I pay the fucking bills for this domain, so why am I expected to behave as if google is the owner of this site? Well, ask any webmaster and their first response will be a snarky, “because how else are you going to get traffic?” The sad fact is that they’re right, but this begs the logical question of who am I writing articles for, Google or the end user? According to many of those same webmasters, I’m creating content so that my audience can find me using Google. Unfortunately in the real world, this approach to getting visitors means that Google gets to decide what everyone is exposed to.
I’m a man with certain worldly experiences, but without getting into details about my past, let me say that, one of the ways to disable your enemy’s military is to cease control of their communications. As far as the internet is concerned, Google certainly has done that. WordPress sites have tools, such as Yoast SEO, that guide an author through the process of ensuring 100% Google compliance. We live in an Orwellian era of censorship with big tech being our overlords dictating what is safe for us to see. Don’t lie to yourself by trying to believe that this isn’t a modern version of Nazi Germany book burning.
Thoughts and opinions no longer need to be set ablaze and thrown into a bonfire. Instead they’re relegated to the dark corners of the Internet where very few people will ever encounter them. Today libraries are shutting down or being remodeled and reworked in an attempt to attract the public’s interest. Furthermore, the traditional media has now resorted to click bait articles and emotion based sensationalism to make a buck. So it should scare the hell out of everyone that men like Sundar Pichai decide what we’re allowed to see under the umbrella excuse of public health and safety. As CEO of Google, he’s today’s Führer the rest of his big tech companions are SS Officers.
We live in a dark age where we have an illusion of information.
The results of this illusion can be seen played out on social media platforms. Facebook governed by Zukerberg and Twitter ruled by Dorsey have reaped the benefits of the ignorant masses that believe themselves informed had taken up polarized political positions and argued incessantly for 4 years of Trump vs the Democrats. And now they have moved on to the need for medical apartheid versus body autonomy. Today’s SS technocracy has a plethora of unimaginable technological tools at their disposal to rewrite reality and manufacture the popular opinion. Their control of the tools we use to communicate ensures that they can always control the thoughts of the average person thereby turning them into slaves.
Ironically there are 2 groups of people that threaten the authority of today’s establishment. They are those individuals with PHDs (or similarily high IQs) who understand the complexity of the issues being polarized by big tech. This thinking portion of society is joined by people whom have never finished high school, their reservation brought about not from analysis and contemplation, but mistrust and life experience. They’ve learned to be suspicious of all authority. Unfortunately very few people in either of these groups are willing to stick their neck out and fight for the good of society. Both of them understand the costs of resistance and are subsequently staying out of the fight. But unfortunately without leaders, the masses will probably never rise above their ignorance, condemning themselves to lifelong servitude.
So to quote Joe Biden, “We’re about to go into a dark winter” … A dark winter that I’m certain will be the violence perpetrated by the ignorant on the other ignorant.