‘s very first podcast is now online.
For better or for worse, but hopefully entertaining, the Jizz Biz’s Meat Puppet finally got off his ass and published a podcast. Topics include, the need to get your paperwork in order, producing for collectors and the demise of the last porn theater in Paris France. I am joined by Ghost, my production assistant, for a little business talk and some laughs about our misadventures in dealing with the regular public.
As with everything, I maintained an old school approach to producing this podcast, but I have high hopes for it. The philosophy behind its format is to follow the KISS rule. Producing content need not be so complicated, and the easiest way to keep things simple is to keep them real. Hopefully others find my reality as entertaining as I do. So anyone that’s looking for stellar special effects, or big name celebrity guests would be better off looking for a different podcast. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a glimpse in to the life of a veteran pornographer then the Steele Hard show is going to be a treat for you.