A snuff film is where a scumbag pornographer goes out and records a real life rape or murder.
When I first got into porn someone asked me if I believed that snuff films actually existed. My answer at the time was, was, “Hell, NO!” . Truth be told, the adult industry is filled with the vilest of human garbage. A low level porn turd is a mope that contributes almost nothing with his presence, good examples of them abound in GFY’s political section. The goofs over there spend long hours posting “Bidon sucks” and “Trump’s stupid” and if they vanished no one would notice. On the other hand, high level porno excrement are the makers of child porn and snuff movies. Now everyone knows that child pornographers exist, but there’s no proof of snuff film producers. Oh and just to make my position very clear on child porn, I’m an advocate of castration for males and type 3 genital mutilation for women for a 1st offense and a slow painful death penalty for a 2nd offense. I’ll happily cooperate with both law enforcement and the Mafia to bring down anyone that abuses an innocent child.
Now there are examples of real-time death recordings, but this is NOT a snuff film. So, I’m not talking about all those violent videos of gang violence in Latin America or the street fights of the Big Looters Movement (BLM) in the United States. Those videos are recorded by a zuccone with a phone or reporters such as the Clown News Network (C.N.N), who call them peaceful protestors, or Fools On X-tasy (Fox), who say it’s a communist attack. Regardless of the source, these people are being opportunists, none of them are actually paying to have someone killed. A snuff film needs a producer (the money /or influence behind it’s creation) and his desire means that it will contain more than the deadly blow. The victim may beg and plead or s/he may reveal personal details about themselves which makes the killing seem more tragic. The ambulance chasers of the media, are not providing more than a chance recording of an accidental death or passion killing, which is very different from the pre-planned and coordinated recording of a coldblooded first degree murder, but I think they are just as reprehensible.
But would someone volunteer to be in a murder porn?
My gut originally said no one would be that stupid to want to be killed at the end of a porno. Mentally, I just couldn’t get past the idea of a director saying, “Quiet on set! We’re ready for the gun shot!” Everyone I know in the porn industry wants to get paid and you can’t cash a check when you’re dead. Unfortunately for me, excluding dick pics, I have a bad habit of answering my emails. There’s a comic on Ted Talks that talks about his adventures in responding to email scams, well I guarantee that I receive far more entertaining messages than the Nigerian scammer.
However, all that changed the day that I responded to Carl, not his real name, who messaged me about wanting to be in a snuff film. At first I was just being an asshole looking for a laugh and after a handful of correspondences, I still hadn’t figured out that he was deadly serious . There was one thing that I hadn’t thought of and that was desperation could provide a source of talent willing to be murdered. Needless to say, I really wish I hadn’t responded to that email.
As my bad luck and my idiotic curiosity would have it, Carl was only a 3 hour drive from me. So like a moron, I set up a meeting and I was shocked when I walked into the restaurant and seen the man. He was in the last stages of terminal cancer and he looked like a corpse. In fact, he even smelt like a rotting cadaver. He informed me that he normally wears a lot of cologne to mask his scent but he wanted to make a good first impression on me.
Carl is dirt poor and he wants to leave some money to his family after his death. What’s more, he also doesn’t want to strap them with the expense of burying him and being killed in a snuff video would easily solve both of his problems. The pornographer could murder him and then dig a hole and bury him in some unmarked grave. In my career I’ve met all kinds of people, from homeless drug addicts to actual royalty. This however, was a new one for me and I still don’t know if there’s a right way to handle the situation. (Again, I should have just deleted his email).
All of this has caused me to reconsider my belief that a true snuff film doesn’t exist. I will never be involved in it’s production, but knowing the exploitative scum that I have encountered, there are people out there willing to do the deed, if not pull the trigger themselves, then at least film a killer splattering someone’s brains across a room. People get killed all the time so murderers can be found. And now I realize willing victims exist too, hidden among the suicidal, the terminally ill and the mentally ill. All that is needed for a snuff film to become a reality is a few introductions. I can even very easily imagine the catalyst to everything, the wealthy private collector providing the financial backing for one. So I no longer believe that snuff is a myth and that there is indeed, real murder porn out there… somewhere.