Most people don’t know that Adolph Hitler was a dog lover. Unfortunately, the majority of people are also ignorant to the fact that Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy. David Berkowitz and a large percentage of serial killers perfected their evil on animals before they decided to go after human beings. We might be able to understand what makes these men do what they do but we can easily understand what they are, they’re monsters. – It isn’t any more complicated than that.
I do this so, this world will know… That it will not change me – Garth Brooks
Despite what modern secularists might try to say, I don’t believe that evil is relative or a social construct. Sometimes wrong is just wrong and bad is just bad. Even the most immoral individual knows that there are some things you just shouldn’t do. Now I can however, accept that monsters can be a product of their environment but my life experiences and observations have proven to me that demonic humans are simply born evil. The only way to deal with them is by standing against them and I am speaking to even the morally challenged pornographers, such as myself.
What’s my point…Lost in the news…
Several impounded dogs due to be rescued by a shelter have instead been shot dead by a rural council in New South Wales (NSW) under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions, alarming animal activists and prompting a government probe.
Source: The Sydney Herald
Bourke Shire Council, in the state’s north-west, killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from traveling to pick up the animals last week, according to council’s watchdog, the Office of Local Government.
In 2008 Lance Cpl. David Motari, a U.S. Marine, was videotaped throwing a puppy over a cliff while it yelped when he was on patrol in Iraq. This cruelty to an innocent was the result of one seriously twisted mind and his fellow soldier that stood by and did nothing to stop him. Because of the international outcry Motari was kicked out of the military and his co-worker was disciplined. The Marines sent the right message by getting rid of both the monster and his accomplice .(
If you haven’t heard of Godwin’s law then I suggest you look it up, because it’s a perfect fit for this atrocious act of cruelty. Almost everyone instinctively knows that the persons who killed those defenseless animals are monsters; human garbage in my opinion. But what people fail to consider is that these “officers” are no different than the guards at a Nazi death camp putting people in gas chambers. Therefore, that makes every member of Bourke Shire Council, Adolph Hitler and his S.S. Officers. Unfortunately, I’m not even remotely shocked, I’ve come to expect this kind of behavior from the degenerates that call themselves leaders.
It was also around 2008, while I lived in Europe, that one afternoon, I shared a drink and had a long conversation with a Holocaust survivor. At the time I was looking to do a mainstream project and as I made notes, I was mentally prepared to hear all the horrors he witnessed and experienced. In those moments, as I listened, I was comfortably removed from what he told me. It wasn’t until we got up to part ways that the impact of what true evil is was revealed to me.
He was a slow moving old man that never liked taking the bus. His only true anger wasn’t at the police, the Nazi soldiers or even Adolph Hitler. He was 7 years old when they came to take him and his family away to the camps. Refusing to get on a bus and reaching out to his mother, the civilian driver gave him a piece of candy and helped him find his seat. Every day thereafter, the rest of his life, for Izaak (Isaac) the face of pure evil was everyone that said nothing, did nothing or worst, simply continued to go about their lives, jobs, business as usual, as if nothing bad was happening. Each time he looked at a bus driver, he saw the greatest and most evil monster of this world. And based on what I learned from the history in Europe, the same can be said for school teachers, shop keepers, policemen, and even close neighbors who in the name of civic duty became the monstrously evil majority by turning a blind eye, or worse turning in the “undesirables” around them.
I used to wonder how a civilized individuals could become barbaric murderous Nazis. In my own innocence I wanted to believe that such a transformation was a fluke and that it could never happen again because humanity had learned its lesson. Sadly, Covid has shown me that it can happen again so very easily. So as Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz have demonstrated, it all begins on a small scale. The lack of coverage of this story (in comparison with “Puppy toss”) makes me think that people no longer feel outrage at acts of senseless cruelty to the most innocent and defenseless.
I for one must speak out. But I am not innocent, nor defenseless, for as a pornographer I am likened to a cockroach in society, one of the survivors. As for the rest of you…if society already is not responding to senseless acts of cruelty, YOU ARE ALREADY FUCKED!