the next victim. So the current generation of pedophiles are just as hated now as they have always been and I call them a generation in part because of how mainstream they’ve become. So much so, even loving parents, knowingly turn a blind eye and hand over their kids to these mentally ill people.
In my field, I come into contact with a very diverse populace. My business model offers complete discretion and avoids children like a plague, but otherwise when it comes to people’s sexual arousal and perversion, I go where few others dare. I provide both a product and a service that very few are willing to admit that they use, let alone acknowledge knowing those responsible for satisfying their lusts. My clients and talent run the whole spectrum of society; the middle class, from professionals to housewives can show up as either clients or talent, while the very wealthy including politicians and mobsters are clients and the poor and self-exploiting (some even homeless) act solely as talent. Sadly this generation of pedophiles are equally diverse: it’s no longer just creepy men. This generation of pedophiles includes many well educated and financially successful women interested in abusing children, such as Ghislaine Maxwell. As many even as there are working class drunk fathers, molesting their own kids.
Under the labels of “ArtHouse” and/or “socially conscious”, there are filmmakers and organizations openly producing films that would land a pornographer like me in jail. I’ve seen video footage that was produced in the name of sexual expression that can only be classified as racist, violent and yes, in many cases, what the law would call child porn. Most western nations have very similar anti-child sexual exploitation laws. It seems like when it’s in the name of sexual expression or social justice that it’s all acceptable regardless of what’s portrayed. This generation of pedophiles, go beyond questionable films such as the French movie “Cuties.” There is photographic material depicting actual children, sometimes nude themselves, and often with nude adults, being shown at film festivals and distributed to the public using the excuse of “inclusivity.”
We now have a generation of pedophiles infiltrating public schools.
Sexually abusing a child has got to be one of the greatest betrayals of trust in existence. A child can be an adorable angel or an absolute hell raiser but none of them have any idea of what a sexual predator wants to do to them. I’m neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist, but I’ve learned a ton about people’s sexual urges. Regardless of current generation of pedophiles or past ones, all of them appear to be attracted to childhood innocence. Like a vampire, they need a kid’s life force. And their perversions begin with the corruption of that innocence through exposure to images and ideas that are only suitable for a developed discerning mind, a mind which has, not only reached physical sexual maturity, but also can emotionally understand the complexity of the relationship that such images or ideas entail.
In very recent years there has been a push towards “inclusivity” in public schools. There have been many incidents because of this agenda which have included; male students dressed in bras and underwear giving male teachers lap dances in Kentucky, a sixth grade teacher at Bethlehem Junior Academy in Florida molested a 12 year old, a 26-year-old woman is employed as a community liaison at El Sausal School in Salinas California had sex with middle school children and a former central Indiana school nurse was sentenced to 105 years in prison on child molesting charges. – Unfortunately, we can only identify these abusers because they were caught, we have no way of knowing how many others are abusing kids in this generation of pedophiles.
What we do know about the present generation of pedophiles is that they’re growing in number and many of them have both large sums of money and a fair amount of political power. This knowledge should leave any parent with a sickening feeling because unless enough people take a stand against this, sex with children is going to be normalized. When that happens the exact emotional impact on our society is unknowable but if I had to hazard a guess, I’m going to guess a lot of mental illness creating a horribly unjust and unfair future. Rob a child of her/his innocence today and tomorrow s/he may become a monster.
So where are all the helicopter parents that watch over their kids?
We have a generation of pedophiles that with each day are becoming untouchable. They build islands like Jeffery Epstein did, making alliances with people like Bill Gates and the Clintons. The media freaked out with live feeds about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, but gave almost no mention of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trail. Our schools aren’t safe, sex ed is being introduced as early as kindergarten. While pornographic books are readily available in many middle and high school libraries. Parent’s outcry on the sexualization of our children and pubescent minors is either ignored by mainstream media, or used to make concerned parents look like they are evil, non-progressive, bigots. As for the government, their widespread curriculum changes in support of special interest groups have taken precedence over the 3Rs. So it should come as no surprise that Texas Governor Abbot is the ONLY powerful politician addressing the complaints of sexual material in the schools.
I’m a pornstar and pornographer in the adult industry, with emphasis on the words “ADULT INDUSTRY.” I’m therefore not an enemy to anyone that cares about their children. The only thing I have to say is, “If you don’t care about your kids enough to protect them, don’t expect anyone else to either. ”