Pornographers pedal the obscene, taboo, or shocking to create a physiological response. The response in small doses is rather harmless, and quickly forgotten, but with repeated exposure can have an addictive effect and create a dependency on the viewer.
The traditional pornographer, like myself, tries to profit from turning people’s unsatisfied desires into obsessions and perversions. We don’t concern ourselves so much with prestige or power, but rather making a buck. I don’t care what others think of me, and I don’t desire to have any form of influence on them. In fact what I produce is usually dictated by the consumer, not the other way around.
But society has another type of pornographer, pedaling the physiological response. And they are more insidious. They deal with a primitive instinct that trumps both the human sex drive and even the physical need for food. Our flight or fight response, fear itself. Along with the message of impending doom they offer their solution, as the only way to fight back against the eminent threat to your life. A threat that they are sure to continue to tell you about. The people who produce this product are numerous, they are your politicians, the media, big tech and a myriad of wealthy businessmen. They rape minds for their own benefit.
So what exactly is fear?
Fear is an instinct that effects us in two ways. There is filial fear which is external of the ego, it comes out of reverence or respect. And then their is servile fear, a ego driven fear of punishment or personal consequence. Filial fear is what we feel when we worry over a loved one, it’s what gives rise to both helicopter parents and tough love. It’s why we “do the right thing” when faced with temptation. Mostly, filial fear is healthy, it’s what puts the humane into humanity.
Now then, we need to examine servile fear, for ultimately this is the fear that is being pedaled by the fear pornographers. Servile fear is not only the unhealthy fear that is the root of all phobias, it is also a means of control.
Servile fear makes liars out of those who fear judgement, makes silent those who fear having their reputation destroyed. It’s the fuel for addictions that offer an escape from reality. And in modern society it’s the source of anxiety, a feeling that rises within us in response to external forces beyond our control.
This modern anxiety comes from a place deep inside our minds where no fear should ever come from. Our subconscious is seething with all kinds of negative thoughts and doubts that are constantly seeking appeasement. These doubts transcend normal apprehensions of day to day behaviors and life because they’re the result of purposeful brainwashing.
The effects of servile fear on society are neurosis, terror and horror. Neurosis makes society mentally ill, people start to doubt themselves and seek reaffirmation because their subconscious is aware of something that they will not allow their conscious mind to dwell on. (A classic example of this is Lady MacBeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth) Today this is commonly seen in those who on some level know that they are being lied too, but accept the lies anyway, until they believe them so fervently that any opposition is conceived as a personal attack.
The second effect of this harmful fear is terror. Terror results when the threat one fears is long-term, when violence or threat of death are used to dominate. Living in terror people become irrational, they recoil in submission to the constant threat and turn on those around them that might challenge the terrorizing factor. We see this manifested in the absolutely one-sided narrative of Covid. Anyone who voices concerns over complications with the vaccine is attacked as an anti-vaccination propagandist even those among the vaccinated who are only trying to share their personal experiences.
Finally we have horror. Horror comes with absolute hopelessness. Both the suicidal and those people who loose themselves in addictions are trying to escape the horror, that for them life has become.
Undoubtedly, today’s world is in a very dark place and everyone needs to stop letting their fears dominate them. We can do that by questioning our fears. Start by identifying what is the source of your fear, then remove yourself from it. It used to be a very beautiful world; but instead of living your life, you unwittingly chose to allow someone to rape your mind and ejaculate fear into it. The way out of this mess is by taking action with righteous indignation. Have courage, because even one voice that yells in the night can become a rallying point for others. In the end, this is just food for thought, I’m not pedaling influence…besides at the rate things are going I’ll be selling escapism for a long time to come. But if you agree with anything that I’ve said, realize that it is time to do something, because when a self-serving pornographer becomes the voice of reason, the world is really fucked up.