Only Fans is pulling the plug on porn and no one should be surprised. The adult industry has a history of being used by the mainstream and flushed down the drain when it’s no longer needed.
In the 1980s porn was behind the success of video cassettes and in the late 1990s porn created the demand for high speed Internet access. Around the same time Paypal and eBay were helping facilitate the sales of used panties and private personalized porn videos, which came to an end when they became a household name. (And eBanned was born). Plus if there’s any truth to the rumors that I’ve heard, at least one porn tube site is helping the government destabilize a Muslim nation and launder money for their arms dealers.
Only Fans claims it’s only banning porn and not nudity
The story goes that they’re struggling to find outside investors and that they’re complying with the requests of their banking and payout partners. Which I’ll say is just pure bullshit because the wealthy have a never ending multitude of ways of hiding their investments in degenerate scumbags companies and people. I should know because my business model largely depends on wealthy companies and people investing in my projects while making sure there’s no direct connection between them and myself.
Only Fans is therefore banning porn because it’s good business to get rid of us. Just like it always has been, the porn industry helped create a huge interest and demand in product and and now we’re being thrown under the bus. What Only Fans wants to attract isn’t money but mainstream performers and artists. Henceforth, the reason nudity will still be allowed is because everyone will want to see some Hollywood actress’ cunt, like Jennifer Lawrence. I can also see Only Fans supporting, some freakoid artist’s newest photo essay titled, naked 8 year old boy tries on mommy’s bra. Or even, some angry blue hair social justice warrior recreating the birth of her last abortion.
In the wake of this new policy, there will be the usual hoards of sex industry workers thrown under the bus. All the young women trying to pay off their student loans, single mothers that found a way to safely work from home, young couples that were saving for a home, etc. I’ve said this many times and I’ll say it again, there is nothing to be gained by dealing with mainstream, unless you count getting royally screwed over.
But if you must jump on the next bandwagon, just make sure you keep your luggage close at hand so you can jump off again before getting pushed out and under the wheels. I for one, arrange my own transportation, because I learned long time ago, every time someone else handles my stuff, I come out with less than I counted on.