There are all kinds of ghost stories in this world, but a porn ghost story has got to be rare, well at least I have never heard of one before. I was inspired to publish this for Halloween, however doing so would have diminished it’s validity. Rest assured that what I’m about to detail truly did happen to my business partner and I, it’s a real porn ghost story. Even though it’s been over 3 years, it still sends a chill down my spine.
Some women get very excited about entering the porn industry, and meeting them the first time is delightful because their enthusiasm is contagious. For women making porn can be the ultimate sexual liberation. Plus, for the exhibitionist, it’s a serious sexual rush knowing that what begins with getting fucked in front of a film crew and ends with strangers jerking off to your videos. While I know a great deal about women, particularly when it comes to my profession, I’m obviously not an expert on ghosts. Still, from tales I have heard, I always thought that a ghost story was about some poor soul whose tragic death or unfulfilling life, kept them here. Therefore I couldn’t conceive a porn ghost story, it just doesn’t make any sense.
A porn ghost story is fucked up
It was early June 2018, my business partner and I had been contacted by a 40 year old woman who wanted to be in a porn. As is customary for first meetings in Paris, at least in the entertainment industry, we met her in a cafe. Exterieur Quai is on the right side of the Gare de l’Est, which was a very convenient location to meet. The woman looked great, she had the perfect attitude for a porn slut and we had an enjoyable conversation with her. Better still, she didn’t have lofty ideas about making money, she was more excited about the experience, so she was willing to work cheap. Of course, in a porn ghost story, you wouldn’t expect money to be an issue, but at the time she was very much alive. So having a hot looking, enthusiastic woman in front of me, her rates were my biggest concern.
I had stopped in the middle of an editing job to rush out the door, to be on time for our meeting. I grabbed my camera bag without checking its contents and was disappointed when I went to take some shots of her for our talent files, I had forgotten the batteries on their charger. I pulled out my phone and got some really lousy pics, but with professional photo equipment, I had never bought my phones for photographic performance. I actually took that as a life lesson and in the upcoming weeks started looking for an upgrade, just to have a back-up. I used my old phone as a trade in, forgetting to empty the images, as I always took my pictures with a real camera. We’ve discussed these events a few times and both of us have come to conclusion that perhaps, in some ways, a ghost story starts before the person is even dead. When these type of stories start, it’s always about the hero(s) taking the wrong turn, forgetting to bring holy water or something similar. In our porn ghost story, our lack of an image from that first meeting, makes everyone skeptic.
It had been awhile since a simple boy-girl scene was all that our shooting day demanded; but I truly liked the woman and I honestly wanted to fuck her. So, we agreed to film her first scene 5 weeks later and told her what to bring and wear to the set. After a couple of more espressos, some playful flirting and laughs, we said our good-byes and parted ways. Now this is where this becomes our porn ghost story because our future porn starlet ends up dying before she makes it to our set.
The day of the shoot
The woman shows up to set on time and ready for action, and we are oblivious to anything being amiss. I overheard her say to the makeup girl, how excited she was to be finally doing this, after years of only fantasizing about it. I was already starting to slide into my mental meat puppet mode and just focused on the imagining what her pussy would feel like on my cock, so I didn’t respond to her comment. But later I thought, could that have been her unfinished business? Could this have been that important to her to cause a ghost story?
She signed the required paperwork and then my partner began photographing the stills. Everything in this ghost story progressed like a normal porn shoot. We fucked in 4 positions and after a little more than 2 hours from when she walked through the door, we wrapped everything up with me cumming on her face. As my partner paid the makeup girl, our starlet went to the bathroom and that was the last we saw of her. There was only 1 entrance into the set and the bathroom was directly opposite it. Had she left the shower room, she would have had to pass the three of us. There was absolutely no way she could have sneaked past us, as the toilet had no windows or other way out.
We searched the entire studio and tried calling her phone. At the time we kept telling ourselves that the paperwork was signed and we had the footage, so from a legal perspective we were in the clear. However, to really make this contract legally binding, we needed to pay the woman for her work. As things stood, the only person paid was the makeup girl. The idea that I just had sex with the dead and that this was a ghost story were the furthermost things from all our minds.
Moving forward a couple of months, we’ve still heard absolutely NOTHING from the woman. My partner and I were discussing what to do with the footage and we finally agreed that we would release it. We had done everything legally right but just for my ease of mind, I wrote her name on an envelope and put her money in it. The two of us then grabbed the cameras, the footage and sat down at the computers to do some editing. Surprise, there was absolutely NOTHING recorded save for a few minutes where the equipment was tested prior to the dead woman’s arrival on set. We were convinced that we had somehow been had and that she not only managed to sneak away but also deleted the footage. All we had to prove that she was there was a signed release, because even the ID photos were gone. It still hadn’t occurred to us, that this was a ghost story.
Contrary to popular opinions, the sexual pervert community isn’t very large. As pornographers, we tend to associate with swingers (echangistes in France), voyeurs, Dominatrices, etc. At one point, we get told by couple that wanted us to film a gang-bang for them, that they had gotten our phone number from our porn ghost story woman. She had passed on our contact information about a week after she met us, but about 2 weeks later, she was killed in a car accident. In my mind, I still hadn’t entertained the idea that I had sex with a phantom. Obviously this couple had her confused with someone else, but they had a handful of photos of her on a phone taken at a swinger’s party in Cap d’Adge and yup, it was her.
Because we knew the woman’s real name and because I’m a curious individual, I went looking for more information. So I found her death notice and located her grave. True enough, she died in a car accident shortly after she met my partner and I in the cafe. Like myself, everyone is free to come to their own conclusions and admittedly, I remain skeptical about the entire ordeal. Only for lack of any other evidence, the only way that I can explain the events is that this was my very own ghost story.