It seems that everything that once drove society forward has been vilified or gets caught up in so much red tape that only the largest transnationals are able to cut through it. Assertion is interpreted as aggression and aggression is evil, they tell us. Progress, ill-defined no matter how I look at it, is what politicians choose for us. And greed, the driving force behind productive economies, is what’s wrong with the world. So you won’t be happy until nobody owns anything, and the government gives you everything, that they decide you need. This is the establishment’s plan for progress.
Progress, when it comes to the porn industry, is really nothing more than change. And since the sex acts have essentially remained the same for all of human history, change comes in the form of how we record and distribute our products. For years now, the mantra has been “Adapt or Die“, almost always telling someone to figure out how to embrace new technologies. This short sighted approach may work for geeks that spend the majority of their lives on the Internet in front of some sort of screen. But it doesn’t make sense to continuously upgrade your camera equipment when the investment doesn’t increase profits, but rather just keeps you making the same product at an increased cost for an over saturated market.
It’s the smart businessman that realizes his objective is to earn a profit on his investment. Therefore, adapt or die has nothing to do with embracing new tech and everything to do with exploiting his own imagination. It is all about finding someone willing to pay for something you can sell. It doesn’t matter what you sell, only that the consumer sees it as valuable and is willing to pay for it. Getting into the mind of the consumer to learn what he wants and then making him believe that you’re the only one in the world that can satisfy him, is the greatest economic game of adapt or die in existence. Greed is what makes you go after the product and greed to have something someone else has, is what makes the consumer want it. It’s what made the cave-woman seduce the caveman to get the woolly mammoth blanket. Hell, it’s what made the caveman take down the woolly mammoth, to have a hot body sharing his bed.
A successful businessman can be likened to a conniving whore, whose only loyalty is to the bottom line, not any particular client. Find someone willing to pay more for what you’re selling and the price goes up. Greed is natural and in any business adaptation it’s a good thing, despite that most people are ashamed to admit it. Because without greed, we would never feel the need to adapt, and probably, if the expression has any validity, die out.