There are times when I really miss the Los Angeles porn valley. It’s things like the Lamplighter, the Tuxford house and the availability of talent that really make me nostalgic for the place. I can always find a new favorite restaurant and a new location for filming but good porn talent is difficult to find, especially male talent. The biggest problem finding quality men is the lack of testosterone.
It’s always the soy!
Guys, what the fuck happened to you? Is it the lack of fathers in your childhood? Has the female owned and operated public education system made you weak by sharing your feelings? Did I wake up one morning in an alternative universe where everyone born with a penis dreams of growing tits and prefers to wear panties? OR…. Maybe it’s the damn soy products and plastic that are turning so many of us effeminate!
In 1973, the average man’s sperm count was 99 million sperm per milliliter and By 2011, the average ejaculate had 47 million sperm per milliliter. (cf. Brink of a fertility crisis) At this rate the majority of men will be sterile by 2045. It’s not a joke when I say that today’s 40 year old man might be the last generation that can impregnate a woman without the use of a petri dish and a lab technician
There have been several studies, investigating the effects of our diet on testosterone levels. One group drank soy protein isolate for less than 2 month full months and still showed decreased testosterone levels.(1) Just imagine what an entire adolescence of consuming this stuff is doing to our men! Soy is high in phytoestrogens, which are substances that mimic the effects of estrogen in humans and may reduce testosterone.(2) Another study done using rats showed that consuming those phytoestrogens significantly decreased testosterone levels and prostate weight.(3)
There is also the problem of all the plastic crap we have in the world destroying masculinity building testosterone. Increased urinary levels of endocrine-disrupting phthalates, found in flexible pastic and some personal-care products, are associate with significant declines in testosterone levels in men. (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism)
.Now on my sets these soyboys often show up with a girl hoping to get into porn. Personally I don’t care about someone’s politics, and when I film I’m more concerned about how the woman looks than the guy. So I don’t really care if her boyfriend can be a pasty under or overweight neckbeard as long as he’s got a decent sized prick and can screw. But soyboys ALL seem to either lose interest or just outright fail. One of them even went as far as to ask me if he could suck my cock, to get himself hard!
Now, any male talent can have a bad day, myself included. But any man that wants to make heterosexual porn needs to be masculine. That means that he likes sticking his cock in as many vaginas as he can. Great male talent is no better than a dog looking to mount any bitch in heat that he can find: and he is always looking for the next conquest. On set, the brain takes the backseat, while the dick goes on autopilot, drilling and filling whatever slut is put in front of him
So here’s my advice to save men and the reproductive future of the human race.
First, get into a gym and start lifting weights. Lift them 3-5 times a week and keep trying to lift increasingly heavier weights. Next, get rid of the soy products and the plastic bottles and eat some red meat and drink milk. Lastly at least once a month go out on a Saturday night and drink either beer or whiskey then puke on a feminist’s shoes. Trust me that nothing boasts your testosterone like body building and vomiting toxic masculinity on ugly feminazis